Hey guys,
Ive decided to do a 30 day streak of no meeting up with girls, no seeing girls, no sex, no hooking up, no porn. To prove to myself Im more than just seeing girls and fucking them, there's more to life. I'm doing this for me. Reason being, I use women to validate myself and feel good
Im currently 2 weeks in today. Its a friday night, as I type this up. Some girls I used to hang out and fuck on a weekly basis, to now no contact at all. I miss them a lot, I really do feel empty (now its telling myself I need girls to feel good)
I feel alone right now, my weak self is telling me to message my girls back and tell them I miss them, but I know that there is no going back now.
How can I get over this lonely feeling, I dont want to remember my girls anymore, I just want to move on to stop the pain
lambOfGod 2w ago
Unless you are fucking 2-3 women per day, at least for 4 hours a day, every day, you are just coping.
You are coping with the fact that you are a loser and you are terminally online. You are coping with the fact that you can't get laid and don't want to improve yourself in the real, hard and tough way.
There are homeless broke dudes that get laid more than you do.
Sidebar and improve and approach. Stop watching fag autistic gen Z reels on instagram.
AbusiveFather1 2w ago
You don't. You learn to cope with it, i.e. don't react to the feeling, even if you're hurting, and go on with your life. Eventually it will pass, but you can't really force it to.
PS read stoic works, if you haven't already (Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus)
First-light 2w ago
Its 2 weeks to go that is not long enough to need to feel any real pain.
It might betray a need to get something interesting to do. Chasing women can take huge amounts of time and energy that goes to nothing. If you now have a huge amount of spare time, it could be a real bonus once you start using it. Find what interests you, not what makes you appear interesting or high value, what you actually like. Enjoy yourself being yourself for a change and the whole left by the hoes will shrink very small.
mrone667 2w ago
I'm no expert but I'll say feel the pain, the emptiness. Fucking laugh at them.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
Is this a real post? Ffs just do that shit anyway, why do you need to detox to prove it.
MrSupreme 2w ago
So a 30 day monk mode, try to learn from it,knowing how to be alone is useful
redhawkes 2 2w ago
Looking for validation externally is like filling a bucket with a hole in it. The earlier you internalize this, the better.
Going eunuch mode won't solve that. If you make friends with yourself, you'll never be alone.
No-Stress-Cat 2w ago
There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza. There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, a hole.
Musicgoon78 2 2w ago
If you're feeling lonely, it's because you're lonely. Where are your guy friends bro? Go out and be social.
Look, I'm not one of those nofap or semen retention faggots, so I can't speak to the merits of suffering to prove a point or gain superpowers or whatever.
I say, find some new girls and form connections instead of being just a fuck machine. There's more to women than just 3 holes. I had a female friend who I actually didn't fuck and we just went to metal shows and played music together. My main girl is my best friend! We do just about everything together.
Your problem seems to be that you don't know how to have fun with women without sticking your dick in them.