Posted another lil physique flick on my Snapchat story for the ladies.
Within 3 hours 5 different old plates all hmu trying to make plans to meet up. 2 have boyfriends currently; all live more than an hour away.
I’ve had old plates hmu randomly but never 5 all at once. Is this a seasonal thing or am I being set up like what the fuq is this?
pofkaf 1mo ago Stickied
Wow Hardo, it's so amazing that women are giving you attention on a social media app! You're such an alpha male, I bet you get laid like a warlord! Other men should shield their wives from you! I really aspire to be like you one day!
There's the validation you're thirsting for.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3w ago
Lemme enjoy my test gainz in peace goddammit
Goingthedistance 1mo ago
Did I just witness murder by words?
No-Stress-Cat 4w ago
That wasn't murder that was outright slaughter.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Stop overthinking