I got this girls number yesterday, she was happy to give it to me, I sent her a funny opener, and she texted back "Wrong number". I'm pretty sure this is a shit test. I'm trying to think of something to say....
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No-Stress-Cat 3w ago
This happened to me once. It was a case of my plate had gotten a new number, and they recycled her old number and gave it to someone else. After a few minutes of conversation, I ended up with a new plate.
mattyanon Admin 3w ago
She was never into you
Horn 3w ago
no, she was for sure, plus if she wasnt she would have just ignored my text
AbusiveFather1 3w ago
I see two options:
1) She pretended that she liked you in order to get you to chase, so that she’d get an ego boost
2) She actually liked you yesterday, but changed her mind about you today
Either way, doesn’t matter - you pondering this in the first place means you lack options, which is one of the reasons why she would either not like you in the first place, or change her mind about you later
AbusiveFather1 3w ago
Maybe by responding she’s baiting you to invest more and attempt to persuade her somehow, which boosts her ego
Musicgoon78 2 3w ago
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt homie.....
Horn 3w ago
yeah your right
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3w ago
Bro is smokin copium
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3w ago
Not a shit test. She either gave you a wrong number on purpose because she thought it was funny, or she has changed her mind (women do that, you know) and now doesn't want you.
Either way:
Horn 3w ago
yeah yall are right. fuckin weird though, she seemed genuinely interested, but i guess girls are just really really practiced actors.
Wintergreen 3w ago
Not worth thinking about. I had a girl one time give me a number but forget to type a digit. If I’d have posted here, I’m sure people would’ve said “she wasn’t interested!”, but I was the one there and I know her dumbass just typed the wrong number in. I moved on because there was nothing I could do, and I didn’t waste my time posting about it here because I knew it would just put me deep in my head and make me angry for no reason, and the responses wouldn’t have been accurate since they weren’t there.
AbusiveFather1 3w ago
Bro they’ve been putting on Academy Award level performances since elementary school
MrSupreme 3w ago
Shes probably a very nice girl that just didnt want to reject you directly.Probably not into you. Still a waste of time.
NeoSpartan 3w ago
Did you say who you were in the text from a number she didn't have in her phone?
Unplug the device and plug it back in.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3w ago
if she wanted to she would