Does anyone here have experience with: a) nootropics and b) psychedelics (LSD, peyote, mushrooms, ayahuasca, etc)? Would you recommend it? I know there’s people that claim it’s a life changing experience and significantly expands your mind, while others say it at best doesn’t change anything and at worst fries your brain. Personally I’m looking for ways to improve my cognitive function (be it general intelligence or creativity) beyond the usual diet, fitness, sleep optimization.
Posted 4d ago in Self-Improvement Q - Permalink - 244 Views
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Musicgoon78 2 4h ago
I only have experience with mushrooms. If you have a good guide you can make some breakthroughs that years of theory may or may not produce. It's a powerful tool. It can also be fun or relaxing for micro doses.
My brain didn't fry but sometimes it does kinda fuck with your stomach a bit.
MrSupreme 4d ago
I did an Ayahuasca retreat last year, it was completely worth it, it was just one night and it was wonderful.
I didnt have any visual anecdote,my hearing was a bit more mellow,all my other senses felt kinda nice, like when you smoke weed after not having smoked for a while.
The real great stuff was getting into this deep meditative state, where intellect and emotions get together, and i did some emotional work,fixing certain issues i had at the time,and now I still feel great having done so,has been very beneficial.
I can see it helping out a bunch if taken a few times throughout the year
First-light 3d ago
Psychedelics are great (if used theraputically). Its worked out that I have taken some psychedelic about every 7 years (just the one time). It has been a bit of a through clean and reset for me. I have only ever tried mushrooms, LSD and Ayahuasca.
Approach these drugs wanting to learn about yourself. I am not saying you can't have fun with these drugs (had an awesomely funny 60's experience complete with sex outdoors with the hippy chick when I did LSD) but I think the fun is best as a side effect not the main attraction, or you are wasting your time and could be getting an unhelpful habit. The benefit is seeing the world a bit differently for a short time. Its like a factory re-set.
Tried Alpha theanine to calm nerves a couple of times. I think it works quite well for social situations and for sleeping when stressed but for rifle shooting competitions, where you want a very steady hand (which I what I started experimenting with it for), I discovered that a single shot of whiskey worked much better! Clay pigeon shooters however often find Alpha theanine is great.
Found that citicoline might help me focus on the annual business accounts. My kids have used if for school exams but didn't seem to think it was much help.
financehardo420 3d ago
So nootropics nah not really unless if you count zyns haha.
As for psychedelics like I’ve done lsd twice and shrooms like 4 times.
Here’s my takeaways:
You gotta be the right kind of person for psychedelics. Personally I had a great time every time; but I’ve had friends that did not handle it so well. Those are for sure the types that prob have some like schizo in dna n shit and this exacerbates it.
[deleted] 2d ago
No-Stress-Cat 2d ago
Just say no to drugs. You're welcome.
kv2_0833 2d ago
dmt fried my brain and gave me bad panic attacks for 6 months, dissimilar to most peoples experiences. Mushrooms I don't like but it did dig up a lot of things from my subconscious, maybe lessened the load for some time. lsd probably my favorite. If I had to describe it I would say its like taking the biggest edible you've ever done and 100x that however you still "think" sober. Afterglow is otherwordly for a week, just happy to be alive however I found that it made me slightly more influenceable for like a month, always saying yes to any invite, etc.
These are tools but they are unpredictable. Have a safe space to do them in and be in a good mindset and don't expect to gain anything from them. You may face parts of yourself that you are uncomfortable with. I would also recommend putting away your phone. I've texted friends nonsense during it and not every friend is drug friendly, you have little discretion under the influence. cheers.
edit: As for nootropics I've only tried Ashwagandha. Works really strong for me when I have bad periods of anxiety throughout the year, however when I am in a neutral state its effects aren't too noticeable.