I got over any lingering feelings I had over my ex the last couple weeks and have been talking to girls out in the world again. I have been hit with the I have a boyfriend by the last three girls. One of the girls I bowl with, I have really been working over, she seems to be into me but she lives with her boyfriend and I just enjoy our flirting.
What is the current move to overcome this objection? I get deflated when I hear it and move on. Do you keep pressing for a phone number or date after hearing that?
No-Stress-Cat 1d ago
It's a shit test.
Her: "I have a boyfriend."
Me: A BOY-friend is just a placeholder for when a MAN comes along. Now, take off your panties.
MrSupreme 1d ago
That is a harsh shit test,usually thrown by women who are either really in a serious LTR or by women who know they will never have a boyfriend(the slutty kind)and so they scan for guys who have a bf&gf mentality. My gut tells me to just casually say "thats not why im asking you out" but ive been off the market for a while and am really interested in what other guys would say and what has actually worked for them.
Ill_Will7 1 1d ago
I was spoiled the last 2 years and didn't have to hit on any girls. I'm a little out of practice. I feel like its a bad time of year as well. They all get a boyfriend for the winter.
EurasianChad 1 1d ago
I don't. Abundance mentality bro. Next.
I've had girls who were into me, not even mention their boyfriend. I only come to find out later lol
Overkill_Engine 2 1d ago
⬆ This. Life's too short to waste time on trying to change any particular woman's mind, especially if she's done nothing for one so far other than exist and not be ugly. Whatever. Plenty of other women meet that criteria too.