So I've currently put some plates on hold because I'm 25 and I feel like fucking some chicks without emotional connection is boring. I've got this girl that seems nice and she does a lot of things to me, we fuck every time we see eachother but we mainly are at my crib. And honestly at this point I have no fucking clue what to do besides fucking her, we watch some movie which she really can't watch beacuse she keeps looking at me which gets annoying because I would want to discuss the movie afterwards or we just put some music and talk. And thats it? I'm feeling too lazy to go out with her somewhere because we usually see eachother after my work (she's in college 22 yo) and I just want to chill, but her company is actually fun. But im bored out of my mind sometimes, so are there any good activities to do together besides fucking, watching shit and not paying attention and cooking?