Some of you saw my other posts and said stuff like "bro you are tripping" and yes, I am. Mentally I am struggling. I keep getting demoralized. I really do like myself and am proud of myself when I am thinking about who I am clearly. (not clouded by social media brainwashing/comparison to others/desire) I am 28, been sober from hard drugs/alcohol for a few years, in my early years from 18-23 I was bad on drugs, all basically trying to escape the same mental bullshit I have now. For the last 2 years, I have been obsessed with the gym, I push myself hard, consistently, I eat a strict, counted, clean diet of grass fed beef , chicken, etc , my body looks great, I am tall , I am good looking, I have cool hobbies that I love like motocross and guitar but I feel like shit about myself irrationally. It has almost always been this way for me. ( I am not being conceited I am just showing how my mental state doesnt match reality)

For some reason whenever I see a cute girl, I get sad. It just feels like a gaping hole inside me. I tend to fuck up plates and potentials because I get this feeling and then act weird. Its almost like the feeling you get when/after watching porn (which I dont) where like you see some girl that you want and it just makes you sad because you know someone else is getting it. It's like I feel I have no value, even though I am extremely dedicated to self improvement, I have a great personality when I am not in my head, I have a great look, I am giving at sex and good at it, I have everything to be confident about, and I am confident, but I am also sad. I think alot of it stems from past experience getting hurt by girls that I liked that I was fucking (before RP).

I don't want to feel sorry for myself, and I really dont feel sorry for myself, I am mad at myself. I always think back to all the opportunities hot girls were giving me IOIs and I was too dumb/self absorbed in my own head about bullshit insecurities to even realize. I am massively regretful of my lower than expected body count of girls I actually want. I realize how ridiculous and irrational this all is. The cognitive dissonance between what I am and should be vs how my life has gone because of the bullshit insecurities and how i have conducted myself is crushing me.

Last summer, I had basically completely given up on trying to find new girls, and dying inside, except for one 50 year old cougar which I know i deserve better than. Until my best friend realized what was going on and talked to me and snapped me into wanting to try again, and I started to approach and get confident again, it was amazing. I was doing really good until November, when the sun went away, and I had a few weird dates and flakes and a few really good hookups with plates/FWBs that made me basically catch feelings and make this whole problem worse, and since then I've been all fucked up mentally.

All I want to do is get more plates, but I have this black hole of hopelessness inside me for absolutely no reason. I constantly try to do positive self talk, look in the mirror, right myself notes, let go, etc. But it just keeps coming back. I am basically like a sex addict, I am obsessed with sex and my psychological sex drive is massive, and I dont watch porn and I rarely masturbate because I abstain. It drives me fucking nuts to have this kind of libido, and know my potential, and not have barely any plates except two older women in their 40s and 50s, and one 22 year old that I really like that I know likes me but also is totally unavailable.

I also will say the lack of sunlight is killing me, totally fucking up my mood, its cloudy every day. One day last week we had the first day of direct sun in what seems like months and I went outside with my shirt off and I literally instantly got a boner because of the sun, lol. If that doesnt illustrate the power of the sun then nothing does. haha. I take a high dose of vitamin D, C, Zinc, Omega 3, Magnesium, religiously every day. My testosterone should be fine, I had my level tested a year ago it was 605.

I am really not trying to complain, not trying to bitch and moan and be all emotional, I pushed myself after getting sober to do difficult, uncomfortable things in spite of my feelings and I totally changed myself from an emotional, arrogant and self pitying faggot to someone I am genuinely proud of. And thats the thing, I really do like myself, I feel good about who I am, I am proud of what I have done. But at the same time I also have this massive dark cloud feeling that follows me sometimes, especially relating to girls/comparing myself to others, and social media makes it much worse. In fact during the period that I started doing good again, I didnt have a cell phone, I just texted girls off of a free text app on the laptop when I was at home, which was also good because I was much less available. As soon as I got a phone again in november, my mental state dropped off a cliff.

Thank you for anyone who took the time to read this, I appreciate you and any wisdom you have to offer.