Big booty Latina chick I’ve smashed many many times. Made plans to “catch up” tonight and hits me w this message a couple hours before we’re supposed to meet up.
“gonna be straight forward so you know now. if we hang out ever in the future do not expect anything”
Is this one of those “we’re not going to have sex tn” [but really we are] or should I run for the hills?
Problematic_Browser 1 3w ago
Who gives a shit about that Anti slut defense?
throwaway415 3w ago
Personally this would be a hard next for me.
EurasianChad 1 3w ago
Lol I'd personally just blank her, not reply, not go, and do something else.
If she ever plays games again, she's dropped permanently.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3w ago
Alright bruh I'm giving you a should i flair. No warning. Strike 1/3
You know better
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3w ago
Just a genuine question. Mine was short no rants this is whack
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3w ago
For someone with your experience and skill set, you should know that he answer already. This is basically a should i question
Someone with your skills does not need to ask this
First-light 3w ago
You know her better than we do but I would text back a jokey reply that spelt it out clearly that sluts that won't ever put out don't get taken out and entertained.
I would probably tackle it head on with "That's like putting a notice on a slot machine that says 'Please note, you can put money into me, spin my wheels and push my buttons but I won't ever pay out ever again' You need to give a man the feeling he has a chance of winning to get him to play"
That way its a joke and its also the truth. If she was joking with you, no hurt, if she was serious, at least you have made it clear that orbiter is not a position you want to work in.
Wintergreen 3w ago
I don’t understand the “ever” part. You have plans already, why is ever hypothetical here?
Anyway I’m not sure. She probably feels disrespected or something.
pofkaf 3w ago
Just pressure flip it.
You: "Expect what?"
Her: "You know what I mean."
You: "No I don't, enlighten me."
Her: "Don't plan on fucking tonight."
You: "Wow now I know what you've been thinking about! I'm a good Christian boy, I would never expect to sin like that."
Her: hamster hamster hamster
I've had variations of this conversation countless times. Works like a charm, I usually get laid. Watch what women do, not what they say.
Musicgoon78 2 3w ago
I used to love this! I used to get that from women all the time.
"Musicgoon. You're an asshole. I'm pissed. We can hang out but I'm not fucking you tonight".
They always cave because I get grabby and flirty without pushing her for anything.
This is womanese for "I want you to push through the resistance I'm giving you".think of it like a shit test when you're already established.
A woman that won't fuck you will simply not fuck you. She's not going to bring up the subject at all.
Overkill_Engine 2 3w ago
Hell, on top of that they're very unlikely to allow themselves to even be in a situation where you can potentially fuck.
It's the inverse of how a woman that is interested will practically jump at the chance to be around situations where you can potentially fuck.
That's really the whole point of "venue changing" in PUA lingo - it's a simple and effective way to filter out women that aren't sexually interested. If she doesn't follow, then no need to invest any further effort/attention.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3w ago
"I want to fuck, but we've already fucked, so I want you to work for it because I'm bored and because I need to feel pursued again by a guy I've already fucked and still want to fuck"