It's not the first time, but for example my current GF is a leftist, and an "environmental activist", she is for immigration, it's okay for her that arabs womens wear hijab in europe etc ...
Doesn't make a single sense
I don't know what's the situation in the US,
but in western europe, especially in big towns, you have hundreds of immigrants robbing/raping/drug dealing 24/24, our judiciary system rarely puts them in jail, so they just hang in the street all day doing criminal shit right infront the police, lol
MrSupreme 9h ago
They're leftist because they're lazy and the globohomo narrative has been leaning to the left for at least 15 years.So they just avoid having to do any thinking,or having criteria at all and accept their blue pill,leftie programming, usually received through the media mafia.
I've seen these lefties do some wild mental gymnastics trying to tie together ridiculous unrelated subjects like "mathematics are racist".
I'm used to such things,coming from a socialist shithole in latinamerica, everything bad that happens is tied to the evil empire,no matter how ludicrous the connection seems. Years ago,our president said there probably was a civilization in Mars,but capitalism destroyed it.Really.
What your gf is experiencing is cognitive dissonance, not being able to understand how X conditions are yielding Y results. Why would immigrants be so mean if you're all loving and caring for them right?
Baron 55m ago
It actually in fact suits women to have leftist open-minded ideas, so much open-minded that their shit for brains brain has actually left their skull case long time ago and because of feminism they have substantial dominance over the sexual realm and control of sex and more partners in their hypergamy. Hypergamy is a form of polygamy with narrower qualifications and women get hypogamous with long-term beta male partners aka the "Good Dad" genes. And usually after 27 years of age when their eggs start to pop and you could hear the sound of them egg cells dying by the ticking clock. Many women hit the wall at 25 too.
So it is actually convenient for them even with the risk of getting raped, in fact, many white women are secretly lusting over it, they just don't like to have the control not the sexual pleasure. Women massively indoctrinate themselves over trends for a reason even the "alpha" queen bees ones because they're literally hardwired as followers and because it actually fits them in a male dominated world (by alphas) who actually dare and are pioneers and heated debaters (I am too, sign of high testosterone, I am very disagreeable and I still adhere to stay that way).
But sadly since the testosterone levels drop we might not even have alphas anymore and they'll make us all betas as testosterone levels drop and actually influence way much more such as hardwiring. Nonetheless, women are conformist by nature and such ideas are SAFE to them and won't change them because it provides them security and lack of confrontation with others. They also make them fit in the "female solidarity" (mass psychosis group) group.
EurasianChad 1 8h ago
Just a mask to get in to what's currently "popular". Most people follow the trend & herd in order to fit in.
Evolutionarily speaking, being excluded from the tribe in our earlier years meant death.
No-Stress-Cat 7h ago
Because Feminism.
First-light 3h ago
Women are conformists by nature. Think of female primates because monkeys is all we are. Female primates usually gather together in groups for security. No one should rock the boat with a big conflict but there will be constant small quarrels, back biting and assertion of a pecking order. Women are happy when they are safe in their group. They love to virtue signal their conformity to the group.
This is why two normal human females behave so differently when raised to belong to different groups. One must wear the hijab to sign for a parcel from the delivery man, the other must love saving the planet, dress like a slut in public, want to welcome migrants in, like eating tasteless vegetable food made to look like meat and support killing babies in tier mother's wombs.
How did we get to this? A few consecutive generations of men in the west took white knighting too far. They listened to nagging and then did what they were nagged to do. They seemed to have forgotten the simple fact that they will nag. You are supposed to just decide what is fair and treat them kindly. You are not supposed to cave in and give them rights and entitlements that they can't sustain themselves.
Baron 46m ago
Couldn't be said better. The fact they took literally nagging psyops seriously is laughable as nobody sane and smart would take their nagging seriously and see through it.
AbusiveFather1 1h ago
Because men let them be, and because men let the government dictate the relationship with their own women through emancipation and inflation
Baron 1h ago
Sidebar. It boils down to the second movement of feminism + the sexual "revolution". From there full degeneracy. We live practically in late-stage sexual degeneracy.