Hi all
Following my previous post here is what happened over the space of 2 weeks (conversation is below)
I guess I will give her a date I'm free (which will probably be 1st Feb as I'm very busy) it's interesting that she is being so slow to answer me. Maybe it's some sort of shit test? Kinda weird that she would say "if I don't text back tell me off".
Me - Hi was great meeting you on nye what a wild night.
Her - Aww was nice meeting you too ??
Her - Awww I’m not hon, why -did you want to do something?
Me - Yeah lets find a time to meet
Her - What did you have in mind?
Me - We can hangout at your place if you like.
Her - Awww sweetie I don’t know you well enough for that yet
Her - As in to my home. I’m a bit private about that
Me - I understand how about we visit a museum?
Her - We can be intimate just not in my home. ??
Her - Sorry was out just got in
Me - Sure you can come to my place or we can go to a hotel
Her - Ok
Me - When are you free to meet?
Her - Hiya. How’s your week been? usually I need to sort a childminder to go out of an evening … so I need advance notice. That’s why I don’t really date ??
Me - Really busy but ok thanks how about you?
I'm fine with planning in advance.
You can come visit me in when you're free if you like.
Her - It’s a calm week as I’ve taken it off to catch up on myself.
I might take you up on that as I’ve weirdly never been to Do you live alone?
Me - I live in a lovely little town it would be a very refreshing change from London.
Its quite easy to get to there is a direct train from Liverpool street and Stratford.
Yes I live alone in a cozy little apartment.
Her - As long as you promise not to chop up my body parts. I might take you up on that. Or like you said we can meet at a hotel too
Her - This is a weird question but I’m not always the greatest at reading social cues and I was a fair bit tipsy when we met…. What are you looking for?
Me - I was about to say the same thing to you.
The hot girls are always the crazy ones ??
Me - I'm looking for a relaxed friendship at first. By that I mean you can be you and I'll be me without any pressure or expectations.
If something more develops then it's meant to be.
Her - Okdokey.
Her - That sounds good.
Her - Hope you're having a good day. Tell me about you.
Me - Let's find a day to meet so I can tell you in person it will be more fun that way
Her - Thumbs up emoji
Her (1 week later) - Ok let me know when's best for you. If I don't text back tell me off. Cos I think I have sometimes then realise I only did it in my head...
mattyanon Admin 1mo ago
You didn't follow up
You didn't answer?
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
All I saw was blah blah blah. Dude, get to the point.
Me: I had a great time last weekend.
Her: Me too. We should do it again sometime.
Me: I want to fuck you in the ass.
Her: ....
Her: When do you want to meet up?
MentORPHEUS Senior Endorsed 1mo ago
Really! Remember the adage, only text for logistics. I was amazed how much scroll was left after I checked out of that convo.
This made me think of this older married Brazilian guy I worked with when I was young. One of his running jokes was, after talking to a pretty woman and she was out of earshot, he'd say in his smooth Brazilian accent:
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Dude. She is either going to be interested enough to follow your lead or not. That's it.
Second, the more you give her plausible deniability or just go with the flow of your lead the better. Women like when this shit feels like it "just happened"
You're overtly communicating about intimacy and failing the autism test in multiple ways
noonenoname00 1mo ago
Thanks for your reply can you explain what bits fail the autism test?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Also have you read the sidebar at all?
noonenoname00 1mo ago
Yes I've looked at the old reddit sidebar.
redhawkes 2 1mo ago
This is your third post about this hoe. GFTOW
It's a shit test to see if you're needy/have other hoes. Tell her she'll get extra spanks.
Also, sperg game detected. Start with the sidebar and Roissy reader / Pook
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
You've been dragging this out forever and posting about the same shit several times. Seal the deal or don't. We don't need a play by play of the absolute nothing going on.
Read the sidebar and stop moving so fucking slow. I'm bored reading this. I can't even imagine how dry this is making her.....
How do you go a few weeks and only have one option?
WokeDown 1mo ago
Meet her for something semifun like drinks or music and then drag her back home.
Call it plausible deniability, the carrot before the sticking, whatever. Just say something like “Come down to bar X, I bet I can knock 3 beers back before you can even pick your drink. Wear the short thing from last time, it was fire.”
Repeat on diff women till it works. Always be pushing, fun, make the choices that hangs them up, and move on if no bites.