I've done nofap and tbh it didn't help me nor transform me in any way and I also think it's not healthy to not masturbate for 3 months.
The body itself will do the process while asleep but still it's unhealthy.
I know the porn is bad and I want to completely remove it from my life. The problem is what to do when horny?
I can't always and forever do push-ups or something to not think about it like others say.
Guys here say find LTR but it's not as simple.
Give me reasons why it is so bad and with what should I replace it.
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
the worst part of porn? Is that it turns men into simp-for-hoes
just say no to porn. the victims of porn are men. don't sponsor that shitty industry with your time and attention.
mattyanon Admin 1mo ago
The point is NOT.... "Give up porn and you will be magically transformed into a sex beast".
You have to make your own transformation. The point of nofap / no porn is to give up that which is holding you back.
Instead you should do everything you can to move forwards: low bodyfat, gain muscles, talk to women.
slowlylearning1 1mo ago
Nothing wrong with a sly wank. And unless it's a problem, even say the odd porn wank is alright - see it as having a whiskey on a Friday etc, but when it comes to be an addiction like this, you need to cut it out completely.
I had a phase of wanking once a week, and even then I'd have wet dreams sometimes.
Limit the porn/wanking and lift weights 3x week, you'll get hornier too. Then when you meet a woman you'll be ready to go.
See sex as a potential treat not a necessity. When you watch porn, you're killing your testosterone with the instant gratification.
SSBPikkon 1mo ago
After the gym I gain tremendous confidence ofc. Tried approaching and talking to women on high dose of testosterone and still didn't lead me anywhere. Will try it since what else can I do really.
BigDickBandit69 1mo ago
Bro just jerk off or fuck a girl... you're not thinking straight jesus christ
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Nut and go about the rest of your day
Some of you guys be turning this into an existential crisis
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
There is no problem with having a quick wank. No problem at all, in fact it is healthy. The only harmful part is porn. Porn diverts your libido towards broken sluts.
The best strategy for men is to simply reject porn in all its forms. Just get rid of it from your lives. And then instead, go about your life and mission, and if you feel horny, have a quick wank. Much as you would have a shit, or a shave, or a cup of coffee. Take a few minutes, and then get on with your day.
And you can think about whatever you like. I grew up before the internet, and in a country in which porn did not exist. BUT.... I had a wank at least once a day.
I used to think about all kinds of girls - girls I met at school, girls I had seen on the bus, neighbors, even friends mums. If I saw an attractive woman during the day, I would store her memory in my 'wank bank' and crack one out later at home.
All perfectly normal and healthy behaviour. As a result, I find normal women very attractive. I never had ED. Normal women with normal bodies give me a raging hard on, and I really enjoy fucking all sorts of women.
One of the main problems with porn is that guys end up only desiring broken sluts that sell themselves.
The real victims of porn are young men. so don't sponsor this retarded industry. instead, just have a wank.
SSBPikkon 1mo ago
I've heard some guys say it's even weird to jerk off to girls around u since it's "loser mindset" bcs they don't want to be with you and with their body they turn u on, which actually raises them up, pedestalizing them in a sense.
But on the other side, you can't just wank on imaginative women, someone will come to your mind anyway.
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
loser mindset?
not at all. The only bad thing is wanking off to porn. wanking off to women around you is normal and constructive. My imagination is broad and undiscriminating - none of my female friends are safe!!!! (neither are their mothers....or my friends wives and girlfriends....)
cundardunfinished 1mo ago
I've always been superstitious, I feel like if I wank to a woman I will never be with her so if I am trying to pull a girl I won't think about her. It is kind of a loser mindset because you're simping or putting her on a pedestal when you do that.
The worst part about porn is similar, it's too close to the real thing and so it removes some incentive to game. I think nofap is pointless, but removing porn means your only exposure to sex is when you have it. This means all the desire and thrill of sex is contained in those moments.
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
"I feel like if I wank to a woman I will never be with her so if I am trying to pull a girl I won't think about her. "
My good fellow, that is just plain silly!
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
I wanked before going out and got 3 women to join me and an overweight acquaintance at waffle house. I knew them for 5 minutes before pulling them there.
Dudes be turning wanking into some sacrilegious OCD. Nofap is more damaging than the blue pill in my opinion. It's a tactic that is used and abused by impressionable men to try to gain pseudo super powers instead of quitting pr0n as intended
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
could not agree with you more.
NoFap is damaging. It asks followers to 'abstain' from wanking, which creates a feeling of shame in young men about wanking.
Wanking is nothing to be ashamed about. Wank every day, or twice a day if you like. No harm at all.
Contrary to our popular culture, male libido is not dangerous or shameful, or part of some sort of violence towards women. Men have been wanking for thousands of years, thinking of their friends, neighbours and stiflers mom. Wank away dear friends! there is nothign they can do to stop us.
Just don't engage with porn. Its shit.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Agreed. They are terrified of it. Me personally, if I don't I go insane. It's an annoying stressor preventing me from thinking straight. Do it and it's done for the day and i can think about shit that matters
These dudes are not only ashamed but staying frustrated all day. That's like being hungry but cause you got ramen instead of steak you're gonna starve yourself so you can avoid candy.
It's stupid as fuck.
Whatsnext 1mo ago
I agree but i do think porn is bad for us and should be avoided
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
I never said watch porn.
derdeutscher 1mo ago
I disagree about whole nofap circus. That having said, masturbation more then 2-3 times a month is not normal to me.
I also dont think that these 2-3 times a month done while looking some soft striptease or magazines like playboy etc is harmful.
Anything more, not good.
redhawkes 2 1mo ago
Idgaf about moralizing, but if you need someone to give you a reason to stop drooling and goon to some whore on the screen, while she doesn't even know you exist, you're fucking retarded.
The better question is, how that shit benefits me. The answer is it doesn't. All of that coomer shit is a symptom of something else. Too less of something, aka getting pussy, not having friends and social life etc. If you let your dick guide your life, you're fucked.
You need to transmute that energy, not to waste if on pixels. Testosterone is you driving force. Join a real gym, get hobbies, start a business, talk to bitches, billion things to do and you chose to waste your life on artificial dopamine spikes.
Who said that? You just pulled it out off your ass. Get plates and fwbs and use them as a cum dumpsters. But that's hard, watching porn is just 3 clicks away.
Read 'the easy peasy method' and stop spamming with bullshit that have been answered multiple times before.
BigDickBandit69 1mo ago
I kinda disagree... Its better to just jerk off sometimes than waste TIME and MONEY talking and gaming some stupid cum dumpster bitches just because you want to cum... You guys are making this shit so complicated. Nofap is unhealthy, youll have wet dreams obviously and its literally not good for your prostate ive heard alot(not a dr. ... ha obviously) but just dont be a fucking degen jerking like 5 times a day or some shit.
MrSupreme 1mo ago
I'll tell you my experience, I'm 36, tried for 2 years recently doing semen retention at about 100 days at a time.No superpowers,no ESP, no notable increase in strength or stamina while working out. Felt a mild "bliss" sensation every now and then.My balls were full and I had a couple wet dreams.
It builds a bit of character but I wouldnt try it as a lifestyle or anything, i find it kind of dumb after the experience. It is nice to hold it for more than a week and then rub one out, just like not having your favorite meal for a while,that is all.
Quitting porn is much harder and I'm sure it is a more positive lifestyle choice
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
Jesus man, just tug one out and go on with your day. The nofap and semen retention guys are fucking losers that are invested in a cope.
I get laid all the time and I still will fire one off if I fucking want to. Don't spend hours edging, lift, read the sidebar and go out to talk to women.
You want reasons why it so bad, guess what? We don't always get what we want. What's bad is you looking for excuses to not approach women.
SSBPikkon 1mo ago
It's not an excuse. I tried before to force myself to approach. And I didn't even approach, maybe couple times and still got rejected. That really didn't help me.
I'm saying if I don't have a chick I'll need to wank it couple times in that period.
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
*Says it's not an excuse then proceeds to provide excuse
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
So fucking wank it. Who cares?
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
I like a good hentai now and then. Sometimes I just don't have any imagination.
First-light 1mo ago
Wanking is normal. Porn is fine provided it does not take you over.
So long as its a case of "crank one out and you are good to go", its fine. What is not so fine is spending an hour scrolling with your dick in your hand looking for something "really hot" You have just lost an hour of your life and desensitised your brain to arousing images. Stick to getting the job done and getting on with the day and its all good.
Dark108 1mo ago
No one I feel should criticise him, I believe NoFAP is a great way to channel our energies. Most men, use porn and wanking, to stop talking to women and not fulfil your mission. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Its a good thing you feel porn is unhealthy - I believe it is - if you want to masturbate - use your imagination and channel to find your mission - how much do you get in nature? How much do you swim in the ocean? Nature is really good at grounding us too.