Ran into a girl I met a while back that lives across the country while in town for work. She’s here for her friends birthday trip.
She seems warm but Its always been difficult to seperate girls from each other especially on a trip like a bachelorette or birthday, in my experience.
Im also here by myself so I don’t have a group to go out with and I work from 9-5.
What the play? How should I approach this?
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
Birthday trip, huh? This is a very special situation and it requires some very specific game. Turn to page 322 of your workbooks, section 4 "Gaming Chicks On Birthday Trips".....
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
Go talk to her and see what she's doing. Invite the group to do something with you.
coolsocks00 1 1mo ago
Logistics seem terrible. DHV, gauge her interest and make a move.
The play is to have options. It’s a numbers game.
mattyanon Admin 1mo ago
Yeah..... girls will stick together. It's a logistical hurdle that you need to learn how to navigate.
You need to get the trust of the whole group, including and especially the fatty.... and when your girl is into you..... "Can I just borrow your friend for a minute".
But by yourself it's going to be very very hard to extract the girl.
If you're super social and can merge social groups and get everyone talking you can disperse the group a bit (but the fatty will hate it if she's left out). It can be done, but if you're new to all this and/or not very confident it's virtually impossible.
coolsocks00 1 1mo ago
To expand. You may be able to get the friends to sell/qualify her to you once you're in set.
Screen for potential cockblockers by seeing who's either aggressive and/or dependent on target chick. Ask that one how she knows target chick, confirm that target is a good friend of hers, ask her what she thinks makes her a good friend, and what she likes about her...
You build rapport and compliance before making her qualify target chick to you. If that goes well, you've changed the frame to where you transitioning to target chick is now something the cockblocker has unconsciously endorsed. She may realise that once you're with target chick, but she's way less likely to make a fuss.
Even if you just open a random group and barely get a good interaction going, before merging them with the target group, that will look like a big DHV for you. Everyone should have a few fun stories up their sleeves to throw around in situations such as these.