I have been living in China since September 2024. For context, I'm 27. I've been in the rp community since I was like 19. I can speak chinese almost fluently although I am not chinese.

I downloaded bumble & tinder. I've been around. I thought I had a 'good one' locked down. I don't want to sleep around anymore. It's boring and to be honest, I just want a gf.

It's not really a challenge to get laid anymore. They challenge is getting a girl to actually like me rather than to fill her foreigner curiosities.

So, as a result I chose the girl who wasn't explicitly sexual. She didn't put out easily (but did eventually). She was one of the more conservative ones. Things were going well, until I didn't reply to her messages for a day. Just one day. Then suddenly everything exploded. It went from 0-100. She has been shit testing me ever since, but somehow I keep failing.

She insists that I apologise, but I didn't. I didn't overly explain myself much.

Now she keeps saying its like I don't care about her feelings. She says I don't respect her. I thought she would forgive me, but she hasn't. It's been a week already. Now she doesn't reply to my messages for the whole day. And she'd randomly ask me things like 'do you like me?....but the the way you behave doesn't look that way'.

This isn't the first time that something like this has happened. Obviously I am doing something wrong. Because different women keep telling me the same thing, so obviously it must be me. They say I am cold, like a stranger, don't care about them etc. They say I don't respect them.

I am not doing it on purpose. I am not actively trying to sabotage myself. Basically, how do I give women more comfort?

And if anyone has any experience with Chinese/asian girls, then I'd appreciate the advice. Maybe the game is completely different here...do I have to love bomb them at the beginning like a typical chinese guy before going back my natural state of not being affectionate?

In my mind I think I am leaning too much on the extreme side of being cold/aloof or alpha (for lack of a better word). But that's what I'm used to. It's my natural state because it has always worked for me.