I have a pretty big lay counts, i used to go out every week ends, approaching etc ... but i'm recently in LTR it's been 9 months now, and im already bored of sex with her, depsite the fact that she looks great, younger than me, hot, she gives me chad treatment everyday
i want to meet & seduce other girls so badly
how do you cope having sex with the same girl years? Legit serious question
after a few months i always get bored of the girl no matter how good she looks,
I dated too many girls, and i just cant stop chasing for novelty ...
even if i had the chance to date the most beautiful girl in the world like margot robbie, i would get bored after some months for sure
im cursed i guess?
Theolympicnomad 1mo ago
Spoiler alert: You WILL always get bored. That’s why you vet them to see what else they have to offer. If it’s just sex then that’s your answer.
MrSupreme 1mo ago
Somewhere on the manosphere I've read that behind every super hot beautiful girl there is a guy sick of her shit. If you get bored of her I suggest you don't fight the feeling, feel bored.If you force yourself to live with that feeling then you'll be miserable.
1-Break up,be honest and tell her you don't feel the same way anymore. 2-Cheat,hide it well,be discreet. 3-Somehow convince her to accept non-exclusivity, but it is gonna be hard to pull after 9 months,it is a matter of what frame you've been having all that time.
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
That's pretty normal. I suffer from the same shit. I think everyone does. Try kinkier dirtier shit with your girl. Maybe get into group sex or swinger clubs.
You've sampled the good life. I don't think that's something you forget. I feel your pain.
Hugo_The_Great 1mo ago
What you describe is kind of what happened to women with 1000 cock stare. Nothing/nobody is special anymore. Seen it all.
And don't get me wrong, all men with testosterone seek sexual variety & have this urge. But there is a big difference between that and being able to suppress it because you know some short term fling will not bring the same fulfillment as an intimate relationship VS the inability to suppress that because girls eventually all bore you, and you are a junkie searching for never-ending adrenaline.
Which is what 1000 cock stare women are and why we say don't commit. Because they will always get bored and look for the shiny next object. RP people who think this can't/doesn't happen to men are completely delusional.
mattyanon Admin 1mo ago
It's honestly your life and your choice how you live it.
For me personally..... well, I don't do exclusive LTRs.
For you.... again.... your life, your choice.
The conventional answer is "spice it up a bit, have sex in different places".
Look, the biological reality is that men maximise their genetic offspring by having lots of sex with lots of women. We can fuck 20 different women in a week and still crave more. It's how we're wired, some more than others.
You're on the "novelty seeking" end of that spectrum, and this is just how you're wired.
Your options are the same as everyone else's......... monogamy, open relationship, multiple relationships, etc. etc. But your choices are your choices.
RedDot0Hot 1mo ago
Some dudes are saying that the men also can get a version of 1000 pussy stare.
Whats your take?
mattyanon Admin 1mo ago
different for everyone
TheRedPike Senior Endorsed 1mo ago
Just look at the history of stable societies to get your answer. They all involve tireless efforts to give you other shit to do and obsess over rather than the pussy in your bedroom. Even boring marital sex was supposed to be exactly that--oooof, unnnng, squirt, ok, got that out of the way, I'm heading down to Moose Lodge to make increasingly larger and more obnoxious hats!
derdeutscher 1mo ago
Same problem. After few months cock just gets less hard for my girlfriend. But random hottie sits next to me in a train? Steel rod.
I guess it has to be like that. Few tips that help me:
See is she tolerates you fucking other women as well. For some reason when I fuck other women my girlfriend gets attractive again.
Seek to please yourself and do things that you feel like doing. Think of her as of your toy.
Look into supplements. I have side effects with cialis/viagra so its not an option. But l-citrulline and arginine work fine as well.
Make peace with fact that days of fucking your girlfriend 4 times a day 7 days a week are gone.