Been getting close with this girl at work. Im quitting the company this month, and moving, but she doesn’t know that.
I am confused. She constantly texts me clearly trying to get my attention always asking what im doing etc. She brought up how we’ve never seen each other out of work and I said we should.
A week later she comes back from a work trip with gifts for only me. So I ask her to get drinks at place we talked about previously. She says she’s busy all wknd but sh’d let me know if it fell thru. Can confirm she actually did have plans the entire wknd. But regardless I started giving one word replies bc she didn’t propose an alternative and she starts sending me paragraphs of texts how shes been traveling a lot blah blah blah. She hits me up that night asking if I was out and I say nah an she says I was hoping you were.
I never initiate and she’s trying harder sometimes double or triple texting, she asked if I was mad at her and everyday asks to get coffee.
So she drunk texts me like she does everytime she drinks. Says we shouldve taken the train home together bc we were out at newrby places. So I propose we get drinks after work and she says she has her workout class. But says it would be nice to do one day, no specific time.
I don’t know if Im just being dense but is she purposefully deflecting plans seems like she would name an alternative date if she was really excited. Should I just straight up ask her if she wants to go on a date or not? She’s home alone this week.
She just texted me as im writing this smh asking if I was there bc she didn’t see me.
Also secondary question a lot of girls will ask me if im out or if im going tell me I should go out to a bar there at, but wont agree to dates. Most of them bring it up too. Why is that?
MyBoyJob 2w ago
Press her to meet up on your terms in a tactful way. Take the initiative.
Musicgoon78 2 4w ago
I would just be direct. I hate bullshit games. Tell her your interested in seeing her and not interested in being her texting buddy.
This sounds annoying as fuck bro. She needs to shit or get off the pot. Give her your terms. Give her a few options. A.K A. Pick one or fuck off.
"I want to go out with you. I don't want to go in circles. I'm free Monday after 5, Tuesday after 4pm and Friday after noon. Pick one and let's go have fun instead of just talking about it".
If she gives you bullshit, just cut contact.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
I agree with your comment apart from giving her an overt statement. I've never found pushing a time waster into getting off the pot is effective for anything.
The only thing that would make a time waster worth anything is if you only wanted to sport fuck once. Such time wasting behavior won't improve just because you started seeing them. They are going to carry that controlling and insufferable behavior into the relationship as well
Musicgoon78 2 4w ago
I go with the thought process of fucking her really really really good. Once she's hooked, you call the shots to keep her in check or dump her. Some girls are simply a backup plate.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
Consequences of asking basic should i questions in AskTRP
Red_dead Should i (x1) 4w ago
Lol I saw that coming
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
Well, then beware the 3rd strike the posts come down each time. So you have one left freebie with the 2x flair as consequence before you can't ask any more
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
You've been on the forums how long? Asl them out or don't. Women won't magically change their minds on you for dragging your dick on the floor waiting for them to become into you. Shoot your shot and move on if they don't
And the most common reason a woman will say no to a date (if they aren't exclusive to their top option) is because they don't see you as datable or fuckable. It they invite you to drinks it's because maybe they want to fuck your or they're bored/want validation
Man you need to figure out what you don't understand about TRP because you have been on these forums for 2+ years and stuck on the noob phase
Red_dead Should i (x1) 4w ago
I did ask her out. I even stopped texting her she just keeps getting more aggressive.
Yea idk either, I don’t interact with too many girls just as a circumstance of where I live I would assume thats why. Big reason of me moving to a big city tbh.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
If you already asked her out then what is this? She already declined, stop answering her texts
It's really as simple as women like free attention and you're probably simp #50 in her DMs she's doing it to as well and you are failing the autism screen
No. Attention is an end goal for them. Text for logistics. This is basic shit
MrSupreme 4w ago
She probably has the intention but can't make the decision because of work.If you go out,push for a same night lay, don't take no for an answer.Enough of her bullshit already