• Met hb 9 in my country and I coincidentally was visiting her country later in the year so we hung out on a few occasions.
  • she’s aware of my plans to go to Bali later this year and is asking if she can join me
  • My initial plan was to go solo just relax , maybe train a little bit and just talk to random people and just have a good time
  • But I don’t mind mind bringing her , cos she’s actually pretty fun to be around

What I’m confused about is , I’ve never travelled with a singular female in the past , nor have I ever moved in with a female. If I bring her along I want opinions on which option I should go for:

  • a shorter trip just for 3 nights, hit up beach clubs , just take it easy and relax in one central location, drink and kino. I’m leaning towards something like this. Or
  • a 5 night trip, where we also go to other areas and travel for maybe like 2 hours in a car etc , visit monkeys in the jungle not just stay around beach. I’m not sure about this option because I feel like the longer you stay with someone and with the setup of moving around etc - more chance for awkwardness, sexual tension being lost, the girl getting adjusted to you, more Periods of silence etc. Especially for someone I haven’t met on too many occasions.
    In the rational male ( although not the same circumstances) there’s mention of moving in with someone / having to deal with them consistently killing sexual tension/ competition anxiety. I’ve also travelled with male friends before and have found to get sick of them after 3-4 days.

For context , the reason why I’m interested in this foreign chick is because she’s planning to move to my country.