- Met hb 9 in my country and I coincidentally was visiting her country later in the year so we hung out on a few occasions.
- she’s aware of my plans to go to Bali later this year and is asking if she can join me
- My initial plan was to go solo just relax , maybe train a little bit and just talk to random people and just have a good time
- But I don’t mind mind bringing her , cos she’s actually pretty fun to be around
What I’m confused about is , I’ve never travelled with a singular female in the past , nor have I ever moved in with a female. If I bring her along I want opinions on which option I should go for:
- a shorter trip just for 3 nights, hit up beach clubs , just take it easy and relax in one central location, drink and kino. I’m leaning towards something like this. Or
- a 5 night trip, where we also go to other areas and travel for maybe like 2 hours in a car etc , visit monkeys in the jungle not just stay around beach.
I’m not sure about this option because I feel like the longer you stay with someone and with the setup of moving around etc - more chance for awkwardness, sexual tension being lost, the girl getting adjusted to you, more Periods of silence etc. Especially for someone I haven’t met on too many occasions.
In the rational male ( although not the same circumstances) there’s mention of moving in with someone / having to deal with them consistently killing sexual tension/ competition anxiety. I’ve also travelled with male friends before and have found to get sick of them after 3-4 days.
For context , the reason why I’m interested in this foreign chick is because she’s planning to move to my country.
Problematic_Browser 1 2w ago
I don't recommend it.
Plates are not for investing in, and that includes trips. Moreover, she will severely limit the amount of ass you're getting.
cundardunfinished 3w ago
Is she moving to your country with permanent residency? Otherwise she probably sees you as a visa ticket to stay after her student visa or whatever is done.
Some of the other stuff you said was concerning also but the reason you're interested in this chick is a big enough red flag I don't want to address other stuff. But tldr is it's way too early to bring her to Bali with you, I'd be turned off by her asking (I've taken girls with me places but it was my choice and my idea for my own purpose, someone asking for a meal ticket is a huge turn off, and I knew them a lot longer and they treated me really well so I wanted them there)
Lone_Ranger 2 3w ago
The interesting thing: you didn't mention who is paying for all this, but I can guess.
My take: trips like these should be reserved for very high status partners - for example, actual girlfriends.
all the plate will do is;
1) triple the cost of your trip 2) reduce the amount of pussy you will be getting.
You probably think that she will have MORE sex with you on this trip, because you are 'providing'. The exact opposite is true. You will end up having less sex. The one thing that really dries the pussy is paying for it.
Kloi 3w ago
Thought never even crossed my mind as my general rule with plates is if I'm taking you to an event of my chosing, I'll cover it.
If you're dragging me to something, I'm happy to go but you're footing the bill.
Mutual events, like a trip out to Portland we split things up.
Essentially I'll pay for you to be my arm candy but you're going to pay for me to be arm candy as well.
First-light 3w ago
It will probably be fun. But two points are worth noting.
She has probably done this before. You need a bit of confidence going on holiday with man you don't know well. You are basically committing to having sex every night.
Some girls who do this rather like the idea of being made a fuss of and not paying for much.
But its probably fun. 5 nights is not that long, so long as you know she is good fun. Just be sure that she is not going to be too expensive.
TheRedPike Senior Endorsed 4w ago
Warning! Red alert! Warning! You sure she isn't formulating plans for you?
adventurousman79 4w ago
Yea confident, it was the reason she was in my country to begin with to scope it out. Next move would be a working holiday visa type scenario.
Musicgoon78 2 4w ago
Travel.with a plate. Who cares? I've slept over at a chicks house after a one night stand. You're the one in control of your life and level of commitment.
MrSupreme 4w ago
Traveling with a girl definitely build rapport, memories together and she will cherish that shit.You get points for that. Nothing difficult about it,lots of sex,enjoying the other country and will feel like a long date.
adventurousman79 4w ago
Do u recommend keeping the trip short ie. 3 days , chill, drink , beach.
Or longer ie.5 days , more travel intensive , commute more , but at the same time doing more / more adventurous.
Regarding it feeling like a long date , does it get awkward ? How do you deal with the silence considering you’re with the person for so long.
Kloi 4w ago
Love traveling with a girl, especially a fresh plates. Really lets you know if you two go well together.
Basically it's a requirement for me in the first six months of someone I think might last longer.
adventurousman79 4w ago
Do u recommend keeping the trip short ie. 3 days , chill, drink , beach.
Or longer ie.5 days , more travel intensive , commute more , but at the same time doing more / more adventurous.
Kloi 4w ago
That's all on you my man.
Personally prefer sneaking off to an unfamiliar place for two weeks and becoming a local but most people can't afford this financially or get two weeks off from work to fuck off.
For a first trip with a newer plate, your best bet is more than likely a shorter trip.
I also wouldn't risk a trip you're really looking forward to. Just on the off chance you have to call it quits because things are going that bad.
AbusiveFather1 4w ago
Except a successful criminal (as opposed to a glorified bum) sees her as nothing more than a cumdumpster, uses her appropriately, and marries a trad wife, likely a virgin than isn’t on dating apps
Musicgoon78 2 4w ago
What the hell are you talking about about? Have you been shooting up shoe polish?