As I wrote in my previous post, a girl flaked on me with an pathetic excuse "my grandpa isn't well I need to visit him". I thought it was over.
The following day she asked me when will we see each other. So she did kinda reschedule. Then I said 2 days from now we will meet up. I did nothing different this time.
Day before our meetup was going to happen she said something like "I fear when we meet you won't like me" (which is a good sign since she thinks I'm better than her and she's feeling nervous) so I replied "calm down we'll have fun don't worry". I then proposed a time and a location where we'll meet. She asked a follow up question about location where it is so I explained it to her. She agreed to meetup.
Again, I did nothing different I did snap with her a little bit more than usual, but it's because she sent a double snap where she said "I won't like her when I meet with her irl".
She also was sending pictures where she would show bits of her body (crop top with cleavage). I took it as she's excited to see me hence thsoe pictures.
The way which I set up a date is a little bit corny "I've heard blondes go out at ___" in which I said the time when we will see each other. She responed with "it depends who is asking" where I replied "I'm asking" and she said "if it's you then we will meet at that time" she even sent a wink emoji.
I had other plans to do that night (day before our meetup) so I sent a snap at 3 am (I didn't reply to her for 2 hours which I usually do with her). I was expecting her to be asleep, but she wasn't which is weird. I sent a message to her "go to sleep" since it's so late. She started sending black screens just like the 1st time she flaked and then said "I have a fever and I threw up in a bathroom" which I obviously knew was an excuse.
Why did she flake all of a sudden? I did everything the same as 1st time and she still flaked, despite wanting to see me. I get that she's nervous to see me, but this is clearly an excuse.
What to do now? Should I ghost her or should I snap less so she could reschedule again like the 1st time? Should I invite her out again (this would be my second invite but overall 3rd).
I kind of want to test the waters again to see if she'll reschedule, but also I don't want to give any free attention since she flaked a 2nd time.
EDIT: She asked again to go out when her "fever" stops. I guess she needs more time to evaluate me or to feel less nervous. I guess I need to do the same as always, if she doesn't like it, it doesn't matter anyways.
cundardunfinished 3w ago
yes it is over
mattyanon Admin 3w ago
Have some fucking self respect...... "that's twice you've flaked, we're done here".
No-Stress-Cat 3w ago
Oneitis kicking in...if you're thinking about her that bad, she's got you hooked.
Masun 3w ago
I don't have enough options that's the problem
No-Stress-Cat 3w ago
You ALWAYS have options. One of them is to walk away.
You're focusing all your attention onto this one woman.
Your options are limited because you are the one that is limiting yourself to just one option.
There are thousands of women around you who also have needs.
A wise man once said, "The needs of the many women outweigh the needs of the one woman." (or something like that)
AbusiveFather1 4w ago
Get more options and you won’t be asking questions like “is it over?”
Masun 4w ago
Yeah my options are out of stock I agree, but still I need to know what to do with her currently, which of the 3 options I posted above.
AbusiveFather1 4w ago
Forget about her and go no contact, unless she reaches out to you, at which point she’s either coming to your place to fuck or she’s hitting the road
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
Look dude. You seriously seem like whatever of the sidebar you read, you didn't really ABSORB.
There have been some posters that have come through here over the years who have asked north of 200 posts and still didn't understand TRP.
You need to actually understand it. She keeps flaking. Not interested. I'm not going to let you become a 200+ post forum poster. Start thinking critically and start using the search bar or other TRP readings for these basic ass questions
Further you wrote a large wall of text for a chronic flaker, the post could have been "girl keeps flaking" with zero additional details and it wouldn't have changed that she flakes.
You're doing what most in-denial n00bs do which is thinking their ultra specific magical unicorn fart details are going to somehow magically give all the commenters some ultra super chocolatey deluxe pussy password answer because "trust me my situation is unique bro, here are all the details bro"
AWALT. She's got better shit to do, women don't let guys they want slip through their hands like this
Masun 4w ago
Guys on here encouraged me to do in depth field breakthrought. By your logic till the whole RP syncs into my mind I shouldn't post for about 2 years. I still am learning snd improving just as much as I can. Also I just wanted to ask what to do with her and I wrote everything in depth. Are you suggesting I should reread the sidebar again?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
My god not another "by your logic i shouldn't post" passive aggressive comment agains...
Your wall of text didn't matter. The question is what to do with a chronic flaker. Next.
I'm suggesting you should UNDERSTAND the content
Masun 4w ago
You mean to fully understand sidebar?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
You clearly do not understand the content you "read"
Masun 3w ago
I feel like there's many of us like that, that's why we keep asking questions like this. Guess I need to reread it again or?
ExConvictNowMillionaire 3w ago
I don't think it's about lack of understanding, but rather guys taking their rejection way too personal & think (hope) their situation is different than the previous 200 posters/sidebar. A mixture of cognitive dissonance & seeking validation to support their beliefs..
Move on & stop taking rejection so serious, truly not caring about rejection also improves your game & personal happiness a lot
Overkill_Engine 2 3w ago
The sooner they realize that their pussy unicorn is no more special and unique than any in the generations before and after and neither are they for getting a hardon for them, the better off they will be.
Masun 3w ago
It can be that, for me it's a situation where I don't get what I want and that's why I get angry. Logical solving as a man doesn't help me here.
Ofc women are fickle and illogical so I never can be sure what did I do wrong or if I did everything right.
All I can see is negative outcomes. But why they come, which reason I don't see and that's the problem.
I can never be too sure of my theory why or this happened (did she flake bcs she doesn't like me or she has a boyfriend and wants a quick fuck etc.)
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3w ago
You need to think critically. I haven't seen any self analysis from you indicating any critical thought or actually linking the ideas together. You just want unidimensional pussy password yes/no answers
And where I've see you take a stab at guessing the guesses have been off and not what the books said
Overkill_Engine 2 3w ago
Masun 3w ago
I'm at the point where I lift heavy and improve in gym and still get no matches. If ai had success I sure wouldn't waste my time here. I'm not asking for a password I just don't understand why me + particular chick = sex doesn't work right now.
Overkill_Engine 2 3w ago
Re-read this part:
Read it again. Anything stand out to you?
Perhaps the part where you are wasting time and attention on a particular woman that is not reciprocating your time and interest?
The only thing you need to understand that last part. She's not interested, move on to a woman that is.
Jesus fuck stop overthinking this shit trying to figure out the magical pussy password. Stop wasting your time and attention on a woman that is not interested.
The number one mistake newbies make it seems is they piddlefartfuck around for extended periods trying to solve a specific woman pussy puzzle.
A woman that is interested will practically fall out of her damn panties to solve that puzzle for you.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4w ago
@Typo-MAGAshiv this is your moment
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3w ago
I think I missed something.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3w ago
I was just looking for a solid "it's Overrrrr"
MrSupreme 4w ago
ParentisDomini 4w ago
You should feel shitty now. You should. This should be the evolution telling you: 'if you won't change your behaviour your genes will not survive',that translates to 'you will never fuck anyone in your life going on like this' 'no wet dick' 'no hugging' 'no kissing'.
Listen to your primal brain.
Feels shitty = not a good match for me
Start here
Masun 4w ago
Yes I feel shitty. Wdym about chaning my behavior? I changed it and am still in process of changing it since I first found the RP. It's just since then so many guys said improve this and that and I did and still I don't get the results I want and I don't know why.
That's the whole reason I posted here to get critiqued, but so far I only found vague answers.