Specifically why do a lot of ppl cut out whole eggs/red meats and stick to super lean shit like tuna/chicken/turkey breast almost exclusively?
so I’m going on a mini 5 week shred before spring break in PV. Fucked up my right lat during finals week last semester; stopped lifting until literally yesterday so I got a bit softer than I’d like to be.10lb will be easy as fuck but if I can ramp it up to 15lb of fat I think I’ll look pretty fucking sick on the beach.
Usually eating 1500cal/day; starting to add in a little carb cycling so those days might hit ~1700cal.
I’m this diet I’m still hitting 190g protein, it’s lower carbs usually (100g of Japanese yams before/after lifts + some whole wheat toast when I’m studying).
I eat like 3 whole eggs, collagen, 93% lean ground beef, Greek yogurt lowfat, and then either a can of tuna or some salmon and either chicken breast or boiled shrimp. Plus avocado, a bunch of veggies maybe a banana and a protein shake or two and that’s pretty much about it.
Any thoughts?
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
You need to add more fat. All that protein and not enough fat, you're going to end up burning your protein away. Lay off the protein shakes. Those things are loaded with added sugars. Smoothies are much better. Full fat yogurt. Lots of bacon.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 1mo ago
I’ve heard ab the sugars n shit in protein. Idk man I don’t think ~200cal worth of protein powder is gonna really fuck you in the long run; just helps me hit my protein. I also mix mine with just plain water to minimize the cals. Been eating these grass fed beef bacon strips… holy fucc they’re so good
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
People not understanding calories
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 1mo ago
But what about like pro bodybuilders n shit? like I looked at cbum’s diet n he completely cuts out eggs only goes for lean meats etc etc
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
People think that fats make you fat. It's ignorance.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 1mo ago
Right I completely agree I’m jw why a lot of the pros do this; is there anything about it that makes it better or nah
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
If you're doing low carb or keto you have to do high fat. Your body runs out of glycogen and needs ketones in order for you to prevent getting lethargic or ravenously hungry. In ketosis the body turns fat into ketones.
master-of-losers 1mo ago
If you have some body fat, you don't need to eat much fat, just some essential fatty acids. The body can convert body fat into ketones.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 1mo ago
I always look best on a high protein, high fat, low carb diet I mainly use carbs around my lifts bc I tire out too fast without em.
Used to keep some Rice Krispie treats for a sick pump that’d I’d eat during my lift but I might fuck around and eat the whole box if I got hit w a crazy hunger craving so I had to stop buying em haha