Specifically why do a lot of ppl cut out whole eggs/red meats and stick to super lean shit like tuna/chicken/turkey breast almost exclusively?

so I’m going on a mini 5 week shred before spring break in PV. Fucked up my right lat during finals week last semester; stopped lifting until literally yesterday so I got a bit softer than I’d like to be.10lb will be easy as fuck but if I can ramp it up to 15lb of fat I think I’ll look pretty fucking sick on the beach.

Usually eating 1500cal/day; starting to add in a little carb cycling so those days might hit ~1700cal.

I’m this diet I’m still hitting 190g protein, it’s lower carbs usually (100g of Japanese yams before/after lifts + some whole wheat toast when I’m studying).

I eat like 3 whole eggs, collagen, 93% lean ground beef, Greek yogurt lowfat, and then either a can of tuna or some salmon and either chicken breast or boiled shrimp. Plus avocado, a bunch of veggies maybe a banana and a protein shake or two and that’s pretty much about it.

Any thoughts?