Going through with the more strict AskTRP standards by forcing n00bs to actually employ critical thinking skills and do their own work instead of abusing AskTRP as Google for basic shit
AskTRP is going to become a place to ask more nuanced questions and not be a place n00bs circle the drain.
First order of business is determining what counts as overly basic n00b shit. Thoughts?
ObliviousDuck 4d ago
Any original post with a "she" or "her" per sentence ratio higher than 0.5.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
Yeah if it's a wall of she that's a flag
Overkill_Engine 2 1w ago
Any variant of:
"Dear TRP, I have invested time and effort into solving specific pussy puzzle, but she no gib pussy, what should I do?"
Anyone asking this when the obvious answer is to stop investing time and effort into that specific pussy puzzle is a fucking noob that is not reading and absorbing information already present and in abundance.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1w ago
The first ones that spring to mind are questions that are obviously answered in a sidebar link by the link text.
The most recent example was something like "how to tease chicks" and HumanSockPuppet’s Guide to Teasing Bitches is linked in the sidebar with the text "how to tease bitches".
The next ones to spring to mind are the ones where it's obvious the guy didn't even read or at least hasn't fully digested Rollo's classic article "wait for it?".
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
I pretty much agree. If the word is visible in the sidebar link you have absolutely zero reason to not have seen or grasped it.
I can think of a handful of classic Rollo that should be there too.
Are there any other terms that you think might be unacceptable to ask generic non FR questions about? How to approach/approach anxiety, where to meet women, where to travel etc, LMR, asking Girls out etc seem like commonly asked shit
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1w ago
Probably. Would need to mull it over.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
As dies everyone since this is a larger rules change. Just let me know
No-Stress-Cat 1w ago
The links need to be updated in the sidebar. Most of them go to Reddit where TRP is quarantined. They can't read what they can't get to.
Yes, continue.
Yes, continue.
Yes, continue.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
I had thought i changed all of them to .old links so.tjat you can just get past quarantine immediately. Are they not? Secondly, I'm pretty sure I linked the entire sidebar from archives
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
I just changed all the AskTRP links to old links. If a newb can't be assed to click "yes get me past quarantine" then they are truly already fucked
No-Stress-Cat 1w ago
Works much better, thanks!
No excuses now, newbies,
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Thanks for reminding me I need to fix them on reddit too