Main question in the title.The thing is I was in a long(8year) relationship, and I never,ever showed jealousy.I admit there weren't many times to show it,but it never showed at all. My main mental process was something like "you may flirt and look at her,but my dick is the one that's in her", so why even bother feeling disrespected or upset about it, whether it was her or some other guy starting whatever usually induces jealous feelings. Is this normal? This subject is not talked about enough I think
Also, i'm wondering WHEN it is an appropiate time to show a healthy dose of jealousy.
MyBoyJob 1d ago
Discipline women (appropriately) for bad behavior.
First-light 4d ago
I would break down jealousy into two parts -the feeling itself and the actions you take on that feeling. This is actually a topic worthy of an essay but I will try to be brief in saying jealousy has its place.
If you do not feel jealous in certain situations, then you either have a woman of nil value to you or you are just a happy cuck. Personally, I do not think either of those positions has much value and have never had a relationship on those terms.
I think we need to recognise that jealousy is a normal healthy human emotion and -when it is well calibrated- it is a useful alarm bell -just like pain or fear. The first difficulty with managing jealousy is that it is a subjective feeling. How well calibrated are you? RP though warns men against oneitis, mostly because it throws off your inner calibration to the point you make decisions that actually harm you. Feeling jealous when your girl talks to other guys is clearly a miscalibration but if your girl appears to be falling for another guy, can't stop talking about him, answers his calls at once, blushes in his presence, giggles submissively at things he says that are not even jokes, looks over her shoulder at him when she leaves and so on, then you had better be feeling jealous or you are a cuck.
But where to draw the line? Well its somewhere between the two extremes given above and it will depend on how much you have invested in the girl (and yes we all invest something, even though we try to keep it to reasonable limits in RP), how mature and sensible you think she is and what the normal boundaries of your culture are.
So you are feeling jealous, what do you do about it? Check your calibration is the first move. Gain more information if you can. Is she hiding anything or just unaware that she is sailing into temptation? Then what?
We live in a culture where women have all the power and the law is very hard on men who might be seen to be controlling, so our options are very limited these days. Next is sometimes the only option but one can sometimes find some room to move. One can often act without showing jealousy but in a way that sets boundaries. If you have invested a lot -say this is a woman you have children with or want to have children with her and she is being drawn into a man who will ruin all that, you might do well to act in some way not just watch the car crash because you are too alpha to try to apply the brakes and turn the wheel.
Women are not as wise as men and men still screw up in this area -falling for someone who ruins your relationship. I have certainly done it anyway. A good woman can be drawn in by a high value man -its natural. You can't just assume the old lie that "its all about the relationship, if its good enough, she will be loyal" Many a good woman has been stolen form a good man. Women are wired for hypergamy, so men need to have that alarm of jealousy.
Emotion is unlikely to be your friend here. Her emotion is pulling her away from you and as you know how she feels is the only barometer she or society will see as important. So you need to act rationally and calmly in almost every case. You also need to see things in perspective. Fighting Chad will probably get her very excited and if you win, she may love it. Certainly women I have been with have told me very jealously about friends of theirs who were fought over and how much they loved it while I have said "Well I would never do that" I know my woman hates the idea that I would not fight for her or "do anything" for her. She views it as a weakness of me as a man. Still I persist in this because I know that to risk too much for a woman in today's world is dumb and overvalues her.
But recognising jealousy, having it calibrated right and reinforcing boundaries is your friend in the right situation. Use sparingly.
Mofreer 4d ago
You bring light to many important points here.
I think the idea of reacting emotionally to a situation where jealousy is at play is always a bad move (there are cases where showing emotions is a positive; especially about passion, goals, etc). But showing it even slightly in this context is guaranteed to always be regarded as mate guarding.
A lot of people use the argument that by not showing jealousy she might think you don't care about her, which can be true. But what comes with showing it is a direct strike to your frame.
Your point that women aren't as wise as men is true, but women are generally more socially savvy. So, they recognize what they're doing at a certain level unconsciously. I am on the extreme end here, but I do believe crossing this boundary is always going to be met with a soft/hard next depending on how severe the behavior was.
Overkill_Engine 2 3d ago
Exactly - either she already knows what she is doing is crossing a line, or she is literally too fucking stupid/misguided to realize that she is crossing a line that she shouldn't if she values the relationship.
Either way the correct response is "next". No arguments/negotiations/explanations/ultimatums. Just silently enacting whatever degree of "next" is appropriate for the degree of transgression.
Because one cannot fix this sort of behavior in an adult woman nor is it your responsibility as a man to do so. You aren't her father who failed to raise her with good values nor are you a peasant who is responsible for M'lady's nonexistent honor.
And women are (or should be - not your job to fix that if not) socially savvy enough to understand the meaning of a nonverbal freeze out like "next" is, that's why they hate it so much and complain about it, usually under the label of "ghosting" so that they don't have to reveal that they usually did something stupid-cunt tier to deserve it.
Mofreer 3d ago
100% agree. Many chicks complain about ghosting, but it's only because that shit works. It's the best punishment for bad behavior. In my personal experience there isn't a tool better than withdrawing attention from a woman. Not because I want her to react a certain way or chase me, because I mentally moved on already.
Tolerating bad behavior in a way communicates you're deserving of it.
Musicgoon78 2 4d ago
I don't think jealousy is ever the move. It's rooted in scarcity and insecurity. A small bit adds a bit of spice to things. Large and overt jealousy is rather unhealthy. You can't control others actions, but you can control your responses.
Chaddeus_Rex 4d ago
Jealousy can be used strategically and in small quantities. Like any other emotions. However, emotions must be rare and you must not feel them, only act them out
Musicgoon78 2 4d ago
What's a good example of using jealousy in a constructive way?
Chaddeus_Rex 3d ago
Usually i use it to pout as a joke and make fun of her jealousy
MrSupreme 4d ago
Does there have to be some rapport in the relationship or can you show jealousy for a girl you're gonna have a ONS with at the club,and other guys keep approaching and trying stuff?
Musicgoon78 2 4d ago
What do you think showing jealousy accomplishes?
I can tell you from experience that jealousy makes you look weak, controlling and unstable. It kills the tingles. The guy that has options doesn't show jealousy. What do you think you're going to gain showing jealousy to a random woman?
Do you think looking weak is going to get her wet for you?
Hugo_The_Great 4d ago
You're spot on.
The unfortunate thing is that the moment you enter an LTR you weaken your position, because now you have something to lose, and this scarcity will inevitably show to some degree, while Chad over there with 5 other girls has zero scarcity and is good vibes 24/7.
Your mental has to be 10/10 to properly navigate LTRs.
MrSupreme 4d ago
Just sincerely wondering if there is a use to it, I just haven't felt jealous enough to see a use. From what you tell me there is next to no use to it, and that's good to know.
Musicgoon78 2 4d ago
Yeah it's like thinking there is a use for cowardice or a good time to show a scarcity mentality. If you don't get jealous, you're good. If you do, realize it's normal and don't mateguard. You are the prize, not her.
cundardunfinished 4d ago
Jealousy per se is never useful but it's also important not to be naive.
I'm of a similar mindset that if she wants to walk she's going to do it but at the same time guys will constantly hit on her, and you are not top dog in the world so guys with better SMV and better game than you will have the opportunity to flirt with her and fuck her. So I think in certain circumstances it's ok to nip that in the bud without going full mate guarding, but it probably only works if starting from your mindset since if you actually feel jealous and insecure then whatever actions you take will come across as mate guarding. Also these should be isolated incidents and in an LTR a woman should generally know what limits are and enforce them herself
Hugo_The_Great 4d ago
I will say this: Don't mate guard your woman while you're with her. If you have to do that, better to end things already because you're not #1 in her mind.
However, you are retarded if you let your woman go -alone- somewhere she will be surrounded by alpha's, especially with booze around.
If she chafes at your possessiveness or assumption of entitlement to her, she's not relationship material.
Also, dread is the antidote to jealousy, always use that instead of mate guarding.
First-light 3d ago
Mate guarding is an interesting one because, as is often the case in these things, it all depends how she feels about it.
Women love to be mate guarded -when they are happy to be with you as their mate It makes them feel valued. Opening doors for them, offering a hand across a step, pulling a chair out for them, smartly dismissing some "creep" (a low value guy who fancies her) all really please them. It also increases their value in their friends' eyes.
When they are not happy with a man, they are annoyed if he does these things, he is taking liberties maybe, treating her as a possession or a child. From what I have seen women like to be competed over more than they dislike it.
I am just not sure how much mate guarding pleases me, how much it is simping. I have rather a modern take on it -she has equal rights and should take care of her own business. My lady criticises me for not mate guarding enough, so I am fairly sure I am not under exercising caution when it comes to it.
Chaddeus_Rex 4d ago
Jealousy, just like any other emotion can bw used as a tool.
You should never feel anything around women - instead use the image of emotions to your advantage.
redhawkes 2 3d ago
Jealousy: fear of losing what you have to someone else. It's a classic feminine trait.
You figure out the rest.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3d ago
I'm going to go against the grain here.
8 year relationship? If you don't show even a sliver of jealousy, you're showing her that you don't care.
That's great when you're first starting out. Unearned beta/comfort tends to dry the panties. However, too much alpha/arousal (especially of the remaining aloof variety) once beta/comfort has been earned will push the woman away.
It's something that has to be calibrated and approached carefully.
You don't want to look clingy or butt-hurt. You'll surrender significant power to her by doing so.
I have not done well at this myself. Lucky for me, my wife's jealous streak is worse than mine, so I just use that against her.
One of my favorite people I've "met" online, @deeplydisturbed, wrote up an excellent bit about it here:
I've managed to get more like that over the years, but for the first 5-10 years or so, wore my jealousy on my sleeve.
Which brings up a semi-related topic: a decent woman will be forgiving of your occasional misstep as long as you're shit's tight more often than not. That's also how I got away with blubbering like a child when I was wracked with grief at my father's death: I was a strong man with legitimate grief at losing someone I loved, and not some whiny wimp crying yet again over something trivial.
MrSupreme 3d ago
8 years, before finding TRP and my first gf. Honestly I never cared as much as I probably should have, but the scarcity was strong. The jealousy switch was off, she was the jealous one. In hindsight I guess i didn't believe she'd do anything because she was a short,obese 3.
I just found out Woujo's website and there I read that women HATE feeling rejected, and it has been an eye opener because now i think me not being jealous made her feel rejected and that may have sparked some dread which made her stick to me in my most beta years, Weird shit,
deeplydisturbed 3d ago
Typo is spot on. I AM one of his favorite people he met online - and all the rest of you can back off. He's mine!
(see what I did there?)
(In case you missed it, that cringy weak comment I made is me pretending to mate guard. THAT is exactly how it looks and sounds when you do it with your woman.)
ADDENDUM: If your woman puts you in that situation more than a time or two a decade, she does not respect you.
A nice day.
deeplydisturbed 3d ago
Jesus H Motherfracker.
Jealousy is NOT a pickup tactic! WTF!
Jealousy is a NATURAL feeling we must resist. Some men like to think about their women fucking someone else - but not me! And probably not most non-Liberals.
Do NOT show jealousy.
@Typo-MAGAshiv shouted me out below, but I have an addendum to that post.
Jealousy is a litmus test for me.
Let me explain.
If I feel jealousy for more than just a fleeting moment (like two minutes max) the relationship is over. Either:
A) I am jealous for no reason, and hence I am not ready for a relationship. IE it's ME.
B) She is giving me reasons to feel jealous, in which case I need to NOT be in a relationship with her. She is bad for me.
Either way, if I am jealous for more than a fleeting moment it's over. PERIOD.