LONG POST ALERT! Also, English is not my first language. My ltr of 4 years has recently begun her career at a top global company. This has caused lots of changes, majority of which I don't like. I had casually mentioned to her I would be going on vacation in January (I don't work, mainly do informal/illegal stuff). She calls me on a random work afternoon wanting to know when I would be going because she had learned they would be going for a regional conference in the same city. She wanted us to be there at the same time (we had previously joked how she isn't allowed to attend work retreats because of what happens there). I went on vacation one week before her work retreat, even got a hotel close to the one she would be staying at two days before she arrived. They arrived super late and we agreed to link at my hotel the next day. Most of the day would be spent in a conference, teambuilding, then awards during dinner after which she would get an uber to my hotel. Surprisingly, her department got awarded and things were running later than we had expected.

This is where things got interesting; She calls me at around 11pm asking me if we can hangout the next day because 'she's enjoying her moment'. At this point I just can't believe what I'm hearing. She says she's getting recognition and introductions from her superiors and feels like this is good for her career. I can't even contain myself atp because to me it appears like just partying (she doesn't club). I decide to go there so she can tell me this to my face (beta move on my part). I bribe the security guards to let me in and we get a secluded place to talk. It's just back and forth for a couple of hours with her saying how I should be understanding and let her 'have her moment'. How she would be supportive if the roles were reversed blabla. How she has always done what I wanted and nothing for herself and there's going to be a lot of changes. She's even DTF right there but still wants to spend some time. I end up taking her back with me to the hotel and fucking for hours but there's some tension between us. She says she'll need some time to get over the fact that 'I stole that moment from her'. We spend some of the day together then the next morning they travel back home. The problem is I can't get over this situation. I think it has created some resentment in me and while I know she is a good woman from a logical standpoint, I can't believe that my Ltr would blow me off so she can party with her work buddies. It is also important to note that she was ovulating atm. I think my ego is very much involved and I might hurt her in a big way in the future. She has been really nice lately and spending on me (she has always had fantasies about spoiling me back when she starts making money) but I just don't see her the same way.

I would appreciate insight on how to handle this. PS: I don't believe in the whole corporate bs for women and we are only doing this because I'm not where I want to be financially. We both agree when I'm ready she'll quit as soon as she gets pregnant and become a SAHM onwards. For context I'll be turning 29 and her 25.