I need the full texting guide. Primarily snapchat, insta. Dating apps are a lot more chill and straightforward, they're easier imo. Lots of guys here and on subreddit already posted something like this, but their methods are outdated.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Where can I find the guidelines?
I am never able to fully make her go on a rollercoaster of emotions over text. People say make assumptions and I do which is rare nowadays, but these chicks just respond like they don't give a fuck which I think they don't at all. They can never form a connection with me. I only pulled bcs of my looks.
I know we need to have the text to flow casually, but they are always bored and not interested enough. They can't even continue the conversation.
Some guy said on the sub that we should make assumptions on our lives like "I saw today a cat with glasses". Tbh this seems like a bullshit advice, first women are solipsistic and that's it, they don't give a fuck about your life.
I know texting is just for logistics, but with my poor game over text I can't even form a little bit of connection with her to ask her out without being needy or too early/unexpected. I can't ask someone to meetup out of blue.
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
Forget texting. There really is no such thing as 'texting game'.
Get out IRL, and make some friends, practicing chatting to strangers. That is where the action is. Trust me. The more you text, the drier the panties are getting.
You might be texting these women, and you know why they are not responding? Because they are getting railed by guys that don't do texting.
Stop giving your phone number out, stop asking for phone numbers and just start pulling IRL>
Masun 1mo ago
I've thought about that too. The problem is you can't just go to town start talking to random people and make new friends just like that.
Lone_Ranger 2 4w ago
who said anything about making new friends? I mean you should try and slap the autism out of yourself by going out there and talking to strangers IRL. You don't need the to be friends.
Let me ask you - whey you go to a cafe, do you talk to the people around you? do you chat to the old man in the line behind you? do you make jokes with the young guy behind the corner? do you? I bet you don't. i bet you have your airpods in and you say 2 words.
You know how I know ? Because the guys that have social skills have zero issue meeting women. I know what you are thinking - talking to the old man behind you in a line is not the way to pick up women.... and you are so wrong.
Women HATE men that approach them and have no social skills. They love confident men that can talk to anyone with zero fucks given about the outcomes. they love men with options, men that they know could pick up any girl in any situation.
if you can't even talk to an old man on the train, you are not that guy. work on it.
Masun 4w ago
Good advice actually. I practise talking with 2-3 of my female colleagues from work since I can't seduce them I try to develop my skills and maybe learn something from them + expanding social circle of girls. Also I think I may be too nice sometimes and I need to fix that, need to be more cocky & funny.
Lone_Ranger 2 4w ago
not sure if you have understood - when did I say that you need to speak to women?
The spergs on this forum that are having issues getting laid need to start at the ground floor - I said start chatting to guys...guys. start chatting to men, old men, young men, that you don't know. start chatting to strangers, where there is no outcome, no goal, no objective.
It shocks me how many young men are on this forum, that can't or won't have a conversation with a man they don't know. young spergs that couldn't carry a conversation in a bucket, and they want to know the secret to 'game'?
if you cant have a convo with an old man on the train, with a young dude serving you coffee, then forget all about game. you are not ready.
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
There's no texting guide because every conversation is different.
All you do is have normal conversations, flirt a bit then set up a date. If you can't think on your feet and can't have a normal conversation in the first place, you're not ready to date women. It's just that simple.
Masun 1mo ago
Normal convos don't lead anywhere, they're all just bored for some reason. Everyone says women like texting and I get lame ass responses every time. Even if I wanted to connect I coudln't.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Because they aren't interested in you and what the fuck are you doing having normal conversations over text. If they aren't making plans with you they aren't going to be interested in text anyway
Jesus dude you are like permanently trapped in a state of being noob
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
If they are bored it means your conversation skills really suck. Work on being interesting. If you're not excited about anything people won't like you and you really need to reevaluate your life. Make more choices that are fun.
Overkill_Engine 2 1mo ago
Because you and the dozens of other cocks on offer to her every day are doing the same boring shit to trying to text your way into panties.
That makes you fungible. Replaceable. Boring.
High value men don't text constantly, they're too busy using their cock to rearrange guts. Thus why they only use texting for logistics - getting the P and the V to the same location for smash.
Note for the spergs - knowing how to do this while allowing the woman to maintain her delusion of plausible deniability is key, which is why you have to have an interesting life filled with fun but ultimately inconsequential activities that are easily interrupted by you plungering her holes with your cock should the mood strike the two of you. This is part of why musicians and artists get laid so easy despite often not being sw0l3 and possibly also even being awkward fuckers in general.
TLDR; have a "platonic" hobby/excuse for getting her in the same private location as you.
YOU know you're just inviting her over to smash.
SHE knows you are inviting her over just to smash.
BUT she gets a ready made excuse for why she went there that is not smash so she doesn't look like an easy hoe. Yes, you both know she's a hoe. So do the last 30 guys that smashed. But she doesn't want to have to openly admit it!
IF she does not accept said invite, activity on offer was either too boring, too obvious, or she simply didn't want you to begin with. Move on to a new woman if so, do not let your self spiral into analysis paralysis trying to solve a specific pussy puzzle, it's a waste of time and energy.
They do, but not for the same reason you want them to. They get easy validation/attention, and they don't have to put in any effort to filter the guys that got nothing going on outside of text game since that's all those guys offer.
Clue by four time: the key to success at text game is to have good fun stuff going on outside of text game. Or akin to how @Vermillion-Rx noted, being hotter than Henry Cavill - then you can get away with "hay bby want sum fuck". Everyone else is going to have to put in more effort that that though.
And there was never any question of that. The only real question is if the particular hole you are trying to stick your pee pee into is even worth that effort.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Please make this a post on TheRedPill Forum (you don't have to acknowledge my quote but you can).
This needs to be a post for the text-hungry spergs and is sufficient with little to no editing. Really doesn't need to be edited even. Something with "text game" or "text guide" in the title so when spergs search it they see it
No obligations but this is an essential post right here
Overkill_Engine 2 1mo ago
It be done
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Much appreciated
MrSupreme 1mo ago
I dont thing there is a guide, but the Jumbotron rule is helpful.Dont write stuff you wish you could delete.
Masun 1mo ago
ofc, we always need to lead them to our frame.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
This is sheer cope. Learn social skills and how to read a room. If you can't text properly it's because you are not good at conversation. You should text for logistics anyway this is sheer cope
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
I just keep it short and to the point:
Her: "Hi."
Me: I want to fuck you in the ass.
Her: "WHAT?"
Me: Now take off your panties and come over.
Her: ....
Her: (a few days later, after letting the hamster wheel run full throttle) "When do you want me to be there?"
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
This is gauranteed to not work unless she's the town bike you are Henry Cavill
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
Just burst my bubble why don't ya? Made me look in the mirror just in case. Nope, I'm not Henry Cavill. I'm heading for the gym.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
I'm not sure where you are finding women that works on but these noobs who can't socialize have a .001% of that working
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
It's a bit of an exaggeration, for post brevity. Usually it works, sometimes it doesn't. It can take a few days for the woman's hamster to spin to full throttle before they decide to meet up. This strategy isn't for finding someone to settle down with. This is straight up booty call.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Might want to specify their hamster might take a few days spergs are going to think it's instant and flip out and rush to AskTRP with another question
No-Stress-Cat 1mo ago
Good point. Edited.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Thank you
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1mo ago
Get on the Red Archive.
Open the Heartiste/Roissy section under blogs.
Search the following terms:
Golden Ratio
Jumbotron rule
As a guy who has used texting game, it really only works if you've already fucked her and she's invested in you.
The general consensus among most Red Pill dudes (married and otherwise), is it's for logistics only. For most dudes, that's a good rule of thumb.
You aren't going to "build a connection" over text unless it's in the FriendZone.
If it's a chick you haven't fucked yet, verbally escalate like you would in person. Get her to meet up as fast as possible.
If she declines, forget her and move on.
You're likely better off not even bothering with this stuff, based on what I've read from you so far. But go ahead and try shit. See what works for you.
There is no magical combination of words that will make every woman want to fuck you, except maybe this one. You have to be generally charming, generally fun, generally intriguing.
redhawkes 2 1mo ago
Lmao fag, just tell him the pussy password already
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 1mo ago
I take it you didn't follow my link? It's all there!
Masun 4w ago
I found the links, ty
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Here is your texting guide: