How? How do you guys approach women with any kind of non-platonic intent? How do you EVER get any woman interested for ANY length of time? I physically cannot bring myself to interact with any woman. I'm 35 and have never even flirted with a woman. I don't even know what that looks like. I just want ONE woman out of multiple BILLIONS of women to be interested in me, if only for a short time, but I have no idea how to initiate even the most remote possibility of that happening. I think I'm approaching clinical levels of insanity. Sometimes I feel like the only person on Earth who has a sex drive, and the only person on Earth who can't get laid. I don't know what to do. I'm in agony all the time. Theory doesn't help. I have nothing. I'm at absolute zero.
How in the living fuck do you be a man?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago Stickied
Did you even READ THE SIDEBAR or rational male yet dude
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 2d ago
I was the same in like middle school man. The saying “fake it till you make it” comes to mind. I didn’t start out being ultra confident with girls. This was something that was built over time after many many more failures than successes.
You also need a bit of a sales mindset; you can’t get discouraged and give up just bc 1 girl rejects you. There’s 3.5b+ other women on the planet - it is statistically impossible to assume that none of them would be interested.
mattyanon Admin 6d ago
Yeah, this is the brainwashing at work sadly. "I just need ONE woman"..... this is to make you a good loyal provider and to meet THE ONE.
This is a dream, an illusion, it is not reality and it is not how the world works.
It's fairly common for men - but noone talks about it.
It's not just you.
Ok..... for starters: what shape are you in physically? And where are you at in life? (career, house, car?)
Kreaton01 1w ago
Is there a reason you find it difficult to the point you simply can't do it? What goes through your head when you imagine, or attempt to flirt with a woman?
Lone_Ranger 2 1w ago
where to start with all of this?
It sounds like you are at rock bottom. You need to forget about women for now.
You need to build a life. That means
Forget all about women. Women come and go. what women don't want is some desperate man that can't even look after himself. learn to look after yourself, build your life.
it's going to take time and effort and getting off your ass. do you run? I would start by doing the following
just do those fucking things, and I guarantee you there will be women available.
derdeutscher 1w ago
Just try and talk to them. If you can not interact with women, no advice will help you. If you have anxiety try reducing caffeine or take meds.
But if you cant bring yourself to talk to them, all advice is useless.
First-light 1w ago
This is totally fixable but from your starting position, this won't just fix in a stage or two. You need to undo years of unconscious inhibition. When we see hot women we all instinctively want to play up to them, take them home and bang them, men learn to inhibit their natural behaviours long long before puberty. You will by now be so used to doing this that it will seem a struggle to exhibit natural interested behaviour around women. If you attempt to act interested, it will at first feel false, almost dishonest and be gauche. You need first to be a guy who is at ease being a guy who women will be attracted to.
Telling a man in your position to "just try, just let go and try" is the right answer but you need some practical structure to your trying.
Do all that and then you are about ready to start flirting with women with intent and it will go quite well. Do that and you will have conditioned yourself to take the training required to stay the course and finish well. Try to go straight to the training to flirt with women and win them and it will be like training for an ultra marathon off the couch -a very bad idea, which may well result in getting hurt and disheartened and at the very best will result in finishing weak and unsure if you ever want to do it again.
Do believe in yourself. As you say there are billions of women out there, you are worthy of one of them, if you put the work in. Good luck.
Musicgoon78 2 1w ago
You fucking try. Fuck the consequences, fuck what people think, fuck rejection. You just keep pushing until you get what you want. That's it.
Read the sidebar. Push your boundaries. Don't worry. Have fun. Kick ass.
Durek_The_Bald 1w ago
It starts with everything but women. Women are just a by-product of the sort of life that you live, and the situations you put yourself in. Most guys, even on here, aren't "cold approaching" random women on the streets, or in the gym. And if they do, they get shot down more often than not. Just so you know what you're comparing yourself to.
Do you lift? Are you fit? Or are you skinny? Fat?
Are you economically self-sufficient? Do you have a job? Do you have your own place to live?
Are you hanging out with other guys? Do you have a "tribe" of some sort?
Do you put yourself in situations that are more "approach friendly"? Do you go out? Do you party? Take dance classes?
Are you good at anything that could possibly provide you with a bit of contextual status? Music? Sports? Even something nerdier than that? Are there women there?
How about you give us a run-down of how a normal week looks like to you. What do you do?
Clearly, you're an anxious dude. And unfortunately for you, anxiety is one of the least attractive traits a man can have. Brutal, but it is what it is. Confidence, on the other hand, comes from having real stuff to be confident about. Hence the meme: "Do you even lift, bro?"
So, forget women for now. What does your life otherwise look like?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Are you able to convert this to a TheRedPill post with a bit more detail?
Durek_The_Bald 1w ago
I doubt I'll have the time or motivation to make a well thought-out, well worded post. I prefer to just shoot a quick comment here and there.
Besides, It would just be rehashing stuff that's already part of TRP and MRP canon. "Fix the man, not the marriage", "women are an addendum to your life, not the focus of it", PUA Vs. TRP etc.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
No problem, it's a good comment either way
Durek_The_Bald 1w ago
joyboy 1w ago
It’s not like lifting automatically makes you confident though. You can get fit and strong and still be anxious
SpiritualEnema 1w ago
Sure, like most other aspects of TRP they aren’t a cure, but a strong suggestion.
Many of the men that have lifted weights and developed a strong healthy physique have learned self-discipline by working through the mind’s objections and need for constant security. In this way physical toughness comes oftentimes by way of increasing mental toughness. You learn to control and overcome the negative, self defeating thoughts that loop in your mind.
You could get similar mental benefits by doing anything that is tough on a consistent regiment, long term. It’s just a nice synergy that women tend to find this type of physique attractive.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Dude, it doesn't automatically make you Chad but people treat you like it. Yes lift it matters
Durek_The_Bald 1w ago
True. But nobody's saying "automatic", and nobody's saying lifting alone is enough to overcome severe anxiety.