I've been with my gf (31F) for a few months, and though we have had some rough patches we are pretty stable now. (See previous post here: https://www.trp.red/feed/status/217343)

The only thing that's bothering me is my rampant oneitis, and the fact that I clearly love her more than she loves me. It's screwing me up on the inside, causing me to be jealous about all sorts of shit, worrying about her past, etc. It's a mess. I know me and her are probably not going to stay together forever, and I'll admit I probably should've kept her as a plate in the beginning, but it's too late for that now.

Being in this relationship has actually made my life worse, but I would like to get back to feeling like normal, but without ending it. In other words, I'm looking to cure my oneitis.

I've been searching through a lot of TRP materials on how to do this, and can't find any solid advice of how to get rid of oneitis, except for "have abundance bro." That's all fine and well, but that sounds more like a state of mind than any advice. When you're "in love" or whatever, I've noticed that the more you resist, the worse it gets.

Would you guys simply classify her as a side chick silently and spin more plates? I don't really know what to do here.

I honestly do believe I could find another girl, and a hotter one, if we broke up. But this doesn't even matter to me right now because I just like her. IDK.

Thanks for any advice.