I've been with my gf (31F) for a few months, and though we have had some rough patches we are pretty stable now. (See previous post here: https://www.trp.red/feed/status/217343)
The only thing that's bothering me is my rampant oneitis, and the fact that I clearly love her more than she loves me. It's screwing me up on the inside, causing me to be jealous about all sorts of shit, worrying about her past, etc. It's a mess. I know me and her are probably not going to stay together forever, and I'll admit I probably should've kept her as a plate in the beginning, but it's too late for that now.
Being in this relationship has actually made my life worse, but I would like to get back to feeling like normal, but without ending it. In other words, I'm looking to cure my oneitis.
I've been searching through a lot of TRP materials on how to do this, and can't find any solid advice of how to get rid of oneitis, except for "have abundance bro." That's all fine and well, but that sounds more like a state of mind than any advice. When you're "in love" or whatever, I've noticed that the more you resist, the worse it gets.
Would you guys simply classify her as a side chick silently and spin more plates? I don't really know what to do here.
I honestly do believe I could find another girl, and a hotter one, if we broke up. But this doesn't even matter to me right now because I just like her. IDK.
Thanks for any advice.
First-light 1w ago
Very honest post. Most of us when we had this sort of problem just kept quiet.
I think you are right oneitis is at the bottom of it. We get jealous over things we value and fear losing, add in falling in love and sexual attraction and its tough.
Anything you can do to show yourself that she is replaceable will help. See it for what it is. You are in love, it distorts reality a bit. you are only feeling what you are supposed to feel when in love but its messing you about a bit and you can see its harming you and probably your relationship. You don't have to bang other women but knowing they like you and would bang you helps. However you can be banging lots of women and still be jealous, so her replaceability is not the perfect cure.
Remember you will be normal again. This sort of thing rarely lasts too long, so step back mentally when you feel it coming on. Remember you are nto feeling rational, act adjusting for this.
az01209 1w ago
Thanks for this, it was really helpful.
It's super hard to control your mind. It's easy to LARP as an alpha stud, but it's so fake that in general everyone (including yourself) sees through it. Sometimes you just have to be real.
You're right, it will be normal again.
Lone_Ranger 2 1w ago
Why do you think that you love her more than she loves you?
How does she treat you?
You say that you are feeling jealous and insecure. That is one thing...but here is the more important thing - why do you feel this way? did she take steps, say things, to make you feel this way? you say you are worrying about her past, why do you even know about her past? did she start telling you about her past, about previous guys?
if she took steps, said things, to make you feel jealous and insecure, then I would personally end it. Because a woman that does that will never stop. she will simply keep going, attacking you in subtle and varied ways.
the reason why she will never stop? because she can see that making you insecure hurts your feelings, and she gets confidence from hurting you. a woman that gets a twisted feeling of pleasure from inflicting emotional pain on her man will never stop. a woman like that gets more and more pleasure and confidence from slowly destroying a man.
az01209 1w ago
She told me as much the other night. She def didn't mean it in a bad way though, she just agreed with me.
Nah, it's me that's been asking and brining all this shit up TBH.
She's not evil like that, but that's good advice.
Lone_Ranger 2 1w ago
what did she tell you the other night? can you be a bit clearer?
deeplydisturbed 1w ago
I have written about this extensively before. Here are a few thoughts:
You are likely to get advice from around here that sounds something like this "Bro, MAN UP! Don't be a loser simp. Fuck bitches, get money, go to the gym" etc.." This is the advice of knuckleheads. Take it in though, it has its purpose. just don't prioritize this drivel.
What you are feeling is based in biology. It is generally called "pair bonding" and it is no fucking joke. You said "love" but there is nothing special about how you feel. Do not add extra meaning that does not exist. You'll see this in the long run whether you want to or not.
Attack the roots of your feelings. What you have is an addiction to dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and other hormones. Treat it as such. This is more in your body and less in your head than you realize. But you still have to start with your head - just like with any other addiction.
What is the difference between love and an addiction. In the short term, both make you feel good, both have a powerful effect on our sense of self and overall psychological and emotional well being. Long run, love mellows and builds to something that makes everyone better off. Long run, addictions intensify and seriously damage us. Now its up to you to determine whether this is love or an addiction. (PS - it's an addiction either way, in the short run)
You'll have to find a way to stop triggering these feellings. If you keep your same routine, you will keep thinking about her.
The simple answer is to break up with her and go no-contact. I STILL struggle with this and I am old as fuck. When you have as much to lose as I do, AND you've experienced the capricious dangerous nature of female emotion, you learn to keep your need for intimacy in check.
The consequences for me are too much to bear.
So I keep my life simple as best I can.
Food for thought.
az01209 1w ago
This was very helpful. A lot of food for thought. Thanks.
S7agrid 1w ago
Made me tthink
I assume you are what TStone has d3scribed as an hi T alpha that also get flooded with loads of the other bonding chemicals and you get proper bonded, like fucking crazy bonded, which is super shit to reverse.
SpiritualEnema 1w ago
Women are supposed to be a SECONDARY aspect of your life. That’s your cure to one-itis. You need to have so many goals and so much going on in your life that you don’t have the time, or energy, or even desire to pedestalize this woman.
Women absolutely HATE when men make them the center of their lives. They want to compete with our hobbies, etc, for attention; regardless of whatever drivel comes from their mouths. Also, be friendly when you let them know you can’t meet up with them because you have prior plans/commitments. You want to be an upbeat/positive person that others want to be around. Don’t throw things in her face. That reeks of desperation.
Don’t waver from your purpose. She will test you multiple times to see if she can move your from your purpose. She will grow in attraction to you when she realizes that she isn’t the priority anymore. Be kind, but be firm. Don’t give her long drawn out explanations. Let her do most of the talking. Whoever posted that 2/3’s rule is a genius.
Develop an awesome life with goals you chase after relentlessly, and watch the power dynamic shift. Don’t ever let her dictate the narrative. Also, you don’t need to cheat. If you’ve given her explicit commitment then you need to have some integrity man!
az01209 1w ago
This is a great point. My purpose has been totally degraded with all this.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Can you please make this a post in TheRedPill Forum
Optional but you can elaborate
Musicgoon78 2 1w ago
What do mean by making you life worse?
az01209 1w ago
I get jealous as hell in relationships, can't stop thinking about her past, shit like that. My internal life has gone kaput.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
End it
Work on yourself you shouldn't be in a relationship with any woman
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Bro THIS is you
Why the fuck are you dating (and committing for fs) a woman who you already broke up with once , told wasn't wife material and who clearly doesn't seem to be that into you
Especially being red pilled. Why would you be ina relationship where you like the woman more than you. That's blue pilled as fuck. You're acting like a clown. Have some self respect and end it before you end up living together again
You're in too deep. There is no fixing your oneitis here, and I'm not helping you with any more questions on here till you dump her. And I would encourage everyone else reading this reply to do the same
az01209 1w ago
Sometimes things move you in ways you cannot control. As logical as it is to break up and runaway, it's nearly impossible. I think there's gotta be a better way than that, but I appreciate your input.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
Because you're acting like a loser with scarcity mindset
az01209 1w ago
fuck you faggot. how about that?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1w ago
And here's your asktrp ban fag keep it up
throwaway415 1w ago
Afaic every girl is a side chick until she's not
az01209 1w ago
You mean you cheat on every girl you're with?
throwaway415 4d ago
I mean if you want to call it cheating. I don't really view it that way since I'm not committing to any of them, never tell them I love them or that I'm their bf etc