Been with gf for a bit over 2 years and was dating 1.5 years. She agreed to me hooking up with other chicks as long as some boundaries were in place but we still argued about it at times, only cause she always wanted to know; which I told her (maybe this was dumb). But I always wanted to be honest and never lie to her and I see many guys lie and still get to keep their women. I wanted to at least be upfront in the beginning.

So she respected the honesty for 2 years. Fast forward to now, we’ve had some other relationship issues due to me not compromising on a few things which looking back, I guess I could have. This led to her finally walking away but now she’s saying no more OLTR if she’s to stay.

Maybe I have oneitus but she is a really good woman, cooks, cleans, submissive, “conservative” on the outside, etc I’m surprised I was able to have it this long. But either someone was in her ear or she was reading something. But she left and basically said she can’t do the OLTR anymore. She never wanted to be with other men as well to my knowledge.

Tbh, I do miss her and thinking is sex with whores even worth it? Some friends said just cheat if you have to a few times a year. But I pride myself on always being honest.

Would it be a bad idea to at least try full monogamy to keep her? To me, she’s a 8.5 and fit and I genuinely like being around her. Plus we had a 3sum before and now she’s saying she wants nothing to do with that lifestyle. Looking for some honest advice as she has many people in her ear. Plus she’s in the epiphany phase just turned 28 and feeling the heat of kids/marriage which I promised this year. She claims I’m the most perfect guy besides the monogamy stuff.

To me, if she’s rushing, you’ll have to take some time to get to know a guy anyway. Unless he’s going to marry her super quick and knock her up.