Been with gf for a bit over 2 years and was dating 1.5 years. She agreed to me hooking up with other chicks as long as some boundaries were in place but we still argued about it at times, only cause she always wanted to know; which I told her (maybe this was dumb). But I always wanted to be honest and never lie to her and I see many guys lie and still get to keep their women. I wanted to at least be upfront in the beginning.
So she respected the honesty for 2 years. Fast forward to now, we’ve had some other relationship issues due to me not compromising on a few things which looking back, I guess I could have. This led to her finally walking away but now she’s saying no more OLTR if she’s to stay.
Maybe I have oneitus but she is a really good woman, cooks, cleans, submissive, “conservative” on the outside, etc I’m surprised I was able to have it this long. But either someone was in her ear or she was reading something. But she left and basically said she can’t do the OLTR anymore. She never wanted to be with other men as well to my knowledge.
Tbh, I do miss her and thinking is sex with whores even worth it? Some friends said just cheat if you have to a few times a year. But I pride myself on always being honest.
Would it be a bad idea to at least try full monogamy to keep her? To me, she’s a 8.5 and fit and I genuinely like being around her. Plus we had a 3sum before and now she’s saying she wants nothing to do with that lifestyle. Looking for some honest advice as she has many people in her ear. Plus she’s in the epiphany phase just turned 28 and feeling the heat of kids/marriage which I promised this year. She claims I’m the most perfect guy besides the monogamy stuff.
To me, if she’s rushing, you’ll have to take some time to get to know a guy anyway. Unless he’s going to marry her super quick and knock her up.
mattyanon Admin 5d ago
Ok, she's changed her mind.
Only you can decide.
urgh ok.
Fast track to the beta life, you know that right?
Nich2022 5d ago
Man, that’s my biggest concern. I think you had a wife and some side hoes if I’m not mistaken a while back. How did you do it? This chick accepted me at first then after a few arguments pulled all the way back and demanded she would only stay if we stopped this lifestyle.
mattyanon Admin 2d ago
Nope, never been married.
Bait and switch.
It's a classic female move....... enjoy the hot sex, then later demand commitment. Sometimes it's the deliberate plan, other times it operates at the level of feelings. Either way, it's still a bait and switch.
Acting beta can trigger this switch, but it's basically inevitable, especially with women around this age.
Musicgoon78 2 6d ago
Question: is it one sided? A one sided open relationship is guaranteed to go to shit.
From a shit ton of experience I can say that almost every woman can only handle an open relationship if they are getting a lot of attention and their guy isn't getting shit.
I can't speak for you, but for me I got a taste of non monogamy and I can't go back to monogamy. I've found a lot of women that embrace it. You can always try monogamy. I will say that this the girl you are with is controlling the frame if you agree. It's the start of you losing control.
That being said, you could always try out monogamy and bail if it sucks. Just don't marry this woman and try not to cohabitate.
Nich2022 6d ago
Thanks for the input. Yes it was one sided only because she said she did not want to be with other guys and feels it’s wrong.
Yeah same with the non monogamy - my conundrum is that she’s a good girl and I ask myself are these side hoes worth losing a good woman. And yes, she wants to marry and we talked about getting engaged this year. She has intense baby fever and tbh I don’t mind having a baby now either, I’m 33. I’ve never actually committed to monogamy, I always cheated or told them it’s open.
Nich2022 6d ago
Also if I’m trying to have kids, i can’t have the woman out here fucking everyone, so I do prefer it one sided but I know I can’t control what anyone does.
Musicgoon78 2 6d ago
You can have one or the other. I'm going to be honest. In my opinion, having kids with this woman would be a mistake. Marriage would be a monumental mistake! You're going to do what you're going to do. This usually means ignoring the older guys warnings.
Since you've had a threesome and you've fucked other women that she knows about, this LTR is screwed. She's going to control the frame if you commit and she will bring up you fucking other chicks whenever you have problems. She won't forget and will want you to pay for that. This is just how women work. If you have a child with her, prepare to lose access. You have a penis so you have no parental rights. That just is how it works. Some piece of shit judge will likely tell you that you can't be a parent and give custody to your woman. It's not worth it unless your woman accepts you as-is.
Nich2022 6d ago
She doesn’t believe in divorce and is terrified of being a single mother. But you’re right, we already experienced that wild sex relationship. And she once was ok with it. She has every right to stop accepting it but damn, she is a good girl besides that.
Musicgoon78 2 6d ago
Tread carefully. There are millions of worthy women out there that are willing to compromise even more than this one. Oneitis is a bitch and it's easy to fall for a pretty face. Custody court is very very very difficult. Most guys opt out of life after that. I can see why. You can't get a prenup on kids bro.
Nich2022 5d ago
Fair. Most of the women in ENM are ugly and weird at least in my experience. And most of the women I like want monogamy. How did you manage to still get a girl you really liked while still getting some ass on the side, honestly?
Musicgoon78 2 5d ago
Here's the deal, I don't want to sell you a bunch of bullshit about my life. I was married wants to a horrible BPD woman. She baby trapped me. The good things that came out of that where a beautiful daughter and a lot more strength in my convictions and boundaries.
Once I left her I had a new view about marriage and I was jaded about family Court. Marriage is a shit deal and I can't understand why anyone would get married in this day and age. I have yet to receive a a great or even remotely sensible answer. It's all based in pleasing the public and not yourself.
After my divorce I was very open about who I was and what I wanted. It took a long time to find someone compatible with my deviancy. Once that was established it was a bit easier to have crazy exploits. There is a bit of maintenance involved in trying to keep this up and running but it's worth it.
Nich2022 1d ago
So how’s everything now? New gf? Only committed to her? Getting married again?
Musicgoon78 2 1d ago
I would have to be an absolute moron to even consider getting married again! It's definitely a terrible idea and a negligent behavior for any man to do. If you do it once, you'll realize what a big mistake it is and how miserable married people truly are. It's very rare to see a happy married couple.
Everything now is pretty good. I have a LTR. + We have a non-monogamous lifestyle. There's commitment but it's mixed with a lot of freedom and a lot of adventure.
Nich2022 1d ago
That’s awesome! How do you stomach the fact she may be with other men? That’s my problem. But I understand under the OLTR model you have to be ok with that possibility
First-light 6d ago
Do you want children? Do you want children with her? This is the big question.
If so, its going to be a big change, bigger than stopping putting your dick in sluts. Its reasonable for her to want ground rules that she is comfortable with going into motherhood. If I were you contemplating the situation, I would secure some concession in return that will make family life easier for you -no to getting up to children at night when you are going to work the next day for example. This will very likely give you greater comfort than banging sluts anyway.
Family life will be a big journey. A few years down the line you won't be the same two people you were when you started. Her brain will have changed permanently and she will be less smart and more self interested. At this point any promise you once made will look like a tarnished childhood souvenir anyway -unless you have constantly succeeded in renewing the relationship.
Whatever you do, please don't marry. Your future self will thank you for this.
Nich2022 6d ago
Yes I eventually want children and she would be a great mother. Doesn’t party, does have hoe friends, etc and she said she wouldn’t expect me to be doing house work, as long as I’m providing as she wants to be a SAHM for at least the first 5 years.
It’s sucks how she said she was ok with this then now she’s not and requiring monogamy.
First-light 6d ago
Its probably as well it comes out now not later. I think there are few women who would be OK with it really and you probably don't want to have children with them. Having two wives who are at least in theory part of the same team is one thing but running off to bang skanks is not really building anything a woman can see value in. Its a waste of resources. I would not mind daughters of mine getting with a polygamist but a guy who thinks its normal to go off chasing hoes is less of a catch. You never know what he might bring home with him and you never know when he may be off ignoring her.
When she is at home raising the children, she will become very dependent on you and rather hate the truth of that. At that point, you really don't want to be in your face running off the have fun with sluts. If you feel you need to do this, then for her sake do it quietly and don't get caught.
You can only be a good boy scout and be fulfilled in life if you are a very compliant submissive type (submit to society, religion, cultural rules and laws happily). Otherwise you will find situations when to do the best for everyone involved you have to either suffer or lie to people to protect them from the things you do that they would not like. Women want a lot. Unless it fulfils you to live only for her, you will have to sometimes do what you want. The hamster wheel can overheat very easily on some things. Don't put them into the hamster wheel, keep them to yourself if you need to do them.
Do you want your kids growing up knowing daddy bangs sluts on the side and it makes mummy cry? Maybe when you have an adult son, you might share some things with him but your daughters? Sone can also be very protective of their mothers and tend to take the mother's side automatically until they have walked a mile in the father's shoes.
Its better it comes out. I would agree but get some concession you really want in return.
Prenup ain't worth much. It's a lot cheaper and safer to just not sign the marriage contract. I have signed a marriage contract and paid the price, I have married outside the law but within the rules of two cultures to make women feel married and I have just refused to do a dam thing. The only way legal marriage made me feel different was it made me afraid and trapped, then hurt and bitter. Not marrying at all gets my ear bent weekly but its worth it.
Nich2022 5d ago
Very great insights man. I struggled with being so honest or just sneaking here and there. I trusted her when she said she’s cool with it given boundaries. But I must respect her right to not like it. She’s a great woman besides that and we get along well besides the occasional arguments. I also don’t want to be this good, compliant boy who has to succumb to everything she says. Thinking of some concession she can give me, if she’s still interested.
Truth is, I fucked up. I lead wrong and could have did things much differently looking back.
coolsocks00 1 6d ago
Give it a shot but the marriage part is a shit deal you should drop.
Nich2022 6d ago
She’d be a great mother, and companion. Plus she is helping with my purpose. And I’d get a prenup.
Lone_Ranger 2 6d ago
View from an older guy:
Do you or do you not want to have children?
if you don't want children stop looking for an LTR (just wrap it up and bang sluts). It's very simple really. For companionship and the battle against loneliness? friends are the answer. other men can provide this better than any woman. Bored and depressed? find your purpose. A woman that is not the mother of your children will not only not give you purpose, she will stop you from ever achieving your purpose.
if you DO want children you need to find a woman that is going to be a good mother. Is this woman that you are currently with / not she going to the best mother than you can find for your future children? If so, then go ahead and make plans with her. If not - then you need to ditch as fast as you can and go and find a woman that is going to fulfill the role of being the best mother to your future children.
Will this woman make a good mother? Is she the best mother for your future children? Yes? Then do what is required. No? ditch and move on.
It really is that simple. Forget all about the 8.5, the score, the hot body, the blow jobs the nonsense. You say she 'cooks, cleans' ..... dude, there is zero value in that.
I can pay a cleaner £40 per week, and she makes my house like new every friday. Cooking I can do better than any woman I have ever met. Cleaning is cheap. companionship and fun is provided by my friends and colleagues.
the problem with women is that they dont seem to realise that what they are offering is not worth very much. I can always find a wet hole, always find a cleaner, a cook and some companionship.
The one thing I cannot do is grow children in my belly. I need a woman for that. and I need a good one to raise the children.
If a woman is not going to be any good at her job (motherhood) DO NOT HIRE HER.
Nich2022 6d ago
Good insights, yes I eventually want kids and yes she will be a great mother it seems. She’s very nurturing and loving.
I feel I did take her for granted a bit but nothing I did was that bad. She agreed to non monogamy from the beginning and now all of a sudden after we had some intense arguments is saying she can’t do the non monogamy anymore.
She’s at that age where she’s feeling the heat of all friends getting married/having kids and feeling left out. I promised I’d propose this year as I actually liked and enjoyed her. The 8.5 was just an extra.
Lone_Ranger 2 4d ago
It's actually a good sign that she wants monogamy from you. I would be quite concerned if a woman did not want that from me.
How old are you / her? This is important.
'I promised to propose'
I think you made a mistake there buddy. Either propose, or do not propose. Do not promise to propose. Think about it.
The only reason to marry a woman is if you are convinced that she will do the best job of being a mother to your children out of all the women that you think are / or could be available to you. That is the only reason to take the very very risky step of marring a woman.
'Feeling left out' because her friends are getting married is not a legitimate reason for wanting to get married, and you should call her out on that bs.
'Liking and enjoying' a woman is not enough to get married. You can 'like and enjoy' any plate.
Are you sure you have your thinking straight? Are you positive that this woman is going to be your best shot at having a successful family life? Again, at the risk of being repetative, the only reason to get married is to form a successful family with children, there is no other good reason to take this huge risk to your personal well being.
Nich2022 4d ago
33 (me) and 28. I’m just not hitting my stride with business as well. Yes, she would be a great mother. She wants that badly now. Promise to propose meaning we set the time frame for me to do it.
It’s crazy because now that’s she’s gone, i don’t really care to fuck sluts. But when I was with her, that’s all I wanted to do.
But yes, I agree. Marriage is only for family.
Lone_Ranger 2 2d ago
well, its a good sign that you don't want to 'fuck sluts'. Now is a good time to re-evaluate yourself, your priorities, your purpose / mission etc.
take a break from sleeping around. develop some self respect and discipline. work on your career. get your life in order.
take it from an older guy - sleeping around is dumb. you only expose yourself to unsuitable women. there is an old phrase 'if you lay down with the dogs, you are going to get fleas'
Nich2022 1d ago
I agree, thanks for the advice. I might just need to start over with someone new, monogamously.
Lone_Ranger 2 1d ago
sounds like you degraded her (and your relationship and your shared intimacy) by forcing her into threesomes and porn.
She did if for you, not for her. Problem is, you degraded her and now you feel disgusted by her - she has given you the ick.
most of us will go through this exact mistake - we 'test' our partners by degrading them, to see how far they will go 'for us'. she lost her self respect (by doing a threesome for you) and now you don;t respect her ,because she has no self respect.
It is possible that this LTR can be saved. You should sit down with her, and explain what has happened. tell her that you lost respect for her, because she did all those things - apologise to her.
there is hope. its not always the right thing to do to say 'start again with someone new'.
Do you think she loves you under all of this? do you love her? could you both get back to a place of respect for each other?
Nich2022 1d ago
Maybe but it sucks because I bit the hypothetical apple with her. I do love her and she’s great but it was freakin fun having a main chick and having side chicks once in a blue moon.
But you’re right, she probably didn’t really want it and was only doing it for me. I do think she loves me because she’s still here saying she’ll do it only if I’m monogamous now. Which is fair. I never meant to “degrade” her, it was simply fun. And I like having great sex-capades with my woman.
Nich2022 1d ago
Oh and we started this way. We started under the understanding I’d always have FB’s. And she agreed. Now 3 years later she’s withdrawing that she’s ok with it.
bjorn 3d ago
The grass is always greener. Remember wenches all feel the same and mostly look the same. Wenching with sluts is easy, personally I came to TRP for learning how to manage LTRs.
bjorn 3d ago
Personally I have more regrets about good women that I have given up on or betrayed than I do about the opportunities that I have missed out on. My first GF was a sweet and good, innocent beautiful young swedish girl, we were each others first lovers and we could have been happy together if I hadn't been a young lustful idiot who abandoned her and broke her heart because I thought I wouldn't be cool if I slept with only one chick. Now I am a sailor who has drunkenly bedded wenches in every port and I want nothing more than a stable family. I don't even remember what half the women I've bedded look like. It's meaningless. I am in an LTR with a quality woman now too but I drunkenly cheated on her by mistake as well after I had to be away from her for 8 months.
RikiGoesToHollywood 6d ago
Ok, first thing I have noticed: she has put out many conditions instead of trying to mold you in a nice way. That is a loose loose. She choose a nuclear option that you cant agree to.
Conditions: kids, marriage, hard no to threesome, hard no to OLTR, any more? All the biggest concessions you can make as a man. Taking all power from you.
You notice she does a 540° turn, slapping you in a process.
If you agree to any of those now, more shit will follow and you will drown in it.
If you ever wanna tell her about fucking the chicks, do it only during the sex, intertwine the real stories with the stories that sound super unreal to give you and her a plausible deniability. When she asks aboutvitvafter the sex, call her silly.
Did she fuck someone and came back, using breakup as an excuse?
If she pulls this on you now and it would work.... haha be ready to be a chump... you will condition this dog that it was ok to do it.
I would double down.
Depending on circumstances. ....
You can say that you might think about it (importantly without promises) but she is acting out of character and you need to make sure all is ok (including her break up thingy). The way you will check her credibility is with her friends not with her words. Choose 2 of her friends and say they will need to come and suck your cock. This way you will know nothing shady is going on.
Always always say you believe her but you believe your instincts more and if her friends cant pay respect to your dick then something is wrong.
Present it your way.
Important part is the bitches she knows will know a lot about her. Your bitch (except for obvious reason ) might not want you to hook up with them because they might say too much behind her back. bitches do not trust each other. Especially if they would like to snach you.
That also takes on the other problems. Bitches have no societal control, by you being unpredictable this way, you sort of restore societal control, as long as she cares and you're not married. It establishes you're unpredictable and in control.
It might also teach your bitch look critically at her friend bitches... Would they grass me about that 'innocent' kiss, will they want to snach him if he asks to fuck them?
Yes it is hardcore.
Yes it is semi nuclear option. But play with it anyway, if your only option would be to finish it.
Nich2022 6d ago
Nah her friends are off limits and I wouldn’t do that. She already walked away and saying she would come back if I can just be in a regular LTR
RikiGoesToHollywood 6d ago
In the RP literature you will see this being called 'flipping a script'.
By all means this is hardcore move and only you can decide is it something you would do.
But at this point you are at the short end of her flipping the script.
She has put you in the position you can't accept anyway.
Whether you will fuck her friends or leave it hanging over hervhead would also be your choice.
Her breaking up with you raises so many questions that even taking her back without any conditions is somewhat controversial.
Putting conditions for you on top of that might be gaslighting, so you rather focus on the marriage and kids and OLTR concession rather than on 'did she cheat' part.
None of that has to be purposefully malicious but in essence it is.
Nich2022 1d ago
Yeah, she either wants monogamy now or we’re breaking up. (After she accepted it & had 3sums for in the past). Might just be best to start fresh with someone new and focus on myself for now.
preach 6d ago
"But I pride myself on always being honest."
"....which I promised this year."
Take a look at these quotes above and think on that for a bit because these are your own words.
A lot of sites that focus on RP stuff are mostly about getting laid and spinning plates. This doesn't always translate well into how to form a serious long term relationship with a woman nor how to maintain it. You have to dig deeper for that stuff. With that said i think you're definitely being aloof with this woman and I'll explain why. You describe her as:
You have stated that you want kids and a family. Yes it's true that men can keep having kids well into their 50s and older but having raised children myself, I can tell you it will not make it easier. Society in general is trying to tell both men and women to hold off having kids until you're much older. I say this from experience that because children require so much time, attention and energy, you WILL NOT bounce back as easily when you're middle age with infants/toddlers as you would if you were in your 20s-30s. Your woman is telling you she wants to be married and be monogamous because she need the reassurance of a stable, secure foundation at home first before bringing a new child into this world to raise in your home. This is not an unusual request at all. Your problem is you are so focused on maintaining your lifestyle of having a buffet of women available to you at all times. Spinning plates in other words. And where does this sort of advice come from?
If you're going to have kids and a family, then get your ass in gear with this woman and fucking do it. But if you aren't and want to continue spinning plates, then let her go freely because she also deserves to find happiness. The last thing I will say is its easy to find hoes to do any manner of sexual stuff you want, they will always be available. To find a woman who obviously loves you AND possesses all of the qualities I listed above? You will not find that again so easily. This isn't like going down to the corner store and picking out a new one.
Nich2022 6d ago
Great advice man. That advice from having a buffet comes from no where but my desire for variety sometimes.
My only issue is why did she agree to me having side chicks in the first place? It seems all the people I know who have the wife/family still cheat but at least they have that home foundation. I’m willing to live together and get married (with prenup) and she wants to be a SAHM for a while. I’ll be working extra hard and I always thought just some side ass here and there won’t hurt anything.
Did I talk too much? Or be too honest?
Spinning plates is getting old as I’m 33. And she’s 28. So I do want that long term companionship. Maybe I was too aloof.
Nich2022 6d ago
Oh and she’s no longer ok with me having side pieces.
preach 6d ago
It isn't for me to tell you what to do or if your choices in life are "moral". You will make that decision for yourself and so will she. Your woman is no longer ok with you having side pieces because as I mentioned previously, she needs some kind of reassurance that the stable home foundation is in place for having kids and raising a family. If she knows you have other women, then obviously you will have your attention at times diverted to them. She wants your primary focus to be at home.
Whether you choose to do that or not is up to you, I am just trying to explain her reasoning as to why. Now why did she have threesomes with you previously and was once ok with you having other women? Likely because she saw you as a higher value man compared to other men she's known or been with and was willing to put up with that in order to keep your attention. And now that she's wanting monogamy, this may seem like she's trying to control the situation and hence RP advice would be that you need to reassert control over her, or tell her to kick rocks if she doesn't like it. Basically the nuclear option. I am only trying to explain why a woman thinks this way and everything you've mentioned about what she's asking for is not unusual at all.
I was married and had children too, went the divorce route, still have my kids in life actively and am genuinely happy. Shortly before and after the divorce the number of women I had on rotation was getting crazy. Multiple women in a single day, guaranteed rotations every single week. After a while it honestly got tiresome, to the point where even getting just one single day to myself was a struggle and those rare days I could get I just wanted to rest. Women who really want you will turn into your own personal porn stars with the level of stuff they'll let you do to them. But the rotation is the rotation and as some left, other new ones took their place and that wheel kept on turning. Eventually I realized that none of the women would ever really be in my life in a serious long-term capacity. I began to think that I may not have actually been in control, my sex drive was controlling me. I wondered if I would be doing this exact same thing when I was 60 years old. Would I never find a woman whom I could introduce to my children as a future wife? My kids aren't stupid and I think eventually they'd have realized the type of player lifestyle road I was going down. What would they think of me when that day came? Would they go down that same road?
Just some of the stuff that made me realize I didn't want to do that forever.
Nich2022 6d ago
How did you fight that urge for variety during the marriage? That’s my biggest concern as I like sleeping with other women at times but I still wanted to be with my girl, as we were, before this pull back from her. I rarely did it as well.
She’s not forcing me to do it, just saying in order for her to continue, I’d need to stop. She has amazing qualities but something’s missing in the sex arena with her that I have to figure out - maybe this is why I wanted variety. Or maybe it’s just in our nature.
I do understand her concerns though, thanks for pointing that out. We got along very well besides when I talked to much about the women cause she would ask. I was being too aloof tbh and I took what I had for granted. I’m pretty much at that stage you were in before/after divorce. Sex alone is just old now and now I am wanting something more. But since we already did the 3sum and she already was cool with OLtR, it’s hard to act like none of that even happened.
Anyways, thanks for the advice man.
preach 6d ago
Maybe I can answer your question about variety in a sort of indirect manner.
I've got a fairly high body count. If I learn a woman has a fairly high one too, then I know she's recreational use only. No I don't go around asking women that question. If you're around women enough, having sex enough, you can easily tell which women have fucked a lot of people in their life.
Next I will say that probably 90-95% of all pussy feels the same, to me anyway. Sure some are a little tighter, some a little looser, some wetter than normal, some can squirt, blah blah blah. The other 5-10%, yes, those are the women who know how to work that shit like none other. In my life I have come across only 2 women who can control those pussy muscles like a damn vibrator right on my dick, that truly is a skill that takes some effort to make it work just right. I can also admit that those women created some damn amazing experiences and memories for me. Now would I wife up those 2 women? No.
Next pretty much every single woman I've ever had sex with is always submissive. And that's how a woman should be, however I also mean it in that they tend to lay there and let me do all the work. On the one hand that's good because I can then slut them out exactly how I want, on the other hand there are times where I'm in the middle of it I'm just getting tired. I don't give a damn how much testosterone any man brags about having, no man can lay the good pipe 100% of the time, every single time, period. It's times like that when the woman thinks she's being aggressive by climbing on top in a quasi-assertive manner but pretty much every woman does the same shit. I'll never forget this one lady I was banging for a few months. She definitely had some experience on her. Anyway one day in the middle of things she tells me she's gonna make me cum twice. In my mind I'm thinking 'yeah right....that's hard enough as it is and the few times I have been able to do it I had to focus like none other and work it at certain angles, all sorts of shit'. But I just said to her "ok try it". Anyway I bust inside her, she feels it, then gets on top and says "ok get ready", and I'm like 'ok go'. So she's on top working it this way and that. She's up there probably at least a good 10 minutes doing her whatever the hell thing she's doing and I'm getting bored because she isn't doing anything special that I can tell. Eventually she stops and says that we'll have to try it again another time and in my mind I'm thinking "no, you're just not as good as you claim you are".
It's kinda like whenever women love to brag about how they give the best blowjobs. Nah, the majority of them aren't any good at it.
My current girlfriend and I have been together 1 year now. I picked her from the three I was actively seeing at the time but I admit that I have had difficulties picking the right woman before and honestly I was a little scared at the time. I was about to pick the wrong woman a couple weeks before she and I had the exclusivity talk and it was only because that wrong woman ended up going bipolar getting pissed at me for no reason one evening. It had happened a couple times before but that last one was a sort of wake up call for me, and so I chose the lady I'm with now. And I thank God every day for having her in my life. She has a very traditional mindset toward relationships, she's been very patient with me and understanding of my flaws, she isn't afraid to put in actual work to make the relationship grow. I've come to realize that I want to marry this woman sometime within the next 1-2 years and I told her that I wanted to start a relationship with her with the intention of eventually getting married, so she knows.
And it's been the best relationship I've ever had.
Nich2022 5d ago
I definitely have had tons of variety but I guess it’s the fact I wanted to come to the conclusion that I’m done with it on my own, not be “forced” to.
That’s awesome dude! Are you monogamous with her?
bjorn 5d ago
I wouldn't give up on a chance with a loyal woman who would be a good mother just to fuck sluts. Wenching isn't worth it, all wenches feel the same, and if you really think about it, most wenches look the same with small variations. Why is she changing her mind? She thought she could handle it emotionally but then found out she was wrong, maybe. Or her desire for motherhood has changed her. Promiscuity can lead to STDs that can cause blindness or even death to newborn babies. Is it worth it?
Nich2022 5d ago
Yeah I feel that for sure. So now I just suppress my desires forever?
bjorn 3d ago
You already suppress your desires, all men do. If men didn't suppress their desires how many rapes would occur on the daily?