Last week I had my first One Night Stand in a few years. We had a good night and morning, she was rather loud and seemed to enjoy it.

When I left in the morning I gave her my phone and she added her contact. I texted her the next day in the same manner I would if I had just got her number off tinder. But she literally could not show any less interest in striking up a flirty conversation.

Since she is below my normal standards, literally gasped when I took my shirt off, and had a very enjoyable night, I expected her to be blowing up my phone. Especially since we had a good jokey rapport before we left the bar and she spent the night and morning complimenting me.

But I am very new to the ONS game and either I am not understanding how this dynamic works or she is genuinely just not interested in me.

How do you text a girl following a ONS? Should it just turn into a "you up"// "Wyd tonight" sort of game instead of developing a rapport?