Last week I had my first One Night Stand in a few years. We had a good night and morning, she was rather loud and seemed to enjoy it.
When I left in the morning I gave her my phone and she added her contact. I texted her the next day in the same manner I would if I had just got her number off tinder. But she literally could not show any less interest in striking up a flirty conversation.
Since she is below my normal standards, literally gasped when I took my shirt off, and had a very enjoyable night, I expected her to be blowing up my phone. Especially since we had a good jokey rapport before we left the bar and she spent the night and morning complimenting me.
But I am very new to the ONS game and either I am not understanding how this dynamic works or she is genuinely just not interested in me.
How do you text a girl following a ONS? Should it just turn into a "you up"// "Wyd tonight" sort of game instead of developing a rapport?
mattyanon Admin 1d ago
Women are often turned off BY THEIR OWN BEHAVIOUR if they have a ONS. If you want a FWB, it's usually best not to fuck her on a first date.
urgh, forget rapport. Rapport is for betas.
So, you don't know anything about this girl.
She might be married for all you know.
There is no ONS game.......... just "That was great, I'd like to see you again". She says yes or no. That's all there is to it.
Jackmoter 1d ago
Perfect, thank you Matty.
By not talking about seeing her again, getting her number and then not explicitly texting about seeing her again I've just left it in a weird gray zone.
Lesson learned.
throwaway415 1d ago
bruh moment
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 3d ago
A one night stand, by definition, has no contact afterwards. It was only one night.
So how do you text one? You don't.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
She's probably a whore and looking for more dick. Or she didn't like it the way you thought
I had a ONS like that once. Her saying nothing but making plans etc and then didn't pick up made excuses whatever.
Despite her c00ming she asked about some of my obvious inexperience on some things but I'm pretty sure she was also a ho. You will probably not know why but pull back and move on it is never worth chasing unresponsive disinterested women
Jackmoter 4d ago
Yeah, I will probably send her a text inviting her over next week, which if she does not respond eagerly too I will just withdraw.
We did only speak for 15 minutes before we were in an Uber on our way to her place, and she seemed a lot more shy in the morning so there is probably more to it that I will never know.
But I take it from your reference to having a ONS like that once that usually women continue to display interest in you after a ONS?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
It's not a ONS if they never see you again, so yes, by default this is generally how my ONS are
A couple of them however was because the girls was far too invested in me one melted down and got furious after she realized I didn't want a relationship (I never said I did or didn't) instead of seeing me again and the other didn't fully fuck me because she liked me too much to get hurt and i frankly didn't want to and told her this wasn't going to work
I had some other two night stands, most I think were sluts who needed a roster. Some of it was probably my game wasn't great yet. They generally all want to insta plate now
Jackmoter 4d ago
Haha, that is a fair point. My post is therefore essentially a question of turning a girl you have sex with from a night out into a plate.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
Most of that has to do with everything leading up to and the sex and as much as i hate the word whatever aftercare and rapport you can balance it out with, especially if the sex was rough and hard
If you are TOO good at bedding them and don't offset that with rapport they will freak themselves out how you're way too much of a player. If you're relatively honest they don't mind as much or if they know what to expect. They don't necessarily mind if you are a player as long as they don't freak themselves out about you hurting their self worth
The other part is whether they are really slutty and just wanted a sample of a bunch of guys dicks so seeing you twice was never much in the cards so there was nothing you really could have done. Or if she did it in a mental state where she never otherwise would have fucked you
Rapport matters a lot in repeat encounters but not always. A ton of women will come back for the guy who didn't have any rapport and didn't text back. It can be circumstantial the main thing to focus on is just giving good dick
Jackmoter 4d ago
That makes sense. I guess you wouldn't freely text a stranger that you only spoke to for 15 minutes of which you probably don't remember much of.
My strategy from now on will probably be to wait a few days and then invite them round again rather then trying to continue banter they probably don't remember.
[deleted] 4d ago
Jackmoter 4d ago
I'm sure you feel that way. Do you have anything useful to contribute?
[deleted] 4d ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
Alright man you're trolling and generally shit posting. Welcome to being a lurker again
redhawkes 2 4d ago
Hoes will say whatever you wanna hear, actions over words always.
As for the texting, setup logistics and see if she complies, probably other dicks in the queue. Maybe a bf or a raging slut who cares anyways.
Jackmoter 4d ago
Right. As is my autistic way I am looking for a blueprint from which to operate on for all future girls I go home with from a night out.
Essentially, I take that it doesn't matter whether she is replying my attempts to continue the joke from the night before, just try to set up another meet and go from there.
redhawkes 2 4d ago
Methods are many. Principles are few. There is a pattern tho and once you get it, it'll become a second nature. Treat them like you treat your bratty sister and be amused asshole. Works for me every time.
Once you understand the underlying behavior, the game is easy, you just need to calibrate. I've fucked up many times by overgaming a fuck yea chick. At that point, just close the deal.
Jackmoter 4d ago
Yeah. I am fresh out of a two year relationship and I need to experience a lot more women and their differing habits to get a feel for the underlying similarities, as opposed to how they are expressed through each individual woman's texting habits...
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
There isn't always ONE WAY in TRP. A lot of what works is because a guy's personality and vibe are conducive to certain outcomes with certain kinds of women.
For example i do very poorly with some types women. I can't vibe with them to save my life and wouldn't want to anyway.
The key is finding what personally tends to work for you way more often times than not within the framework of TRP
Jackmoter 4d ago
Of course the is no one way, but seeing what other people have done sure beats trying to figure it out yourself from scratch.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3d ago
Yeah that's what the note swapping here is all for. Too many guys get fixated on absolute answers though and won't do anything because they NEED an answer of what to di
Jackmoter 3d ago
Yeah man that was me on AskTRP 6 years ago making posts to figure out how to respond to every message a girl sent me lmao.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3d ago
Glad you transformed man
MrSupreme 4d ago
Don't text for flirty shit, she's just there for one thing: fucking. Don't expect flirty,don't expect gifts,don't expect to date her and get to know her much, don't expect any other experience than using texting for logistics to set up another fucking session. And that is if she is even interested in a second night with you.
Jackmoter 3d ago
Haha, that's the sort of answer I was fishing for.
So your approach is essentially to hold a, this woman is purely interested in sex, attitude and not to give them the same treatment you would a girl from a dating app.
SeasonedRP 1 3d ago
You were fine-she probably has a boyfriend or something. She's not interested, but that could be for a number of reasons. Nearly all women will do ONS if the situation is right.
cundardunfinished 3d ago
If she stayed overnight, then a text conversation the next day is too much too soon. You all just spent 8-12 hours together after having just met. Ask her to send a 'got home safe' text that gives you both a reason to text each other a couple times to start the thread with a good vibe, but very brief, then let it be for at least a day to send a logistics text for the next meetup. You want to be at a once a week cadence for meetups at most.
If you wait too long to text you might have a plate break early on but too early sets the wrong cadence for texting, I don't want her texting me every day. So I find 2 days a good balance for the first logistics one. Once the meetup is set I won't text her at all usually
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3d ago
In my experience they text fast. Depends on your vibe. If you give the right combination of dick and rapport they will text as if they never left your house
I don't love bomb nor promise them anything I'm just someone they feel genuinely comfortable with and sexually satisfied from and I make sure they cum several times and I go several rounds minimum
I give enough rapport and entertain their pillow talk enough that they feel secure after getting their dick prescription
If you play all of your dick and social cards correctly enough they will text immediately
Edit: throw in a "let me know when you get home safe" or "I'll let you know when I'm home" if you drop them off text and you're basically golden assuming you did everything else right
Jackmoter 2d ago
Yeah that sounds like a good strategy. I think this girl just has far too many orbiters bombarding her attention as her phone was blowing up constantly - would explain the shift from in person worship to zero interest from her on the texts.
I work right beside where she lives so I might call her if I am finishing a late shift in a week or so to see if she is up, but other that, onto the next one.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3d ago