Hello brothers. So, all women are trash and will cheat. I’m trying to vet a bitch that gives me LTR vibes sometimes (good family, been on long LTRs in the past, lowish body count, no tattoos, doesn't party, no slut friends, etc), but I'd like to point some crap I've seen to hear what you guys think:
- Being very secretive of her phone (long password to unlock, fingerprint for all apps, all her chats in WhatsApp are archived so notifications don’t pop up, always on do not disturb, etc)
- Sometimes no answers after 10-11pm, even though she was with me at 9:30pm when I left her home
- Goes to the bathroom for like 20m to "try" to take a shit (I've monitored and she doesn't seem to talk with anybody else as I would hear)
- Tends to entertain other guys at the gym (laughs, flirt, talks, etc) in my fucking face (i play it cool like I don’t notice to not show I care about losing her), some of those guys are even more "Chad" than me
- Doesn’t interact much with me in social media but by spying in her instagram I see that’s not the case with other guys
- Some bikini photos when we went to the beach,
- All pictures are her alone, asks me to take her good pictures on the places places we go to but never publishes the ones with me
- Goes to other places in the house to pick up a call with her mom (I've monitored without her noticing and yeah the conversations seem to be with her mom given the stuff she talks there, the thing is, why the fuck she does that)
Essentially I need to understand how do you identify the line between being a controlling beta simp / stalker and being just not an idiot? I don't want her to cheat on me without me noticing, that would make me feel like an imbecile. I guess my question would be how can I better monitor for her cheating to see if she’s worth it
I also think sometimes she is just plating me but would like to hear how do you recognize that too. Sex tends to be great 2-3 times/week and we see each other frequently as we live close. Has never denied a plan to me or done other stuff that could make me suspicious (only the points I mentioned).
Musicgoon78 2 4d ago Stickied
You need to work on your anger bro. It's really bad. People aren't going to like being around someone super negative. Ask yourself if you want to be that guy?
mattyanon Admin 2d ago
what the fuck is this shit? how is it anger??
Musicgoon78 2 2d ago
☝️ case in point!
Are you telling me it's a ray of sunshine and rainbows? I don't agree and it sounds like mostly everyone else thinks it's anger.
This to me read like fear turned towards anger.
fumandobebiendo 4d ago
jesus christ, it's not anger at all. I just know the monster for who they are, I don't want to be negative but this is the world we fucking live in, I just want to live with the cold hard truths.
that said, what can I do? how do you monitor bitches for the "when"? knowing that they will betray/cheat/fuck you up whenever they want without fucking remorse like fucking psycopaths
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
Lol. I'll answer your reply to me when i can but you're absolutely in denial
Drop the anger
mattyanon Admin 2d ago
Dude..... WTF? how is this anger? looks like a solid question/post to me
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2d ago
"all women are" proceeds to offer the most negative traits possible
For example a lot of women would much sooner dump a guy then cheat.
Can't help someone who has the kind of attitude that will only attract narcs.
Thinking was too black and white to think the way that would have helped him fully
fumandobebiendo 4d ago
Dropped, please please help me now. The thing I really want to know is how to monitor for bitches being unfaithful / gaslighting, etc, like is she a bitch? Is she fucking other dudes? do I need to go nuclear hard next? Is she wasting my time and resources? am I an idiot for believing her? Figuring out the how is fucking me up. It's the first time I get to this point and the mate guarding thing is fucking me up so much
Vermillion-Rx Admin 3d ago
A woman is visiting me for a few days I'll answer when I can when she leaves
Musicgoon78 2 4d ago
Look bro. I see post wall women that are alone talk like you "all men are trash". You realize that you're acting in an angry feminine way.
Men use anger as a tool for action. You're really bitchy on this post.
fumandobebiendo 4d ago
I promise I'll use it to get better, to go to the gym, to get more money. but please help me with the original thing. I have no idea how to 'mate guard' or 'monitor' for her being a bitch. This is consuming me so much time and fucking up my head. I want to know if she's fucking Chads, if she can be trusted or not, etc, so I stop wasting my time and move on in case I can prove she's a bitch. I looked into infecting her phone or maybe hiring a PI but everything seems to be complex as fuck and probably not worth the trouble
Musicgoon78 2 4d ago
You've really got to work on your confidence. If you're spending this much time on stupid shit. You're frame needs work. This isn't about her, it about you lacking confidence and having a shaky frame. You don't mateguard.
mattyanon Admin 2d ago
red flag
red flag
red flag
red flag
Dude, this is more flags than a communist parade.
She is giving you LTR signals to try and reel you in, while behaviour like a ho.
Most of the points you mentioned would be a total dealbreaker for me individually.
But all together? That's a hard no for even the biggest beta/simp.
This girl is great for a FWB. She is not LTR material.
joyboy 3d ago
Dude how were you even able to pull a girl. You sound terminally autistic
throwaway415 2d ago
She's not yours, it's just your turn
stop taking pictures for her, don't give her any money or emotionally invest in her, and get some side chicks for when she inevitably drops so you can replace her instantly. remember, she's a side chick too. all women are side chicks afaic
the fact you're putting all this effort into observing all these things about her already indicates you have the wrong mindset about women. i dont do any of this with my girls, because i already expect them to be doing this shit and don't care because i don't take them seriously to begin with
abundance is key. dont overthink and stress over standard female behavior. it's normal and you just have to accept it for what it is and adapt accordingly
ltrs are overrated. fuck bitches and get money
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 4d ago
Jesus dude.
Don't be a Red Pill sperg.
This is not true at all.
1) if you two haven't discussed commitment or monogamy, then neither of you owe each other monogamy. Go fuck other women until she brings up monogamy.
2) Don't bring up monogamy yourself. As a man, getting sex is your job. Getting a relationship is the woman's problem. Reread HumanSockPuppet’s Guide to Managing Your Bitches. He talks about that in there, and in the well-over ten years that /r/MarriedRedPill has been around and the hundreds of men who have gone through that subreddit, his words have been proven true time and again. You focus on getting laid. Let her worry about a relationship.
3) the truth is, you might never know if she cheats. You can drive yourself insane being a paranoid maniac who sacrifices his life to stalk her and she's completely innocent, or you can see evidence of it and move the goalposts so you can live in denial. The way to live is to just focus on how she's treating you, and if you're getting what you want. If she mistreats you, stops giving you sex, violates a boundary, or if you catch evidence that she cheated, you end it and move on. Deal with it if it comes up, but don't make yourself crazy searching for shit that might not be happening..
And seriously, don't be so negative.
Overkill_Engine 2 3d ago
The highlighted part, especially @fumandobebiendo
See, the problem is you are making the same fundamental mistake that the spergs wanting a paint by numbers universal never fail password to pussy are - you are wanting rote no thought involved strategies that have no chance of failure. You want guarantees.
Life doesn't work like that. It never has, it never will, let the storybook fantasy die along with all the unicorns in it.
What you need to recognize that you can still fail even if you did everything "right" on your end, so you should not invest everything you have into the concept of not failing and instead invest it into the ability to walk away from a woman that fails you at any point.
Basically the whole mate-guarding and wanting guarantees against approach or relationship failure all comes from the same deep seated source of insecurity/scarcity. You can't force a woman to be faithful. Great! She can't force you to stay with her either.
If you aren't conducting your life in such a way that you don't have to worry about a woman not accepting an approach or not staying faithful because replacements are easily found....then that is what you need to work on.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3d ago
First of all you sound like a fucking incel. Stop jerking it to sidebar.
Secondly: no. Your first mistake is LTRing a girl that acts like that (or considering a girl that acts like that as LTR material).
Change the frame and suddenly who gives a fuck. If you notice that a girl is doing shit like this in the talking stage (or any stage for that matter) that should be your internal red flag going off. You shouldn’t see her as anything more than a plate. And if she’s nothing more than a plate… who gives a fuck?
Literally every bullet you’re listing is textbook village bicycle material - does she know all the bouncers at all the clubs too?
The signs are all there it is on you to notice them. When u notice the signs; don’t get attached and then this won’t be a problem
throwaway415 2d ago
just dont get attached period
im just smh at all this shit these dudes post about trying to get in to LTRs and marriages in 2025. Like, I get it, I understand why dudes want an LTR/marriage but ffs this isn't the 18th century anymore.
Treat them all like side chicks and there wont be any issues. Stop taking bitches seriously. have fun with them and move on to the next one. Why waste your life force on stressing over dumb shit like Is ShE ChEaTinG oN Me. Who gives a fuck. Just fuck more bitches and get money
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
For starters, not being in a blackpilled anger phase that is pussy repellant for half decent women
fumandobebiendo 4d ago
I don't have anger, I just know they are all a piece of shit thanks to all the knowledge I've absorbed. I just want to know what to do / how to approach these situations to avoid being the fucking beta idiot that they laugh at, but instead being the Chad that recognizes what happens and makes the nuclear hard next. I don't want to be a pussy.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
You're missing the point. You're only going to run into self loathing narcissistic whores with that attitude. That's not what AWALT means
You're doomed from the start of your premise I'm not helping you with the rest
fumandobebiendo 4d ago
Sorry about that. What would be the correct mindset? please help me, I seriously give so much importance to TRP in my life, this thing changed my life even better than a religion.
I don't want you to take it in a bad way, was just trying to express how I feel/think, in my mind women will always cheat and become one of the fucking worst thing that could happen to a man's life, a fucking nightmare,, it's just a matter of when. So, what I was trying to do here is gather ideas in how to be prepared for when these things happen to avoid being the pussy beta stupid that they use and make fun of, my goal is to be Chad, handle things like a Chad, if Chad gets cheated on, he would figure it out quickly and nuclear hard next, but I don't know how to monitor for that to be 100% sure on it happening / recognizing it's time to let them go
Jackmoter 3d ago
Women really aren't as bad as you're painting them out to be. They're not evil, but they are ruthless.
Sure some women are whores and will cheat because it's their nature. But that is not the majority.
You will get cheated on if you are weak, insecure, unfit, pathetic, unable to set boundaries, unable to pass shit tests etc.
At the end of the day, it does not matter if a woman cheats on you. If she is in a mindset to do that then your relationship is not what you thought it was and you probably weren't having much fun either.
TRP is about you. Prioritise yourself, the women come second.
How does chad react if he is cheated on? He will probably feel a range of emotions which he will process alone before taking action. He will discuss his feelings with one or two close friends. He will probably experience a wide range of realisations about shitty behaviour he has been tolerating and ways in which he was unhappy. Then he will meet up with his girlfriend in public, and he will let her know that their relationship is over. He will not be cruel, but he will be firm.
He will take some time to process where he went wrong, he will reprioritise the important things in his life. And then the will start gaming again, as a stronger, wiser and more self-actualised man.
cundardunfinished 4d ago
There's a thread around about enjoying women and appreciating them, maybe more than one, read that. You're bringing way too much anger to the table that will put you in the "controlling beta simp/stalker" category.
The gym thing would be an immediate next, no reason to get upset. Overall you have the wrong attitude of playing detective to vet this woman as an LTR. An LTR will vet herself, cream rises to the top, meanwhile you fuck other women. You should have better things to do than to spend this much time analyzing instagram accounts and making lists
fumandobebiendo 4d ago
Like hard nexting her for answering other guys that approach her? she has told me about some of them, I suspect that the ones that she doesn't tell me anything about is because she likes the attention / likes to flirt with them or maybe she is just looking for my replacement like the fucking bitch she is. What should I do in these cases without looking passive aggressive or showing I care too much? I haven't confronted her yet, just try to ignore it
Good point, so the best thing is just to keep her as a plate and focus my attention on other women / getting jacked / making more money?
cundardunfinished 4d ago
It's a judgment call but you describe her flirting with other guys in front of you. At the same time your perspective is suspect because you're so goddamn negative. If she is just a popular girl at the gym and you're the one fucking her at the moment, then good on you. If she is trying to make you jealous or something yea, I'd next in that situation I have no time for that. Then again I wouldn't be at the gym with a plate so I think you're kinda way off in la la land with what you're doing
fumandobebiendo 4d ago
to be honest I can't figure out the difference, how would you do it? yeah she is kinda well known / popular, but I can't tell the difference between them just talking or being into her, what makes me jelous is that most of these guys have higher SMV than me, so maybe she is just looking to branch swing as the hoe she is (due to hypergamy). I just see shorts interactions that the guys initiate and she tends to cut in 1-2 mins but the guys keep going at her and again another 1-2 min etc, the good thing is I never see her initiating but also don't see her rejecting immediately.
I also don't want to mateguard as I've read that it's super bad
We're doing most things together lately, is that bad?
ObliviousDuck 4d ago
Why does it matter? Being upset at guys hitting on your girl is like being angry at the weather. If she's a 6 or higher, every guy approaching her is hitting on her, period. If you don't want your girl to be hit on, get yourself a 3 or a dog. Problem solved.
How she reacts to the attention is key. Does she reply to the banter and flirt back? Red flag. Does she straight up brutally reject them? Believe it or not, also a red flag. Does she politely entertain the conversation like a well adjusted human being but slowly fades or drops a "my boyfriend" here and there after a few minutes? This is the best you can get, and even then, it doesn't mean much.
All of that doesn't matter anyway because you will never know how she acts in your absence, unless you are an insecure stalker spying on her because aWaLt.
All you can do is judge her general character, extrapolate from there and vet her.
fumandobebiendo 4d ago
I have no idea what they talk about as I’m never close enough to hear. I don’t know if she’s flirting back or what, I only see her also talking and sometimes smiling/laughing which makes me think she’s fucking enjoying it (I don’t keep starring at them, just see from time to time). Most of these interactions tend to be 2-min or so, different guys, but tend to be constant (like almost every day they see her it’s the same crap). Most likely they have all her phone number and are going on dates while I’m not with her, I have also no idea on that. She definitely hasn’t rejected them if not they wouldn’t even be approaching again unless they’re stupid simps.
This thing fucks up with my head so much, the fucking uncertainty. How can I properly judge her general character? The thing I really want to know is: is she a bitch? Is she fucking other dudes? Should I go nuclear hard next? Is she wasting my time? That’s it. But figuring out the how is fucking me up