So I just got back from spring break. Had a dope romantic fling with a local girl in Mexico. Everything was going picture perfect until…

The very last night. I’m in the club (she works there as a bottle girl or some shit) with her and her lady friend (my friend was supposed to come with but he pussied out).

2 ugly fucks come up trying to flirt with her in front of my face. Maybe it’s bc I’m on test; maybe it’s because I had a really long day and was tired and hungover but this shit already pissed me the hell off. One phaggot tried to dap me up and I just looked him up and down and left him hanging like a retard.

They then continue to try talking to my girl and ig in Mexico standard culture is like giving ppl a kiss on the cheek or some shit when they introduce themselves. This shit almost had me flying off the handles. I was pissed at the girl for giving these guys the time of day in front of my face; pissed at them for thinking they could encroach on what was very clearly my territory (we had been dancing; making out etc). I stormed out bc i felt like if I didn’t I was seconds away from bashing their heads in.

I also left my poor Mexican girlfriend with the tab when I stormed off. She messaged me asking what the heck happened/what about the bill etc etc and I told her to pay it herself for doing that bs in front of me.

Obvi in a bar/club scene with an absolute dime this kind of shit is bound to happen. Looking back I know I shouldn’t have overreacted like that and I should have also been able to recognize that my smv was significantly higher than these fuckwads and that I legit had nothing to even worry about - I had been fucking that girl daily for almost half my trip.

In the heat of the moment though I let instincts get the better of me and as a result looked like a clown to the girl.

In these kinds of situations; I guess how do you check yourself mentally to be able prevent that from happening?

Sorry in advance for length it may be a little ranty I’m tired as shit. And verm don’t give me some bullshit should I tag goddammit. Much appreciated