So I just got back from spring break. Had a dope romantic fling with a local girl in Mexico. Everything was going picture perfect until…
The very last night. I’m in the club (she works there as a bottle girl or some shit) with her and her lady friend (my friend was supposed to come with but he pussied out).
2 ugly fucks come up trying to flirt with her in front of my face. Maybe it’s bc I’m on test; maybe it’s because I had a really long day and was tired and hungover but this shit already pissed me the hell off. One phaggot tried to dap me up and I just looked him up and down and left him hanging like a retard.
They then continue to try talking to my girl and ig in Mexico standard culture is like giving ppl a kiss on the cheek or some shit when they introduce themselves. This shit almost had me flying off the handles. I was pissed at the girl for giving these guys the time of day in front of my face; pissed at them for thinking they could encroach on what was very clearly my territory (we had been dancing; making out etc). I stormed out bc i felt like if I didn’t I was seconds away from bashing their heads in.
I also left my poor Mexican girlfriend with the tab when I stormed off. She messaged me asking what the heck happened/what about the bill etc etc and I told her to pay it herself for doing that bs in front of me.
Obvi in a bar/club scene with an absolute dime this kind of shit is bound to happen. Looking back I know I shouldn’t have overreacted like that and I should have also been able to recognize that my smv was significantly higher than these fuckwads and that I legit had nothing to even worry about - I had been fucking that girl daily for almost half my trip.
In the heat of the moment though I let instincts get the better of me and as a result looked like a clown to the girl.
In these kinds of situations; I guess how do you check yourself mentally to be able prevent that from happening?
Sorry in advance for length it may be a little ranty I’m tired as shit. And verm don’t give me some bullshit should I tag goddammit. Much appreciated
redhawkes 2 5d ago
Nobody touches a red stove bro. White belts talk about karate the most.
I had this shit pulled on me couple of times before. Just go and talk to other chicks/her friends etc. You're too invested in some cum dumpster and can't see the opportunities everywhere around. Instead, you acted like a butthurt bitch and got amoged by some retards. Guess your SMV is not that high. Why are you triggered by some gringos?
Last, it's up to her to mateguard herself. If your actual gf pulls this shit, she becomes your ex on the spot.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 5d ago
street fights vs karate very very different.
Haha I don’t think it has anything to do with my smv like we talked after n basically that whole greeting dudes w a kiss in the cheek is just like a thing in general for Latin America haha. As common as shaking a dudes hand. And if I could show you pics of these clowns you’d most def wouldn’t say I got amoged lol.
In the moment I was a couple drinks in and ig more annoyed at the fact that they even tried tried to insert themselves when they could clearly see me w shawty dropping pda left and right. Not oneitis either I’ve been home in America for 2 days and already clapped 2 dif cheeks
Guess it’s time to blast until I look more scary I guess fuck.
cundardunfinished 6d ago
hey nice meeting you fellas have a good night, then to her let's grab another drink put your arm around her then you both walk away
the dap thing is a bit of a power play, like a shit test you can agree and amplify pat the guy on the back enthusiastically greet him (not sarcastically) share a few words then remove you both from the situation. The woman should be able to handle herself for the 2-minute chit chat. I try to be diplomatic in these situations especially abroad because you never know who you're dealing with
on a more basic level fighting for this broad isn't worth it you already banged her for a week if they can walk up and take her then hey we all gotta take L's in life but would seem very unlikely to that point as she seemed to be enjoying her night with you
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6d ago
Right or if they ask if she’s single tell em to ask her themselves type shit.
I hate these hyena ass dudes like it’s a club literally filled with chicks to try on. At least have the decency to wait until I’m in the bathroom or some shit. I was a bit more on alert mode too just bc I was in the city in Mexico and left the resort. Definitely glad I didn’t try to fight the guys that would have made all sorts of trouble.
I completely agree I think fighting over girls is literally the dumbest thing ever but when I have the right amount of shots in me and someone tests me like that I get dangerously close to seeing red
cundardunfinished 6d ago
listen to the great nick saban:
these guys broke you pretty easily
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6d ago
I hear what you’re sayin. So kinda this is more of a mental fortitude/frame problem type of thing
Musicgoon78 2 6d ago
Shes not yours, it's just your turn.
Getting butthurt just shows how weak you are and a lack of abundance.
You showed your girl why she shouldn't have the tingles for you and made your competition look more appealing.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6d ago
Goon you’ve got good advice on most things but I’m probably like half your age and probably have a comparable body count; I can say with absolute certainty abundance isn’t the issue here at all.
Those guys didn’t even remotely qualify as competition and my latina girl still kissed and made up.
Issue is why does this trigger me so hard like very few things in the world that genuinely piss me off to the point of wanting to hit someone over it. I didn’t obviously (I walked away to prevent that from happening) but I let that bullshit ruin my last night there.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 4d ago
No, he's right.
You might have actual abundance, but you still operate very much in scarcity mentality.
I tell people all the time that getting laid and spinning plates is beginner level shit, and you've been stuck there for quite some time now.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 4d ago
Might have to give the sidebar a little reread at some point
cdclopper 6d ago
Do you not see how cringe you are brother?
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6d ago
Nope not really
MrSupreme 6d ago
Here in latinamerica it is very common a kiss in the cheek to greet the other sex, less common in central america and in Argentina very common between men. Lol when drinking in clubs and parties,guys will take the chance to pull some other shit when going for the kiss in the cheek like pulling her closer, kissing the cheek while hugging very close or those kisses right next to the lips. Some girls will fall for it if they're drunk but it usually is a loser move.
How to prevent it from happening? You can't. Let it happen, then take action like grabbing her by the hand and pulling her towards you while walking someplace else ("oh i found you babe,come on let's dance), it may seem rude but not more than trying to grope a chick like they're doing and the girl will likely thank you for getting her out of that uncomfortable scenario.
Don't take it personally. The more uncalled for PDA the guy does, the sillier and more creepy he'll look, moreso if it is not reciprocated. Girls are mostly nice and wont slap him in the face for it.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6d ago
Haha yeah that’s basically exactly what they were going for. I kinda explained to shawty that in America that’s a huge no no she kinda got it eventually.
This shit is starting to concern me bc I don’t really have like violent tendencies or whatever. But whenever these kinds of things happen (esp if I’m the right level of buzzed/drunk) oh mannn. Adrenaline starts pumping in my body and I get really rattled even when there is literally no need.
Redpillpusher 6d ago
Lmao you getting tried in front of a female or her getting taken away from you is obviously a common occurrence for you, I recall your post a few months ago about another chick you liked getting used by Tyrone. If it's not the brothers taking your girl, it's the eses disrespecting you in your face with a polite smile. This phrase speaks more to you than others so ingrain it in your brain: she's not yours, it's just your turn, so stop holding up the line!
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6d ago
Bro ppl try shit bc I’m 5”8 swear to god. It’s not them taking my girl or anything but they try bc they think bc I’m short I can’t hurt them
AbusiveFather1 6d ago
The testosterone is very obviously clouding your judgement. Maybe lower the dosage and see if the issue persists.
And to add to other people’s input regarding “it’s only your turn”: you don’t get mad at a whore you fucked at a brothel entertaining other customers as well, do you? Just imagine the miles of dick she’s been through before you and the miles of dick she’ll go through after you. This is not about you, it’s about laws of nature: men will try to fuck and women will be whores.
Jackmoter 6d ago
I have experienced this type of anger you are describing - although I always kept it contained. For me, it stemmed from my own insecurities.
Take a step back and ask yourself why any of these actions made you angry? This girl is a "fling" not even your girlfriend. So why does it matter if two guys come up and talk to her? It's annoying sure, but at the end of the day, if she'd rather talk to them than you, it's time to re-evaluate the situation.
You could have left her and gone to flirt/dance with other women. You could have taken her hand and said "let's dance" and walked her away from the guys.
Instead you boiled like a kettle, stormed off and ruined your own night. You were there to have fun, but your fun depended on this girl. Maybe you are getting a little bit of the old oneitis?
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6d ago
I am well aware of the “she’s not yours it’s just your turn” concept. Idk what it is sometimes I just get very primal when it comes to this haha
Jackmoter 6d ago
Now please reflect on why you get "primal". Journal... Meditate... You know your insecurities better than we do.
I got primal because I thought my ex-girlfriend was going to kiss some other dude to get back at me for refusing her sex. Sounds utterly ridiculous but there it is. Aka, I was preemptively jealous, but also scared of losing her. Little did I know it, but I had oneitis. I too have been aware of "she's not your turn" for a very long time now, but being aware of that concept is not enough.
I did not have outcome independence... I did not need her to have a good time. If she went off and embarrassed herself she would have come crawling back and turned into a plate. But it is impossible to think like that when you have oneitis.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 5d ago
I think it’s more a bit of little man syndrome if anything. Not feeling like the girl is out of my league or that it’s the only girl etc. more so like… I’ve always been shorter so (before I got gainz) bigger/taller dudes would push me around. So now that I’ve got gainz and can hurt ppl some dude my height or barely out of my height thinking they can just enter my area like that pissed me off I guess. Think that’s where all this coming from
ARedditAccount005 6d ago
This post reminds me of a video made by Martin Goldberg. The Interruptor-cel, referring to a type of guy that swoops in when he sees a girl talking to a guy, intending to use the guy as a launchpad/fallback. It's one of my favourite videos from him, it's relatable.
It's possible your girlfriend played along because she was concerned as to who those guys were, who they were affiliated with, etc. As for next time, you now have experience as to what to do now.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 6d ago
Like on one hand I kinda get it but I only pull that kind of shit if it seems like the guy is clearly not getting anywhere with the girl. If I see a dude macking on a girl I’m not pulling up to try and take her haha I just go talk to another girl. Some dudes are literally retarded
ARedditAccount005 6d ago
throwaway415 5d ago
leaving her with the tab was actually the most based thing you did.
The rest of what you wrote is extremely cringe. beefing with dudes, especially dudes you dont even know, over a female is omega-tier cringe. if you're gonna get on anyone for that shit get on your girl, not them, she's the one choosing them, but even that is unnecessary. why care when you can get the same thing from 10 million other women?
This video is for you:
get some abundance and stop simping. fuck that bitch, there's like 10 million others just like her. wtf is so special about her that you're willing to risk getting hurt or going to jail over her? you really wanna throw hands with some random ass dude over some pussy? pussy's just a fucking hole bro
get some side chicks and stop tripping over one female.
and she should always pay the bar tab
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 5d ago
To be fair I didn’t directly really beef w the dudes. They reached to dap me up I looked them up n down and shook my head and said no. Then I dipped. And I told shawty off for all that stuff. Those were my exact actions.
Rest were more my thoughts rather than my actions; there’s a difference brah.
And I have plenty of abundance; this isn’t an issue of oneitis. I view their actions as more of an insult to me (they don’t think i could be a threat; so fuck it try and rizz up his shawty). Guarantee if I had my frame on a 6”2+ sized body this shit would pretty much never happen
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 4d ago
What does this gayness even mean?
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 4d ago
Like they reached out to give me a high five or some shit