What is your number one advice to make your new plates cum? Would you say it’s possible to reliably make the girl cum the first time you have sex with her?
I find it’s doable when you’ve been with a girl for a while and she’s comfortable with you, but with new ones it’s tough for me to do. I hope to fix this in order to get return customers
Jackmoter 5d ago
Read Sex God Method. We're not here to tell you from what angle you should lick a vagina.
The difficulty to achieve this will differ from girl to girl.
Probably possible with 80% of women.
First-light 5d ago
I think you have to take a woman how you find her, especially at first.
Women have mixed reasons for having sex and for being promiscuous. Some slutty women are surprisingly not very sexual. Some are quite messed up and are actually hard to reach sexually, they are doing it for attention and for affirmation but so much for sexual attraction and pleasure. Others are raving nymphos in it for the sexual gratification.
Some women just are not much fun in bed and don't have much fun in bed, these are best avoided but if you are having casual sex, you won't always know till too late.
In the end you have to sync up with a woman and try give her what she wants while getting what you need. Some crave climax, others crave affirmation and kindness. Just as with simultianous climax, Its about trying to read them and sync up.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
I don't know why you got downvoted this is remarkably common. I know a lot of women who crave intimacy so badly they fuck on repeat to get it because it's a transactional sacrifice for them. Sex is the price for intimacy and affection. It does happen. I've see it enough times that it's realistic to point it out.
Yes those same women also like good sex like anyone else but I've seen women prostite themselves for it
derdeutscher 5d ago
Many women cant even have orgasms. My current is very orgasmic, she comes whatever I do, sometimes even just from massage or nipple play.
Which feels great for me. Way better than if chick just cant come.
First-light 18h ago
Yeah those are the women to hang on to because they enjoy the thing that you find bonds you to them.
The inability of a woman to climax is sometimes even inherited -there are families of women who can't. Men need to see that its not just about them. The blue pill is very strong in men, even on red pill sites. They judge their worth on their ability to deliver a climax. Good sex takes two!
In my experience women who climax easily are better partners. The others need something else from the relationship that you have to provide -service or money. Now I am not saying that the ones who climax easily don't want those things too but at least you can also give them something they love that's good for the relationship and that is free. Sex with the women who do not climax easily is either a huge performance for the man to eventually get her there or its a transaction -you give her something for something. Either way its a lot less fun.
mattyanon Admin 5d ago
Be hot.
Fuck her properly.
[deleted] 5d ago
[deleted] 5d ago
Vermillion-Rx Admin 4d ago
Last AskTRP I'm answering unless one particularly is deeply emotional to me.
Some are harder than others. I've met some that no matter what the f you do they won't cum PIV, but will from clit. Usually "rape" survivors although I've noticed they have such a hard time I don't think the quotes are necessarily warranted from observation.
I've generally noticed that girls who are fucked up either cum super easy or hardly at all unless you hit a sweet spot.
I'm currently with one that I can't make at all. I've never come across this and it's not for lack of trying. Clearly has extreme views about sex and her body/cultural shame to the point that i think she is extremely in her head and disconnected from it but can't get enough of my dick. I've never seen that in my life. Can't even make herself cum and I've seen her try.
Extreme circumstances aside if you can't make a girl cum it is your fault. Either your skills are too weak or you're not communicating. If you know what you're doing your go to's will work. If that doesn't work some degree of clit action is a solid plan b. If that doesn't work anally figuring out what makes them cum from communication works, usually women so in their head that they need ultra fine positions to cum. I had one who wouldn't cum no matter what and she kept trying to ride me in the most awkward position imaginable like I had to be a stiff fencepost laying straight.
I got sick of it and accidentally made her cum one morning because i couldn't be assed to remove my shorts and my leg positioning with the restriction made her cum 7 times in succession.
Some women are fucking miserable to make cum even if you have an incredible track record.
I've had one i can't make (yet) and it's the most extreme case I've ever seen. This woman definitely should have been able to by now with her history and can't. Doesn't matter what I ask her or what I help her with. It's been getting better but this is an (unfortunately) unicorn can't cum situation that is progressively getting better.
I'm not a doctor, i don't know what's wrong with her but something feels odd inside her.
My point is, barring the most ridiculous circumstances if you can't make a woman cum your skills, communication, or approach are not sufficient. You need an element of rapport and non judgement (or perceived lack of it) to make a certain lot of women cum (most of if your rapport is too low). They need to genuinely want to vibe and be there if they feel awkward or uncomfortable or regretful during the acts they are going to likewise be weird about cumming
If you hit a good spot and they start and keep moaning don't change anything. Keep doing it and as their body reacts more keep increasing the speed a bit without changing the movement. Change the pressure if you've maxed on speed. If you know what you're doing alternate increasing speed and pressure (sometimes it's more pressure same speed for some women).
Learn where to press your hands, fingers etc. angles, whatever. There is a lot of diversity in what some women need. Some will cum from whatever. Some do from super specific crap and you can either take it or leave it if they won't relax enough to be "normal"
Every time I've gotten a woman who can't cum easily I try to learn from it, new angles, new pressure, etc. usually leaves me better equipped for the next difficult woman. Most of the time it's their fault they can't get past trauma or whatever or they get into sexual encounters they aren't actually comfortable with.
You can only do so much sometimes i notice the prevailing reason they won't come (easily) is trauma. Like every time it's been rough it's been some girl with trauma (bullshit or not). Like I said I'm X:1 on not making one.
Keep in mind women generally like sex as long as it was good dick and enough satisfactory intimacy and will be return customers if they like the vibe. I've had a few that it took a few different meets to make them cum.
You can't always blame yourself except for the fact that you can 99% chance find a way to make them cum (unicorn "impossibles" aside) there is always a way. Even the one I can't (yet) I'm sure I can train her since we're seeing each other for the foreseeable future and I'm determined
Lone_Ranger 2 4d ago
the most important thing is not to care too much about this topic.
Even women will tell you they hate it when men care too much about making them cum. it puts them off. it creates pressure.
the correct approach is to simply do what you want to do - a woman cannot be truly submissive if she feels that you are 'trying to please her'.
honestly, the answer to this question is that you need to 'get out of your head' and learn to live in the moment - you should NOT be mentally leafing through some instruction manual when you are with a woman.
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 4d ago
I used to make the first time all about the girl and rocking her socks off.
Sex god method is a great guideline. Talk dirty and rather than asking if she likes what you’re doing just let her reactions guide you.
Extra pro tip: take your hand and place it on her lower tummy (basically right above her groin) and push in. You can do this in missionary, doggy, cowgirl etc. essentially pushes her gspot to your schlong.
Thank me later.
As Lone Ranger said tho: don’t make her the priority. A girl will be more turned on by you busting all over her than by you making her cum.
AbusiveFather1 3d ago
What are some things to say when you’re dirty talking? I can never come up with anything
financehardo420 Should i (x1) 3d ago
Giving her any instructions (put in your mouth/bend over for me/ride my shit right the fuck now/give me your mouth) etc and then saying “good girl” when she obeys your commands.
“You’re such a good little slut for me”
“Your pussy feels so fucking good on my cock”
“You take my dick so good”
“Fuck you’re so wet”
Etc etc
Dxmx99 4d ago
I'll give you practical advice step by step.
Step one is do not over think shit. Don't worry about making her cum. Feel with passion that you want to fuck her good.
Emotions. The hard part. Speak emotionally. You should have that down if you're getting plates, anyway.
"I love how your tits feel" bull shit like that. Vocalization is a part of foreplay.
The clit is sensitive for some, and there are some who use vibrators on the highest setting so often that they need a lot of pressure. I just had sex with a girl like that last night.
The gspot and clit should be stimulated together. If she needs a vibrator, whip it out. Place it right on the hood of her clit, angle it up right, and lick the clit and surrounding area.
Moan, tell her how hot she is, touch and lick everything like it's candy.
Even if she doesn't cum, she can't say the sex is bad. After she cums, dick her and dick her had. Long strokes feel better than any other. Let her g spot feel all you, base to tip. Tip to base. Switch up the rhythm, go in deep, and give her shallow and deep pumps. Let her really feel you.
You can take what I said, rephrase it, and say it too her before even fucking her at all. "I'm going to feel and fuck every piece of you." "I bet my tongue loves the taste of your pussy all the up to your lips." You get the gist.
Don't worry about "oh she's new how awkward" No, imagine that you are god damn Quagmire and you love sex.