Original thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktrp/comments/4pzgnj/girlfriend_disrespects_me_in_public/
Just wanted to update everyone here that I did it. I didn't want to deal with any drama if I told her we are done and that she should leave so I just waited until she had to visit her family a city away. And then, I struck.
I dropped her off at the bus terminal and wished her a good trip. She didn't see it coming. She thought she had it all in her hands. "Are you going to miss me?" she asked as I was driving her. "No, not really." She laughed and gave me a playful nudge. Little did she know, I was dead serious.
As soon as I dropped her off, I made my way back home. I had already prepared the garbage bags and quickly cleaned out my place of her belongings. I called her grandmother (her mother and her grandmother don't talk and they live separately) and told her I would be dropping off her things. I told her it just didn't work out. I drove over and unloaded it all with her grandfather's help. Her grandfather gave me a handshake and said, "I'm sorry it didn't work out, buddy! You can come and visit us any time!"
I blocked her on FB. Around 9pm, the calls began. A few "WTF?" texts and a voicemail saying, "Hey, that's really nice of you. That's REALLY FUCKED UP!" to which I don't respond to.
The next morning, it hits her. We had a fight before she left because I didn't have any cash on me so I gave her my debit card to buy weed with. She bought weed and then she went out by herself and got shitfaced by the time I got home without even asking if she could. But the stupid bitch doesn't even realize that it's not a particular fight that we had. She doesn't even fucking see or recognize that she is essentially stealing from me and lying to me and fucking me over. I am the only one that works and she doesn't give a fuck at all. Here's the voicemail:
Her family hates her because she's a selfish cunt. That's why her grandma/grandpa didn't tell her I was dropping her shit off and that's why they told me I can visit them anytime. Shortly after she realizes that her mom, sister or grandma are not going to let her stay, the barrage of texts begins. "Why did you do this to me I cared so much about you" "If you loved me then why did you do this" "That is really fucked up of you" "I miss you so much" She was so entitled and arrogant that she honestly didn't think that treating me like shit would ever come back to bite her in the ass. She thought it was my job to pay for her shit. Well, fuck her.
The next day, a few missed calls and a shitload of texts later, she leaves this voicemail: https://a.pomf.cat/nvfaza.m4a
More texts about what a piece of shit I am for leaving her penniless. She actually fucking said that as if it's my job to make sure that she is taken care of even after I kick her ass out. She texted me for a few days more and then it was silent. I called her grandma to see how she was dealing and she said she checked into a hospital and that she was staying at the homeless shelter.
Ha ha. Good riddance, cunt. She didn't love me. She didn't care about me. She used me as a means of getting by to get high and be a generally shitty person. She wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire. She only cared about herself. I feel bad for the dude that ends up with these damaged goods.
Off to the gym. Peace.
Melch_Underscore 8y ago
I had a similar experience, except I was married with kids. Never again.
juzeza 8y ago
She sounds toxic and probably abusing substances/will because of her character defects.
Very good decision. Now, try and keep from doing it again!
[deleted] 8y ago
Anyone still have the voicemails?
ecosci 8y ago
Leave the trash alone dude.
AfterC 8y ago
Dear Diary,
We haven't spoken in a while because life has been really busy. So much has happened and I can't get to it all right now.
But one amazing thing happened. Today, OP was not a faggot.
W_O_M_B_A_T 8y ago
OP needs to be careful the next time he goes out walking due to his balls swelling to 5x their previous size.
[deleted] 8y ago
I use stories like this, every time PPD TBP or some other fem talks about how mean we are.
Fuck you, this guy saved his own fucking life, fuck your morality.
OP, dont delete those links, I have a feeling this will become part of the sidebar
Drogba006 8y ago
I think you misinterpreted the comment
[deleted] 8y ago
OP is the like the Grinch that stole a greedy bitch's Christmas.
I love these TRP feel good stories.
bonerpotpie 8y ago
The wake up stories like these make me get a pride boner.
icecow 8y ago
That is a Repeatable line. Using that. Next time I see a guy in a similar situation I'm going to say something like, "Leave her and be known as the Grinch that stole the greedy bitch's Christmas."
causeandcorrelation 8y ago
So few and far between
Sementeries 8y ago
Can't tell if OP is too good hearted or a sick kunt
[deleted] 8y ago
Maybe a little of both...
He's definitely learning.
CrodudeClassic 8y ago
And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch’s small balls grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Red Pill came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten balls, plus two!
InChargeMan 8y ago
Literally LOL
kick6 8y ago
I can't imagine the raisins he had to begin with if pulling some bitch-shit like waiting for her to go out of town would cause 5x swelling.
[deleted] 8y ago
InChargeMan 8y ago
Not married, no reason to get a lawyer.
thebrandedman 8y ago
If bitch shows up with cops, demand to see the warrant. [ ]
Don't let her in. Police have no way of knowing what belongs to whom.
Smigg_e 8y ago
Police won't even show up with her unless she has a court ordered civil standby. She's dumb
Refigerator1043 8y ago
This is the best post I've ever seen on Reddit.
TrimHer 8y ago
She sounds a little "husky" anyway. Buh bye.
nastynickdr 8y ago
Glad that you found your balls back, gj
4D6N2 8y ago
I can't listen to the calls, for some reason. The site says they're corrupt.
W_O_M_B_A_T 8y ago
Sounds about right.....
wanderer779 8y ago
I couldn't listen to them because my "nonsensical bitching" alarm triggered and closed it out. Its not t really necessary to listen. Just imagine a bitchy girl with a bitchy voice bitching about something and you've got the just of it.
MuhTriggersGuise 8y ago
It's not the site, it's your browser plugin. Right click the link and save them to your computer, then open with a media player. Should play fine.
bonekeeper 8y ago
The vocal fry is strong with this one.
pbgswd 8y ago
the sooner you realize you are in a bad spot with a woman, the sooner you can choose to get out, and then you get out. And then you are a bit more picky about what kind of woman is worth a minute of your time.
RedOkra 8y ago
That was entertaining. Thumbs up.
MetalliMunk 8y ago
Voicemails? I'm liking this evidence shit :)
jupc 8y ago
Congratulations. Well played.
nightmancommeth 8y ago
Great job man! Part of bettering yourself is cutting the negative from your life. Way to go!
redparadigm 8y ago
Damn, dog.
Those voicemails you shared really were the cherry on top. The first one you can really hear what a controlling, manipulative and vindictive person she is.
knightSwolaire 8y ago
OP delivers. You the man!
Surfincloud9 8y ago
OP! My man. This makes me really happy. More men need to do what you did. Millions of men are in the same position you were and they just stuck with it. The voicemails really added a personal touch to this post and I dig it. Stay strong man and keep on keeping on
serialstitcher 8y ago
Posting in a legendary thread
Mustaka 8y ago
You should post this over at r pussypassdenied.
Apanthropos 8y ago
[deleted] 8y ago
I just realised that her bitchy accent is the Canadian equivalent of the valley girl accent, except that's it's much worse. You can almost hear the gender studies dripping from every syllables.
bonekeeper 8y ago
JukeLuke 8y ago
Hi, ive been swallowing the pill for almost a year but I still have much to learn.
However, I have read OP's original story and this one and I have a question. Could this all have been avoided in the first place?
For example if OP had set the facts straight how he does not like to be called "the guy that pays for her shit" from the beginning? Like personally I might let that slide once as a joke or something but if it happened again I would definitely call her out on it (like almost to the extent that OP came to).
Also why doesnt she have a job? does she not work or something? Her both not having a job and smoking weed a two huge flags for me before I would even consider her as LTR material.
By the way, I agree with OP how he doesnt need to give a shit about her after they broke up. and bravo to OP for perfect execution of dumping her ass.
CumForJesus 8y ago
You want to fucking know how to avoid being called "the guy that pay for my shit" ? Don't fucking pay for her shit. You don't deserve respect at this point. Setting the facts straight ? The fact is, you do pay for her shit. OP learned a valuable lesson, and i'm sure he'll start veto-ing his future relations like you and me.
xavine 8y ago
This is amazing. Kudos, OP. She was so damn entitled she felt you needed to pay for her company. Disgusting.
OverDragon42 8y ago
I can't listen to the voicemail I really want to lol
glawkneintehn 8y ago
50 year old smoker sounding entitled bitch complaining. Didn't miss much.
OverDragon42 8y ago
Well damn okay then
thor_away92 8y ago
Intentional bitch tone makes me space out
glawkneintehn 8y ago
Yeah as soon as I heard the voice the image of this bitchy "friend" I had who ended up becoming a heroin addict and then attempted to murder her boyfriend and carried off to prison came to mind.
throwaway320_ 8y ago
Why did you wait 2 months to act?
Forcetobereckonedwit 8y ago
Keep up the good work.
SwallowedThePill 8y ago
Good job man
Strongproudwoman 8y ago
ayeeeee a canadian.
knightSwolaire 8y ago
dude I feel like this needs to be posted on the main sub. i am smiling so hard right now.
RedWinter88 8y ago
Lol had to wait to hear the voicemails... "You said I could take out money to get weed, and I spent an extra $40. Big whoop." -girl who doesn't work
samsmith67 8y ago
Nice..... Very nice work dude.
Scholarofsomesins 8y ago
Bro You Are Free now! Nice Job.
3rt41 8y ago
Good for you bro
0mnipath 8y ago
Ah the happy ending makes me feel all warm and fuzzy)
TheBeardedMarxist 8y ago
Holy vocal fry Batman.
trpthroway123 8y ago
Classic shaming tactics and attempts at pulling at your heartstrings. Kudos to you for recognizing and resisting.
Family issues like that are a red flag you should watch for in the future.
Family being on your side, offering to maintain a relationship, is confirmation you're a damn good person and they know it. They know what's really going on, and they fully understand why you did what you did. You did the right thing, and you did it the right way.
Please, don't go picking through your garbage, don't take her back, don't fuck her, don't text her, don't engage her. You truly have nothing to gain, never forget that.
returnofthemackX 8y ago
Sweet justice. Also the way she speaks doesn't sound like she actually gives a fuck about you.
"and I spent an extra 40 dollars, BIG FUCKING LOT"
What a bitch, good job.
BenjiDread 8y ago
This coming from someone who doesn't have 40 dollars and had to steal it. The entitlement is real.
bigk12345 8y ago
OP, you are such a misogynist.
Just fucking with you.
Great job.
Apexk9 8y ago
Lol dumb bitch thinks the rcmp would waste their time. She needs a sherif and they take forever.
Good job eh.
Glad you realized what you're worth.
Smigg_e 8y ago
Goddamn she just has that pack of marb menthol a day dumb cunt voice. Good job I hate that bitch and I've never even met her. What a piece of shit.
mwandazimu 8y ago
Proud of ya, ya fuckin' hoser.
Chinny4daWinny 8y ago
My nigga. I was having an alright day, but this just made my day great.
Enjoy your weekend you fucking sick kunt
night-addict 8y ago
My justice boner PIERCES THE HEAVENS
Bascome 8y ago
Next time you give money for anything your GF needs figure out what you are getting in return and make sure SHE knows it as well. Never hand over your bank cards or passcodes.
Half of this was your fault for setting yourself up as a doormat. Paying is not a manly thing to do, its a beta thing to do. It used to be necessary to get a date back in the 50's because women didn't have jobs or money.
There are zero reasons to pay anymore.
lord-denning 8y ago
While we are all high-fiving OP, it's is worth taking a second to recognize that this girl referred to bringing the police over multiple times in her first voice mail. Women know instinctively that the police and the whole legal system are on their side. Op also mentions getting weed - I know things are changing, but in certain states a police check of premises could result in additional headache or worse.
My point simply is that kicking out a girlfriend in the current day and age incredibly brings risks with it if the girl is entitled. Document everything, check with a lawyer regarding your rights. If anyone else has any input that would be appreciated.
DonElDoug 8y ago
From beta to double triple alpha. Savage really love that update
BenjiDread 8y ago
ITT: A legion of justice boners.
jb_trp 8y ago
She's not penniless... She has a vagina. She'll find some other thirsty sucker to be her betabux and pay for all her shit.
Learn from this and be more discerning about who you commit to. There are about 10 red flags in your post... I'm assuming there are about 100 more in real life.
Sementeries 8y ago
She'll be crawling around the bars looking for a sucker to pound her day old fish.
DysfunctionalBrother 8y ago
OP fucking rocks! This should be part of the sidebar
RXRob 8y ago
Is it just me, or if your relationship with one person was the only barrier between your current situation and homelessness would you not make a huge effort to keep that relationship sweet?
The entitlement and lack of foresight of these girls always blows my mind.
jm51 8y ago
Had a women in her 30s stay with me, full on alcoholic but fun...at first. Kinda amused her that I was a year older than her mother. I'm into homebrew so she had all the vod she wanted. Took 5 days before she started being a proper drag, on the 6th day I had her leave.
SovietMoose 8y ago
Logic my friend, logic.
InChargeMan 8y ago
This is what I say about married women too. They could literally just give a BJ every 2 days and most guys would just deal with the rest of the BS until they die. They spend more time putting on makeup.
[deleted] 8y ago
Fuck, even HJ's
BenjiDread 8y ago
My thoughts exactly. My ex acted like me paying the rent and bills never happened...... Until she had to pay her own rent.
RXRob 8y ago
My ex reached a point where I had to sit her down and explain that I'd just put the deposit on a new house and that we would both have to move out in a month.
[deleted] 8y ago
Kudos to you for resisting telling her that after all the texts and calls.
MuhTriggersGuise 8y ago
The part where she talked about bringing the cops over to raid his place to "look" for more possessions of hers really got under my skin. Good on him for not reacting.
landon042 8y ago
the Fucking voice god damn. No girls talk feminine anymore it's like all basic bitch nagging voice.
I don't think we all realize it but it's a big factor, a sweet soft spoken childish voice is a huge plus
[deleted] 8y ago
Metalgear222 8y ago
I can hear the lazy stoner in her voice. The kind of girl that does a sharp inhale through the nose all the fkn time cause it's always runny. My god the worst kind of bitch.
landon042 8y ago
it's sad they're all on drugs to have fun/ but mostly forget the numbing pain of being pumped and dumped
frigidmouse 8y ago
So, basically you creeps want a docile little princess. Fucking pedophile-wannabes.
landon042 8y ago
the shaming lol.
to put it simply, I'm a man with a deep voice I don't need another girl doing the same.
Imagine, you see a cute girl, not in a slut uniform, she's wearing a nice casual dress looking very feminine and embracing it.
Suddenly she opens her mouth... nagging bitchyness comes out, she has a scratchy manly voice you can tell she got from "trying to be one of the guys"
Complete 180 her looks no longer matter, I'm completely turned off.
but keep shaming, you betas won't understand that and you'll take what you can get
rhys5584 8y ago
This is ironic.
W_O_M_B_A_T 8y ago
I DGAF what her voice sounds like, if she's good in bed. I'm thinking more about what else can her mouth can do.
frigidmouse 8y ago
My problem is equating a childish, powerless voice with femininity. Being attracted to feminity isn't a problem, but femininity isn't being subservient.
spurdosparade 8y ago
Jesus Christ, chill out, dude. It's just people's opinions in the fucking internet. Go lift some barbells or something.
RobertCarraway 8y ago
This faggot likes tranny porn and he says this... the nerve.
frigidmouse 8y ago
Are you implying that attraction to a transexual adult is equivalent to infantilizing and denigrating women?
[deleted] 8y ago
frigidmouse 8y ago
Okay, here's a conundrum for you: I'm apparently a faggot for liking trans women, right? Thing is... I'm a woman. Does that make me straight because you bigots consider trans women to be men?
KV-n 8y ago
oh, that explains everything. Just another old cunt bitter about men liking young girls the most. Nothing new to see folks, pass along!
[deleted] 8y ago
frigidmouse 8y ago
It really does. I always forget that jerkoffs like you guys exist.
rhys5584 8y ago
Why are your here, you just trying to spin your wheel?
Mildly_Sociopathic 8y ago
If you rearrange parts of the sentence, it turns to "You jerk off to guys" which is apparently true.
[deleted] 8y ago
ddiogenesofsinope 8y ago
This powered me the fuck up!!!
corsega 8y ago
Threads like these. It's threads like these that keep me coming back.
Part of me was hoping this was going to be the guy who was told by a roommate of his girlfriend's that she was into him, and if he fucked her he would tell the guy. Anyone remember that post?
knightSwolaire 8y ago
omg you REALLY delivered. Never heard a voicemail EVER in my reddit history. Your balls are the size of cantaloupes dude.
Strahm 8y ago
recursoinominado 8y ago
I know that's wrong but this post just made my day, so awesome to see someone wake up!
BoochBrewer 8y ago
Ho. Lee. Fuck. That voicemail sounded exactly like my ex. The tone change. The threats. Only thing missing (which you may have gotten) was another VM 10 min later of her screaming with rage, then another one 10 min bawling her eyes out apologizing.
Good move man. Hopefully you didn't get her pregnant. That was my biggest fear.
seattleron 8y ago
The worst part for her is no explanation, but deep down she knows.
Just wait, you'll get an email or a long text or voicemail where she apologizes for exactly the reasons you kicked her out.
CumForJesus 8y ago
No, I think she'll never see herself as being wrong. Doing something wrong once, alright she can buy it if the moon's full and red. Being fully wrong, never.
TheRedStoic 8y ago
Op you've got to cross post this to r pussypassdenied.
Probably the most legit thing there in weeks.
Addictedtoiron 8y ago
Good to see an OP that actually fucking accepts TRP advice.
walawalawa 8y ago
I love these stories where the dude finds his balls and discovers the Red Pill. I see myself in each of these stories slowly moving past the crap.
VasiliyZaitzev 8y ago
I love how it's somehow your fault that she's "homeless" because she can't stay with her grandparents, her mom or her sister. Why would that be? Because even her family doesn't want anything to do with her? So basically, she's burned every relationship she has in life, and yet it's somehow not HER that ruined her own life. What at twat.
rot_barth 8y ago
Would you expect anything else from the soliptic hampster on overdrive?
MuhTriggersGuise 8y ago
Not only that, but she's unemployed so has no money for a place (his fault apparently), nor does she have any kind of savings to rely upon (again, his fault). Not only is she in this precarious position depending on someone else like that, but she treats the person like shit. What a lunatic.
CumForJesus 8y ago
Not only is she depending on one guy, and treating him like shit, but she's using him to buy weed. Like, really ? You use your sugar daddy to buy weed instead of a house ?
DirtyProject0r 8y ago
This is my favorite part to be honest.
OverDragon42 8y ago
Yeah it shows that even the grandparents know that she is a piece of shit and he is a good standing guy in there eyes lmfao
KumonRoguing 8y ago
You get this a lot from the parents. I still watch football with one of my ex's dad's. He's chill.
dgillz 8y ago
Gramps is probably RP as hell
landon042 8y ago
inb4 Gramps shows op how to properly manage bitches and he has 5 plates that's why his marriage has worked
Late30sMasculist 8y ago
Listening to those calls I can see why you waited for her to be out of town to move her out instead of kicking her out yourself.
Next time, be more careful with who you get close to and expose yourself to.
CumForJesus 8y ago
Can you write what she said ? I'm not native, and i'm only good at writing english. Spoken english is very, very hard for me.
dons90 8y ago
Might be late but here's the transcript. There were some inaudible portions which I've marked with a (?)
Voicemail #1
[Initial Operator Voice]
"That's really awesome, you packed up all my things and took them to my Grandma's house while I'm visiting(?) my fucking family? Over something that you said you weren't even mad over? That's really, uh, yeah, awesome. When you said I could take up money to buy weed, then I spent an extra $, big fucking luck(?).
But uh yeah no that's great, have a nice life. There better be every single thing of mine in that packing(?) place otherwise I'll be coming back over there with the police to double check the apartment - And uh make sure that not a single thing is left back in there - I'm probably gonna be doing that anyways. So I'll come over tomorrow and I'll bring the RCMP(?) with me. They can escort me around and make sure you've packed up every single fucking thing of mine and uh, I'll call you and let you know what time I'm coming, thanks bye."
Voicemail #2
[Initial Operator Voice]
"Hi, just wanted to say thanks a lot, for not only ruining my life, but now I'm homeless because I can't stay here and I can't get my mom so my life's a joke(??). So thanks a lot, I'll be probably hitch-hiking it back to Vancouver today, bye"
CumForJesus 8y ago
Thanks. Damn she's crazy.
DennisReynoldsAMA 8y ago
Lmao you're a boss dude, just block her number so you don't see her negative texts.
MuhTriggersGuise 8y ago
The voicemails came from "an unknown number". She's already blocked.
DennisReynoldsAMA 8y ago
Oh my bad. Good on you bro