follow up to this thread: (
went to meet her at a coffee shop, first thing she say is 'i think we need a break for a month, i need to figure things out for myself'
translation: i want to fuck other dudes and not feel guilty about it
i told her i'm not interested in a break and i'm done for good and i walked off.
Not gonna lie fellas this shit stings but at least i have plenty of time now to work on myself and fuck other women.
jay_jay_man 7y ago
Compu7erUser 6y ago
slow clap
RedditSilverRobot 6y ago
Here's your Reddit Silver, jay_jay_man!
/u/jay_jay_man has received silver 1 time. (given by /u/Compu7erUser) info
Ou-tis 7y ago
Str_ 7y ago
InvictusDO 7y ago
DatingCoach111 7y ago
RobertTene 7y ago
FaderOne 7y ago
Moreofmore 7y ago
More of This
Edit:thanks coach
DatingCoach111 7y ago
You are welcome.
Ou-tis 7y ago
[deleted] 7y ago
There must be something comforting about the number three. People always give up after three or as in this case, the fourth one is no longer seen as being a part of the "buzz", but rather, as an age old sentiment, that your parents had felt when they found out about you unnecessarily occupying the womb of your mother, that it's an uncalled for unnecessarity, which better off not have been there in the first place.
Ou-tis 7y ago
What's the problem,man?
Reformed65 7y ago
That's the most formal and professional way of saying "No one gives a shit about the forth item, just like YOUR MOM when she had you as the forth child!"
Ivabighairy1 7y ago
When a woman says "We have to talk" that means YOU have to listen.
When she does talk, she's setting the agenda.
You handled it well.
UEMcGill 7y ago
The only thing I would add is you don't let them schedule. The moment she is saying "later" you're in her frame.
The best answer is pick up the phone and call her, force her to get it out right then and there.
A woman has the talk for her sake, not yours. She wants to justify in her head what she is doing is right. So don't waste the effort.
Rian_Stone 7y ago
Yup. powertalk 100%
thefisherman1961 7y ago
you took the words right out of my mouth. i’m shocked and disgusted that more people didn’t point this out
mcr00sterdota 7y ago
You the man OP. Go meet other women now.
XT3M3 7y ago
good shit bro
Reformed65 7y ago
OP what did she say to you after you told her you're not interested?
1Pink1Stink 7y ago
Answer him
saint_raben 7y ago
gratulations dude
RunawayGrain 7y ago
Awesome, now block her on everything too.
zboo1h 7y ago
Reminds me of my first LTR a very long time ago.
I ended up fucking her in the ass about a month after I walked away.
Remember, OP, she's anal only now.
CryptoManbeard 7y ago
You handled it well man. Embrace the suck for a few days/weeks, use it as fuel to be a better dude.
BarlieCharlett 7y ago
Don't go back, this is a perfect time for more improvement. Good luck.
shredzro 7y ago
Good job man. Real proud and I don’t even know you. Block her.
[deleted] 7y ago
Rian_Stone 7y ago
fuck that. Strangers don't get a spot on your contact list
[deleted] 7y ago
Rian_Stone 7y ago
be polite, like you would any stranger.
Do you really need me to guide you through how to stop giving a shit about your ex?
shredzro 7y ago
Hmmm that’s a good way too look at it. Usually it’s advised to block Incase the OP has the urge to contact the ex.
[deleted] 7y ago
Next time, you will be smart enough to not entertain this horseshit. Never meet. It’s a waste of time. Go fuck ten other women.
trpcounsel 7y ago
You da man. She will be back, 100%, so be prepared to ignore her for the rest of your life. One chance, per girl, per lifetime. She blew hers. On to the next one, brother. Great job.
Borsao66 7y ago
3.5 billion other women man. Don't sweat it.
chachaChad 7y ago
Standing up for yourself can be uncomfortable if you're not used to it. It's easy to get intoxicated by your emotions.
Try to stay in the moment and be on the look out for irrational thoughts. "Yikes, she broke up with me! I must be unlovable or bad in bed or I'm ugly and nobody will love me." When you catch yourself having an irrational thought, examine it and try and think about things rationally. You have no real idea why she actually broke up with you and it possibly has much more to do with her than you. You'll find someone else and, almost assuredly, someone better suited to you.
Big pat on the pack for keeping your dignity and not getting dragged around the room by someone else.
RedFoxRunner 7y ago
Good shit man. I recently went through something similar. Kept asking myself if it's something I did or messed up on. I gotta tell myself you never know what's going on in the background.
RedHeMan 7y ago
You handled it well, make sure to block her on everything to prevent the temptation of getting back with her.
Synacku 7y ago
remove/block everything, yessir
AstuteBlackMan 7y ago
I personally wouldn't block her. I would let her wonder about me.
_JustASnowFlake_ 7y ago
Why? How does that benefit you other than stroking your ego?
MuhTriggersGuise 7y ago
My ego loves stroking almost as much as my dick. What more reason is needed?
-TempestofChaos- 7y ago
Can still fuck her.
She just is no longer suitable beyond cumdumpster
NapalmSunshine 7y ago
If he blocks her he looks like a chump who can’t handle his break up eloquently. Keeping her unblocked or even not bothering to remove her from friends lists on social media shows how little you care about the situation and furthers the idea in her head that she is the one who lost you. Maintain dignity.
Psychocist 7y ago
How he looks to who? Surely the only thing that matters is how he sees himself? You cannot be saying he shouldn't block her because he might look like a chump TO HER? Sounds like a whole lot of investment in her perception of him.. which means nothing and shouldn't even be considered.
One reason not to block is because she might be a potential plate in the future.. but even that is creeping on your abundance mindset. I'd vote delete and forget -- if she becomes a nuisance then block.
_JustASnowFlake_ 7y ago
I see where you are coming from, so I guess there would be a "it depends on the situation" sort of move. As long as it benefits you in the long run.
Block if she is a crazy person
Not block if she is a potential future plate
Am I wrong?
NapalmSunshine 7y ago
I’d say default to no blocking. But if she acts crazy or attempts contact, initiate blocking.
AstuteBlackMan 7y ago
Well unlike you im not a simp I wouldn't really be tempted to message a girl if we are no longer talking.
kick6 7y ago
Odds are good it’s not “other dudes” in a generic sense, but one particular dude she wants to attempt a monkey-branch too while keeping you as a safety net.
thefisherman1961 7y ago
or she already fucked him and if he agrees to a break she won’t feel as guilty for cheating
trpcounsel 7y ago
Regardless. Not really worth torturing yourself with this thought. Bottom line is thoughts of foreign dick(s) have been so prevalent in her mind that she's decided to take action (ask for a break). It's game over at that point, period.
kick6 7y ago
I think it’s less tortuous knowing that she wasn’t “finding herself,” but actually being pathetically incapable of taking the risk of being alone.
trpcounsel 7y ago
Yeah I agree. That's true regardless of whether she's trying to leach onto one new guy, or several. The inability to be alone remains.
Edit: Spelling
YasserZe 7y ago
L bet she met some other Chad
Dio_Brando_Joestar 7y ago
If u go back op u lose. Trust me. Been in your shoes.
xfactor90 7y ago
Great response on your part.
AfterC 7y ago
that was a home run of a departure, yeah
thefisherman1961 7y ago
no it wasn’t. he entered her frame by agreeing to meet up and listen to her gab. he should have just called her and had her say it over the phone so he didn’t have to waste time, energy, and money validating her by showing up.
Psychocist 7y ago
Better yet:
And not even give the bitch a second breathing space over the phone.
thefisherman1961 7y ago
i think if you’re in an LTR you should at least hear her out. she might be like “we need to talk...i just found out i have stage 4 cancer” or something.
[deleted] 7y ago
kick6 7y ago
Gonna be hard to squat to depth with those.
chazthundergut 7y ago
Well done. I know it stings. But you can hold your head high, with respect for yourself as a Man.
Werewolf35b 7y ago
Haha don't shit hold your head high. Any other response you could offer would really really make you feel like shit. And believe it or not, that includes whatever you could say to make her stay. You handled it perfectly. She's probably all upset and unsure now.
Synacku 7y ago
Fucking perfect response. Exactly what I would've done. I feel liberated on your behalf! lol
DaddyIssues6 7y ago
What if she came back to you? Would you demote her to a plate?
DiggerClam 7y ago
Excellent work. That takes guts and you showed you had the balls.