JackedPact Sidebar
General Forum Rules
Anti-gym, anti-lifting comments will result in insta-ban. Unsubscribe if you don't want to see #JackedPact.
All lifting science, testosterone Science, supplement, and nutrition or factual posts must have a source for the information. This forum is based in objectivity. Comments to such posts must also have sources.
You should possess the actual results that match the advice you are giving. Goes without saying. No "do X to get Y" when you don't even have Y yet yourself.
- No vanity posting. I don't think anyone wants to see post after post of us flexing at the gym mirror. If you feel so inclined to provide a physique, etc., do so in a relevant comment to another relevant post, no posts solely to post a physique. Put that in the Bodybuilding tribe or JackedPack tribe on dot red if you just want to solely post your gainz.
Flair-Specific Rules
Lifting Science. Must have source for information on benefits of certain lifts, routines, etc.
Testosterone Science. Posts must be scientific with sources. Flair solely focuses on evidence-based ways to increase testosterone. No anobolics or banned substances.
Supplements. No banned substances, hard rule. Provide a scientific source for their benefits. Mention any known side effects. Also, it should be made clear which area/hormone your post is intended to improve i.e. [sleep/testosterone] etc.
Nutrition. Sceintific source must be provided for nutrition posts and comments. No advocating for relying on or aspiring for "dirty bulking". Also, it should be made clear which nutrient/hormone your post is intended to improve i.e. [protein/testosterone] etc.
Meal Prep and Recipes. Recipes must be a picture upload post (whether an online image or your cooking, and not a link version). Post must contain a comment with the recipe, and a mod will sticky the text recipe as the top comment.
Goals & Motivation Help. No rules really other than no repeated instances of "breh don't feel like going to the gym/cooking/eating/ etc." Either commit or don't, no repeated, demotivational spam.
Miscellaneous Q. For questions that don't quite fit in with other flairs, such as: equipment, costs, etc.
Gainz Inspiration. This is for making inspirational and anecdotal posts about how lifting/fitness/nutrition changed your life, be it: better health, more confidence, more IOIs, etc.
The tribe version of JackedPact is for more brief quips/small mentions, this forum version is for actual posts of more substance
mattyanon 1y ago
subscribed after I realised it's not a pact to stop jacking off
Vermillion-Rx Gainz 1y ago
Lmfao, i can't believe your mind went there lol
Typo-MAGAshiv 1y ago
In fairness to him, it is November, when the NoFap/semen retention retards are most vocal.
Vermillion-Rx Gainz 1y ago
Oh yeah *facepalm emoji*
Typo-MAGAshiv 1y ago
RPS didn't crank up the NoNothingNovember tribe this year. He must be busy.
[deleted] 1y ago
Vermillion-Rx Gainz 1y ago
Thank you, I fixed them, I have absolutely no idea how the formatting for my link was so fucked
It's all good now