Why I made JackedPact

I started lifting in January 2012 after a Jacked friend introduced me to lifting, and I lost my virginity two months later and got increased IOIs and more.

And yet ... I have yet to be jacked ... Why? Cause my lifting was bad? No. Rather, it was always from getting results and then stopping going for various bullshit reasons till I started losing too many gains, only to go again to salvage the lost gainz, get back to my old PRs and physique, maybe surpass them by a smidge even, and then the cycle repeats.

I've been locked in at some various shade of defined and a somewhat ripped, but too lean imo, for too goddamn long. Lifting for a third of my life and still not being Jacked gets disappointing.


Does this sound like you? Need some godDAYUM fukken accountability? Maybe some inspiration?

JackedPact is the place for the bros to tell your ass to get to the gym in one way or another, so you can achieve your RP journey of better health, better mood and confidence, and more IOIs and easy mode in your life.

Stop wasting your years and potential and commit to getting Jacked (or whatever your health and fitness goals are)