OYS is where progress occurs.

With that in mind, existing and new posters alike, consider the following:

  • Don't frame any portion of your post as "she" did this and "you" did that in return. Make sure you are the protagonist of your post. Some mods have itchy-trigger-fingers for "she"-based posts, even if it's just a section of your OYS. The result of that is usually a ban.
  • Don't lie to us. More importantly, don't lie to yourself. Lying to yourself enables you to lie to to us. The net result isn't pretty. Some dudes here are uncannily capable of finding your lies to us and turning them on you. Think ahead. If you're honest with yourself you can avoid this.
  • Don't live action role play your life. None of us care.
  • On the caring front, some of us put effort into this joint. What gets feedback, what gets results? Acknowledging your shortcomings, accepting your challenges, and earnestly shooting for something better. For fuck sake, how many "citizens of the world" even bother to think that far ahead? Don't be so deluded to assume you know it all; fact is, you know virtually nothing. Reality is: that's okay. That's actually why many of us volunteer our time. You think I give a flying fuck whether you upvote my post? Christ.
  • Understand this is a process, one that has proven - for many - to be a process that can work. You won't get "overnight results" as though you bought them on a late-night infomercial, guaranteed for the low, low payment of just $19.95.
  • With that said, if you're writing something like "OYS #63" then reconsider what you're doing. Have you made progress? Are you fooling yourself? Are you making progress or are you sitting on your ass, wasting all our time, and simply fictionalizing a future you can only hope for? Lot's of smart dudes put time into this - too many to name. If you're wasting your time and you're wasting our own time and you're only larping a bunch of bullshit (foxshitynasty83) then I'm numbering your days, personally.
  • If you have little to say... if you haven't progressed.. then don't fucking say anything. OYS is not your journal. If you're content with stagnation, then leave it to yourself.
  • Per Stoney: A small thing that will help immeasurably for guys here new and old posting in there: If your post is future tense it's shit so write in the past tense. Trust me, it improves more than the writing.

Finally, two things:

  • Write down your OYS. Sit on it. Then edit for clarity before posting.
  • Know that posting first (as in Tuesday morning at 2:25 am) is not required. I - and at least one other mod - pay more attention to the later posters than the initial posters.

Lastly, know this:

  1. Askmrp is good, if you've been subjected to a lobotomy against your will.
  2. MRP is good, though covid has the numbers keeping mum.
  3. OYS is where you find (supposedly) motivated people - aka you - and legitimately motivated people - e.g. me - and others - who can try to help you navigate these dark waters.

So focus on OYS - as w&s (may he rest in peace) - has always advised.
