This is intended as a placeholder - but feel free to join and do tribal stuff! I'm u/goodmod on r/MensRights.
Posted 4y ago in Progress - Permalink - Locked - 26.1K Views
Created By MenAreFine
This is intended as a placeholder - but feel free to join and do tribal stuff! I'm u/goodmod on r/MensRights.
Ma5terplanner 4y ago
I'm not sure about Ireland but there is certainly no support in the UK for male victims of domestic abuse by female perpetrators.
It doesn't fit with the narrative the liberal elites are pushing here.
If anything, the 'strong woman' narrative that they are pushing is increasing the likelihood of abuse.
pellmius 4y ago
Same in Brazil.
Oncefa2 4y ago
There's an Irish non profit for abused men.
I'm not sure how successful it is but Ireland is a decently small country so maybe they have a larger impact there.
mdkb 4y ago
check barnett survivors limited, james barnett in uk does a lot of work in this area
Objective_Watch 4y ago
there is some support for male victims of domestic violence in the US but the guys are shamed for it and also not sure if this counts but I am going to include it anyway if a women falsely accuses a man of sexual assault his life will be ruined and if it is false there will be no negative consequenses for her actions
user7589728426 4y ago
Same in Australia
n3miD 4y ago
I was going to say that....i have just finished a cert 4 in mental health and currently doing diploma of communities services, I want to use these to help male victims but there is nothing in Victoria where I'm from.....Queensland has the Australian brotherhood of fathers and they have just opened up support in another state recently I think it was new south wales, they aren't that well known.
BabbaSadhbh 4y ago
Aus_Pilot12 4y ago
There was a TV ad (well in Victoria) for a helpline for males being abused and just needing support, from the federal government
Philletto 4y ago
Daniel Andrews had Respect Women ads.
emir0052 4y ago
Virtually all male support in Australia, is only for help with your abusive nature towards women, because a male can only be the abuser, never the abused.
Australia is so scared of offending feminists, that this country has because toxic and sick.
dontpet 4y ago
I don't know if it was the same one that was posted here previously. If it is, it is a trap. They are screening men for perpetrator issues mostly.
Superiershooter 4y ago
What? Im curious and i have no info
tbl44 4y ago
You call and say "help my wife is hurting me" and they ask "well how are you abusing her to cause her to act like that?" then you are told in elaborate terms to check your toxic masculinity and the police are dispatched to arrest you.
Superiershooter 4y ago
I see.. Honestly im pretty sure this is why we see men just skipping town when they are stuck in bad relationships
dontpet 4y ago
I run a counseling service for men. We don't tell guys to call the police unless there are kids involved or they have a knife sticking out of their head and, for both cases, witnesses.
kingjohn1919 4y ago
Same in canada
SageBus 4y ago
Same in Spain. The current government even created a whole Ministry of Women (and the vicepresident put his wife in charge of it), they are far left liberals (you know, communist, these guys think Chavez was a hero and a saviour for Venezuela). They even have a phone line for abused women. If you call as a man they tell you very politely to fuck off and seek some "association/NGO/Tree house club help".
The mere accusation (no proof, no trial no nothing) , gets you in jail as a man for a solid week, even if the woman was the abuser.
Domestic disturbances here in Spain means the man is guilty automatically.
Third wave feminism has absolutely nothing to do with equality, and basically just gives people with personality disorders (Narcissitic Personality Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder amongst others) ammo to keep abusing men as much as possible (while squeezing them off their money as much as possible and weaponizing their children as much as possible to hurt the father).
Post-Edit: Complaining about this puts you AUTOMATICALLY in the sack of a fascist far right wing supporter, as a backwards chauvinistic piece of shit.
_Yowax_ 4y ago
Another reason why I'm moving to another country as soon as possible
TheAlmightyLloyd 4y ago
From what I see, considering the Spanish coalition as "liberals" is pretty disingenuous. They're socialists. One is still quite liberal knowing the socdems in Europe have a slight leaning on the right in practice. Podemos on the other hand is on the left, even though I don't agree with all their stances, it's still an improvement on the constant push towards more unregulated capitalism that we have in Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union.
In reality, comparing an alliance between true socdems and pretending socdems (more like soft liberals) to Chavez is still an easy thing that many do in the far-right. The far-right has pushed the Overton window so far that, for many people, even ensuring proper taxation is considered one of the most violent things a government could do.
On the other hand, assuring people that they are safe, no matter their gender, sexuality, religion or anything should be a concern for every government. Even if it isn't as common as official numbers show, it doesn't mean it isn't an emergency for the victims, especially when they have no recourse to get out of their situation.
SageBus 4y ago
Dude , literally Pablo Iglesias is seen in interviews and was part of their Venezuelan propaganda dictatorial machine back then. This is the equivalent of the far right saying that Franco and Hitler were awesome fellows and wearing a nazi party armband.
I used to and still think of myself as a liberal/left wing person, but after seeing what they are turning the country into , and the incredibly wacky and out of touch "gender laws" that they call it, they made me shoo away from socialism forever.
Supposedly the Spanish consitution assures this as a right (Article 14) , that isn't being applied because "women are dying".
Abuse is abuse. Men and women should enjoy the same privileges according the constituion article 14.
TheAlmightyLloyd 4y ago
The pretending socdems I was talking about are those claiming to be socdems, the traditionnal European left has been leaning on the right for a while now. Iglesias on the other hand is on the left even though not so far on the left that he would socialize the means of production.
Matt_the_Alien 4y ago
Same here on earth
emir0052 4y ago
Only the 5 eye countries, they all play from the same agenda book.
PurpleHawk222 4y ago
Probably the same on the space station y
Decent_Priority 4y ago
I could imagine that as well, a female astronaut slapping the shit out of her coworker male astronaut on camera in front of all the people watching the mission down on earth at the nasa offices would result in a “Hey!!! Calm down!! Sarah!!!” From the “big boss” down on earth. And the mission would continue and conclude as normal and back on earth many in the office would joke about it and pass it off as a cute and funny thing.
And in the reverse situation if the male astronaut did that, the result would be a “Woah, hey what the fuck, get the fuck off her now dude!!!”(note: the same result would apply if she hit him and he hit back in response and self defence).
And then the mission would be promptly cut short and canceled, and they would return to earth and the male would be ridiculed by everyone and fired immediately, and sued by nasa for the females “damages” and cost of the mission as the female would be suing nasa as well to collect her goldigger paycheck.
And he, having a degree in astrophysics, would be working at McDonald’s because it would forever be on his record that he abused a female coworker on the job. And his life would be completely ruined.
His wife would then immediately divorce him because she isn’t sticking around for a “non providing husband” that stopped buying her Prada bags and Rolex’s off his astronaut salary so she can be the “popular wife” at the country club she will soon lose membership to.
And then he will lose custody of his children because the video of him hitting the female coworker would be used by his wife and said ex coworker of his(and his wife is friends with the female coworker and supports her fully) against him in court and not only would he lose custody of his kids but also be made liable for spousal support alimony and child support alimony until the kids are 18, and be required to send his wife 8 grand a month but he only makes 1800$ a month at his McDonald’s job so he is in a permanent, irreversible, homelessness situation, and has nothing left to do but kill himself.
Yeah, I can imagine that happening.
Or wait, why imagine it, it probably happens daily all over the world.
SuperPamHan 4y ago
same in america but 30 times worse with the bullshit propaganda of #metoo #believeallwomen #woke #breakingthepatriachy #empowered #strongwoman #left4life #heforshe #allmenarerapists
Wubalubadubdubbiatch 4y ago
santajawn322 4y ago
Yoramus 4y ago
You forgot #menaretrash
SuperPamHan 4y ago
#theforceisfemale #wakeup #riseup
n3miD 4y ago
You forgot killallmen
SuperPamHan 4y ago
#maletears #ownedconservitard #sexistbydefault
CookhouseOfCanada 4y ago
liberal elites? You mean literally every member of government?
I don't get the UK. Your left and right parties are basically the same elite class looking to keep the poor, poor. They have so many tabloids all run by Murdoch that all push the same agenda but a large group of the population eats it up. For credibility I have lived here for 4 years.
They looked at America and went:
"Yep, that us vs them mentality works perfectly to keep the serfs in check!"
Mountain-Image 4y ago
This is a bizarre phrase to use when we’ve had a conservative government for 10 years. Honestly if a bill were to make it to parliament I doubt you’d find many opposers.
The fact is people complain but they don’t engage in any actual activism to change things. Things like feminism and gay rights get codified into law because people work to get it done regardless of the inevitable backlash; which is always the excuse MRA give as to why they don’t even bother trying to do anything.
The best we’ve seen is men dressed in super hero costumes standing on bridges complaining about custody battles. Great if you like getting headlines, not so great if you want to change laws. We’ve seen with virtually every group that you aren’t just given your rights out of kindness, you have to go and get them.
How many people come here every day to complain because it’s easy? Thousands. How many actual go out into the world and organise and get things done? Very few, if any. There’s your problem. It’s not just going to land in your lap.
Waterfire741 4y ago
Can't speak for wherever in the world you're at, but here in the US (and Canada, iirc), meeting spaces for MRAs are invaded by counter-activists, emotional support groups/spaces are picketed or closed, and most of those places eventually refuse to allow the MRA groups to meet there since they have to make a living, and no sh*t, public assembly permits are denied or the organizers are required to post some prohibitively-expensive 'public safety bond'. It becomes a little hard to do more than cyber-activism, with those kind of hurdles.
Japilla 4y ago
The problem is, it's extremely difficult to engage in activism against this 'New Age Marxism' narrative power grab when every organization or space where said activism should be taking place is immediately deplatformed and labeled as toxic or sexist or racist because it doesn't align with their views or agenda. Said activism is certainly taking place but in order for it to be effective, it needs to stay quiet and work in the dark so as to not be targeted by SJW's and the like.
redditor_aborigine 4y ago
MyFatThumb 4y ago
I moved from mra to mgtow because mra is a waste of time. MRAs complain and don't get listened to.
AuspiciousSpice 4y ago
Let it burn
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
some aspects of mgtow are pretty decent tbh but I don't like the whole idea of never settling.
it works perfectly if you never plan on having kids but as soon as you have a kid, esp a son, they need a dad hanging around. i could see a daughter managing just fine so long as the mother had the funds. imo just don't hang out of whoever your dating all the time so you don't get bored.
I don't get not wanting kids tbh. I'm 19 and I already wouldn't mind a son. once I got the cash idgaf I'm just going till I get one and if she/me loses interested idrc so long as I get that kid.
this is where I think we really need to work on men's rights. I can't see anyone but the most pussywhiped man getting bullied by their girl. if she hurt me I'd hurt her back? if i dated a small girl I'd just walk away? I dunno. sounds easy in my basic head
What narrative exactly? Seems to fit perfectly with the social justice narrative in USA
Qualanqui 4y ago
The Duluth narrative in which woman, paradoxically, are both fragile and beautiful creatures that would never harm a fly and fierce warriors that slay the patriarchy with their blades of justice.
juliansatx 4y ago
So my child’s mom loved to close fist punch me with all her might , right in the face when we’d argue. This happened on at least 3x instances in less than a 8 months .
I finally got tired of it, put her against the wall and grabbed her and said “if you ever f’n do that to me again, I’ll f’n kill you”. I really didn’t mean it, I was mad and tired of being hit in the face by her fist. She proceeded to run out the door in fear (she’d been severely beaten in a previous relationship), I believe she had PTSD. She went to the the neighbors, hours later they called the cops. Next thing you know, I have a strangulation charge.
“But I didn’t choke her”, well, that’s what you’re being charged with said my lawyer. So it turns out, the bull looking cop coheresed her into saying that when I pinned her against the wall, she couldn’t breathe for a second (even though she denies ever saying this till this day). Not only that, my hands against her collar bones with the tips of my index fingers she hind her neck, there was 2 very faint finger left 2 finger print sized faint marks on the BACK OF HER NECK. I told my lawyer, I’m not a moron, if I was choking her, the pressure would not have been applied to the back of her neck, as if I was massaging her. He explained to me any contact made between the shoulders and the head will constitute a attempted strangulation charge, due to a law revision within the past decade.
Long story short, she wrote a letter of non prosecution, the DA didn’t care. Clean record at 30 something and now my life is turned upside down with a felony strangulation charge. Btw- I begged her to admit she hit me first, she never did it and has a great job now while I couldn’t get a job in corporate America ever with a stain on my record as such.
Moral of the story, I know there’s a stigma and you may feel silly calling the police on a female abuser but it must be done or else it can cause you your freedoms in life and hinder the ability to obtain a job.
Edit- thanks for the silver! Only a couple of souls know this story in my real life. I hope my story (that I’m not so proud of) might help at least one man that’s read it in their current or future relationship
DaVinciofDeath 4y ago
Women can get abused because they most likely cannot physically resist, and men mostly because of psychology but also because women can get away with murder when it comes to physical and verbal abuse against men by women. This is because many assume "well, a man would be able to physically defend himself against woman abusers" and so women are most commonly viewed by the general public as victims, and while this may be initially true, if a man were to actually defend himself against an abusive partner she could just go crying to the police like a little whining degenerate saying "he abused me, he abused me" while that is not really what happened.
vicsj 4y ago
I was heartbroken reading through this. The so called "justice" system is so biased and corrupt, it doesn't even recognize that women can be just as abusive as men. I'd say women can be even more abusive just based on psychological abuse. I'm so sorry this happened to you, you did not deserve it...
morerokk 4y ago
This is exactly the shit that happens when you let feminists codify their ideology into law.
kingjohn1919 4y ago
Sorry to hear that bro. I'm in a similar situation...fucked up thing is, I went to the police for help and they still went after me. Even with her history
Lesson 1. NEVER trust the police or system. Just "doing nothing wrong" doesn't mean shit
juliansatx 4y ago
Sorry to hear you’re going through similar, it’s hard to stay positive when this is happening to you. It’s a losing battle until we get some sort of reform.
My friend is going through it now. His girlfriend was arrested for domestic violence against him (he lucked out because he was taking video, they ALMOST took him instead of her).... but some months later, she cried wolf and they picked him up and he’s fighting the case now, even though there’s no evidence. It’s ludicrous
It seems as my interactions with cops are predominantly negative. I’ve always been respectful to cops when there’s been an interaction but never received the same back, not even a break for a speeding ticket at that .
I was profiled when younger (teens) and harassed to the point where there would be a viral video on it in this day of age. It’s hard to back the blue as a organization when this has been your personal life’s experiences with them in a nutshell. I wouldn’t go as far to say “F the police”, because I know 2 cops personally that are great people, but something is definitely wrong with PD in our country and I can’t back them as a organization, or “gang”
MeAlepz 4y ago
That sucks. I might need to get a fucking body camera to protect myself.
juliansatx 4y ago
Seriously... before this happened, I actually (kinda) jokingly told her that I’m going to get cameras installed in here in case she hits me/ murders me.... I’m wishing I actually did it instead of just talking about it
Sith_Lord_Of_The_USA 4y ago
Can you file to get it expunged?
juliansatx 4y ago
In Texas, a family violence case does not qualify to be expunged. I would have never agreed to a deferred if I knew this. It counts as a conviction in the way it can never be sealed, expunged and I can never have the right to open carry
Godspeed311 4y ago
Did you find out the law that changed? Similar thing happened to me. My ex and I got into an argument and I grabbed them by the shoulders and shook them (because words fail 100% of the time if someone chooses to not hear them). The police were called and then said it was required that I go to jail even though both of us told them there was no strangulation attempt, and I am still waiting to be charged for over a year because my public defender is absolute garbage.
juliansatx 4y ago
I’m going to be honest, my attorney probably did a shitty job at notifying me that my deferred wasn’t actually a true deferred (in the way it would always be treated as a conviction after the fact). I did NOT even think my “crime” is one that’s clumped together with rapists and murders .
With this being said, if I would have been better informed, I would have played the cat and mouse game with the DA longer. I was just sick and tired of being reset, going into court, being put on display as a “female stranglerl”, I jumped on the first DA offer, which ,in hindsight was STUPID.
KingKookus 4y ago
That is shitty and I know the police don’t do dick for men. I do wonder if on each of those 3 previous occasions you did go to the police. Saying she struck you with the mark on your face. Would that have helped in this final scenario? Doubtful.
Honestly the mistake was still being there after she hit you the first time.
juliansatx 4y ago
I’m not sure to be honest. Might have a self defense situation? At last I’d have a chance.
I agree that I should’ve left the first time she hit me... it was when my 4yr old little boy was visiting us, so it was especially disturbing that she didn’t have any self control with him around. My fault entirely for believing it would be “the last time”. Stupid me.
KingKookus 4y ago
Some lessons are learned to hard way. Hopefully your story helps others. Good luck.
redditor_aborigine 4y ago
You know she wasn’t coerced, don’t you?
juliansatx 4y ago
This is what happened, I see the charge and freak the shit out. I call her right away and say “you said I choked you? Strangled you?” Her response, “no I don’t , I swear I didn’t . Why would I say that? You didn’t choke me”.... so as the case led on, my lawyer basically told me that cops are trained into manipulating “victims” to tell them what they want to hear in a stressful situation.
But then her lies became frequent over the years, so I have no idea but I occasionally think about what the truth was over the years
redditor_aborigine 4y ago
Lol, she was lying.
xero-wing 4y ago
Sorry for what happened, if I’m in a relationship and she slaps or punches me would it be best to just end it then and there?
juliansatx 4y ago
Thanks. Unfortunately, yes. Girls that have this engrained within them never change. They might say they can, they can’t and won’t. Couples argue and that’s just a fact of life. What if she gets a really good shot at your head with a baseball bat one day and you try to defend your life but accidentally hurt her badly or God forbid, worse. You’re screwed. The DA will tear you apart despite who hit who first.
It sounds extreme to you, I’m sure ....but it’s a very very real possibility. You’re putting yourself in all sorts of danger if you stay with a woman as such. Financial failure , physical harm and setting your self up for the possibility of losing your freedom. Get out before it’s too late man. GL
xero-wing 4y ago
Honestly it doesn’t, it used too I’d say iv been spending my time around Red Pill, MGTW, and here.
Some aspects shock me in how cruel and calculated woman can be so it shows iv still got more learning to do.
A part of me would like more attention and to feel heard but that’s also something I’m working on with self love.
Aeroturd 4y ago
As long as you're not a probation, you can petition the court to seal your record. It's cheap (like $130) and easy. All you have to do is grab the paperwork from the court, and then appear before a judge and explain why you want it sealed (because it's difficult to get jobs). They seal records for people with way more severe charges than you. My lawyer told me as long as it's not a sex crime or something involving murder, they always grant it.
When I was 18 I caught a felony for incendiary and/or explosive device hoax, that happened two districts away from Columbine high school, on the day Columbine happened! It's a long story, but basically a friend of mine was trying to get school canceled for April 20 (420) and he chose to make a fake pipe bomb and put it at the school. That same morning Columbine happened and so they really came after my friend hard for it to send a message. I was mixed up in it as well for lying to detectives trying to protect my friend, so I got the same charge he did.
Anyway, I escape a jail sentence and just got some pretty intense &deferred judgement. Once my probation, classes, community service and restitution was all taken care of, I went before the judge with my paperwork and he sealed the record, easy as that.
Note, a sealed record is not the same as it being expunged. The charge is still there, police and government officials can still see it (like if you get pulled over or something), and if you apply for a government job. But, any other job you apply for, when it asks if you've been convicted of a crime, you just put no, and they can't access it in a background check.
After I finished probation, I spent two years dealing with that fucking charge, and places not hiring me because they thought I'd blow the place up.
juliansatx 4y ago
That story is wild! I’m sure it’s not a proud moment of your life but you were young and it was just a dumb mistake. I have a 18 yr old story too. So the motion picture association of America came after me with detectives and hired PI’s. I was in the pirated movie scene and I would synchronize the audio for the new bootleg movie releases and then upload it to some guy in China. The groups name was “maven” and the head guy in charge became infamous, he killed his self while under house arrest after he was caught many years later (I think about 10 years after the fact). So I got in way over my head. I really didn’t know what I was doing was a terrible offense and that anyone would care, I was young and naive. Dumb. It was just fun to do and I’d get the movies before everyone and I happened to have the “connection” for the direct sourced audio. I can see how a judge would seal that for you as they did for me.
Unfortunately, Texas is very tough on people that commit “family violence”. With good reason, a lot of people die by the hand of a family member, but they go handing out these sentences like lollipops
http://www.txcourts.gov/rules-forms/orders-of-nondisclosure .
Nondisclosure (sealing) applies only to certain misdemeanors and felonies that ended in deferred adjudication discharge or dismissal. Ineligible Offenses: Regardless of the record you want sealed, you are NOT eligible for nondisclosure if you’ve EVER been convicted or received deferred adjudication for ANY of the following:
Offenses requiring registration as a sex offender under Chapter 62 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; Certain violations of Texas Penal Code murder (19.02) and capital murder (19.03); aggravated kidnapping (20.04); injury to a child, elderly or disabled person (22.04), abandoning or endangering a child (22.041); stalking (42.072); violation of bond conditions of certain family violence, sexual assault or abuse, or stalking offenses (25.07; 25.072).
Aeroturd 4y ago
Ahhh, goddamn Texas. My charge was back in Colorado obviously, but I live in Texas now. Lived in Austin for about 9 years and now I'm in Lubbock. And yeah, Texas is just a tad old testamenty with some of their laws. It's fucked up; some people deserve to be felons, but there really needs to be a thing where felonies go away after a certain period of time if you completely stay out of trouble. People like you don't deserve to have that on your record for life.
Sounds like you got off easy with the movie thing. They can bone you pretty hard for that stuff, right? Haha maybe I've watched one of the movies you synchronized, I used to have a friend who would get those all the time.
juliansatx 4y ago
Yes, agreed. I’ve been thinking of relocating to (Florida for health reasons/TX allergies are severe and giving me lung damage ) and it seems I would have my gun rights over there, according to their state guidelines I’ve read. But it wouldn’t help seal my Texas “felony charge”, of course.
I suppose I got lucky with the movie thing. I think they really wanted the guys that were financially benefiting off the movies. There was some big time money back in the day. The Chinese would mass produce the actual dvds and ship them wholesale all around the world for about $8-10 a pop. Then resellers would charge about $20 or 3 for $50. We had the best direct audio and best video on the whole Internet for a good while. Speedy too. The Weekend of release, sometimes sooner. Literally, not an exaggeration. There was a bootleg movie rating website called “vcdquality” and no other “group” came anywhere near mavens quality. It was fun at the time but I obviously regret it! I was so scared at 18. I’d was a quiet “kid”, didn’t go out, was an introvert
Philletto 4y ago
Finally her provocation got the result she wanted. She would have continued hitting you until you did this.
juliansatx 4y ago
This made me think of something. Till this day (7 years after the fact), I still don’t know what (if anything) happened to her ex that would beat on her. It makes me wonder if she had built up resentment towards men... or if he found his self in trouble with the law because of a similar situation. I never asked anything about it because I didn’t think it was my place to ask about a traumatic experience.... but now it’s running through my mind
Philletto 4y ago
I'm no expert here but maybe a potential partner claiming their ex was violent is a red flag. Not crticizing you tho, you've been through the ringer.
juliansatx 4y ago
Now I know that good sir haha. I feel sorry for the girls I date these days, I have so many “deal breakers” because I don’t want to end up in another crazy situation of any kind with a woman when I have 2 boys to care for
Philletto 4y ago
deal breakers :)
nakari821 4y ago
This is why i don't think females are even worth the trouble. Everything we try to do, but we arent perfect, and they will complain about all of our imperfections. They just aren't worth the effort. I am sorry this happened to you man, hopefully this story will help someone out going down the same road, cause these females don't care how they mess up our lives, all that matters is that they have a good easy life.
redditor_aborigine 4y ago
juliansatx 4y ago
Scary thing, next girl I dated after her hit me as well... more of a slap to the face... I told myself, get ahold of yourself, you’ll go to prison if you defend yourself... then I broke up with her immediately
orcscorper 4y ago
This is where "zero tolerance" makes sense. As a man, you have to make clear to your woman that she has one opportunity to put hands on you. It will happen exactly once, because after that you are done. Move, change your number, block her on all social media. Before it happens, tell her it will never happen twice.
They have done this to themselves.
juliansatx 4y ago
Indeed. I wish I was educated about things like this before I found myself in this situation.
Just how little girls are taught to not be the victims of sexual or domestic abuse in middle and high school, I feel that boys deserve the same; being taught not to stand for violence, even if “it didn’t hurt” because of the ramifications that it may have long term... mentally, physically and legally.
My cousin was in a toxic relationship. The girl would “beat him up”. A couple years into the relationship, She ended up stabbing him in the neck, one inch away from his corroded artery. An inch away from death that could’ve been avoided entirely.. he was 20. She served a light jail sentence, like a few months only. Absolutely amazing
redditor_aborigine 4y ago
*carotid artery
nakari821 4y ago
Man i feel your pain man. Cause after learning how females truly are. I just wonder why no other men go around warning other men about how crazy they get. So it makes me wonder. How many men actually know them selves.
But now that I think about it. Unless you are a single father. There is no way you getting away with teaching your kid how crazy women can get when the mom is still in the picture. They will dismiss all of it and paint females in a great light. Its like we are all setup for failure from the beginning.
but at least we all know now better then never right, just make sure if you see anyone else going down the wrong path, maybe shoot him some advice, cause he just may be in the dark. Its not his fault, for not knowing. Just like its not your fault. But the consequences for not knowing are dire, and this needs to change.
Cause literally any man could find their self in this situation and not know what the consequences are until its already too late. And some people aren't as calm and cool headed as you. Some might want revenge and thats just a sign of a even more dangerous path.
juliansatx 4y ago
I actually do have full custody of 2 boys; 10 and 4. I’ve had them both 100% of the time since my 4 yr old was 5 months old. Found out their mother was using drugs (I know how to pick em right?).
But I am blessed that we don’t have that women in our lives (they don’t even remember her) and I will indeed teach them how to be men, smart men that can deal with females in a respectful manner while also making sure they’re respected themselves.
I just am so sad when my other child comes over and I see how much of her extreme feminist ideology she throws on him. He soaks it all up and he’s only 6. I’m hoping that when he gets older, I get more time with him and I can help show him the world through a males pov. Right now, I’m the outsider and his mom is the ruler in his eyes. So I just am being patient with him for now and try to show him love.
I had to take a anger management / family violence class. There was this “hood” dude in my class when we were all telling our story. He told us all how he beat his kids mom until she was dead weight and almost “finished her off” with one final “smashing” of her head against the concrete until his “boy” physically made him snap out of it. He explained how when he was doing it, he was already thinking of how he was going to dispose of her body because he knew she was going to die. Guess what that guy got? I misdemeanor.... I told my lawyer the story and he said, yep... you’d have been better off smashing in her face rather than getting a strangulation charge, gotta love the law!
GJ00 4y ago
Bro if that kinda shit happened to me, my blood would boil from anger. Wife and that cop are fucking trashh.
DaVinciofDeath 4y ago
If it is proven that someone lies to the police with a false rape or abuse accusation, they should get the same punishment as the person they were trying to frame would have gotten in prison. In the world of inbreds we live in now, this may be the only way to create a deterrance against the false accusations.
juliansatx 4y ago
Oh trust me, I have much resentment towards her. Besides this, she plays the “I’m a single woman doing things all on my own, I don’t need a man” card. However, she’s the one that decided to move away, hours away, while virtually taking away any chance at a normal relationship with my kid than I might have had. Especially because most of my time is used attempting to make money since no good paying job will touch me
Wordman253 4y ago
"I'm a single woman doing things on my own, I don't need a man" while recieving child support.
juliansatx 4y ago
This woman is such a liar and manipulator, I deposited cash into her bank account (I found an old checkbook of her), she mailed me back the money with a note- thanks but no thanks, I’m going to do this on my own for my son. I don’t want anything from you, ever!
She proceeded to ignore me for 2-3 consecutive years while I was on probation. I didn’t push it because I didn’t want to catch a “stalking charge” or anything else crazy while on probation. I let her be. So at 3 years old, she makes contact finally l, she still refuses support. 4 years old rolls around, she takes me to court for child support! I’ve been paying her on time for 2 years now and playing catch up. This woman is something else man.... we were actually amicable at one time and I asked her “why’d you do that? Refuse to let me help? That kinda made me feel like shit?”.... she explained to me that it was more about herself, she used it as motivation, as a driving force to make things happen in her career....all while leaving me with 4 years of back pay
Wordman253 4y ago
Some fuckin people man. And I bet she calls you a dead beat and loser to all her friends too.
juliansatx 4y ago
She doesn’t go that far because I do have 2 kids that are well cared for. But she does insinuate that I love and do more for my kids that live with me.... and to that I say, well duh! I’m their primary care giver! They don’t have anyone else. I’m a truly single parent that DOESNT get child support.... and you decided to move hours away, lady.
notoriouscardio 4y ago
How do you keep yourself from killing her ?
juliansatx 4y ago
I suppose not living in the same city helps...... I’ve had to learn a lot of self control, for the sake of my kids. One more “violent incident”, or anything that can be misconstrued as me “messing with her” or even just “pissing her off” (to an extent), she’s liable to call the cops and I’m liable to go to state prison. Cruel system we have here, it’s best to just stay out of it, obviously
ZeldaVelveeta 4y ago
I know two men who have had to deal with police over being hit by their wives and the police did not care about them or see them as victims
TheoVirgil 4y ago
Man. My ex would freaking screamed and yelled at me and push me around and slapped me.. and yea, 'No one will believe you over me!'. That hurts more
xero-wing 4y ago
In the end how did you end it and what’s the safest way to end it? The only thing I can think of is have witnesses / abd film the whole situation?
CanadianAsshole1 4y ago
Tate2802 4y ago
But it’s ok because men are stronger /s
Neveah_Hope_Dreams 4y ago
It's great to see men having the chance of speaking out and being heard. The more the more likely we will solve this issue and people will wake up from the feminazi propaganda.
mee109110 4y ago
gotta be honest a lot of stories/progress for male recognition for victims are happening in Ireland. should try to move their
emir0052 4y ago
This would never be allowed to be published in Australia
Aus_Pilot12 4y ago
This is great news, more awareness means more support basically.
NaziPunksFuckOff__ 4y ago
Lol these comments are exactly what I expected. Incel crybabies everywhere.
morerokk 4y ago
clawless87 4y ago
All through my 20s I was abused by my ex wife who had 7 years on me. And bc I was in the army, I was to afraid to talk to anyone in fear of looking weak. And now I have major depression, but the VA is helping. Female domestic violence is a very common thing. Scary
kiloheavy 4y ago
Every time I see a post about being a male survivor of domestic abuse, I want to say something just to add my voice to the chorus for anyone who might be visiting this sub out of curiosity.
Just like the guy in headline, I'm a big guy who got the shit beat out of him on a regular basis. My ex was slightly above average in height but rather slim. She'd been an athlete in high school and had retained most of the muscle. I'm 2m tall, weigh about 113kg, and a lot of it is solid. I couldn't even adequately defend myself out of fear of hurting her. Not even being afraid of reprisals or cops or whatever, I just didn't want to hurt her. She took advantage of that.
I'm out now, but she ruined my life.
We're out here. There's no support for us. I was terribly traumatized, and I'm completely alone in all of this, like so many men. I don't care about dogma, politics, or ideology. I imagine most men in my position feel the same. We just hurt. We're just trying to put our lives back together, with little to no help.
I don't know if posting this has any merit or will bring any benefit, and I imagine I will end up deleting it, but for right now, I just wanted to speak up.
SAIKO627 4y ago
Thank god that’s not the case here in Myanmar. My country can not compare to most countries but here men still have slight upper hand over females and females don’t complain about that.
bustacap22 4y ago
it's also very convenient for them to some extent. If they can't decide, they can't be held responsible. On the other hand in western societies like the US or EU the problem is they have gender equality already but they don't actually share the same legal and social responsibilities.
That's tragic and actually leads desperate men who've seen everything taken from them often unjustly, especially when it comes to false accusations, to resort to violence. Don't get me wrong, I'm a lawyer and these men are criminals but at least I can understand where they come from.
SpareArm 4y ago
Off topic but i really hate when people add an extra "that" to a sentence. It's not needed. "The way she treated me" vs "The way that she treated me"
Decent_Priority 4y ago
At this point we can’t even joke and call ugly women cows anymore.
The true cows are the men.
We are the cows.
Women marry us to literally milk our tots for money.
Marriage in a nutshell:
You get married>
You gain liabilities(kids)
You gain expenses(wife and kids+larger home/vehicle to accommodate)
Your health deteriorates(stress, spousal abuse, 3am screaming kid wakeups)
You Gain the “chance” at having sex, I say chance because every time YOU want sex it’s like spinning a wheel for a 1/100 chance and the other 99 chances are you getting shot down and told off for even asking.
You spend on the wife when asked even if it’s detrimental to your finances because if you don’t that 1/100 sex chance spin becomes 0/100 and if you don’t she also just takes the money anyways, which because your not a millionaire is likely a credit card swipe so your also gaining bank owed interest on her demands.
She “might” love you but she doesn’t know anymore because “things aren’t what they used to be” after 2 years and 2 kids into the marriage and Kelly(her best friend since age 2)‘s husband takes their family to Hawaii every summer but all you can do is pay for a small beach trip because although you work extremely hard and stressfully, the pay just isn’t that great and you’ve been looking for something better but the economy just isn’t there right now for hiring in your career field.
And you love her with all your soul but in reality you here “I love you” either as an initial statement or response statement from her very rarely and that’s because in reality she’s been sleeping with Dave her office coworker and wants a divorce but the kids are keeping everything together!!
I mean.
What the hell is the advantage???
Like actually if it’s just for a kid, adopt... there are millions of kids that don’t have a family. And you can gain the kid without having the 200 lb ankle ball and chain attached to you....
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
how? was it just mental abuse?
it's boderline impossible for a much larger, stronger person to get physically abused unless she was consistently using some sort of weapon which I'm sure would've been mentioned if it was the case.
againstthe 4y ago
Found the psychopath
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
nice one man. yet another person insulting me without answering any of my reasonable questions because it goes against the fantasy male oppressed world you've built into your tiny head.
I said its borderline impossible for a much larger, stronger person to get physically abused unless some sort of weapon was involved and you've just called me a psychopath?
can your brain process any sort of logic there man? explain to me how that makes sense?
againstthe 4y ago
You’re gaslighting a domestic abuse victim, how do expect us to take you seriously?
But to answer your ignorant question - you’re wrongly assuming that the abuser wasn’t strong just because they’re a woman (that’s sexist). They may or may not have used a weapon? Physical abuse often involves emotional abuse, neither has to be separate. But keep on victim blaming, abuse apologist.
redditor_aborigine 4y ago
If you hit back, it’ll be easier to pretend you’re the abuser.
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
man I'm not even lying you're a bit of a dipshit. it's not like women are actively plotting against you in relationships?
if you hit back she'll either: -stop hitting you, fixing the relationship. it's normal. women are pretty lax on logic. it's like spraying a cat with water when it jumps on the kitchen table untill it learns.
-keep hitting you at which point it turns into a usual abusive relationship. just leave at that point since she's obv not right
-she'll just leave you for hitting back. bit hypocritical but she's not wrong.
it's not like men are starting the usual abusive relationships. and if they are then they're the ones not right. it's usually: woman hits man + man hits back = male abuser if it continues
women hits man + man doesn't hit = female abuse if it continues
anyway aborigine. since you downvoting me what would you do if your gf/wife was hitting you? just leave them on the spot without trying to fix it? what if you had kids?
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
some other dipshit talking to me has already said exactly what I was looking for.
men can not be abused by women, ever. men are stronger. if she's hitting you just catch her hands. solved man.
[deleted] 4y ago
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
I've actually just never had a problem with her getting bitchy with me because she's my bitch.
if she's hitting you then your her bitch
austinghost19 4y ago
Maybe instead of fighting back because they'll use that against you, call 911¯_(ツ)_/¯
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
lol you actually think you're smart too don't you?
you're gonna call the police on her and what now exactly? tell me what happens?
austinghost19 4y ago
No, I didn't even imply that I thought I was smart. I simply commented what I thought should be done. Also what do you mean "tell me what happens". You tell the operator what happened then they'll send some cops to arrest her probably. I'm pretty sure it works that way and hopefully they'll believe you when you tell them what happened.
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
and then?
yeah she's just gonna leave you. calling the cops isn't an option unless you don't love her at which point you should just leave the relationship.
and if you're able to call the police after/during the "assault" you obviously weren't hurt.
every solution I've been givin wouldn't work if you were actually being assaulted. hence men can't be assaulted my woman
austinghost19 4y ago
So what you're saying is that if you have a black eye, bruises on your arms and a small cut on your neck, then you're physically unable to just pick up your phone and dial 911?
Also if I'm correct you said that if you love someone, you wouldn't call the cops on them? No that's just wrong. I love my family but if I saw one of them beating a puppy, then I would call the police.
Also yes men can be assualted by women. Johnny Depp and Amber heard are a perfect example.
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
they're pretty much one of the only examples. bitch od crazy and depp can't hit back because she'll sue him for his money.
& if someone was beating a puppy you 100% wouldn't call the police retard. you'd run over to stop them?
you're too dumb to realise any of this
austinghost19 4y ago
When I said I would call the police, I didn't mean I would call the police without trying to stop them. I'll admit, I should have included that extra bit.
Secondly, an average of 1 in 7 men in the United States are abused by their partners.
Just the fact that you're willing to insult someone just for having a different opinion has made me come to the conclusion that you're butthurt over absolutely nothing.
ernis45 4y ago
I literally never said this in my life, so you should feel special for what I'm about to say.
You sound like a virgin.
As you said it yourself women are lax on logic. If she hits you for months and you hit back once, there is like 90% chance on lawsuit, say bye bye to your life.
If she hits you "playfully", "I'm not hurting you" style, you do the same and she doesn't like it, buy boxing gloves next day and tell her to put them on and have at it.
If women want you destoyed, they will. Amber Heard vs Johny Depp.
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
you've said so many words without litteraly adding anything. why tf would you let the girl hit you for months without doing anything?
and Jesus everyone knows the diference between play punching and real punching.. stop acting like a gobshite.
what would you do? you have to realise In real life hardly anyone actually goes to court because again, they're in a relationship. they don't actually hate each other. they'd leave each other otherwise.
btw if I was to go guessing who's the virgin my one would be on the guy worshipping pussy so damn much that he refuses to fight back when assaulted. just my 2 c
ernis45 4y ago
Is Ignorant your middle name? Give the same question to women. And when women hit they think every punch is play punch because "they can't hurt a man".
"Hardly anyone goes to court", ok now you're just trolling. Yep, that's why there is so many divorce attorneys, why there is thousands of domestic abuse cases.
I guess you don't know what Stockholm sindrome is either? You can love a man/woman who hurts you. But sure, keep riding on your high horse.
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
you said nothing again. answer my questions
& the vast majority never go to court, everyone heard of Stockholm & it's ment to be for much more traumatizing cases. not getting hit back by your boyfriend once every few months untill you learn not to.
ernis45 4y ago
You're not the sharpest tool in the shed...
Literally my previous comment:
If she hits you "playfully", "I'm not hurting you" style, you do the same and she doesn't like it, buy boxing gloves next day and tell her to put them on and have at it.
That's the answer, can you figure it out, or do you need audio?
Stockholm sindrome women who stay with abusive husband (and vice versa) for life.
"Majority don't go to court" pulling out fact straight outta your ass?
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
im just speaking from experience. I've heard of many abuse cases around fam/friends & not a single court case. & that's all I need. why? because you live in lala land if you think the majority of the population can afford court or want to bring their spouse there.
why would a women suffering from Stockholm syndrome even want to bring him to court anyway if you're gonna throw that word out so much? she loves him. & it's not common at all for men to suffer from it... It's an extreamly feminine trait.
and you really are a gobshite. I said what you'd you do if she was actually hurting you. as in she is mad. as in she not gonna play fight with you? as in is actually trying to abuse you
ernis45 4y ago
I'll just stop her like I did. No man needs to hit back for real, catch her hands that's all.
"Majority" = friends and family, and you say women are lax on logic, jfc you have logic deficiency, go to a doctor please.
And where the fuck did I say that Ss women go to court? I mentioned them because you said women will leave if you hit back.
Does your brain automatically scrambles all sentences to one or you just do it because it is easier to answer made up argument?
thefudmaster 4y ago
Same for me but here in the states. Ex wife was arrested but the restraining order and the charges didn’t stick.
I was the only male in the courtroom during the cattle call who was abused. The rest of the men were the alleged abusers. I was practically laughed out of the courtroom.
ThePinkZombie 4y ago
I've never seem more truth in my life
qizhNotch 4y ago
Just heard a feminist say openly in front of hundreds of people that women should take advantage and abuse their husbands because there’s be certainly no consequences. Smh.
ToasterProductions 4y ago
Happy Cake Day!
dim13 4y ago
Well, as my abusive psychopathic ex-wife used to yell at me: "I'm a small woman, you are a big guy. I do whatever I want. And you go to jail." And punches me into my face.
Been there, done that, got the video and the T-shirt.
And no, there is no support for man. Because there is none and nobody believes you.
Rodion-Raskolnikov 4y ago
My ex said the same to me. “If you hit me back I’ll call the cops”. Fucking cunt.
orcscorper 4y ago
"If I murder you, you won't be able to call the cops. Do you want things to go down like that? Because they might just go down like that"
luvhos 4y ago
When my ex tried to take my eyes out (i had scratch marks going from the corner of my eyes down my cheek), I grabbed her wrists and held her in place. She proceeds to scream bloody murder going "I'm gonna tell my friends and they're gonna kick your ass". Her friends were nobody to be afraid of but still.
I get that the difference between her and me is that if I wanted to take here eyes our she wouldn't have any eyes now, because I'm 6'3 250 pounds and she's 5'8 120 pounds but it's not uncommon that they use the fact that it's socially unacceptable to even defend yourself as a weapon. This in itself can ve part of the abuse.
trytobepolite 4y ago
What happens if you call the cops on her?
Derproid 4y ago
Standard procedure is to always arrest the man in domestic violence cases.
juliansatx 4y ago
Do yourself a favor and never get back with that woman again. Not even for (only) sex. This behavior is compulsive..
mrtibbles32 4y ago
I remember telling my mom that if she hit me again I'd call CPS and she said:
Then smacked me with my ukulele. I stopped playing it after that. Had to hold a napkin against my arm for the rest of the day cause the divot she put in it with my ukulele wouldn't stop bleeding.
She's not the slightest bit sorry about any of it either. I told her what she did made me think about suicide every moment of every day for almost a year. She still goes on about how she's my mom and i should just forgive her because she can't change the past (again, she's not sorry, I'm just supposed to forget about it cause it's inconvenient to her imaginary world where she's a good person).
I have to pretend to not hate her every day because if i tell her anything she does is wrong she threatens to stop cosigning my college loans and kick me out of the house. So i just gotta suck up all her abuse until i can finally leave this fucking house and block her number.
dim13 4y ago
Absolutely true. Because that's exactly what happened to me many times. You call police, they arrive. She says a magic phrase "he hit me", and you get escorted out of apartment…
And it just reenforced her believe, she can do and tell anything.
redditor_aborigine 4y ago
Consider joining the military and getting out.
mrtibbles32 4y ago
Im diagnosed with severe recurring major depression and medicated for it, I doubt they would let me enlist because of that.
redditor_aborigine 4y ago
If it’s been done privately, why need they know?
Lionheart27778 4y ago
The world seems to be slowly opening up to it.
And by slowly , I mean at the speed of a snail towing a cinder block.
juliansatx 4y ago
There is occasionally talk of it, indeed. I do agree with you on the pace though!
One thing that really irritates me is that I’ll never be able to protect myself and my children that live with me (from a different woman) with a firearm. I took deferred adjudication not knowing that in the great state of Texas, differed on a family violence case is treated in the exact same manner as a conviction and can never be wiped from your record except with a pardon from the governor or the president
vicsj 4y ago
We need more people to talk about it. Whenever feminism or something like that is discussed among my friends, I always mention an injustice men have to suffer through. I try to emphasize that everyone can experience discrimination and abuse based on their gender, and that we need to acknowledge this for men more. Most will agree with me, but won't have much to say about it. We just need to keep pushing it. Keep talking about it, talk about real life cases you've heard about, talk about statistics. Talk about how horrible it makes you feel. Make it known that men aren't some emotionless stone beings that's don't get affected by anything.
Lionheart27778 4y ago
I do. However it often falls on deaf ears from both men and women.
Women don't often give a crap.
Most men are happy to bury their heads in the sand and just get on with it, until one of the men's rights issues swims up and bites them in the ass.
baikai23 4y ago
Respect for the newspaper for this news. I see people saying support is out there is bullshit. But still I think this is a step for showing the reality.
iReallyAmASithLord 4y ago
"Support is out there for abused males"
No there isn't! Not by a long shot
juliansatx 4y ago
It happens oh so often too. My lawyer was sickened by the case. He wanted me to fight it through but there was a female judge overseeing the case and she has a reputation to “believe the woman”. I didn’t want to take the chance at prison
benny_da_boi1139 4y ago
There should be. And people like us are hopefully gonna change it
MrStone1 4y ago
My ex pulled the handbrake up on the motorway twice when we had the kids in the car, She tried to stab me twice, She kicked my in the back of the head when I was laid on the floor with the baby playing. cut all of my clothes up except one work uniform when i was at work, She threw the brand new week old flatscreen down the stairs of our flat when she was pissed and then forgotten that shed done it and tried to blame me for it. She accused me of fucking her friend and attacked me and then her friend (who's a just shy of six-foot amazon woman who was pretty decent friend to my ex at the time) who after immense provocation beat the piss out of her leaving her with two black eyes.
Everyone assumed it was me and she would tear up and wave them away with an "a don't want to talk about it" and leave them with the impression that it was me who done it instead of clearing me of it. had a kid with a guy who wasn't allowed custody of his own kids, his kid automatically goes on the at-risk register, it also puts my sons on the at-risk register, we are currently 3 years into this clusterfuck of a situation and a psychological report has been generated for the mother at the cost of thousands that confirms everything i've been trying to point out to the social workers for the whole time.
I thank her though, If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have to alter my world view to a more alchemical one to figure out how to keep my kids sane, myself sane and the social workers placated at the same time as maintaining constant contact with my to provide the correct counterbalance to my ex's attempt at counter parenting my parenting...
My kids are cool as fuck though, They sussed their mother out a lot quicker than I did
Vicariouslysuffering 4y ago
Kids are smart, they will figure it out on their own without the need of someone pointing out what is happening.
Auntie_Hero 4y ago
Shit, that used to be the punchline in every Andy Capp comic - drunk Irishman gets beat up by wife.
Matt_the_Alien 4y ago
“Support is out there for abused males” basically bullshit
NATO_Agent 4y ago
This is just sad
thenationwants2know 4y ago
This is progress and great to see. The beginning of the end of female abusers has begun! Finally.
kiaeej 4y ago
About time.
bustacap22 4y ago
Feminism in the 60s aimed at gender equality, feminism today is nothing more than trying to assert dominance. Me personally I have long decided I won't let that happen, not in my private life and not in the company I manage. There's no discount for women anymore.
Equal rights = equal responsibilities
OkLetterhead9 4y ago
Feminism in the 60s aimed at gender equality ? no. feminism never was about equality. even the first wave.
Read this : http://archive.is/AWSEN
bustacap22 4y ago
It's hard to discuss here about the whole article but while there's many truth I don't agree with all of that. You can't judge a whole social movement that inspired cultural changes for hundreds of millions by calling out their most extravagant, often closeted lesbian, misandrists. The feminist movement has been a large cultural one in many different countries.
I agree that there's always been, in all waves, a degree of hatred towards men whom women perceived to be favored in society. Some of those struggles for equality were absolutely correct, like the right to vote and so on, and some of them just pure misandry.
In the end what they did not perceive is the result of equality which is sharing responsibility. Which is what's lacking today, they need to be held legally accountable to the same extent, they need to provide themselves, unfortunately they need to share the misery and death so many men were subjected to in economic hardship, wars, etc.
OkLetterhead9 4y ago
I'm talking about the leaders !! not just random feminists ! the leaders !!
No, equality means eliminating all form of discrimination. feminists want to eleminate discrimination against women and only women.
If you want the right to vote like men but not to be forced to the draft like men you are not fighting for equality but privilige and supremacy !
bustacap22 4y ago
yeah we're saying the same things. As for the leaders again, I think they were at best seriously flawed individuals but the movement went on independently in each different reality.
wownicejobdude 4y ago
So sick of hearing about domestic violence. What about public violence. Lets also make all guns in fps games nerf too shall we?
rangas-are-bad-luck 4y ago
Men’s rights are have been slowly having success I see
J2501 4y ago
Or, even if he treated her better. If he accused her, she would suppress him, and the whole community would take her side.