This is intended as a placeholder - but feel free to join and do tribal stuff! I'm u/goodmod on r/MensRights.
Posted 4y ago in Discrimination - Permalink - Locked - 10.8K Views
Created By MenAreFine
This is intended as a placeholder - but feel free to join and do tribal stuff! I'm u/goodmod on r/MensRights.
mgtowolf 4y ago
It's true
omegaphallic 4y ago
It's true, but just as stupid. 23 is an adult, if he was a minor you'd have an arguement. Male or female. Don't get me wrong Jada is an asshole for doing this to Will Smith, but 23 is a, grown man/woman.
HeroWither123546 4y ago
But remember, there would be tons of backlash if the genders were reversed.
iDoomfistDVA 4y ago
If Will dated a 23 year old? I don't know. A tiny bit from degenerate people using Facebook I guess, but not a lot.
asdf333aza 4y ago
You say that and yet when men who are in their 40s and 50s date girls in their 20s, they get called predators and creeps.
Leonardo DiCaprio's dating history and the comments he gets on it shows the hypocrisy.
Even if these people are fully grown adults, men are still called predators for dating someone much younger than them, while women get laughs and cheers.
GTRPrime 4y ago
That's not the point OP is making at all
williamwchuang 4y ago
The guy was going through mental health and drug issues when Jada went to help him out.
thwip62 4y ago
How nice, that he had someone to...help him out like that.
Terror-Error 4y ago
That's a lot of deleted. Flipping the genders is the easiest way to expose hypocrisy in gender politics. Some people don't like that. I can only imagine why.
TidusXFinal 4y ago
This MFer spittin.....
tbl44 4y ago
tHaT's A wHaTaBoUtIsM!!
As if whataboutisms haven't been the forefront of feminist arguments since the beginning of time.
DanteLivra 4y ago
WhAt AbOuT wOmEn !!
Long-Night-Of-Solace 4y ago
While that's often true, it's also often a mistake because the situation is different for men and women.
Pretending that there is equality in all matters is beyond stupid.
WinnieBob2 4y ago
How in this case?
thasixohfour 4y ago
If feminists were half as concerned with the accountability gap as they are with the phony wage gap, women would be better people.
KidGold 4y ago
The wage gap isn’t phony it’s just misrepresented as bias.
edit. so this sub thinks the gap doesn't even exist? you are out of touch. there is a gap, its due to women's choices. it's pretty straight forward if you look at the data. which I guess you don't.
sensuallyprimitive 4y ago
Nah, it's phony in the context that 90% of those who use the phrase mean it.
Billcat69 4y ago
It's an earnings gap, not a wage gap.
bufedad 4y ago
The wage gap is women making choices that result in lower wages... nothing more... nothing less.
Imretardedmodme 4y ago
The words "wage gap" have always implied some sort of societial bias against women earning the same for the same job at the same quality.
If you dont want to be taken the wrong way, stop using buzzwords which mean something different to what you mean.
yayapfool 4y ago
The wage gap is not misrepresented as bias, it's bias misrepresented as a wage gap.
Women doing the same work as men with the same experience (i.e. properly comparable subjects) are paid more than men, not less- but women as a whole work lower-paying jobs.
xxxMaximizerxxx 4y ago
Yes women have a lower median wage, but it’s not due to bias and more to do with jobs chosen. I heard someone once say that “the reason the wage gaps exists is because due to societal pressures, men have to succeed, women only want to succeed.” My sister is a perfect example, she is in college for nursing and that’s a high paying job but she always jokes about marrying rich. Guys don’t just get to “marry rich”.
unabashedXY 4y ago
That’s.... what he said
xxxMaximizerxxx 4y ago
Well clearly no one understood that because he didn’t provide much context
FakeLaundry 4y ago
I don't know why people thumbed you down lol. Edit for the people still not understanding
KidGold 4y ago
Yep exactly.
2Blunt4America 4y ago
Because the wage gap isn't real, literally every single job I've had, when I start a job I make the same amount an hour as the chick next to me.
FakeLaundry 4y ago
There is a wage gap, but it's not from sexism. It's from women making vastly different choices than men. That's what the person stated. It exists, but it's misrepresented so that feminists can exploit it to prove some imaginary point.
It's pretty clear in the statement and yet people aren't comprehending it.
vegeta8300 4y ago
That's the thing. The wage gap is just taking all men and all women who work full time and dividing it by how many. It takes not a single variable into account. Like you said, choices of jobs, having kids, hours worked , etc. Basically it is pointless to even look at the numbers. Don't even call the difference in what men and women make a "wage gap". Because people aren't going to see the nuance and reasons. Besides, like i said, since no important variables are taken into account the data is basically useless for anything other than to be misrepresented as a problem because of sexism. When all the variables are accounted for then the amount made by men and women becomes basically the same. I think the reason people are downvoting is because of that. There is no wage gap. The only way one arrives at a potential wage gap is just average salaries. Which is useless. Did I explain that well enough? Lol. :)
FakeLaundry 4y ago
I truly do understand your point that most people won't see the reasoning behind this gap or that term, but that's just because of the misrepresentation of it. I'd rather correct it than say it doesn't exist because feminists will always rebutt that it does exist, and it does. It's not large, but it is there. People need to know why it's there instead of dismissing it or it leaves people looking for answers and the only people they get them from are usually feminists using the term for their own agenda.
Were-Crab-People-Now 4y ago
Equality does not mean treating every situation exactly the same. Some double standards are ok.
RyansPutter 4y ago
Can you post an actual fucking post instead of an image consisting of a bunch of other images?
Hi-i-am-weird 4y ago
Kryto-Kun 4y ago
yup. perfectly said
iMnotHiigh 4y ago
They are just making this type of behavior more and more okay...
Silentpoolman 4y ago
That attitude is just as bad as "it's gross either way." No it's not. If everyone involved is legal, consenting, enjoying themselves and each other, then it's fucking fine.
DefendTheLand 4y ago
Hoo boy don’t tell that to some subs on here
I bring that up on one of the more popular subs and get downvoted to oblivion.
Vasevide 4y ago
This is the big issue. I understand it’s gross for middle aged person dating a minor. But when they are both grown adults who the fuck cares?
PacoBedejo 4y ago
I don't derive morality from legality. That age disparity is unhealthy, regardless what some parchment says somewhere. That said, it's not a situation where the use of force is necessary. Though, I'll go ahead and levy shame upon the elder participant, nonetheless.
trumpolina 4y ago
As far as we know at this point is that August had serious mental health issues that the Smiths took him in for to help him out.
Age aside, which in my opinion is indeed relevant in this case, Jada's behavior matches that of a predator. Vulnerable, young, mentally ill person has sex with the older, rich and powerful person who took them in to help them out. Genders aside, the behavior itself is very messed up.
And in the video, she states that August cut ties and completely cut her out of his life. In my opinion, that's why it may have ended. I don't see why she would stop. Apparently he "made her feel good for the first time in a long time".
And in all honesty, for someone with shit morals like her for doing this, she could have just freaking lied to the millions of people watching her husband being told that she had an "entanglement" that made her feel very good. Just lie. Say you respect August but if you went back in time you would take it back and that you were in a vulnerable state and made a wrong choice.
Her body language and way of speaking about it is what personally grossed me out so badly.
DarthCallidous 4y ago
Childrenstears 4y ago
I don’t see what the problem is here. She’s burnt. Has MAYBE 6-7 more year of sexual relevancy. Both men will move on. Will has a longer shelf life, he’ll move on to bigger and better things. She’ll end up alone and feeling shitty.
She is an asshole, but at least he knows. The quality of women that hundreds of millions of dollars can bring will more than heal him in short order.
She’s in Matrix 4, then that’s it. He’s got at least 10 more blockbusters to do.
jaynicia 4y ago
Only difference is power dynamics between genders exists, so until we have gotten past gender roles and all the bullshit associated, you can't draw a straight line. Abolish gender norms now! And its all equal
dnasequence68 4y ago
So are you pro- jada or anti-jada behavior?
daphnefan10 4y ago
It's insane how pussywhipped Will Smith is by his wife.
QS26 4y ago
Did Will cheat on Jada before she did it?
ASTRA-LUX 4y ago
Double standards.
If a man dated someone decades younger, he would be shunned and ostracized.
sensuallyprimitive 4y ago
she's a cultist... why does anyone give a shit in the first place. will smith is being a simp by even pretending to care.
Clewdo 4y ago
Will Smith is being a simp... by caring about his wife of ~ 30 years and mother of two of his children?
sensuallyprimitive 4y ago
Yes. She obviously doesn't value him or that role. Nor their public image. Him clinging to her for any of those reasons is pathetic.
Clewdo 4y ago
I’m sure you have plenty of long lasting, blossoming relationships.
sensuallyprimitive 4y ago
Yes, I do... your sarcasm is as wrong as it is stupid. Some people are actually attracted to backbone. You're not gonna shame me for having integrity. The idea that you think two comments sums up my ability to have healthy relationships is pretty sad.
Clewdo 4y ago
But like after 30 years or what ever of building a life together, you expect someone to just be all ‘yeah what ever bitch, I don’t need you’ ... rich and famous or not, the world doesn’t work that way.
sensuallyprimitive 4y ago
That's exactly what she did to him, idiot. Why can you only see it in one direction? Oh right, a blindspot for simps.
And back to my original point, she's a fucking insane cultist. Listen to her talk at length sometime.
MopBucketMcJangles 4y ago
Why is this a post? The parties concerned are consenting adults here, but it seems everyone is getting hung up on what-ifs that are not even a factor in this case?
randonumero 4y ago
I don't really agree with this. The fact that we call women who pursue younger men cougars is a pretty clear indication that we view them as predators. As far as why it's different for society...for the most part we view men as wanting to have sex as often as they can from a young age. We also know that the vast majority of men struggle to attract women, especially women who are beautiful, rich, powerful...therefore when a woman of that class pursues a young man we consider him getting what he wanted and not having something done to him. For women and girls, we perceive them as having the ability to have as much sex as they want but choosing partners. We also like to imagine that they'll choose appropriate "partners". In western society an appropriate partner is someone of a similar age and background. So for an older man to have a young female lover, we don't see her as equally wanting sex and in this day and age we hardly even conceed that she might want money, status...we assume that she's been taken advantage of by an older man.
Personally I say fuck age appropriate. Go for the person who most closely resembles what you want. If some 40 something person wants to feel young again or whatever then more power to them as long as the other person is a willing participant and of age. IMO the person who dates for money or social climbing is a willing partiicpant and taking just as much advantage.
username0127 4y ago
But cougars don't have a negative connotation tho. Like the actual animal is a predator but people don't really see them as predatory because it's a woman. There's a tv show called "cougar town" it definitely isn't viewed as bad as you think lol
dbs1146 4y ago
It is because they see themselves trading up to a younger boy toy
And gate ur when they see a man do it
A man can play for years, Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty come to mind, then settle down and have kids
A woman’s internal clock starts ticking at about 18-32
mdkb 4y ago
like an unexploded bomb
vector5633 4y ago
Yup! Then they hit "The Wall" and it's game over for them. We can keep going for years. Our SMV actually goes up as we get older.
ASTRA-LUX 4y ago
Reminder this sub isn't TRP
LifeAboutNothing 4y ago
So tell how getting young love fixes a relationship?
(So going outside of your relationship fixes your relationship?)
vector5633 4y ago
Yep! Nothing will change during our lifetime boys. Just keep your dick in your pants and don't look at women.
They like to dress all skimpy to get attention from men, but when they get attention, we get called rapist and pigs. Sad world we live in...
Harbinger-One 4y ago
Reminds me of that Dave Chappelle stand up: "Im sorry for assuming that you were a whore.... but you are wearing the uniform."
CuntFaccia 4y ago
Kanos812 4y ago
I wonder how r/feminism would react to this
terminalsausage 4y ago
reylo69 4y ago
“Typical male pig” probably
Kanos812 4y ago
It’s incredible how quickly they can shift the blame to men when a woman is put into the spotlight
Decent_Priority 4y ago
Men: But what about...
Men: But I was gunna say What about women...
You have been Temporarily muted from r/feminism for 72 hours....
Is how I’d see it playing out.
mdkb 4y ago
TheSilverMarksman27 4y ago
Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/Feminism/comments/hr6fwm/jada_pinket_smith_and_her_entanglement_dilemma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
Kanos812 4y ago
“Slut shaming” “misogyny” “no ones business”
imagine if the roles were reversed
mdkb 4y ago
lol, "her dilemma is misogynistic"
what the fk isnt to a feminist. everything is conveniently mens fault.
Almondxxx 4y ago
I thought the same thing.
[deleted] 4y ago
what about monica lewinsky and bill clinton? poor monica still suffers. clinton has everything.
also a 23 year isn't a girl. shes a woman. why would Will be talking advantage of her? he once said he wanted to be with Beyonce while he was with Jada and Beyonce's younger than him.
no one says anything about Elvis who married a 14 year old. no one trashes his music and burns his records in protest.
i guess people like to pretend what they get 'shocked' about.
Regs2 4y ago
That's the irony. In her normal life the imaginary 23 year old Will is cheating with is a queen, strong, mature, etc, etc. But as soon as an rich, famous, older man hooks up with her she is a victim, and he manipulated her, and he's a predator. No way Elvis gets away with that nowadays, just like Clinton got raked over the coals for his affair.
McFeely_Smackup 4y ago
Eventually the liberal media is going to have to talk about Bill Clinton. Rape, sexual assault, power imbalance affairs, a LOT of unaccounted for time spent in Epstein's molest-a-palooza.
/#MeToo has turned a total blind eye to the literal highest profile offender, and it exposes their utter lack of credibility
Regs2 4y ago
We're you actually alive when that affair went down? No one turned a blind eye to it, like at all. Quite the opposite, really. The only objections were with the impeachment because a lot of people felt this was a personal affair and had nothing to do with him as a president and the whole process was partisan bickering. And I would even go as far to say one of the reasons Hillary lost was because his shenanigans tainted the Clinton name.
RepentandFlee80 4y ago
No, Hillary has enough skeletons that we don't need to blame Bill. She was the clear favorite and lost that on her own merits.
secheadlessonds 4y ago
The thing is, the metoo movement has been cancelling people for months (or years?) and not just people who had recent allegations come out about them.
I remember one of the very first people who made the news when the movement came out was Marilyn Manson. He fired his bassist for allegations about something that had happened years and years ago. And then a whole wave of accusations about past grievances hit the news and a load of people were cancelled.
But the movement conveniently glossed over a lot of powerful people like good ole Bill. Ironically, when he was accused by multiple women of sexual harassment, Hillary was the first to try to shut them up and accuse them of making it all up.
McFeely_Smackup 4y ago
I'm talking about #MeToo ignoring it.
mariusalb 4y ago
Did you guys even see the video? Will is just standing there and making jokes and laughing that he got cheated on. And of course you he won’t divorce her. Of course she did that because clearly she can do whatever she want with Will. Nah man, will is a fucking pussy, can’t even stand up for himself.
thwip62 4y ago
He'd be a fool to divorce her. She'd get a huge chunk of his money.
ukiyuh 4y ago
She a thot
Drop her like she hot
Cuz she not
[deleted] 4y ago
HeForeverBleeds 4y ago
His wife is the one who cheated, why should he just go after the guy? I don't get the kind of men more angry at the other guy than the whore who betrayed him
hellsing73 4y ago
It depends on how much the guy who the wife is cheating with knows. If it was my best friend my wife was cheating with, I'd be super pissed at both of them. If it was some random dude who didn't know that my wife was married, I wouldn't have anything against him.
[deleted] 4y ago
so you are advocating murder? what if will smith hits him and the man dies and he serves 50 years in prison?
Jada wasn't raped. she wanted to sleep with him.
I thought this sub was meant to be supportive to men and women. if you enjoy life then a woman gave birth to you and yet you are trashing women with statements like 'MGTOW for life'
i mean if you really mean that statement then really mean it and live by it.
that means if heaven forbid you get cancer and the only doctor that can save you is a woman then refuse treatment becuase you believe men should go their own way.
[deleted] 4y ago
[deleted] 4y ago
well you said that you want to go your own way.
you will be serving jail time if you hit him in the wrong place and the man dies. what if the person you hit is a trans man and is pregnant? like that story on the news?
then you will go to jail for 2 murders.
if a man sleeps with your wife that was her choice. your wife wouldn't be innocent.
great way of using vocab. not only swearing at me but calling me stupid. and shouting at me while im heavily pregnant. very classy and manly. lol.
Robbythedee 4y ago
Sick to think the entire family is ok with it and justified it on tv.
leftajar 4y ago
The issue is that we no longer shame female misbehavior.
A hundred years ago, every newspaper would be calling our her whorishness, if they deigned to comment on it at all.
f_ckingandpunching 4y ago
Maybe she’s just tired of Scientology.
Ozi_izO 4y ago
So long as they're not abusing kids who gives a flying fuck who they have sex with. It's their relationships, their problems and their business.
RyanLSumner 4y ago
All a distraction from the flight logs. Don’t let this shift your focus.
DirtGotWet 4y ago
Black Lives Matter. Do not criticize the choices of black people.