why isn't any responsibility going to the parents? the parents chose to have the kids and yet she is blaming society for not supporting mental health????
surely if you make the choice to have kids there is a chance they could get a serious mental illness and you need to be supporting them first and foremost????
this like when people blamed Mariyn Manson for two kids killing students at Columbine.
or when my rapist blamed his testosterone for raping me.
or when a drunk driver blames the alcohol company for him slamming into another car and killing a whole family.
sorry i just get angry when parents blame others for there choice and don't take accountability.
[deleted] 4y ago
why isn't any responsibility going to the parents? the parents chose to have the kids and yet she is blaming society for not supporting mental health????
surely if you make the choice to have kids there is a chance they could get a serious mental illness and you need to be supporting them first and foremost????
this like when people blamed Mariyn Manson for two kids killing students at Columbine.
or when my rapist blamed his testosterone for raping me.
or when a drunk driver blames the alcohol company for him slamming into another car and killing a whole family.
sorry i just get angry when parents blame others for there choice and don't take accountability.
mgtowolf 4y ago
Why would you be glad to see that on unpopular opinion?
Valen_02 4y ago
Because the sub is full of pupular opinions /s
hypothetic4lly 4y ago
90% of the posts in that sub are popular opinions disguised as unpopular ones.
cubingstorm012 4y ago
Sub could be relabelled as TooAfraidToSay