This particularly pertains to work. I've been working on myself; Working out, eating right, spinning plates, reading stuff about how to improve in other areas of life. It's probably shows a little at work. I'm much more confidant. I carry my head high now.
I've noticed this at other jobs as well. If I'm feeling good about myself and have a pretty strong frame, others, especially others who think of themselves highly can get pissed if you walk around feeling like a man. I try and be friendly, professional, and help towards everybody, but some people just don't vibe with it.
I'm either incongruent in my frame or others are just miserable when they see people acting confident. Has anyone else experienced this?
hannulv 3y ago
If you have a strong frame, then you don't care.
interestinghuman 3y ago
Develop an I don’t give a fuck what people think mentality, you will attract the right people don’t help people that don’t need help g. Keep grinding though!
YourOwnDisaster 3y ago
Yes. Competition is a thing.
[deleted] 3y ago
unplugged69 3y ago
Crabs in a bucket, although remember not to outshine your boss/master. Read 48 laws of power
MonkMode 3y ago
I've recently found this to be true only sometimes. Some bosses love overgrowth, as those are the positions I've excelled in. I'd say leave the job if your boss is just a crab and you see your potential above theirs.
whytehorse2021 3y ago
Your success is a giant spotlight on their failures.