What are your thoughts on this video? is looks indeed king?
I think he makes a very good point about how looks are very important as well.
[deleted] 1y ago
Typo-MAGAshiv 1y ago
Not watching a thousand videos. I'm familiar enough with blackpill bullshit to tell you that it's bullshit.
Yes, looks matter, but they aren't everything.
There's a dude I know IRL who is 5'3", bald, fat, and looks like a garden gnome that's been beat with an ugly stick.
He's been married and divorced twice, and gets laid frequently. No, he's not fucking 9s and 10s, but he's fucking.
He knows nothing of Red Pill, etc.
What worked for him?
1) underneath his fat, he has a lot of muscle. He's not soft. You don't need a 6-pack; you just can't be soft.
2) he is one charming motherfucker who can make just about anyone laugh, and he has a shit ton of interesting and entertaining stories to tell.
Most of the so-called "Black Pill" is just whiny losers making excuses.
nicknack 1y ago
Redpill = black pill for normies. When your average guy takes the blackpill he gives up entirely, as most men are not mentally strong enough to face it. The redpill is there so your average guy can improve his life without having a mental breakdown and giving up.
The issue is though, that the redpill is just that, dumbed down and consumer friendly so people can sell books / videos to the masses. It’s there for good reasons and genuinely improves the lives of the majority of men out there.
The blackpill is honestly for the minority of men who are strong enough to take it, and imo should only be looked at after getting well used to TRP.
TBP shows us that people highly, and almost exclusively, respect those who are genetically good looking, tall, really successful, from high quality genetic stock, from class, from old money. It’s heartbreaking to hear that you’re probably born a bottom of the barrel piece of shit who in the olden days would be a peasant scooping horseshit til you die. This is when you have to take drastic and painful measures to chance the course of history and fate. Moving continents to a more favorable place (if you’re short, even shorter country, if you’re poor, even poorer country etc.) Plastic surgery to fix your homely peasant face, receding hair, teeth. Real grinding to make the kind of money it takes to buy your way up.
deeplydisturbed 1y ago
The black pill is nothing more than a stop on a good man’s journey.
This happens when red pill rage settles down, but there are more truths to be discovered.
BTW - The number one sign that a poster worships on Saturday is troll bait like this.