What's something that everybody thinks they know, but is actually wrong? Here's a place to red pill the masses on anything and everything. Bonus points if you link to a tribe about your findings.
Created By bambinosupremo
What's something that everybody thinks they know, but is actually wrong? Here's a place to red pill the masses on anything and everything. Bonus points if you link to a tribe about your findings.
[deleted] 1y ago
Lone_Ranger 1y ago
Thanks for the post.
There is always the question whether women in therapy are useless because they are so far gone by the time they get to therapy OR are they useless because therapy makes them so. Could it be that therapy is harmless but useless, and thus has no particular harm (or benefit)?
My own observation is this: therapy (esp for females, whom consume the vast majority of therapy, along with gays) is a large industry which has an inverse success to revenue relationship. In other words, there is no reward for success, but there is substantial reward for failure. In this sense, therapists tend to 'fail upwards', the more their clients fail, the more the clients need their therapists. Many clients will have decades long relationships with their therapists. Consumer loyalty is only achieved through continued failure.
The most successful therapists will have an order book stuffed full of women and gays, whose continued custom relies on them making no progress ever.
In fact, the only time a client will usually terminate a relationship with a therapist is when the therapist tells the client something they don't want to hear. This is the reason I believe that therapy is a net negative (not harmless, actively harmful for women) - it's because therapy will nearly always be a version of 'affirmation' or 'reassurance' about whatever the client wants to hear, for example;
TLDR: therapy is an industry built on validation. Women will pay $250 an hour to be told what they want to hear. Validation is drug, therapists are dealers, women are the users.
[deleted] 1y ago
Lone_Ranger 1y ago
No, I don't believe the Therapy Trap is related to the flaws of capitalism.
Capitalism has many flaws. But it would be foolish to blame the delusional thinking of females on capitalism. In the end, I think capitalism will save us from the Idiocracy that we have built. We need MORE capitalism, not less capitalism.
Capitalism and freedom of choice / speech / expression are inherently linked. It is precisely because we do not have enough capitalism that we have such an issue with the culture wars / woketardedness.
In a true capitalist society, for example, we would allow freedom of expression / choice / speech which would mean that a bank would not need to meet diversity targets (imposed by a regulator). This would mean that we would be free to have a bank that didn't have clueless gays / PoC's / women / trans people parachuted into positions way above their skill levels, with catastrophic consequences for profitability.
You would then have a true free market - you could get your mortgage
from a normal bank for 4%
Then we would see the true preferences of the market.
Capitalism is what will save us. The libtards are doing everything they can to abolish capitalism and replace with corporatism, or a version of such, which you might call state managed pseudo-capitalism.
[deleted] 1y ago
AlwaysStoic 1y ago
Correct and it's no surprise that most therapists are women too!! When rational men think they are not doing well on the mental health front, they visit a Psychiatrist with an MD. Men seek solutions.