The most notorious target was FatPeopleHate. Yesterday, people on FPH were noticing that a lot of top Imgur posts on that subreddit had also been deleted by the Imgur staff personally.
Reddit Post: Removing harassing subreddits
This happened less than an hour ago. This relates to TRP as we were regularly listed alongside FPH as "the worst places on reddit" by multiple AskReddit threads. I know that Puerarchy acts as a failsafe in case we're the next target by the Pao administration, but this definitely warrants some discussion.
Screenshot: FPH banned for violating the reddit rules to "keep everyone safe"
2cold2hold2hot2handl 9y ago
I made gluttonyhate if you want to post there
[deleted] 9y ago
Just wait, TRP will be in the third wave of bannings (ha ha, get it, 3rd wave).
docbloodmoney 9y ago
My theory: this was 100% about fatpeoplehate, because their posts regularly hit r/all. The other 4 subs were distractions, so the admins can claim otherwise. They will continue to ban subs in small chunks, each time including one bigger sub that hasn't broken any rules but still pisses them off (KiA, TiA, trp, etc)
bryanlharris 9y ago
The front page (I mean r/all) is attrocious today. What a bunch of spoiled rotten whiny little brats. They don't get their way so what do they do? Throw a temper tantrum, kick and scream, and basically just annoy the shit out of everyone else.
[deleted] 9y ago
This is what I've been saying from the beginning. Reddit is not a democracy and thats becoming more and more apparent.
occupythekitchen 9y ago
black people twitter is safe though. so ironic I'd make fat people twitter now
profinger 9y ago
Don't forget cute female corpses lol
NotAKiddieDiddler 9y ago
The two are quite different thought. One is a "laugh with you" thing and one is "laugh at you"
sushisection 9y ago
Black people twitter is funny though and doesn't target specific individuals... make fat people twitter funny like that and it would be alright.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
ummm... targets black people tho? and the difference is that being fat IS A CHOICE (not shouting at you)
sushisection 9y ago
Not like fatpeoplehate where it's like "let's all laugh at this one fat guy"
Blackpeopletwitter is more like "black american culture has a unique style of comedy, here... enjoy"
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
hmm fair enough - culture can be changed therefore is fair game for criticism and lampooning. however i've always felt that fph was a backlash against the normalisation and celebration of obesity. and I am all for that backlash. obesity should only ever be looked at for what it is: a state of physical illness that causes irreparable harm as long as one is in it.
sushisection 9y ago
Yeah plus obesity signals a lot about a person's character. You know, society used to be like fatpeoplehate. Remember the fat kid in Willy Wonka who got stuck in a tube? That shit wouldn't fly today. A girl getting huge and then getting rolled away by midgets would not fucking happen in today's coddled society
IVIaskerade 9y ago
I reckon it was because a media outlet was running a story that might make reddit look bad.
As with Creepshots and Jailbait before it, Reddit doesn't care until the media gets a hold of it and starts going after them, at which point they backpedal right off the cliff.
The amount of gold bought in FPH was staggering. It was one of the most active subreddits (if you exclude the defaults, probably the most active) and it wasn't going to go away either, with 150,000 subscribers showing no signs of slowing down.
Once again, reddit doesn't care until it's made to look bad.
docbloodmoney 9y ago
Wasn't aware of that news story, makes sense too. Doesn't change the fact that this was completely about FPH, not the other banned subs
IVIaskerade 9y ago
One of which was just a backup for FPH in the first place.
[deleted] 9y ago
Can/have we opted out of appearing on r/all?
Milky_Boob 9y ago
This. Why don't the admins just block subs they don't like from the frontpage?
[deleted] 9y ago
I'm pretty certain TRP has opted out. I've never seen us in it.
Danedina 9y ago
This thread is currently #23
teeelo 9y ago
On your front page.
Log out and you won't see TRP anywhere.
Windforce 9y ago
That's actually a good thing. :)
[deleted] 9y ago
Well done seeing through the squid ink. This is 100% on the money - they give a shit about what has the most visibility and is against their worldview. If FPH only had 100 subscribers and never hit r/all, they wouldn't care. It's not about subs "breaking rules", it's about censoring anyone with views that depart visibly and significantly enough from theirs.
GrammerNaziParadox 9y ago
It's also about satisfying their main user base, and since Reddit users in general are pretty liberal, anytime something like FPH or TRP hits the front page they get angry because these posts oppose their views. It's like if Hillary Clinton had a 15 minute time-slot everyday on Fox News' prime-time, the people watching would all be pissed because they are conservative and would consequently start watching Fox News less and reduce Fox's profitability.
Anyways, the Reddit owners want to keep their revenue resource around, the users, so they have to appease them by weeding out content that opposes their world-view on the front-page.
Trpidation 9y ago
Which is funny to me because literally the only reason I use reddit is for TRP.
StillRedder 9y ago
When has TRP ever been on the front page? They don't allow this sub to get up there.
Quantic 9y ago
Probably a fair and logical conclusion to make; this thread angers their customers - the users. I don't even necessarily think the admins might have hated fatpeoplehate. Attrition of your user base is a pretty good reason to ban a relatively small sub for the greater economical gain.
GrammerNaziParadox 9y ago
Exactly, I also saw someone point out on another thread that advertising on Reddit becomes a public image liability to potential and current advertisers if their ads could possibly be associated with a sub-reddit as toxic as FPH, so "bad" subreddits like FPH negatively impact Reddit's two sources of revenue, the user base and advertisers (although the user side is more important because ad revenue is more reliant on it than vice-versa).
elevul 9y ago
No, it's about censoring anything that impacts their ad revenue.
[deleted] 9y ago
I'm actually going to (partially) disagree here. You can USUALLY bank on companies doing things with the end goal of making money, but that isn't always the case when when you're dealing with a radical SJW feminist. Remember just who Chairman Pao is. I do think it's somewhat half and half here, though, since Reddit's paradigm sort of revolves around pandering to hardcore leftists.
Honestly, with how unbelievable mealy mouthed and cowardly Reddit's overall policy is (with shadowbans, etc) I'm a little surprised they didn't just shadowban entire subreddits from showing up on the front page. I guess it would be too obvious?
[deleted] 9y ago
Look at r/all right now. They already created a new subreddit and their stuff is hitting the front page.
docbloodmoney 9y ago
it's so beautiful
edit: at the current moment, only 1 post of the entire r/all frontpage is not about fat people hate
pedler 9y ago
Yeah honestly I dont think we are under any threat here. Fat people hate is honestly trash. I went there once and never again. It is like spacedicks kind of fucked up.
MagneticJohnson 9y ago
it's just dark humor. grow a pair
pedler 9y ago
Looking at gore isnt dark humour. Its just sick.
MagneticJohnson 9y ago
yeah I only talked about fph. gore is for seriously messed up people
pedler 9y ago
There is gore on fph. And also, 20+ comments calling the gored person a whale.
[deleted] 9y ago
In that vein, maybe we shouldn't upvote anything too high on TRP. We're better off flying under the radar.
Unless, of course, the goal is to move society. But from what I've seen, most people here agree that this is more here for people who come looking for it.
SouthernPetite 9y ago
This same happened a few years ago on FB, except it was an outside feminist group demanding FB take certain pages down.
They were shockingly successful, and a horror page that I had created (~80,000 followers) was axed. No complaints, no warnings, no explanation- just gone. This was the case for a bunch of other horror pages and, strangely enough, mommy pages too. Nobody has any clue as to what the fuck that was all about.
One_friendship_plz 9y ago
To back up your theory, imgur has a bunch of fatties in their company that are banning pictures that make fun of fat people. Imgur probably threatened reddit about the problem in hopes of it reducing the amount of accounts/pictures they have to delete because their feelings are hurt.
Reddit had no choice but to listen and ban the following subreddits.
Reddit is not a profitable company and they have to take whatever money they can get and if their advertisers bail on them then it'll be bad.
docbloodmoney 9y ago
And they somehow think pissing off 150000 users will help their financial issues... female CEOs, not even once
niczar 9y ago
I still don't get why neofag was banned. It was not about homosexuals, but criticizing the game industry forum "neogaf" which is infested with SJWism.
docbloodmoney 9y ago
because this site is run by idiots
[deleted] 9y ago
We're an essay based subreddit so it's not in our nature to hit r/all. As long as we don't fly too close to the sun, we should be safe.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
safe - what have we done that we should even worry about what these oppressors might do? TRP has done nothing wrong. quite the opposite. when Chairman Pao finally bans TRP we will move to the new site.
this idea is bigger than us. it is the path to freedom and satisfaction in life. Pao cannot stop that.
[deleted] 9y ago
TheSKSpecial 9y ago
Kotaku in Action. The main subreddit for Gamergate.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
KiA points out the extreme hypocrisy, double-speak, entitlement-posing-as-victimisation and other, general dirty tricks of Kotaku and the like.
drallcom3 9y ago
FPH was massive (hehe) and really fun.
GrammerNaziParadox 9y ago
It's also about satisfying their main user base, Reddit users in general are pretty liberal, so anytime something like FPH or TRP hits the front page they get angry that anyone could possibly disagree with their world view. It's like if Hillary Clinton had a 15 minute time-slot everyday on Fox News' prime-time, the people watching would all be pissed because they are conservative.
The Reddit owners want to keep their revenue resource around, the users, so they have to appease them by weeding out content that opposed their worldview on the front-page.
RPSigmaStigma 9y ago
Are you kidding? No one is going to stop coming to reddit because they're offended. These people are addicted to outrage and drama. These are the same people who cyber-stalked a professors personal Facebook and then accused him of "harassing" them when they found exactly what they expected to find. These people go out of their way to get "offended". It's the victimhood olympics.
GrammerNaziParadox 9y ago
Enjoying victim-hood and circle-jerking are not mutually exclusive.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
well you say that but i think SJWs might and will. they get triggered by even mild dissent from their hivemind-approved spiel.
RPSigmaStigma 9y ago
Bullshit. It's all about attention and manipulation. I know people with PTSD. Trust me, someone who actually gets triggered, doesn't blast it all over the Internet or get all uptight about it.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
my point is that SJWs have diluted the concept of trigger to mean anything they disagree with.
RPSigmaStigma 9y ago
Anything they can leverage for attention and sympathy.
imgonnabethegreatest 9y ago
If this sub and asktrp do go down, it was worth it while it lasted. I learned a lot from you guys and completely turned my life around for the better. Thanks guys, as one of the younger guys here I learned something from every post and greatly appreciate the effort put in to try to help the young men like me.
I realize that there is a failsafe in place but we won't be as connected as we are now through Reddit. Good luck in the rest of your Red Pill journeys gentleman.
zaiguy 9y ago
Get on the mailing list, find who you can on Twitter and keep your eyes open. Eventually a TRP Moses will appear to lead the community to a new land of milk and honey.
[deleted] 9y ago
Haha "TRP Moses", I like that.
[deleted] 9y ago
ZombieMushroom420 9y ago
Are there any Twitter accounts you would recommend following? I don't have an account right now, but it would be worth making one to help me stay in touch with the community if shit goes down.
Solitary_Wolf 9y ago
zaiguy 9y ago
My personal fav is @gaylubeoil. The amusement factor is 10/10
0xdada 9y ago
This is hilarious. Expect them to implode. By their own rationale, failing to delete something means an endorsement. "How can X be kept is Y is deleted?" It will be a fairness death spiral.
dhump 9y ago
Death spiral is pretty accurate. Any site like reddit trying to exist under the guise of "open community" and "open discussion" while simultaneously quashing views the upper crust don't like or agree with is doomed to drive away it's user base.
Why frequent a place that will shit all over the content you go there for simply because the powers that be don't like that content?
Also, fuck whining fatties. Crying until something is banned because it hurts your feelings is the lowest of the low. Don't like what you see? Don't go looking for it. Change the fucking channel.
kalstate 9y ago
One time, when I was in 5th grade, I saw a 4th grader at recess, and I said "Hi, Tony.". His response, was a screaming "leave me alone!" as he spiraled into a complete meltdown, as if he were being beaten by demons. I re-asserted myself, and tried to tell him that I meant no harm and that I was just saying "hi". He doubled down, and cried all the way back to his classroom. Five minutes later, I got summoned to the 4th grade class, and I was scolded by the 4th grade teacher, and the entire 4th grade class, for being a bully. I learned many important lessons that day. And today, that whiny little bitch is trolling, because, you know, demons in his head. Poor little fella..
[deleted] 9y ago
Funny that the generation that was so anti-bullying are the biggest bullies ever. When I was in school we could fight the bullies with our fists and end shit.
[deleted] 9y ago
One time, when I was in 1st grade, it was recess and I saw an older kid bullying a younger one. He was calling him names and saying no one wanted to be friends with him. I decided I'd intervene instead of letting the problem solve itself. I ran up behind the bully and, with all my force, pushed him from behind into the kid he was bullying. Their faces smashed together and they were both on the ground bleeding and crying. A teacher ran up and I was suspended for bullying.
Sometimes people think they're doing something honorable and helpful when really their inability to see the bigger picture as well as the consequences their helpful actions have are creating a real problem. This particular problem (Reddit's censorship) will solve itself. From Digg to Reddit, from Reddit to x.
Luckyluke23 9y ago
i like reddit the way it is.. i don't want to keep jumping ship every time she SJW doesn't get his / her way.
Snivellious 9y ago
What's hilarious to me is that by and large I don't see fat people bitching about how FPH was harming them. Their response is usually "They're dicks, whatever." What I see (saw) over and over again is "This is insulting and harmful to some unspecified other person, ban it for their sake!"
[deleted] 9y ago
is there any news on the existence of a website to replace reddit? surely someone of means has noticed the opportunity created by this for them to become the new reddit so to speak
[deleted] 9y ago
[Walk away from the screen] (
seraphim6134 9y ago
way too many trolls in disguise.
[deleted] 9y ago
profinger 9y ago
Reddit is all for cute female corpses lol
BlackHeart89 9y ago
I can imagine a website emerging from the ashes of what reddit use to be and copying its original format and taking all of its success.
[deleted] 9y ago
mrj0ker 9y ago
The miracles of technology that are possible thanks to the blockchain keep amazing me
[deleted] 9y ago
mryddlin 9y ago
it's coming :)
[deleted] 9y ago
FatStig 9y ago
There are several projects already underway. There are several blockchain platforms for building such sites already.
I'd prefer some sort of subscription/web of trust system for moderation.
[deleted] 9y ago
Why would TRP be removed? There is no harassment.
[deleted] 9y ago
You're giving them too much credit for rationality.
Billybob25112 9y ago
No, we shouldn't. Bitching won't solve anything. If TRP gets removed we have a backup site, no need to drag this out any further.
frankgold 9y ago
Does the backup site have a forum? I think we need that...
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
exactly. time to move on and keep focusing on what makes TRP great - a source of focus that keeps us making ourselves better.
[deleted] 9y ago
What if we made a new sub with a different name? Like how analog drugs change the formula a little bit to avoid their product being illegal.
jdgalt 9y ago
Probably easier just to start a new site. Go to the bottom of any page and you can download the source code. I'm surprised there aren't already lots of clones of Reddit out there.
larkspring 9y ago
Exactly. At first I hated the flurry of "If you banned X then why don't you ban Y?" posts because it promotes more censorship, but this is the correct response as it forces reddit into an unmaintainable cycle of alienating site moderation.
It's like they can't even see one move ahead.
jdgalt 9y ago
Oh, but they have to ban only a few at a time so that the frog doesn't notice it is being boiled alive. (Insert Niemöller quote here.)
trpSenator 9y ago
Let's get real for a second, and put the politics aside. FPH did routinely harass people, even if it was through external means (as in not intentional). For instance, I did once post there an image of a "gamer girl" who was your typical ham. I just posted it to mock her with other people, but before you know it, she was somehow notified, and she did find the post, and she did write me a sob story letter. And I'll be honest, I did feel kind of bad after figuring out how upset she was and was still in HS.
But yeah, that's just me. That sort of stuff happened all the time.
Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the sub, especially it's blunt honesty and funny as fuck comments. But while it didn't expressively encourage raids, it did lead to a lot of self empowered witch hunts simply because many of the planets were active social media users.
Meanwhile, TRP is nothing like that. This sub takes great lengths to discourage raiding or anything else. TRP by and large likes to keep to itself. I think it's safe. If anything SRS is WAY worse than this sub by a long shot.
[deleted] 9y ago
Echelon64 9y ago
Yeah right. They took great lengths the same way SRS/SRD did, as not at all. I'm just pissed they aren't banning every other harassment subreddit like the aforementioned.
FatStig 9y ago
They did as much as TRP does.
Dylan_Tnga 9y ago
FPH2 is already up and running. Never knew of that sub before, am browsing it now.... fucking HILARIOUS. I don't hate fat people, but I hate the idea that it's acceptable to be fat.. and I DESPISE the idea of it being considered a form of beauty.
TLDR : No fat chicks.
ZombieMushroom420 9y ago
I was on it for a while, but it just got banned as well. It managed to get over 25,000 subscribers though.
SkyCakeDodge 9y ago
that's been taken down too.
Unless you're seeing something I'm not.
NotAKiddieDiddler 9y ago
You sound like a pretty miserable person.
garrettruskamp 9y ago
What is the exact sub reddit name?
IIGe0II 9y ago
That's not what Fat People Hate was. They don't make fun of fatties, they hate them to the point of wishing them dead. Fuck 'em, I'm glad they're gone. Who in their right mind takes a creep shot and posts it online to berate them, simply because they're fat.
Here is the last screencap I got from them before the shit storm, from a few days ago.
link5057 9y ago
fatpersonhate is also up as an "official sub"
redpillliger 9y ago
It's absolutely hilarious to see the lengths that lazy land-whales will go to rationalize their laziness.
[deleted] 9y ago
The irony is that I've read someone say that its been their strongest motivation to lose weight.
Dylan_Tnga 9y ago
I've actually lost friends over my stance on fat people before. on Facebook I firmly stated that fat women have NO BUSINESS wearing a bikini at the beach (I was disgusted by this article from some obese lady saying "I WENT TO THE BEACH IN A BIKINI AND NOTHING HAPPENED!! :D" , and I had all the BP males, white knights, and fat chicks bitching all over it dripping gravy all over my status.
Super-Saiyajin 9y ago
DUDE!!!! This fat chick who blames it on becoming a mom posted some shit about being proud to show off her fat body in a bikini. NOBODY want's to see that shit!
RedBigMan 9y ago
Nothing happened because she didn't pass the boner test. Don't you know women going to the beach in bikini's get hit on by low SMV betas and raped* by guys every day of the week because PATRIARCHY or something.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
it's more just sad for me really. here in the UK the obese claim benefits as long as they stay obese. and they cost the NHS silly money.
[deleted] 9y ago
They're working on protected status too as "disabled" not functionally disabled but protected. There will be employment quotas for obese people soon.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
we are witnessing the start of anti-evolution.
(financial) survival of the unfittest
Mardolini 9y ago
I don't hate fat people, I am fat, and I generally hate the idea that there is a subreddit that hates me, without knowing me. It's kinda weird for a whole group of people to hate another group of people on the internet.. oh wait..
Nothing_Gazes_Back 9y ago
You're fat and I personally feel that you're a waste of time and resources. I'm entitled to that opinion and have the freedom to express that opinion regardless of how badly it hurts your vulnerable fat kid feelings.
Get the fuck over it and fix your life, fatty.
Nothing_Gazes_Back 9y ago
Being invited to try on bras with them isn't what we mean when we talk about 'female attention'. Keep projecting those insecurities.
And you can drop the racism, porky. It's unseemly and inaccurate.
Mardolini 9y ago
haha that made me laugh, that was a good one, but yeah... I mean, they're all fat bitches but hey.. they also need fucking
Nothing_Gazes_Back 9y ago
No, they don't. They need to be tied to a treadmill in a fat camp.
Nothing_Gazes_Back 9y ago
Trying to weed out the fit, attractive men out of the gene pool so your flubbery man tits look better in comparison? Good luck.
nolightspared 9y ago
I don't get the point of this post.
Mardolini 9y ago
skinny dumb idiot. fuck you.
[deleted] 9y ago
Have a red pill: being fat is unacceptable. Go lift and eat keto.
Mardolini 9y ago
have you lived in switzerland? gym membership 150$ a month, meat? well, try like 15$ for 500g of ground beef, and I can't eat eggs all day.. well, 1$ an egg is also not sustainable.
bigmac? try 9$
just to demonstrate how fucking ridiculous the prices here are, and I'm a student and make jack shit money.
I mostly eat bread, which is 3$ for 300g, some chicken (around 2-3$ 100g), tuna (which is the cheapest, 1$ 100g) and chocolate (1-2$ 100g).
Of course I eat potatos and other veggies, but you can't fucking pay protein in this goddamn country. because everything is fucking organic, like seriously, everything.
Also cheap: pasta, rice, potatos.. all the good carbs, I know.
And don't get me started on shakes.. the powder could aswell be made out of gold, you pay like 80$ für 1kg whey, not sure on that one though, was just expensive as fuck.
First I need money, then I can lose weight effectivly. With just eating less and doing outside cardio, i'm not gonna get the results you guys talk about.
What also hinders me from working out? well.. sweat? I don't own a washing machine, and the ones in out building you have 2$ for a load. And I like to wear clean workout stuff.. ah yeah, I don't own workout clothes.
I'm a poor fuck, I know.
Nothing_Gazes_Back 9y ago
I promise you that I make significantly less than you do. I don't let that restrain me. Your lazy ass would rather lament your pitiful worthless life on the internet than exerting the effort to fix yourself. Nobody wants to hear your bullshit excuses.
Why are you even here? This isn't the place for people like you.
[deleted] 9y ago
Redpill #2: when you write a big list of fucking excuses, tear up the list and stop making fucking excuses.
You don't need a gym membership to lift, just things to lift. go on your local used good's website and spend $50 on a bench press weight set.
Now I understand the economic issue, but you still are making excuses. How much does broccoli cooked in butter cost? fuck all. There are infinite veggies you can just add fat's to and you will be eating keto. Olive oil on veggies, fry shit in coconut oil.
Stop. Making. Excuses.
DK7096 9y ago
body weight fitness man. Stop it. You don't have to join a gym. You can master your environment with nothing more than determination and your body. Stop making excuses. either go to the bodyweightfitness website or subreddit. I don't eat ground beef anymore either since the prices went up, eggs, chicken, canned tuna, etc. "I can't eat eggs all day" well then stop bitching about being fat. You like being fat, if you hated being fat you'd eat shit all day if that would make you thin. I dropped 150lbs, busting my ass, eating food that half the time didn't taste good or even made me want to vomit, because I was sick and tired of being a fat fuck. I didn't want to be that guy anymore so I did what I HAD to do. Go for a walk, you don't even have to run yet. Walk, 30 minutes a day. I walked from 1130pm to 1230am EVERY DAY after my second job, I wanted to sleep, I didn't wanna be out walking in the dark, but I wanted to be fat even less. After you can do that, start walking faster, start running. If you're out on a walk/run and you see a rock/log/TV out for garbage, grab it, and walk with it, that's your new training buddy. If you put half as much effort into looking for solutions as you do LOOKING for why you can't do it, you'll find it's way easier in the end. I know for a fact it was with me.
Eat canned tuna and veggies sauteed in butter/olive oil every day, the results you see will make it worth it. Too expensive to buy veggies at the store? Grow your own. Even if you live in an apartment you can container garden without too much trouble. I've done this for YEARS.
thredditsowaway 9y ago
I don't get this. If you don't like TRP, don't come to TRP. Just as I'm often offended by some of the content on the feminist subs, so I don't go there. We generally mind our own business and for the most part don't try to push it on other communities. Meanwhile some of the subs that are meant to be netural, open discussion spaces have a clear feminist bias... but you won't find any similar subs with a RP bias.
Reddit isn't one big community, it's a platform to host many communities, which can totally disagree but coexist.
Derjenige 9y ago
Female CEO with no qualifications and things go to shit, who would have guessed that?
[deleted] 9y ago
I've only been on TRP for a short while, but I definitely don't see this as a "hate sub" by any stretch of imagination. This is a sub for self-improvement. It's about about changing our interactions and relationship with ourselves and with others, and the fact that what makes people happy and fulfilled isn't always intuitive or obvious these days. Subs like "FatPeopleHate" aren't even remotely in the same category.
Shade_Raven 9y ago
So fatpeoplehate goes but coontown is okie dokie.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
RapingWomenRIP,PhilosophyOfRapeRIP, StruggleFucking, AbusePorn2, AntiPOZi, SlutJustice,CoonTownRIP, CuteFemaleCorpses...But people making fun of fat people are the worst.
fortifiedoranges 9y ago
Antipozi is is a good one, don't be a fag.
[deleted] 9y ago
add picsofdeadkids to this and abortionporn
chill1995 9y ago
something something muhhh feelings
fortifiedoranges 9y ago
Antipozi is is a good one, don't be a fag.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
I was listing subs that trigger the average plebs on reddit.
BigDiggerNick74 9y ago
They're already calling for TRP's head in the announcement thread.
Apparently trying to improve/educate guys and informing them how the real world really works is the worst.
[deleted] 9y ago
Took a look at some of those sub..They are fucking disgusting.
[deleted] 9y ago
IVIaskerade 9y ago
All except philosophyofrape, yes.
However, that doesn't stop the SJWs using them as examples of "men objectifying women because they all want to rape them"
LetsGoAllTheWhey 9y ago
Thanks for the list I really needed some new subreddits to follow.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
There's also
SexWithDogs, SexWithHorses, CandidFashionPolice, GreatApes, NecroPorn, DeepThroatTears (yeah boi!), Painal, SexyAbortions, Gore, GorePorn, WatchPeopleDie....
LetsGoAllTheWhey 9y ago
But leave fat people alone.
B_Campbell 9y ago
I can see Piccaard giving an in passionate speech, "The line must be drawn here! No farther! Right after SexWithDogs!"
turbo_blender 9y ago
what the fuck, TRP is fully politically correct compared to this.
SlappaDaBayssMon 9y ago
I don't think there has ever been a riskier click. Wish me luck boys, I'm going in.
EDIT: It's safe.
B_Campbell 9y ago
Omg those exist. It is odd that that's the one they picked but it does fit the pattern that reddit responds to what makes the news.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
That's been well known ever since ViolentAcrez was kicked. He was objectively a fantastic mod and probably did the most to keep child porn off reddit during his modship, but as soon as the media started kicking up a fuss he was thrown under the bus.
VictorEremitaK 9y ago
I don't understand why strugglefucking is on that list.
BrunoOh 9y ago
Only vanilla missionary is politically correct.
shuritsen 9y ago
Pfft not even then, I'm sure the SJWs will still claim it as rape because "consent can't be implied in picture, therefore, all pornographic images are rape" or some stupid shit like that.
MattyAnon Admin 9y ago
Pictures cannot overtly say "YES" and sign a consent form permitting sexual relations (notwithstanding that said consent may be verbally or non-verbally withdrawn at any time before, during or after sexual relations have, or have not, taken place)
MorePancakes 9y ago
As sad of a statement as this is... I can't tell if that's really a thing people claim or you are just making fun of them....
shuritsen 9y ago
my friend, SJW logic is about as twisted and nonsensical as a mobius strip. Any logic is possible in their little hamster wheels.
sparkleselite 9y ago
But you're forgetting that even the act of penetration is rape now so missionary isn't safe even. Shit don't even look at women because you'll be eye raping them.
[deleted] 9y ago
It shouldn't be. The subreddit is supposed to cater towards the BDSM society it's just that one of the mods actually does advocate rape. The actual community there is fine. Heck, a lot of them are women.
99639 9y ago
BDSM is about as politically incorrect as mocking the morbidly obese.
sushisection 9y ago
Tell that to the millions of women who read 50 Shades.
CJ090 9y ago
Reddit SJW crowd: "but trp=r/rapingwomen"
IVIaskerade 9y ago
PhilosophyOfRape is closer to what they think TRP is, but I digress.
WingTune0 9y ago
Coontown discusses race the same way TRP discusses sex, improvement, gender, biology, etc.
Sure there are countless rambling posts both on TRP and coontown, but everything here and there is supported by science and empirical data. Nothing flies here or there that isn't rooted in fact, so to say that you're mad at coontown for existing is the same as feminists being mad at TRP for existing- because everything being discussed there is true and goes against the brainwashing liberal media, much like the discussions here in TRP teach men how to be men and not fall for the pointless drivel when it comes to gender differences in the real world.
nolightspared 9y ago
Good post, but Coontown definitely has more fun with their subject matter. For instance, their headliner is hilarious.
[deleted] 9y ago
WingTune0 9y ago
It's easy to get mad at them when they act the way they did in that post. Are you saying you didn't gt angry when you first swallowed the red pill? Judging by the downvotes I'm getting, it seems like facts over feels still applies to some people in this sub.
Jame_Bond 9y ago
This guy get's it
As much as I absolutely hate Ellen Pao this is a business strategy in attempt to bring reddit profit. I hate what she is doing to the place and I hate that it might mean the destruction of the community we have built together from scratch but at the end of the day reddit is a company and all company's care about is profit. Reddit hasn't made profit in a very long time so as much as I hate it, I understand what they're attempting to do. I just hope it works for them because they've officially lost my support and my views.
BadinBoarder 9y ago
Can't the advertisers choose which subs they advertise in. Like workout gear advertises in r/fitness and skinny jeans advertise in r/fatpeoplehate?
[deleted] 9y ago
And she gets the praises of the sjws. Its really a shrewd move. Someone discovered sjws are an untapped market to make money off of and now the exploitation has begun. Tess holiday isnt on the cover of people because shes an inspiration, shes on the cover because theres a high amount of delusional, instant gratifaction seeking people with wallets to make $ off of. Reddit realizes this too.
Rathadin 9y ago
I've never heard of this hamplanet until today.
Of course she's from my home state of Mississippi. Doing her part to help it remain fattest state in the union I see.
I'm so glad I got the fuck away from there. The saddest part is her face. She would be drop dead gorgeous if she were 300 lbs. lighter.
Uh on, Reddit admins, better ban me... I'm expressing disdain at large humans.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
gotta love the free market economy.
grubek 9y ago
Correct. Banning salary negotiation was a cost reducing measure masqueraded as feminism.
antariusz 9y ago
If they were interested in cost reduction measures... why not axe a few of the admins who spend the majority of their workday censoring reddit?
From a business sense, free speech is cheaper.
Lord_Varys 9y ago
No, I think she authentically believed it was the right thing.
TomSachs 9y ago
This is the kinda of shit that gives me hope. Large companies will continue to do whatever the fuck they want.
disposable_pants 9y ago
How does large companies making their own rules give you hope?
TomSachs 9y ago
Our world will never be run by feminism or any of that shit
wiseclockcounter 9y ago
it most certainly could. businesses are nothing without a consumer base. And as more and more of the population becomes braindead sjws, their threats of boycotting and negative publicity hold some real weight.
jcrpta 9y ago
Does Reddit's advertising platform not allow for blacklisting/whitelisting subreddits for your advert to show on?
1independentmale 9y ago
That's not the entire picture. It can't be. It would be trivial to simply not advertise on subs like fatpeoplehate, or even allow advertisers to select subs they want (or don't want) their ads to appear on. This is not rocket science. There may be business owners who might actually be interested in advertising to the likes of fat haters, so if anything reddit is reducing its potential income by reducing the size of its audience.
This is a full SJW attack. It's not about the money.
peoplearejustpeople9 9y ago
Yeah we need to bail soon. Any alternatives to reddit?
jcrpta 9y ago
There's; a rp subreddit already exists on there:
bsutansalt 9y ago
It does, but the official rally point for the time being is
-Quotidian 9y ago
For TRP? Puerarchy apparently. Check the sidebar.
Str8tuptrollin 9y ago
I didn't think puerachy had forums though
RPSigmaStigma 9y ago
When the time comes, an alternative will be set up and announced on that site.
Myrpl 9y ago
I don't even understand the reasoning. Did they asked people why they don't use Reddit and they responded with "because there are potential places that we can visit that we disagree with"?
Because why attempt to expose people to different worldviews when we can outright dismiss them?
Jame_Bond 9y ago
Gentrification, here's the explanation:
Nothing_Gazes_Back 9y ago
Well, damn. That makes perfect sense.
ChadThundercockII 9y ago
Wow. It hit the nail on the head. And, it is a great marketing strategy.
solbrothers 9y ago
Really good read. Thanks for sharing it.
rife_omeqa 9y ago
I find it hilarious that the stupidest demographic and thus the demographic most easily manipulated out of their money is the "university educated white girl".
University education. Lol.
k3rn3 9y ago
See the SRS store, for all your overpriced anti free speech merchandise needs
[deleted] 9y ago
It's just a bad joke at this point.
[deleted] 9y ago
Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
Halfjor 9y ago
My brain is hurting
vengefully_yours 9y ago
The logic one gets me.. Isn't logic supposed to be based in reality?
Windforce 9y ago
I am from Europe, so I didn't "get" most of the political messages on these merchandise. Tbh, I wouldn't use these even if they were given to me for free. I mean what is "This is what a strong ally looks like" on a T shirt? WTF
docbloodmoney 9y ago
It's to let all the women around know that you are an unfuckable pathetic beta
[deleted] 9y ago
What they are perhaps missing is the market base of grateful, successful people. There are two profitable models - making money off small sales to a large number of people, or earning money from a small group of rich donors. Universities, for example, earn much of their funding through donations from people they've made successful. TRP is better than any university in the regard. While this may not be a viable option for Reddit, if TRP moves or has some shift in it's organization, I wouldn't be surprised if many people would be willing to give back to the group and finance web-developpement, give financial aid to the most useful contributors, and fund events and such. Something to think about for the future.
grubek 9y ago
Its not about people, its about attracting ads.
[deleted] 9y ago
This. If you don't pay for an online service, like Reddit, then you're the product being sold. The advertisers are the customers.
Super-Saiyajin 9y ago
Jokes on them! Adblock FTW!
[deleted] 9y ago
The front page of reddit right now is hilarious.
cdnz0mbie 9y ago
Yep, ppl are already mentioning redpill and being upvoted hard. Surprisingly not as many as SRS though.
solbrothers 9y ago
As ironic as it is, i was talking to a girl and things were going extremely well. We had stuff in common etc. Well she found my sn and saw that i had posted ONCE in this sub. She was a self proclaimed feminist and sjw. I later saw that she was a regular poster in fph. Strange how that works.
RedPill115 9y ago
Some people will disagree with me, but I think TheRedPill is just the male version of feminism. Difference is mainly that TRP isn't pretending to help everyone in pursuit of "what's best for me, and how can I improve my own life?".
Nothing_Gazes_Back 9y ago
I'll disagree because feminism has long since mutated from a group pushing for equal rights to an agressive, toxic social and political movement.
TRP is the men's help guide that should have come in the starter box.
RedPill115 9y ago
Both groups seek to improve things for themselves. Both groups look at things relatively sociopathically (it's not a secret or anything here, a lot of regular posters talk about it). The thing with feminism is that it pretends to be about caring and equality.
If TRP ever got as popular as feminism you'd see just as much crap come from trp, I would guarantee, it's always the way these things go.
solbrothers 9y ago
I am not mad at this. Men are not allowed to have meninism so we have trp.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
Seriously. Everyone who isn't SRS hates SRS.
DaphneDK 9y ago
I love SRS. I use it as an index for interesting and fun posts. It's like a bestof of reddit.
They banned me though :( I bet I have subreddit ban score better than most.
SwagYoloJesus 9y ago
Same thing with TRP, unfortunately.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
Not as much. I've met plenty of people on reddit who say "I don't like TRP, but since it tends to stay tucked away in its corner I don't really care" or "Their core message is good but I think there's too much bad stuff in with it".
SRS has no such middle ground. I have yet to meet a person who has interacted with SRS and not come off completely polarised.
SwagYoloJesus 9y ago
When I mention TRP out of TRP, however briefly and in any context, I'm always met with downvotes.
People who haven't interacted enough with the sub dismiss it as elaborate misogyny, and people who have are already subscribers. There is no middle ground, ie. "I read through some sidebar-grade redpill literature, but I still think it's BS". Nope. People either hate it or love it. Depends on whether they understand it or not.
But really, at first glance, if I cherrypicked, I could make it look like something resembling misogyny for the average person, enough to dissuade them from studying it further. Of course if they took their time to get to know it a bit more, they'd realize it has nothing to do with misogyny, but the average person won't look into it further because of all the bad rep it gets mostly from people who don't understand it. Jumping on the hate bandwagon takes less effort.
That's my experience anyway.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
And one of those will be mine.
If you want to talk about TRP outside the sub, it's trivial to do. You just have to not use jargon and package it as what the subreddit you're in will understand.
SwagYoloJesus 9y ago
It's not that, I don't use TRP terminology outside of TRP. It's just that even if I remotely mention TRP at all, it's all downvotes.
seanan1gans 9y ago
Sorry for the ignorance, but what is SRS?
[deleted] 9y ago
I actually saw someone say that both Redpill and SRS should be banned. Made me wonder what their ideology was since TRP and SRS are very antithetical.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
Just because they're not a raging SJW doesn't mean they can't also hate TRP.
Frankly, I'm not surprised that most people on reddit don't like it.
Nebulose11 9y ago
Most people seem to have a delusional idea of TRP.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
I don't really care if people have the wrong idea of what TRP is. It makes it easier to get away with using the proper stuff.
Dis_mah_mobile_one 9y ago
It's apathy. Most people don't care and honestly just use Reddit as a time waster. Which is cool for them, but it means that TRP and SRS can often appear like equally opposite fringe groups of all you want out of reddit is funny cat videos.
occupythekitchen 9y ago
that's the problem people want to pick and choose based on their likes because everyone has to be alike to be normal. I'll tell my soon normal are those who see and understand the differences the rest are fools
[deleted] 9y ago
occupythekitchen 9y ago
where you could find like minded individuals and avoid those who aren't plugged into your ideals. ..
FatStig 9y ago
If you want to hear contrary ideas you aren't forced to unsubscribe.
addictedtowtfisthat8 9y ago
Ooooorrrr... They just realise that you both are nutty wastes of times and want you both gone?
Dis_mah_mobile_one 9y ago
I mean, if you really want to discuss that PM me, but I'm not going to mudsling when you're coming into the subreddit here.
trpadawan 9y ago
It's only a waste of time if you spend your time on it.
kick6 9y ago
their ideology is badfeelz. SRS in trying to police badfeelz manages to cause them.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
neutral? idk i can't empathise with utter stupid
TheRealMewt 9y ago
Now would be as good a time as any to join the mailing list
[deleted] 9y ago
what we really need is someone to set up a chinese-based clone of reddit, like 8chan is to 4chan
no sjw'ing, just open forums. i would even donate to that shit
[deleted] 9y ago
There's a /theredpill/ on 8chan but it was empty the last time I went there and I'm not sure who moderates it.
southernmost 9y ago
Fuck it, let the SJWs have their own subforums. But instead of letting them run rampant like SRS, make them follow the same rules as everyone else. They'll lose their collective shit.
nolanrj44 9y ago
This deserves way more attention ^^^
CormacD123 9y ago
This needs to be up voted higher.
Emuffn3 9y ago
I certainly don't agree with the life choices of those found by people in that sub, but I also have a problem with hate-speech just for the sake of it.
Didn't your parents ever teach you the golden rule? Treat others the way you want to be treated?
We can have freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean using it to spread hate and bigotry.
jkonrad 9y ago
TRP doesn't harass anyone. Hell, TRP tries to keep TRP a secret. Think TRP will be ok.
errrzarrr 9y ago
I say WE leave before they even think about kicking us.
XCowboyLowkesx 9y ago
It's a rather interesting dilemma reddit finds itself in. While SJWs and manginas complain about us here fervently, it would be a rather balsy move to ban r/theredpill when we have over 100,000 members. That doesn't sound that impressive but In reality that is a huge number. While the owners of reddit are trying to make it a more PC environment, banning subreddits is just going to lead in the exact opposite direction they want; reduced numbers and reduced income, eventually going the way of MySpace, digg and bebo. Obscurity.
occupythekitchen 9y ago
also huge mistake we like big money hobbies and most of us have disposable income. we are just a boys club and guess what those sell. top dollar liquor and cigars. cars bikes and boats
thisiskindofmessedup 9y ago
I doubt it would be a big deal. People hate us here. They'll just blindly and wrongly see it as a bunch of misogynists whining.
But I would love to see that shitstorm happen though. I hate most of Reddit with a passion because of the echo chamber it has become. I love this sub though and think it would do well on another site with a comparable voting system.
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
This just gave me a glow of pleasure. A tingle if you will.
iamz3ro 9y ago
If no one hates you, you're doing something wrong.
elevul 9y ago
No, a vocal minority hates us. The majority quite simply doesn't care, about us, about SJW, about MRA, about PUA, about Gamergate and so on and so forth. They just don't care.
Jaereth 9y ago
/agree. It's all pros. Plus we'll filter out about 10 posts a month about "OMG guys do you think they will ban?" that are really inconsequential anyway.
I can easily edit my reddit-r-tpr link on my hot button to easily be whatever the new site is in about 20 seconds. Bring it on.
Iupvoteforknowledge 9y ago
Also no more posts of "omg look at what people in this sub are doing, retards". It will be pure quality content. Probably the best thing that could happen to RP.
[deleted] 9y ago
That is what one person said. It's funny the ignorance a lot of Redditors have about this place.
Jerry Seinfeld was right.
link5057 9y ago
I'm not clued in yet, right about what?
CSMastermind 9y ago
Seinfeld recently said he won't play college campuses because of their PC attitudes. He said that it's not worth dealing with the media fallout when you offend people. Specifically he mentioned doing jokes about Bruce Jenner
vox_veritas 9y ago
Her name is, and has always been, Caitlyn, you shitlord!
[deleted] 9y ago
This voting system is reddit's biggest flaw. It is the reason for everything bad with this site. It would be bad to incorporate anything resembling this system anywhere for any reason.
FatStig 9y ago
The voting system wasn't too bad originally. Then they added this mandatory karma requirements. If your karma is too low you can't respond in a subreddit more than once every ten minutes. That's what turned it into a hugbox.
[deleted] 9y ago
Reddit is really easy to read though; I've yet to find a nicer UI. The ubiquitous forum software used elsewhere is just awful; when a thread gets popular all you see is "1 2 3 ... 144 145 146". Voting- wise, Slashdot's karma system is my favorite: you need to post good content before you can go vote on stuff yourself; keeps the brigades and trolls in check.
So, where do we go when this sub closes, again?
botbullet0 9y ago
[deleted] 9y ago
Agreed. It's the voting system that allows the echo chamber. It's a good idea but it's completely abused. A regular, old fashioned forum is fine. I do however really like Reddit's web format for the mobile site.
PhranticPenguin 9y ago
Reddit is open-source! It should be possible to get clones up with different guys behind it. The only issue would be servercosts, which are hard to cover with a large enough userbase (100K+ on TRP as subscribers already, not counting viewers)
sushisection 9y ago
I prefer reddit ' s style of comment threading compared to the usual forum squares. This one is way easier to read conversations and have dialog up with multiple people without getting twisted and having to backtrack
GainzdalfTheWhey 9y ago
Wait why? I like the fact that shit posts usually stay out of rp sub frontpage, isn't it like a auto moderation by users?
unassumingusername7 9y ago
It is at first, and then it becomes confirmation bias, eventually leading to groupthink and circlejerks.
GainzdalfTheWhey 9y ago
Well yeah, that why we have the master mods, they then filter the top posts for that instead of everything. Praise the modverlords
VictorEremitaK 9y ago
Fatpeoplehate had 150.000 subscribers.
rcglinsk 9y ago
Fatpersonhate (can't link directly) is up to 19,000 after about 2 hours.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
Jesus Pao really has no fucking clue
my_redpill_account 9y ago
aw man don't punish Jesus and put him down at her level.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
as an atheist, i'd say i was out of line with that. sorry Jesus.
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
If this sub is banned, I'm fairly likely to delete my Reddit shortcut from my browser and simply not use this site at all, and I'm active in many subs across multiple user accounts. I'm just one guy, offering them a small number of clicks, but fuck it, I'll not offer a spirit of compliance with their bullshit.
sushisection 9y ago
Yeah trp is the only sub that has had substantial postive impact in my life. It's a damn shame people think this is a hate group, the only thing we hate are our former selves.
emblasochist 9y ago
I don't think most RP guys even hate their former selves; they just hate that we accepted the lies that most everyone told us about how relationships do and should work.
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
No, I pretty much hate my former self. On the other hand, I hate many ex-girlfriends a lot less now that I understand their (and my) nature better.
It's all been a long journey of course, and always will be, but it's incredible how much real change has happened as a result of just a little bit of reading, chewing on it, raging a bit, and then making a plan. The beauty of men...our superpower, is our ability to objectively, efficiently, reject feels and do the fucking work and become something entirely different and better. Dude, I love how my wife, other men, and other women respond to me now, but one thing I don't hear much here is how much more proud of me my Dad seems to be. That's pretty great.
Given that anecdote, from a decidedly non-woman hating guy, I'd love to hear a rebuttal that holds this as a hate sub.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
i don't associate TRP with any form of hate at all. for me it's just what Rollo says - don't wish the game was easier - wish that you were better.
then go and work on your self to MAKE your self better. TRP is a positive, life-affirming, freeing ideology and one that has only had a positive impact on me and everyone around me.
niczar 9y ago
\/r\/keto and \/r\/nootropics for me. I recommend them.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
thanks - i'm subbed to both and they have both helped me a lot. but not as much as TRP.
maybe Chaiman Pao will go after dieting (keto) and productivity/enlightenment (noots) subs next because they might cause someone to harm themselves MUH FEELZ
The_BeardedGentleman 9y ago
FPH was higher and was one of their first targets.
Don't forget fallout from people who were previously all kept into one space now leaking out into the other places to wreck havoc out of vengeance.
[deleted] 9y ago
The_BeardedGentleman 9y ago
They basically set the wolves loose expecting them to just behave like sheep or something... bad fucking idea.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
They walked into a zoo and opened the lion enclosure.
Those walls aren't there for the lion's benefit.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
more like just unceremoniously deleted the entire enclosure so that the lions just suddenly found themselves walking amongst the other animals
RedditArgument 9y ago
And not only that but they liked that cage! Why did the zookeeper take away my cage? "You were being too much of a lion, now that you're not in the lion cage you're a sheep ok?"
I think the zookeeper is getting a reality check.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
her reality does not exist outside of her skull. "we are banning behaviour not ideas"
such utter fucking doublespeak pseudo-intellectual brainwashed SJW femo-supremecist bullshit.
that fucking human being is disgusting.
link5057 9y ago
This was my thought exactly. I guarantee there is a huge boom of across-Reddit FPH going on RIGHT NOW as lashback. 150k is a large amount of people to try and shut down, and assuming many of those people are reddit addicted like many people who use reddit are, they will be spending awhile banning those who make those 'mean hurtful comments'.
elevul 9y ago
Many of them were probably shadowbanned in advance to avoid just that.
sushisection 9y ago
What's stopping them from making alternative subs?
moose_war 9y ago
I love the whiteknights in the comments saying how overjoyed they are about this and how they are wondering when TRP will go too. Yes, yes! Ban more ideas and free speech! Ban and censor ideas I do not like or understand!
Why do people hate this subreddit so much anyway? Most of it is geared towards improving men's lives, which in turn makes them better prospects for women as well.
This is the kind of place people like Elliott Rodger would hate.
RedPill115 9y ago
The site Elliot Rodgers read was called PuaHate, and they still claimed he was a PUA.
They're not people who have any attachment to logic or sense.
[deleted] 9y ago
They hate it because the majority of people are clueless.
The sociopaths make dough and don't know what TRP even is, the losers who are aware of the game collectivised and studied (TRP) and in drips and drabs elevating themselves into the sociopathic levels of success, financially, sexually, spiritually.
They hate it because they literally cannot understand the mechanics at play, you can't sit them down and explain it to them because you're describing infra red to them and all they have is the naked eye.
[Click this] (
[Then this.] (
Google the gervais principle.
sinfulmentos 9y ago
In fact, this is the kind of place that would PREVENT things like Elliot Rodgers from happening. Every man who becomes a red piller is one less man on the downward spiral of beta tendencies, lack of motivation, and being a failure at life. Somewhere down the line, some betas turn omega and a bit further down, desperation hits critical mass and the omega rapes a bitch.
Every man knows not to rape, that's not what we need to be teaching our boys. Knowing rape is wrong doesn't stop the omegas-maxes from doing it. We need to not let men get to that point to begin with. We need to teach our boys redpill.
Educating men on how women work and how the world works and urging them to improve themselves into confident, good looking, financially free men can only be a good thing for society.
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
aka "male-things" with shitty or non-existent fathers.
Super-Saiyajin 9y ago
AKA guys who go home and cry/jerk off while chad fucks their oneitis.
jcrpta 9y ago
The men who hang around on here are usually in a fairly desperate place (yes, that bit about what the rest of reddit says about us is true); many are still in the anger stage.
The upshot is that at any given point in time, a lot of the posts on the frontpage of this sub are very much young men venting their anger. You have to dig deeper to understand what's being said - it takes a lot of reading, thinking and understanding to have any real grasp of RP philosophy. If you just took a casual glance for 5 minutes or so, you could easily be forgiven for thinking it's a circle jerk for what terrible people women are.
DarkyDarkskin 9y ago
I will admit, I do still think that they are terrible people in general. I can't help but treat them like animals.
[deleted] 9y ago
Independence, self-discipline, and confidence are despised these days. I really don't understand it, but it's a serious reflection on the rest of the Reddit user base.
NewlyFoundAgain 9y ago
I was talking to people about this recently. Society wants you to be weak, mindless, and spineless these days. Gone are the days when people wish to be like a successful person (physically, socially, monetarily), and now they just bitch and complain that those things "arent real" or "unattainable" because its easier to be a worthless piece of shit than to stand on your own two feet.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
All traits that make you able to succeed on your own. That makes you dangerous.
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
You can only be independent, disciplined and confident until that path is blocked by a big granite pedestal, atop which a fierce, independent womyn is standing. FIERCE!
RedBigMan 9y ago
And that's when you rent a bulldozer and get rid of the pedestal.
lightfire409 9y ago
We are hated because teaching the true nature of women is not something that should be taught. Only the top 20% should find out by trial and error. This accounts for the women instinctively hating TRP.
The other half of the equation is white knights who were told this place promotes abuse towards women. They might skim a few posts, realize we dont condone 50-50 household chores split, and thats all it takes to convince them.
So that explains why 90% of reddit inst a fan of us, even though these days this sub is a lighter version of what it was a year ago.
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
If we even came close to actually treating women like they were sub-human, we'd have possibly been banned years ago.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
If TRP is banned too, that will be a quarter of a million people gone.
Just let that sink in for a moment.
moose_war 9y ago
It's funny to me that this sub and its mods have actually gone out of their way to prevent harassment and brigading on this board, partly to comply with reddit and partly to preserve the integrity of this place.
The people here just want to discuss things about reality- unpleasant things- and find ways to improve themselves without living in a fantasy land. I now stop by here daily, and the worst things I see are articles poking fun at feminists or pointing out the hypocritical bullshit spewed by women- again, so that men are aware of what the reality of the situation is.
Certainly other people can disagree with these views. But to stamp out this space because they disagree is justifying why this place needs to exist.
IVIaskerade 9y ago
The same was true of FPH. There was a blanket ban on links within reddit, and if you were caught going after featured people, you would be banned instantly.
Didn't save them.
mechdemon 9y ago
the funny part is those comments are ffew and far between as well as downvoted into oblivion.
moose_war 9y ago
I only saw a few on the archive.
Seeing as we apparently have at least one subreddit dedicated to obsessively following and attempting to mock any post we make, I am sure there is a sizable amount of chubby redditors that would love to see us banned (but then, who would they talk about?)
SwordfshII 9y ago
Exactly, isn't tbp harassing us?
moose_war 9y ago
Yes, actually. I just went there and they have a post calling for their subreddit to report this subreddit en masse to get it removed...sort of like harassment.
One of the reasons for doing this? Because this subreddit is "toxic" for reddit (huh?) and that "TRP harass women in general"....what? How can you harass a group of people "in general"? Where do we ever try to target users or really promote harassing people? We keep this sub pretty insulated, and most of the members advise to not even bother talking about this stuff outside of the subreddit.
It's hilarious how that group of people is geared much more towards harassment then TRP ever was.
BlackHeart89 9y ago
This is stupid. They want it to be an open space, yet they ban subreddits because people decided to read through the information willingly and get offended? Thats not harassment. Jesus christ.
Then what makes it worse, I see people in that thread asking why is FPH banned, but so many others that are worse, aren't. I swear to god. We better not get banned before r-coontown and r-rapingwomen.
Yes people. We are in an age where people are more concerned about fat people being insulted by comments about being fat than we are about racism and women being raped.
MachiavellianRed 9y ago
Please make this the only topic on the matter. Every time the community freaks out about "what Reddit might do" we get about 10 threads. This thread will be sufficient. If you see other threads popping up on TRP identical to this, please report it or send me a PM so I can delete it. We don't need want the sub filling up with panic. Keep it in this thread. Thanks.
[deleted] 9y ago
I_have_secrets 9y ago
If it becomes private, then no one else can discover it the way you did.
Sunshinelorrypop 9y ago
I'm subscribed to fatlogic and they recently made their sub private...The thing is, I can't access it! Yet I'm a long term subscriber.
mkopec 9y ago
Bah, soon as reddit goes the way of swj, it will just become another place people leave for some other place that will inevitably show up that is pro free speech.
Its baffling how our society is caving to this shitty feminist/pc movement.
SwordfshII 9y ago
Pao has legal bills to pay
mkopec 9y ago
If thats true, and im sure it is since it makes sense, than at least there is a reason for it other than SJW bullshit. But either way, once the censorship starts, its the beginning of the end. Saw it at 4chan, somethingawful and other places.
MattyAnon Admin 9y ago
Why is it baffling?
Women are equal-superior-awesome-always-right victims of patriarchy. Even the mock rape victims. Especially the mock rape victims - he must have done something! She must be innocent! Believe us or we will publicly attack, shame, harass and threaten you!
White knights to the rescue! Do not challenge the feminine imperative!
The goal of this is female control, and most men are too stupid or weak to stop it. And it's going to get a LOT worse before it gets better.
They've proved unworthy of wielding power fairly, it is being turned against us. Remove their power before it's too late, gents.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
what feminism has become in practice. shameful.
FatStig 9y ago
That's what feminism has always been.
99639 9y ago
I know it gets posted a lot so I don't mean to be repetitive, but really, it's true:
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
yeah, this myth is something i remember from my pre-RP days. the conflation of beauty with truth and wisdom. oh: what folly.
Iupvoteforknowledge 9y ago
I thought talesofprivilege was satire, not the future...
RedBigMan 9y ago
Well to be fair most of the time when people hear of rape claims in the media they're already thinking it's a false accusation now.
I mean look at Bill Cosby. I don't think he raped anyone. Those chicks were riding his dick thinking it was going to spit out gold and diamonds at them. When they realized they weren't going to get the level of commitment they wanted from him they cried rape 30 years later.
MattyAnon Admin 9y ago
Mostly they think it's true... although the more of them come out, the more Roosh is beginning to make sense with his "all public rape claims are false" line. The Rolling Stone gang rape fiction... Mattress Girl... I just hope one day these women face consequences for the lives they've ruined. Some fucking hope.
RedBigMan 9y ago
Well I will say this... I'd hire Mattress Girl's victim but I'd never hire her.
MattyAnon Admin 9y ago
But you know that she'll turn this round and blame her abusive patriarchal background for her troubles and make a million selling her story, and there's a million women out there who think she's a heroin for what she has done.
If murdering and maiming men gets widespread female support, this kind of thing will have them wetting themselves with delight.
She should face prosecution and imprisonment for what she's done, simple as that.
[deleted] 9y ago
It's coming, gents. It's been a good run.
Luckyluke23 9y ago
surprized it was fatpeoplesays.. to be honest... all the subreddits in the first round was hate filled subreddits... witch to me seems weird.
surprised we are still here to be honest
LandShark805 9y ago
It's not over until the editors of Imgur get posted on FPH, and then they sing.
cdnz0mbie 9y ago
Yeah, I replied to a comment about a person that would rather have them ban r/redpill than r/ went from +180 to +400 in about 5 minutes.
BadinBoarder 9y ago
Yeah, this is my first time viewing TRP, I was too afraid to before cause of all the hate it got. Then I read a story about a guy in a shitty marriage who bettered himself and ignored his wife and it fixed the marriage. The replies led me here. This seems like a less depressing version of r/mensrights
Luckyluke23 9y ago
for the life of me i don't even know why people want it unbanned? it just hated on fatties right?
snoo91 9y ago
Is that not enough? I personally loved that sub because of my personal agenda.
It's okay though, we have plenty of Fat People Hate threads on /fit/, and it is more pure than the reddit version. And we also have Fat People Stories which is a plus.
dongpal 9y ago
and if you ask why, you get downvoted immediately because you dont automatically follow
AKnightAlone 9y ago
If I had to fashion a guess, it would be because people are treating feminism as a means to defend their beta nature. So because TRP supports alpha thinking along with plenty of genuinely misogynistic posters and discussions, TRP appears inherently misogynistic. So what it comes down to is whether it's more offensive to shame women for "no reason"(quotation marks according to what I've already explained) or to shame fat people for, arguably, a choice. On the surface, it appears somewhat frightening to think people would degrade others just for being born. Of course obesity tends to be a course of life as opposed to something that's 100% unaffected by lifestyle. I'm a determinist so I've got some different views here, but we're essentially judging people by their brains in both scenarios. If I judged people harshly by their nature, I would group fatties along with betas for choosing to be weak... But I'm more just the type to judge people independently. Betas can be cool, fat people can be cool, but in general, they're not traits that prove beneficial. They can make for awesome character in the right people, but it's not something a person should ever shoot for unless they consider themselves truly trapped in either disposition.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
Genuinely misogynistic posters? Where?
BluepillProfessor 9y ago
He must be talking about /u/gaylubeoil and his loving girlfriend.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
Ah yes, I see what you mean now.
mojo_juju 9y ago
Could you provide archived permalink to the post you refer to? Looked at your /u/ and couldn't find it... I didn't look too hard though as I'm fixin to crash out
[deleted] 9y ago
The HUGE difference is that redpill, though a distasteful and strictly misogynistic place even in my opinion as a member of the pick up community, does not advocate open trolling of people on other social media sites. Its just a place people come to to circlejerk about a particular philosophy. For an extreme example; a subreddit that is devoted to extreme islam would be fine, but one that openly advocates terrorist attacks would not be fine.
One time on fph I saw a really hot girl post screenshots of her saying things on facebook that were so heinous I felt like I was watching 4chan attack Jessie Slaughter all over again. The fat chick she was harassing had gotten up at 7am and gone to the gym and posted about it, and this girl was literally telling her that she would never be skinny, shouldve just stayed home and killed herself. She was at the gym at 7am!! what more could you want!? FPH harassing a fat person for being at the gym at 7am would be like redpill slandering an afc for asking for a girls number at the mall.
Mods banned me for calling this girl out and saying that extreme verbal abuse of a havenot by a have, especially of someone who is trying to change, is fucking ridiculous! But this is exactly the kind of hate the mods want.
Because redpill is about a philosophy, maybe a misguided one, but a philosophy nontheless. Fph on the other hand was only ever about hate. They had no desire to help the fatties change, they actually wanted them to stay fat so theyd have someone to hate. Because speech can hurt.
Honestly i just think its time we updated our laws. Speech should be treated like handguns. Have it, carry it around with you, shoot it at inanimate objects and bears and stuff, even shoot it at someone who agresses you first, but shoot it at an innocent person and there need to be consequences.
RedBigMan 9y ago
TRP is a SELF-IMPROVEMENT MOVEMENT first and foremost. We exist because there is literally no other source out there that tells men the reason their life sucks is because they're not working on improving themselves.
That said there's a reason why most democracies have freedom of speech/expression. Words don't leave people with holes in them bleeding on the sidewalk which is why speech should never be anywhere near as limited as firearms are.
mastapetz 9y ago
I am just every now and than in this subreddit. Distastefull, sometimes. Strictly mysognostic? The only real mysognostic thing i saw, were agains a specific type of women that preach hatred against men. That and from those "red pill white knights in black armor" in other subs preaching mysognostic "red pill slogans" that you barely ever read here.
Why red pill gets hatred is, they swim against the stream of "liberating women from the patriachic regime" and calling bullshit out where there is bullshit (sometimes also in a not that good kind of way as it would do the topic good)
divorcedbp 9y ago
"Speech should be treated like handguns."
This, right here, is how liberty dies. The fact that a person can say this, with a straight face, and have other people agree makes me want to vomit blood.
"We are sorry, you've been found guilty of expressing an opinion without a proper license. It's also come to our attention that you harbor certain beliefs, kept entirely to yourself, but as we all know, it's a felony to do that without a Concealed Opinion License.
Additionally, Assault Thoughts - which are defined to be thoughts similar to other dangerous, but reasonably legal opinions, just with more scary language tacked on them - should be eliminated entirely."
It's getting to the point that I'm starting to hope that you controlling, pussy statist fuckers actually start falling down the slippery slope. I'm sure you'll be quite happy to be dragged off to your re-education classes after being found guilty of "hate speech".
I won't cry a single goddamned tear for you.
Lord_Varys 9y ago
There's a difference between causing injury and giving offense. It's a bright, bold line, and SJWs like this "speech is a handgun" fucker are working every day to blur it; and god damnit it's working.
divorcedbp 9y ago
Reading through the GPs post history reveals quite a bit of homophobia and some not terribly thinly veiled hostility towards various other groups.
Hey, /u/HighAsDuck, sure sounds like Hate Speech to me! You've hurt somebody with your words, and by your own logic, you're morally equivalent to somebody who uses a gun to hurt another person. You've officially given us all a rational basis to completely ignore any point you ever may make again until you turn yourself in for some re-education at your local Thought Regulatory Agency.
[deleted] 9y ago
[deleted] 9y ago
Except that its not at all. Take a fucking government class. You cant run into a theater and scream FIRE without getting arrested, and you cant follow a fat person down the street and scream obscenties at them either, that would be assault, and again, you would be arrested.
Besides the fact that REDDIT is a PRIVATE COMPANY not the US government, so the first amendment doesnt apply here at all.
But I'm glad that you have less knowledge of the laws of your own country than a third grader.
Moldy_Gecko 9y ago
I disagree with defamation of the flag. And only until recently has it not been a crime.
[deleted] 9y ago
Moldy_Gecko 9y ago
Not sure the point of your reply? Cuz I used the wrong word?
[deleted] 9y ago
Moldy_Gecko 9y ago
The difference is the people burning the flag chose to live here. If they don't like it, they can gtfo. I mean I'm pretty patriotic (prior Marine), but I still choose to live in Japan until America gets it's head out of it's ass. There is a big difference between patriotism and fanaticism.
[deleted] 9y ago
Define "innocent". Guns have very, very specific situations under which they are legal and illegal to use. 'Guilt' or 'innocence' have nothing to do with those rules. Also, speech already has those rules in most nations. It's called slander, defamation, creating unnecessary panic (shouting fire in a crowded theater).
C00l_Guy 9y ago
Nice try SRS. Kill yourself.
Lord_Varys 9y ago
I wish that speech was like guns, because I would kill you right now, you ignorant fuck. But you're not worth my time.
SpeakNoTruths 9y ago
Is this a troll? It has to be. Is this not the root of totalitarian ideals? Is this not the start of every fascistic movement? Policing speech? Policing ideas? Policing people's ability to express themselves? Can you really not see how punishing "harmful" speech can immediately be used to silence any and all forms of dissent? It's -literally- what is happening right now to this website.
[deleted] 9y ago
Parabolix 9y ago
The era of Orwellian censorship and control has made another milestone in the history of mankind.
[deleted] 9y ago
There should be fewer rules against speech anyways.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
nope. this is factually untrue.
Kiwikeeper 9y ago
Dude, no. This is a really really dangerous idea. Who gets to decide which speech is "right" and which isn't? Your feelings? Can I decide that what you said made me feel unsafe, and thus you should not be allowed to say it?
Revolutions were fought for the right of free speech. People are dying as of today because they can't express their opinion freely. And you decide to throw that ways, because someone will get offended-
Of_course__But_maybe 9y ago
In our current political climate, if "speech was considered a handgun" how do you think TRP would be treated?
[deleted] 9y ago
Started out with a coherent point then went full potato.
[deleted] 9y ago
I dislike that you think we're misguided and offer you to stick around. Our speech is pretty harsh and that probably pushes people away. But there's a reason our speech is harsh in the first place.
Anyway, I hope the admins share your beliefs that we aren't toxic and let us carry on.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
sometimes the truth is painful. but it is still the truth. and the strong will always prefer it to comforting yet enslaving and empty rhetoric and platitudes.
[deleted] 9y ago
redditarcm89 9y ago
AWALT is true, it's the basis for TRP, but it's often misused.
[deleted] 9y ago
You're right and this is what I meant by the harshness having a reason.
Anger is a legitimate emotion, but, yes, it can go too far.
Moldy_Gecko 9y ago
• Top users saying "Take what you want from TRP and then discard the rest", while also telling you that if you're not willing to fuck a married woman you're a pussy faggot.
I think most of the top users here take things way too overboard and I would guess that they are most likely a shell of a person IRL, and that's who the new users in the sub are looking up to for advice.
Very hard to quote on my phone and I forgot how, but your 2 statements above contradict each other. And any person that knows TRP would not call you a pussy for not Fucking a married woman. TRP doesn't care what your morals are. If you want to FUCK married women, cool. If not, Oh well.
a-orzie 9y ago
A TRP flagged user said you are a pussy for not fucking a married woman?
Where? That's not TRP
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
i think he is just pushing propaganda.
[deleted] 9y ago
Moldy_Gecko 9y ago
We aren't better, we just aren't equal.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
I'd say we are different. with differences in our desires and aims and passions. right now, in our society, we are expected to supplicate our needs and desires to serve solely what women want. and that's not fair. if i desire a younger woman, if I desire alone time or to not start a family but just keep fucking a woman I am being honest with - then that is my absolute and fair right. no-one has the right to criticise or attempt to shame me. but people still try to do so. and that is why TRP exists. that and a lot more.
in a nutshell: TRP is an unashamed celebration of healthy masculinity.
[deleted] 9y ago
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
let's disagree. i'm not going to suggest that there are no gender differences in aptitude towards any given skill. i'm not going to suggest that more women than men just prefer to avoid eg STEM subjects out of a pure lack of inherent interest.
my point is that it is unfair to deny any given individual the chance to better themselves. assuming women are less capable than men is unfair. so is feminine supremacy. there is a middle ground here - prove you are capable and earn respect therefrom. but don;t just assume any given woman is inferior to any given man. that just sucks.
[deleted] 9y ago
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
"Since when are women denied anything, ever?"
well, let's start with your attitude that all women are inherently inferior to men. i know for a fact, through women I have personally known, that this is not always true. it's horribly unfair to assume that it is always true.
of course attractive women have the option of just idling by, using their looks whilst men have to develop their personalities, skills, get money etc ie do hard work. however - to assume that all women do this is unfair. give people a chance - if they turn out to be lazy, self-obsessed etc then fine - ignore them. but at least don't assume negative characteristics based on gender alone.
RoadToOneFifty 9y ago
Most people are outraged about this and pushing back. There's a glimmer of hope here.
[deleted] 9y ago
Have a look at r\/all
it's like they stepped on a hornets nest
jolly--roger 9y ago
The problem is they're powerless. It will blow over in a couple days and that will be it.
Razgriz16 9y ago
I don't think they are powerless in terms of potential. We all have the power to change the system, stop gilding and asking advertisers to stop advertising on a website that censors it's users. However, people think that making memes is going to change something, so realistically nothing will happen and the people will indeed remain powerless.
jolly--roger 9y ago
They're masses of people, of course they have tremendous potential. Will there be anyone to galvanize them an become the ultimate shitlord, literally Hitler, to change a damn thing? I'd like to see that but remain doubtful.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
it's not over (unless you're talking about Reddit's popularity in general).
[deleted] 9y ago
Yeah you're right. I'm doubling back over that thread – looks like they're only banning subreddits that engage in active harassment. What worries me is that their definition of what constitutes "harassment" by a subreddit seems to be more or less baseless.
mugatucrazypills 9y ago
because we can control what 140,000 RP readers do
[deleted] 9y ago
Their definition of "active harrasment" is wishy-washy nonsense.
Reddit Admins have replaced subreddit mods before like when the r/ wow mod shut the subreddit down completely. Wouldn't that be a more sensible option first?
strps 9y ago
The definition of harassment has to do "not with ideas, but behaviors" (quoting chairman Pao here), as in FPH would brigade. Of course, no one has yet brought up the behavior of SRS at all. At all. And they are the worst brigadiers on reddit.
InferiousX 9y ago
SRS's entire foundation is built on targeting other users yet you'll never see it get removed.
All Hail Chairwoman Pao.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
look, at the end of the day if/when Reddit goes suicidal and tries to ban what made it successful in the first place, we already have a new place set up :-)
TRP ideology set us free. it is not going away :-)
ILikeToWriteInBold 9y ago
Could you share this new place for those of us who don't already know? I'd be devastated if this was removed and I'd not followed where it went to
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
on TRP's sidebar is a link to an email alert informing you of the move when (not if) chairman Pao bans us.
redpillschool Admin 9y ago
The forum isn't active because we don't want to detract from here unless it gets shut down
Shade_Raven 9y ago
Lol "harassment" they will ban whatever they feel like for whatever reason
OlanValesco 9y ago
The sword of logic will never pierce the quag of emotion.
[deleted] 9y ago
Streisand effect.
They know they can't ban us without a good reason, such as stage false flag doxxing/harassment.
It will be the end of reddit popularity and let it descend into clickbait hell.
Bisuboy 9y ago
Aren't most subs already like that?
-Quotidian 9y ago
Feelz before realz.
idonthaveacoolname13 9y ago
but...but... muh feelz!!! sniffle sniffle
BlackHeart89 9y ago
Damn. Thats right. Reddit's boss is a feminist right?
Skiffbug 9y ago
Being realistic, FatPeopleHate is a sub based on hatred and belittling others. I would give TRP a bit more credit than that.
ThoughtOverFear 9y ago
Hate = Whatever one decides is hurtful. Offense is only taken, never given.
T_H_E_T_R_U_T_H 9y ago
Doesn't matter. The fact that we don't conform to feminist ideals makes us a hate sub.
Shade_Raven 9y ago
Feels > Reals .
TRP has the reputation of a hatred sub.
ThePantsThief 9y ago
Anyone who visits for more than 5 minutes can see that isn't true. Let's hope they're not too swift about all this.
[deleted] 9y ago
I'm not usually a betting man...
[deleted] 9y ago
Moldy_Gecko 9y ago
Good point, we must be vigilant and active to downvote all misogyny during this time
tuxedoburrito 9y ago
If it is shut down, where else can we go to talk about trp content?
Genuine question I don't want to lose this
wrekd 9y ago
It's on the sidebar.
BlackHeart89 9y ago
Goddamnit. TBP makes me sick. Just a bunch of pussies. They don't even offer any alternative advice. Just a bunch of strawman arguments.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
but but but they're just defending hapless helpless wimmins (and have no ultrerior motive, obviously) etc
fucking white knights
IllimitableMan 9y ago
Would serve as a pretext for a ban if a stitch-up was desired, but otherwise they'd see the IP addresses of such people don't match the IPs of those who post here. Basically, if there was no pretext, they'd be able to see it's not us doing whatever they're going to do, but people pretending to be us. They'd risk getting their own sub banned doing that kind of thing.
PhranticPenguin 9y ago
That'd actually be kinda nice. This sub is usually far more constructive than hate-filled. TBP on the other hand..
Sadly enough, I feel TRP is in bigger danger, since the larger part of the community (and probably reddit itself) is biased against TRP and favours TBP.
alphbux 9y ago
I wonder if they would go to that much trouble to check IPs when looking for a reason to ban TRP.
Pinch_N_Roll 9y ago
They didn't do it when they banned r/whalewatching. Which is a legit sub about watching whales. They thought it was a part of the fph empire and banned it. Leading me to the conclusion that they are banning subs off feelings alone.
IllimitableMan 9y ago
If it's a pretext for something they already want to do than whether TBP campaign or not is completely irrelevant. It would just make a convenient cover story for justifying what they want to do regardless. Kind of like when the American public were told "Sadam's got nukes" as a pretext for invasion. If they are actually investigating a false flag and have no pretext for banning us, they'll see TBP are trying to frame us.
the_number_2 9y ago
Remember, though, that "THEY" is the Reddit staff. This is the same staff that aligns with Feminism and SJW's and banned a sub that hated something they ARE while letting another (SRS) continue to exist even with documentation that they dox and have had someone removed from their job. Hell, they brag about it.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
someone in the thread actually made the point that that exact backfiring scenario would happen - since TBP is nothing other than a reaction to the Red Pill. but in the same breath the poster still tried to berate the Red Pill. the juxtaposition of a valid point with the usual RP-attacking bullshit made me laugh - in the same bloody comment!
MaxBonerstorm 9y ago
Isn't that harassment?
[deleted] 9y ago
''some subs are more equal than others''
[deleted] 9y ago
They're harassing fit men, not sacks of fat shit, so yea. Reddit only cares about the SHIT of society. Anyone relatively successful makes them feel bad about themselves. IMO fuck reddit, It's fun watching this burn.
EvrythingISayIsRight 9y ago
They don't consider it harassment when it fits their agenda.
[deleted] 9y ago
[deleted] 9y ago
It is. That sub should get shut down for brigading.
razor5151 9y ago
I wouldn't get my hopes up, considering their attitude towards SRS.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
i guess we are fair game since, clearly, we are a hate group that puts down women /s
the fact that TRP is an attempt to redress the balance of intergender power back to a point where men are treated fairly is something that TBPers somehow find abhorent.
i think part of TBP's problem is that they cannot accept that sexual atttraction will never, ever be politically correctable, equal or fair.
MaxBonerstorm 9y ago
What I find interesting is I stumbled upon this website after hearing how vitriolic it was and I had to sate my curiosity.
After seeing it was pretty much a "This is how you don't get pushed around by women" place to throw around ideas, I subbed.
I once, when I first started visiting, mentioned this sub to a friend going through some relationship problems and he thought " I was trolling him" by even mentioning this place. Sure he had never been here, just assumed what he heard was right.
I just don't understand why this place is demonized yet twoxchromosones or whatever is perfectly fine. It's honestly baffling. Sure the knee jerk reaction is to blame SJW etc, however, I feel that it also speaks to rejecting things with zero research or evidence and going by hearsay only.
BluepillProfessor 9y ago
There is a reason we use the Matrix analogy. It is truly a feminine Matrix in charge of ALL our social institutions- media, books, TV, magazines, therapists, academics, your girlfriends, wives and even mom's were all in on the game and everybody who is still plugged in believes the lies and assumes anybody that does not worship the sacred feminine in return for all those centuries of patriarchal oppression must be hated and destroyed.
Luckyluke23 9y ago
because the powers to be are inbeded in that sub. there was a thread about it here not to long ago.
zeus450 9y ago
The misandry bubble tells you exactly why
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
the truth hurts, i guess. and why would women give up the advantage they currently enjoy over men? that's the source of the anti-TRP vitriol. TRP exposes 'equality' as currently really being feminine supremacy and - when attacked - SJWs go in to full shame mode - call any dissenting man/movement misogynistic in an effort to silence. it's quite effective propaganda as you pointed out with your friend.
MaxBonerstorm 9y ago
I don't think a lot of women do any of this on purpose or with malice, and bizarrely enough, get turned on when you exhibit TRP qualities.
Yet this sub gets shit on. Fucking weird man. But I hear your points, and I'm sure that definitely contributes to this whole thing.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
Well you see TRP involves this radical idea that men are people who want to get laid and improve their lives rather than simply be wallets, so they hate our freedom.
Yeah that's tongue in cheek, but not too far off the mark.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
as Rollo said - nothing is as threatening and attractive to a woman as a man who knows his worth. so women try to shut men down to prevent them from being so threatening (via their inherent freedom) and attractive.
and also - note to my former BP self - FUCK being someone else's wallet!
vengefully_yours 9y ago
I was raised with the 50s/60s mindset, shit doesn't work with girls born after 1960. If you're that kind of man, you're on your way to divorce rape. The manginas of today think having a girl share her feelings with them, while she fucks a man like who I've been since the 80s is ok.
I've been told straight up that girls feel threatened around me, until I fuck them and then they feel safe. I get lots of bitches cockblocking me, because I won't fuck them. It's hilarious.
zuneza 9y ago
Thers's a subreddit called blue pill!?
balalasaurus 9y ago
In addition to posing as members to mislead newcomers? If they put this much energy in actually bettering themselves, the world might be a better place.
xwm 9y ago
But that would take work. Dragging others down means not only do they work less, but in general there's less work for everyone, so that's better. Right? /s
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
in a way, the whole Red Pill thing has made me empathise with people who fall for religious cults. as in the whole Blue Pill / White knightery mindfuck enslaves the poor TBP victim who will fight tooth and nail to remain an unhappy, unfulfilled slave.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
Weak minds re easily controlled. Don't pity the weak minded, simply avoid them.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
i guess. i'm still in shock that in my earlier days i totally fell for the blue pill scam.
vengefully_yours 9y ago
You were raised to believe that shit. I learned red pill behavior in the 80s so I could get laid, it was the only thing that worked, and still works. I figured I'd try to be more equality minded with my wives, give them the choices and opportunities along with trusting them, because that's what everyone said to do. Yeah, that shit doesn't work. They're attracted to the alpha but repulsed when you act beta.
I knew what makes women wet, yet I still fell for the bullshit and ended up divorced. It can happen to anyone, and thats why they hate this place so much, it keeps you from becoming a celibate wallet, and they can't stand that.
[deleted] 9y ago
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
we shoulnd't stoop to react to brainwashed pussies. if they ban this place then fuck Reddit. time for us all to next over to the backup site.
Stallion049 9y ago
The admins got slammed into oblivion for not banning SRS, a sub that is literally dedicated to harassing users.
It has little to do with harassment.
Gackt 9y ago
fatpeoplehate never harassed anyone, so... yeah they'll ban anyone they want
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
concensus has it that it's more to do with advertising (fat people might not buy products advertised next to FPH). apparently....
also this: Chairman Pao is a disgusting disgrace to humanity. so there's that.
[deleted] 9y ago
It's more about big brands not wanting to have their name associated with a community that has more of a chance of contributing to a teenage suicide than the next community, and less about how much a sub like fph would generate conversions for a company.
I'm willing to bet companies avoid reddit because of this, the same way they avoid 4chan.
I'm even more willing to bet companies avoid reddit because its users don't convert. They're above average intelligence, and that and the 'help other people' type of platform combine to quickly weed out any 'borderline misleading' but higher converting ads. Redditors are not easily dupable.
This 'banning subs' move is a last resort, horrible PR move. Pao and her team know that, but they have few other options.
I don't think reddit can successfully monetize using a similar platform to google and facebook. They need a new strategy...maybe it involves collaborating with companies to get them to the frontpage with 'look, my company has morals' posts.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
i see your points but i also think that a lot of fat people use reddit. that alone might be reason enough to ban FPH in order to not deter advertisers.
Kaisermeister 9y ago
I'm guessing it started with FPH because they use a lot of unblurred images. My guess is that TRP will be safe temporarily until feminists realize that they can create fake TRP subscribed accounts to harass themselves with and go to the admins. I think blue pill examples fall outside their current definition, but no telling if that will change.
tyrroi 9y ago
We could potentially get a lot of sympathy and support from getting banned though. If people disagree with the Admins banning other sub's they might think we are alright if the admins ban us too.
thebalrog_ofmorgoth 9y ago
i'd prefer for this sub not to become a martyr, if it can be at all avoided.
aboveaveragebabydick 9y ago
So? Men don't benefit from sympathy
Falc0n7 9y ago
They refuse to ban r/coontown the "fuck niggers" subreddit, I think we're safe
nataliieportman 9y ago
Agreed. Sadly the PC police will take over.
Dildo_Saggins 9y ago
I didn't think they'd actually do it. But here we are.
iShotMarvinInTheFace 9y ago
You can kill a revolutionary but you cant kill a revolution.
ColdEiric 9y ago
Well, we've been brooding for a while now, so I say let them. Let them ban us, and we'll go out in the world and spread chaos and destruction.
aazav 9y ago
Time for everyone to become a special flower!
You get a trophy just for attending!
No, no, you don't have to pick it up, we'll deliver it for you!
No, no, you don't have to open the email with the link! We'll do that for you too!
jx234 9y ago
Red Pill will never be banned. Mark my words.
[deleted] 9y ago
If trp does get banned, I want to thank every single one of you here. Seriously, this sub reddit has influenced and changed my life so much for the better and I dont mean just in case of getting laid, no just overall improvement. Thank you gents!
Faranae 9y ago
I would give you gold, but I am no longer comfortable supporting this website. Shame, I renewed my own less than a week ago.
Edit: Whoops. Re-visited on PC where CSS is enabled and noticed the giant "DO NOT COMMENT OR VOTE" attached to my post. Apologies.
RedBigMan 9y ago
Noone in TRP should give people gold now because really reddit is getting ready to put us on the chopping block.
[deleted] 9y ago
Yeah, I get that feeling..
5 years I've been a redditor, and just last month I created a script to delete all my history because I'm starting to feel like pretty soon it'll be relevant.
IllimitableMan 9y ago
You got a script to dig out your entire history? I can only see the last 6 months of my posts. I want to see the full 2 years. There will be some good stuff in there.
Kewl_Kid 9y ago
I agree with you, but on the other hand, if our subreddit gifts a lot of gold, we will become more valuable to reddit. They are a for-profit after all.
RedBigMan 9y ago
Yeah but do you want to give money to a feminist flooded shithole?
Kewl_Kid 9y ago
No, you're right, I really don't
[deleted] 9y ago
Its okay. I cant even begin to explain what trp has done for me. I will one day post a detailed transformation report or rant. For a brown pakistani guy living in oxford trp has been a blessing. Physical appearance was literally the bane of my life but it was the mental adjustment trp gave me that lead me to the path of constant self improvement.
Reforging_Souls 9y ago
I'm with this guy; I want to thank you all for providing me with a missing piece to the puzzle.
Seriously, thank you.
[deleted] 9y ago
Ditto. Life changing shit. Had a good time lurking, boys.
moiez326 9y ago
You know there is a plan b newsletter that you can subscribe to? Its because of this pao administration that there is one.
JCPennyCEO 9y ago
we should make a /v/TheRedPill on if there isn't one already.
bsutansalt 9y ago
It exists and I moderate, but the official backup site for now is That is our rally point should something happen to the sub here.
TankVet 9y ago
You mean when. We won't be left alone. The FPHers did something really dumb in doxxing the mods who deleted photos. They will not need such an excuse for us.
This is the beginning of the end of reddit.
efnex123 9y ago
You should make a sticky post to inform everyone that does not know.
xwm 9y ago
It is already on the side bar. (Under the heading "The Official Failsafe for TRP")
[deleted] 9y ago
I think because we're hitting the emergency zone there should be a sticky post. We might not have much time.
It hurts so much that Reddit is being taken over by people I hate, but really, as the 4Chan post from earlier also states, it's just good business practice. I need to find a new safe haven that will be immune to the bullshit. I spend enough time in real life escaping the SJWs, I don't want to have to do it in my homeland (The Internet), too. I knew this would come eventually, but it's fucking terrible.
u-r-silly 9y ago
No. People we lose in the process should have to lurk by themselves.
every1isAlwaysWrong 9y ago
Examples like this are why mobile is a handicap, this made me break out the laptop. I have never seen this website address. Thank you for writing it out.
Razgriz16 9y ago
There's also a lot of posts on here that aren't in the top 500, but also deserved to be archived in case of the feelz ban. Is there a public google docs or something similar that people can use to copy paste quality posts from here?
DestroyTheGinger 9y ago
Good on you brother. Your doing gods work.
[deleted] 9y ago
As someone who just found TRP and havent gotten to read through much, thanks for the new book mark.
MicroMinion 9y ago
The interface of Puerarchy is really a lot different than reddit though. Even though the posts on there are high quality, is there any way to make it more like reddit and have the community be able to make posts and upvote downvote etc? The upvote system has been shitty for a LOT of subreddits however at TRP people seem to be able to seperate the good and the bad posts quite well.
FishFoxFerret 9y ago
Without a forum that's a weak rally point.
On a similar note, anyone know what the deal with this is: ?
laserdicks 9y ago
Nah a new forum can be created, but will serve as the direction to it; the really point isn't the final destination it's just a strong, accessible, long-lasting, single point that everyone can find therefore remaining together before moving on.
revofire 9y ago
revofire 9y ago
Make an official forum on the website.
bsutansalt 9y ago
Things are in action.
ChiliManiac 9y ago
You should seriously set up a user forum. Just saying.
bsutansalt 9y ago
Things are in action.
ChiliManiac 9y ago
if NeoFAG was taken they new about it? I'm sure TRP isn't short from the drop list. It'll happen if people aren't careful on here.
[deleted] 9y ago
There is one there
If the mods aren't the same as the mod's here, I'd suggest they give them the positions for transparency
[deleted] 9y ago
They are the same mods, I requested the sub from a SJW who was squatting on it ~6 months ago and have an open invitation to the moderators here, two of them are already co-mods.
[deleted] 9y ago
Thanks for the ride guys. You've helped me a lot.
[deleted] 9y ago
I read it everyday. It has helped me tremendously. I exercise and lift weights as much as I can, I work on my music, I work at my job, It has helped me with my relationships. I understand the dynamics between men and women much clearer.
Lord_Varys 9y ago
I think a lot of you are fucked up assholes, but this sub has changed my life for the better, too.
jaysire 9y ago
This is a good mental exercise: what if trp closed today? Would you be ok? I know I've, as far as I can tell myself, have internalised the information to a degree that makes this sub fun to have, but no longer essential. Thanks for helping me do that.
[deleted] 9y ago
This is a good question to ask. Also there are back ups plus save the side bar info
devlindigital 9y ago
Truth. Changed my life and has reaffirmed it every day since.
Verlier 9y ago
I'm still struggling but I couldn't be half of what I am now without this sub.
Thank you guys.
[deleted] 9y ago
I was just getting started man. I'll definitely be missing TRP if it's gone. But nonetheless I'm happy for you. I'm glad I got to read so many people who can actually see through all the bullshit in the world today.
[deleted] 9y ago
Keep reading, keep following and keep improving. Its been 3 4 months since I have started working on myself and the change is just amazing.
ColdEiric 9y ago
We will find some other place to hang around.
DownvoteToDisagree 9y ago is the official backup.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
there's a mailng list to notify you when (not if) TRP is deemed worthy of a ban. see the sidebar.
rich_ripped_redneck 9y ago
Everybody check out the backup , it has the top 500 posts on there and much more. Would be a lot better with a comments section or something...
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
it will happen for sure when TRP is banned. sooner the better in some ways i guess. Reddit under Pao is fast becoming a shitfest.
This is what happens when you put a manipulative bitch in power. Everything just ends up being a hidden agenda to hide her own personal insecurities. I was married to a girl like her, Asian too, and it was awful.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
she is a really horrible person with some seriously twisted misandrist views.
Max_Jets 9y ago
Exactly, I'm starting to wonder why we are still here.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
yeah same. i'd prefer it if we moved proactively and shut this place down.
from a position of power.
[deleted] 9y ago
backs up all the material on the sidebar
RojoEscarlata 9y ago
Share a link to the archive, I know all the side bar by heart, but is always good to have it.
[deleted] 9y ago
It's about a 1.5 gigs right now. I suppose it could be a torrent but I'd prefer someplace with the bandwidth to host it properly.
Edit: it's mostly the 7 part movie and a bunch of ebooks listed/talked about in the sub. I just TPB'd them all.
Edit 2: here's a reply I sent to those who PM'd me :
[deleted] 9y ago
Now's the time to make a torrent!
Stonish 9y ago
I'll download even 15 gigs if you make it so.
wiseclockcounter 9y ago
pm me so we can see if I have any of the ebooks you don't. I'd like to add them to the cause.
[deleted] 9y ago
I will get back to you tonight. See my edit above. There's quite a few people who've PM'd me about it.
Gonna have to do it!
Masonjarteadrinker2 9y ago
Same here everything this guy said, thank you gentlemen.
B_Campbell 9y ago
What if someone made a sub called /fatpeoplehatersagainstrape. Then if it was banned they could claim reddit was pro rape.
vandaalen 9y ago
Better prepare and warm myself up for the herd of new subscribers this will bring us.
bobbybluepill 9y ago
Oh, this is exactly what will happen. Happens every time. Check out the subscriber growth chart on RedditMetrics and you can see all the peaks. Anticipating another.
[deleted] 9y ago
vandaalen 9y ago
That's what convinced me of an upcoming spike in the first place. Just hit refresh and watch the number of subscribers rise in real time. Dis gon be gud.
[deleted] 9y ago
My dream come true would be a /trp/ board on 4chan. But I'm guessing you guys have as much irrational hatred for 4chan as 4chan does for reddit.
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
There is always the option of setting fire to it ourselves.
Burn it down before they can get to it and claim victory and then set up camp out in the woods with the fucking wolves.
mrheh 9y ago
If it does get banned where is a good alternative for discussion? I honestly don't think people wold hate this place if they saw what it actual does. It empowers men to take control of their lives through hard work, accepting personal responsibility, exercise and self esteem. I've never seen anyone encouraged to hit a woman, a child or anyone. I've never seen drug use promoted or taking advantage of a drunk woman promoted. It really exposes how feared a powerful, intelligent, healthy, informed man is in society today that this place is always targeting and the name TRP is actually a slur on reddit that people will discount whatever you say if someone calls you. Thankfully a healthy, intelligent, man with high self esteem will never never fall for the nonsense of accepting a philosophy which harms everything about you with the justification of promoting a mentally unstable persons "short cut" to self esteem and empowerment. Only way to truly start any positive path in life is throw exercise and a healthy and balanced diet. Everything else is putting a bandaid on a gunshot and this is one of the few places that cuts out the bullshit and truly betters people through honesty not coddling negative behaviors and blaming the world.
PictureTraveller 9y ago
I'm not surprised. that pao bitch looks like the girl that doesn't get laid in the group and becomes a professional cockblocker out of bitterness. whoever put that fucking cunt in charge should be thrown out of a window
[deleted] 9y ago
Ready to branch swing fellas?
My inner male hypergamy tells me Reddit is not the real dela anymore.
abcd_z 9y ago
Yeah. Reddit's really losing SMV (Social Market Value).
sushisection 9y ago
Reddit is just playing dread game on us
Darkwoodz 9y ago
That's some meta shit right there.
[deleted] 9y ago
Dread game doesn't work on guys. That's grounds for dismissal.
wiseclockcounter 9y ago
so does that mean we're moving to
SneakyTouchy 9y ago
If we are next, we will next.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
i love this. i'd gild you but i don't want to support fucking Chairman fucking Pao
laserdicks 9y ago
not to mention financial market value
FLFTW16 9y ago
Consider joining r.fatpersonhate. It is the new alt.
They are holding frame and promising that every sub that gets deleted, two new will be spawned in its place. They refuse to back down. Some worthy subreddit drama IMO.
avidmtnrunner 9y ago
Fatpersonhate2 is the new thing.
docbloodmoney 9y ago
already banned again, after filling the entire frontpage of r/all
bytesunfish 9y ago
That's interesting seeing as the only thing they had time to do was make posts within their own subreddit.... I thought they weren't banning ideas /s
MetalliMunk 9y ago
Is there a back-up for the 48 Laws of Power superthread in a PDF?
JesusWillCum 9y ago
to be honest, reddit doesnt have free speech, it never did, what reddit has is mob speech which is sometimes good some shit. if you want true free speech go to 8chan or something.
[deleted] 9y ago
I don't get the times we live in. I understand there being an issue with FPH. I am subscribed and they get overly malicious. Some of the people they go after are just older and eat some sugary foods. They could stand to lose about 15 to 20lbs.
TRP on the other hand. It is actually making people better. Getting men to have confidence and do more for themselves. It may call people (mostly women) on their bullshit, but have we come to a time when that is a criminal offense? 50 years ago, you could punch a guy in the face for being a douche. Now simply telling him that he is wrong gets you this? How pathetic.
ShitsWithTheDoorOpen 9y ago
These feminist hamplanents will not take their abuse any longer! You can be sure TRP is one of the next targets. Fuck reddit though, I'm ready to jump ship. TRP has way too high quality userbase and content to be weighed down by these hams and SJWs anyways... Puerarchy will be just fine for our needs.
NikoMyshkin 9y ago
when TRP goes I'm done with reddit
actually, that would be a huge boost to my productivity so bring it on Chairman Pao
D_andreaWorkin 9y ago
CHAIRMAN??? chair-man???You deliberately mis-gendered her!!!
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
ShitsWithTheDoorOpen 9y ago
juliusstreicher 9y ago
Exactly-just another form of rape.
dr_warlock 9y ago
From this point on, no one shall give gold, only state it as a comment. Do not give these people money.
fuck_da_haes 9y ago
Also Ad-Block ... I had mine setup to allow reddit ads as a "thank you for being open platform" ... well, not anymore.
fudd1911 9y ago
I'd support making gold giving banable on this sub if you can see who did it.
48LawsOfFlour 9y ago
On the other hand, if we bought lots and lots of gold they might never ban us.
BowlOfCandy 9y ago
Hah, that kind of talk will get this place banned
PlanB_pedofile 9y ago
Too late. You can almost hit refresh and watch that counter move up from all the gold giving rage...
yumyumgivemesome 9y ago
We're not the only people on reddit upset about the censorship. This is a great idea to state in comments that a person is deserving of gold but that you do not want to support reddit based on its censorship policies.
wtf_hell 9y ago
But if you already have creddits :(
vissil 9y ago
I thought TheRedPill was one of the places that gave gold more often than other subreddits (when considering the number of people subscribed). If this is a profitable subreddit, why would they want to get rid of it?
1plusperspective 9y ago
Because the are doubling down on advertising and data aggregation as the business model. You aren't the consumer anymore, you are the product.
[deleted] 9y ago
Gold's probably what keeps us alive...
RedBigMan 9y ago
No it's not... look at how little gold gets given out around here. We're not putting huge $$$ into reddit's pockets.
[deleted] 9y ago
vengefully_yours 9y ago
No thats what they'd expect us to do.
The_Hokage 9y ago
Ad block would accomplish the same thing right?
[deleted] 9y ago
Why dont we migrate then? TRP is the only reason I come to this shithole now
[deleted] 9y ago
Razgriz16 9y ago
Because there's so much here already. I have thousands of save posts, hundreds from trp. It would be a painful process, but truly overall rewarding. I'd rather not leave reddit personally, but try to work towards changing the system. Ask advertisers to stop advertising on reddit due to censorship and stop giving gold is a good start.
[deleted] 9y ago
wiseclockcounter 9y ago
ironically, women are happier when they are in a relationship with a happy, self-assured, ambitious man. However, the detractors wouldn't know what it's like to be with one because their behavior is typically not worth a red-pill man's time in the first place.
They don't know what they're missing out on, and even if they did, they'd have a whole lot of self-improvement to do to be worthy of it.
IllimitableMan 9y ago
Projection. How many emasculate men do you think are being tortured by their women right now, blind to see what's going on? Ignorant? Blaming themselves for their own mental enslavement and psychological captivity to an unappreciative parasitic harpy? I bet the number, globally, especially in developed countries, is rather high.
BluepillProfessor 9y ago
But...but,..the patriarchy.
Men hold all the power so how can they be victims. Snark off.
Goonermuzzy 9y ago
Fuck Reddit. Fuck this generation of pussies. This will be the end of reddit and it can burn for all I care. I can't wait till the backlash by real men and women takes out these fruity cunts.
DoDraper 9y ago
And Kim Jung Pao is there to serve all the SJW pussies with her own pussy. Sooner or later, I foresee this.
i64 9y ago
I agree, fuck this fucking piece of shit feminized world.
laserdicks 9y ago
Woah that's very emotional.
I understand it but the expression is a bit mislead isn't it?
522698632689 9y ago
This will prob be my last comment to Reddit. r/fatpeoplehate was my favorite sub and it was banned based on bullshit reasons. I'll get my red pill from puearchy. I refuse to give Reddit anymore traffic.
[deleted] 9y ago
sometimestraveled 9y ago
They raised $50 million last year. They can probably pay for the server.
yesallwomen423 9y ago
Facebook's server costs are estimated to be $30 million per month. Given that Facebook and reddit have similar numbers of unique visitors per month, I'd bet reddit's server costs are in the same ballpark.
SQQQ 9y ago
guys, do we have a backup plan in case reddit pulls the plug?
[deleted] 9y ago
This is simply reddit being another liberal politically correct site. Political correctness is tyranny by another name.
FelixTheLeo 9y ago
Shit. That sub was hilarious.
[deleted] 9y ago
its back. its just changed to fatpersonhate.
docbloodmoney 9y ago
and remember, for news if we get banned
Dakota3335 9y ago
I was a little worried that if trp were to get banned then there would be no backup. Good to see somebody thought ahead.
Shade_Raven 9y ago
Yes but that isn't a forum
bsutansalt 9y ago
One will be stood up if it comes to that.
Archanine 9y ago
Hopefully it will. It'll be hilarious when that day comes.
alphbux 9y ago
Can we try to use the open source Reddit for it? I much prefer this format over normal online forums.
I'm thinking long term here, but could the TRP community somehow come up with an open Reddit style place? Where we have a strong set of values where censorship is not allowed?
redpilldiscourse 9y ago
I hope there are backups of everything that was posted to this subreddit though.
Dis_mah_mobile_one 9y ago
What's stopping a forum now?
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
Probably because everyone's all over here.
redpillschool Admin 9y ago
Forum is basically ready to go, but we're a subreddit first, and won't detract from here unless shit is the fan.
Dis_mah_mobile_one 9y ago
Gotcha. I wasn't advocating an exodus I was just curious. Thanks.
M3_Drifter 9y ago
Social media (facebook, reddit, etc.) has taken over from the more limited single-topic forums of old. There are a number of reasons for this, from technological advancements to business to natural human lazyness.
So nothing stopping it, but you need money and a crew to maintain everything.
occupythekitchen 9y ago
servers why spend money now to compete
Dis_mah_mobile_one 9y ago
That's what I figured, just curious.
docbloodmoney 9y ago
They have a mailing list to let us know where the next forum will be
SnoopKittyCat 9y ago
What happens to Reddit right now is what happens in the society in general, and it is very much what TRP is fighting against: politicaly correctness, entitlement, dictatorship of constantly "offended" people, the prevalence of the voice of the minorities over the voice of the majority, etc... in fact all the main characteristics of our modern pseudo "democracies".
Although TRP focuses on becoming a better and more aware man (unlike what the rest of reddit thinks), the way of thinking that TRP promotes lead primarily to get out of the brain washing propaganda machine of the politicaly correct forces at work in the past 50 years in our society and promotes independent thinking. And because this is the only subreddit like that I know of, it is obviously at risk to being banned.
On a side note it's funny to notice that it's ALWAYS the lefty liberal proponents of free speech and all, that actually put into place the most anti democratic and dictatorial polices.
nesshie91 9y ago
After they removed fatpeoplehate, another 2 heads sprung up lol.
r/DownWithPaoZedong, r/fatpepehate
Hilarious. And I'm sure there's lots more being created this very second.
slimcoat 9y ago
And to achieve that goal, we will be systematically removing posts and subs that don't align with our personal beliefs.
RedPill115 9y ago
authentic -> things we agree with inauthentic -> things we disagree with and others shouldn't be allowed to say
Shade_Raven 9y ago
its about becoming a corporate SafeSpace^TM to push advertisement and feminist agenda
sushisection 9y ago
Good luck with that.... There's so much porn on Reddit that they will have to deal with before big money gets into this.
I can only imagine the PR roller coaster when Pepsi has to defend endorsing gonewild
[deleted] 9y ago
This is gay. "Keep everyone safe". I swear. We're on our way to global communism.
Nebulose11 9y ago
What the hell are we keeping them safe from? Their feelings?
SexistFlyingPig 9y ago
When you ban something for an infraction that isn't technically illegal, you start to slide down a slippery slope. Right now, reddit can claim common carrier status in regards to harassment lawsuits. But when they eliminate stuff based on personal taste, then they do implicitly support what remains.
First it's the clearly racist stuff. And hating on fat people. Next it's standing up for men's rights and the fight against rampant misandry. Then it's porn in all its flavors. What's going to be the last subgroup standing? twox?
I sincerely hope that whoever gave Pao the job of CEO realizes that this move is exactly the thing that can be the death-knell of a site like reddit. Myspace died when Facebook came along. Digg died and reddit replaced it. Reddit too can die, nibbled to death by a million ducks.
Before the bans, it was a living breathing thing. Subreddits pop up, gain popularity, lose popularity, die off. It's all a big organic process, and like other forms of real life, it's messy. There's poop and blood and a lot of stuff just smells bad, but it's life.
I think this move fundamentally goes against what makes reddit worth coming to.
oldredder 9y ago
Literally this subreddit is the best along with r / mgtow for keeping reddit sane.
Most of the rest is so filled with toxic lies, especially twoxchromosomes, askrelationships and offmychest, THEY should be banned.
But no, the moderator-fucks are liars, frauds and shit-swilling fucks.
[deleted] 9y ago
twoxchromosomes is the most circlejerky subreddit i've ever seen
trpdownunder 9y ago
Before it ever comes to this. I'd like to extend my thanks to all the people who built this place, and in turn built the lives of so many, including me. I've gotten advice on my career, on lifting and on so many different facets of life. Like many of us, I may not be where I want to be, but I can look back at the 17 year old me, fresh out of highschool and know for sure that the kid would be proud of what he has accomplished so far. It's been a good run gentlemen, and know that our work is never done.
MeisterSharkKing 9y ago
Feels good to be on 8chan more than I am on reddit
leredditaccounts 9y ago
So where do we go when this subreddit gets deleted
ex_astris_sci 9y ago
Good, they deserved it for giving into negative emotions like hormonal teenagers. This sub won't get banned, FPH has never been on the same level with TRP.
Cmon_Just_The_Tip 9y ago
Whatever happens, I think this community has made a large impact in waking up a lot of people. Not sure if it's my just my impression, but I constantly see signs that the tide is turning. At least, the most blatant feminist nonsense is starting to get downvoted. Comments containing RP truths are getting upvoted. ( talking about reddit at large btw)
People are sick of bullshit and slowly starting to see through the moronic lies spouted by SJW types.
Results and objective observation is what our social analysis is based on. And you can't hide evidence based on truth forever. You can burn and threaten its source, but if the concepts expressed are valid you can't hide them forever.
300 years ago Galileo's life was threatened by the church for spreading the blasphemous idea that the earth was not flat, and not the center of the universe.
By challenging the dinosaurs holding us back with baseless and biased points of view we went to the fucking moon. Took a picture of our planet from space. See? It's round ya fucking goof.
This shit ain't stopping anytime soon. It's too effective. Whatever happens, we win. A ban could actually be the martyrdom we need to gain even more mainstream attention.
[deleted] 9y ago
Cmon_Just_The_Tip 9y ago
I completely agree. Might have come across differently in my phrasing but that wasn't my intention.
I don't consider this a cult, I don't pledge loyalty to anything. I'm just out here doing my thing. However this space has a lot of useful, well explained theory that help younger people like myself to make sense of social dynamics.
No one ever explained any of this to me, and I'm obviously not alone.
The-Ride-Never-Ends 9y ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Reddit open source? Someone could make a clone of reddit just for TRP.
Max_Jets 9y ago
Open source doesn't necessarily mean open for all to use. Although the websites code is visible I'm sure it's protected by multiple copyright laws to prevent clones
RiseAboveRuin 9y ago
The community and what's discussed here is too important, there should be an alternative website we could all go to. or another site hosted by a well known RP'er.
redpillthrower 9y ago
I spent some time on FPH before and i really don't see any amount of insightful analysis OR any creative/productive activity. Red pills level of content is far higher than FPH. However if it gets banned it would not surprise me
[deleted] 9y ago
infapwetrust 9y ago
It's been an honor to play with you
Iupvoteforknowledge 9y ago
...its not like we are being hunted and killed dude, I'll see ya at the next forum once its announced.
[deleted] 9y ago
"First they came for fatpeoplehate, and I did not speak out - because I was a fat recovering beta..."
TheLolomancer 9y ago
A lot of people are saying FPH and TRP are completely different and we're not at risk.
The fact that the offmychest mods, also infamous for being SJWs, placed a blanket mod on anyone who has ever subscribed, posted, or even voted on this sub, is evidence that the SJWs don't see it that way. They fear what they don't understand, and to them we're just another hate group.
[deleted] 9y ago
As much as I disagree with many of the posts here, I still visit frequently with an open mind or for different perspectives. Destroying this particular echo chamber, harmless to any it could offend, would sadden me as I quite like the sound and believe that containing it would make it far from noise in the outside world.
Goodbye RedPill from a non RedPiller (sane person according to the rest of Reddit). I hated you guys but I sincerely respected you too.
Hopefully nothing changes and I could continue to lurk.
grad14uc 9y ago
Also a non RedPiller. I never really understood the hate for this place; it's easy enough to ignore and there's nothing wrong with a differing perspective to the "norm".
[deleted] 9y ago
I loved fat people hate, that shit was amazing! I should mention that I used to be a fatty myself until I redpilled the Fuck up!
Redpillc0re 9y ago
Reddit has zero authority by itself, it's all about their users, reddit does not create any content. What a stupid stupid move. People here are herds, but they also move as herds. When they start leaving, they 'll ALL leave.
I m not going to miss reddit, its too much of an echo chamber. I hope all the idiots stay here, and i do hope they ban TRP: i've always said TRP does not belong here and should have its own presence.
I_HaveAHat 9y ago
Anyone know what the new fatpeoplehate sub will be?
Booksarefun666 9y ago
Thus far any subs like it is getting banned and the closest thing we'll ever probably get is fat logic which is currently made private waiting for the whole thing to blow over.
Ovadox 9y ago
Are there any other sites with a similar format to reddit but not run by a bunch of SJW cunts? If this sub is banned I'm done with reddit.
frankgold 9y ago
Does web site puerarchy have a forum? I think trp needs a forum independent of reddit.
[deleted] 9y ago
guys, instead of complaining (though, I agree with most of you here), let's find a solution to the problem, anyone with programming experience should code a program to archive an entire subreddit, I'd do it but I got work in morning and a class in the afternoon, don't really have time for that for next few days, but maybe this weekend I'll code something..this is so knowledge is not censored/lost/forgotten because of some bitch that isn't getting fucked properly by her "hubby". this subreddit's days, like many of you mentioned before, are limited. Time to pack our bags and gradually move elsewhere
oldredder 9y ago
It's been done before and posted before. Considering how few read the old comments it makes me wonder why anyone cares about the old stuff and simply needs a forum to post new stuff and get replies that will be forgotten 7 days from now. The archived stuff of high value can be turned into PDF or a zip of folders of HTML files and seeded via torrents.
[deleted] 9y ago
I actually read the old stuff because it's original. I had to dig deep to find the archives (of only like 500 top posts) when it should probably be in the side-bar. In fact, once in a while you get someone that posts a comment that is better than quite a lot of the content that is floating around that day/week. I agree that the archived stuff could be put into a PDF and seeded, but some very worthy posts don't get exposed enough, for whatever reason, and aren't in the archive. And from the torrents it's quite easy to just download what you what and not download what you don't want. It could also be beneficial to archive some asktrp
oldredder 9y ago
Yes, I've commented several times the sidebar is no good without regular updates to purge what's wrong or misleading and add what's new but highly accurate.
The Kings of trp either ban me or tell me to fuck off when I do that.
[deleted] 9y ago
I will stop using reddit once TRP is gone.
What was the site we are migrating to when that happens?
Shade_Raven 9y ago
Get on the mailing list in the sidebar
Jovianmoons 9y ago
I will honestly miss this subreddit. I lurked more than I ever contributed, but there was real value in most of what I read. I considered it incredibly valuable considering the matriarchal shithole we live in. I even felt a bit of hope at times. If the worst does happen where will you all go?
Hates_Bullshit 9y ago
So, does anyone know if they had a fallback like we do? I can't be the only one here who also liked that sub.
laserdicks 9y ago
fatpersonhate and fatpeoplehate2
MorePancakes 9y ago
Fatpeoplehate2 is growing like crazy.
No_Scopez 9y ago
If this place ever gets shut down, I'm hoping that someone immediately opens up a new sub. After all, it is only our right to continue excising free speech. Cut one head off, two more grow back.
grachuss 9y ago
They just want to keep us safe you guys.
RationalistFaith1 9y ago
The irony of protecting people through censorship.... of words -.-
Even sadder my first comment got removed because I linked to one of the banned subreddits!
No matter what we do, humans tend to converge towards tyranny.
Dimethyltrip_to_mars 9y ago
wtf_is_taken 9y ago
I am still skeptical they will ban us. If they do we will continue on elsewhere, the message cannot be silenced.
StarDestinyGuy 9y ago
Does FatPeopleHate exist anywhere else now that the subreddit is gone?
That was one of my favorite comedic subs to have a laugh.
LMS_THEORY_ 9y ago
I don't think anything will happen to TRP. R/fatpeoplehate started targeting imgur employees, which is why they got banned, not for their content
jbaum303 9y ago
This subreddit has changed my life for the better, and I want to thank you all for being apart of it, if in case we are gone in the near future.
TRP is an idea now and it is very hard to kill an idea once it's out of a bottle.
Shiatsu 9y ago
Soon reddit will have mandated trigger warnings.
5More_Minutes 9y ago
If it is banned it just shows that the feminist/SJW crowd and their beta support will do anything to silence those that don't follow their narrative.
redhurtsdonut 9y ago
It's been a great run here gentleman.
Thank this thread for letting me know I am not alone. I grew up in a household of women in an area known for being liberal and feminist. I was indoctrinated in BP from kindergarten through college.
I was born a high testosterone guy luckily. Deep down inside, things didn't feel right since I was young. It wasn't until I got out of college, got a job, started living on my own and finally getting into this sub that I could formulate into words what was wrong. I was a wolf among sheep but too BP to leverage that into anything notable.
I look back now and think of all the instances where I was shamed for showing any signs of growing into a man. Shit. Hurts just thinking about it.
If we get shut down "to keep people safe", that's the way it's going to be. LOL. We set up shop elsewhere and roll with the punches. That's what men do.
Zamba_Zazz 9y ago
I've been lurking here heavily for a more than a year now, but now is my time to speak.
In case we do get KO'd by the Pao Administration, I want to thank all who have posted their theories and Feild Reports on the way of becoming a superior man in the face of unrelenting scrutiny from those who would see the unplugged silenced on reddit.
I'm sure I speak for many who have not spoken yet when I say this sub has only done good for us changing our inferior ways and trying to make real change in our lives.
Thanks again all, and I'll see you on, and
Legario 9y ago
It's been a good ride gents.
^Laughing ^at ^ya'll ^that ^is.
doveenigma13 9y ago
The reason they won't is the same reason 4chan didn't delete /b. The amount of content that the rest of the board doesn't like would spill out into every other board. Whereas if they don't want to read the truth, they don't have to come here and read it.
barmaleo 9y ago
Uhm do they took in to consideration Streisand Effect? Also monetizing and stuff is good, but with what they do and if they go too far will cause either traffic drop and people leaving or more trolls.
I've seen resources going down in to history only because of adverts, endorsements or new moderator staff because people felt it'd shift the bias and it wouldn't be the same anymore.
[deleted] 9y ago
[deleted] 9y ago
I remember that day well... 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 and as well as Reddit's today.
PB_Flux 9y ago
If we get banned than we'll definitely have to hijack r/askTRP .
johnnight 9y ago
How about moving TRP into private sub mode?
rectifryer 9y ago
THIS^^^ It's big enough. It doesn't need the same exposure it used to.
laserdicks 9y ago
Just because I've gotten the benefit of TRP doesn't mean we should assume nobody in future should miss out - it's still growing
abe123567 9y ago
If we burn... THEY BURN WITH US.
aazav 9y ago
Thank you, reddit choads for "keeping me safe from having an opinion on things you do not approve of".
It's as annoying as calling a dislike of people a "phobia". Now we're not allowed to have differing opinions than the masses or you will be shamed for having a so called phobia.
tupendous 9y ago
as long as your subreddit doesn't break the rules i doubt it'll get removed
[deleted] 9y ago
So much for this website being a "bastion of free speech". Back to 4chan.
shakazhulu 9y ago
But we aren't harming or targeting anyone, why would they want to delete this sub?
[deleted] 9y ago
I hope she get burn in hell forever.
Gamefart101 9y ago
im honestly ok with them banning any sub , after all it is there servers and who ever is on the subs they ban are just regrouping elsewhere. its the banning of only certain subs that bugs me. like really there is only two options here, either say your forum allows for free speech or ban everything that you dislike. dont just pick and choose what you don't like just because it gets more popular. reddit even acknowledged that they dont like coontown.
JestersHat 9y ago
Any posibilities to get a whole subreddit "saved" for later use in case it gets banned or taken down?
oldredder 9y ago
been done here a few times, ever try google to see who did it before and posted it?
Xuixien_TheEpic 9y ago
Would like to thank all the contributors here. I'm MGTOW myself, but you guys have been a constant source of inspiration, motivation, and knowledge.
Reddit is banning alt subs as well. They're on them the second they pop up.
Fuck this fascist shit. Reddit is going to lose a lot of members. A lot.
deadlee_ 9y ago
I'm launching a website for banned subreddits
oldredder 9y ago
name suggestion: bannedit . com
bandit rebels on bannedit :)
deadlee_ 9y ago
Will be up next week.
[deleted] 9y ago
tyeunbroken 9y ago
askhistorians is so interesting, shame that I will have to leave this place if they start banning ideological subreddits.
bryanlharris 9y ago
Uh couldn't you guys just create your own discussion website? The FPH ban makes sense, but banning this sub seems more than a bit silly honestly.
phasemetazeme 9y ago
The fact that SRS and SRD are not among the banned subs is telling
newspaper_nerd 9y ago
admin ekjp: "We're banning behavior, not ideas."
That's why Coontown wasn't banned. TRP should be fine.
It was an honor and a privilege gentlemen.
vandaalen 9y ago
We aren't misogynistic assholes, we are sexist assholes.
CowardlyPetrov 9y ago
I'm not an asshole. I am a cock.
Lord_Varys 9y ago
You're either an asshole, a pussy, or a dick.
Adultcontentonly 9y ago
Is there a way to do a site rip of this subreddit or how can I backup the sidebar as others are suggesting?
[deleted] 9y ago
you people are aware what puerarchy means, yeah?
falcon10474 9y ago
Godammit, the first thing i did after i heard of the ban was to check if this got banned also. Theres hope tho, they just added a 2 to the end of fatpeoplehate. Worst case scenario is to just make theredpill2
[deleted] 9y ago
doedsengel 9y ago
If TRP goes, we RPW will follow. There is no RPW without the Red Pill.
[deleted] 9y ago
"To keep everyone safe"
Yeah, in case reading something would the reader's life at risk.
turbo_blender 9y ago
it's like soviet inversion.
sushisection 9y ago
Because all of these man-babies and fragile little womyns can't defend themselves against the oh-so meany words on the screen. They need Big Sister Ellen to protect them.
sushisection 9y ago
Just a thought... could we make an alternative sub?
CornyHoosier 9y ago
I hope we don't get banned, but if we do, I just want to say thank you to everyone. Its been a great ride and I've learned a lot.
I3lizzard 9y ago
It's fucking infuriating man. There's nowhere left to go. These PC losers have taken control of everything.
[deleted] 9y ago
I tried to play my favourite video games (hadn't played it in years) the other day and they have banned insults on the chat. If you swear they suspend your account and you can't play anymore even though you paid for the game.
ADJinfamy 9y ago
There's always somewhere to go. We have a fail safe. And a new forums would be up within a couple weeks I can guarantee that.
[deleted] 9y ago
And just like myspace, reddit will end up replaced due to poor managemet
dub121686 9y ago
FPH was way more hateful than we will ever be.
[deleted] 9y ago
Well old boys, if we're going down, we're going down speaking the Queen's. Down with the ship I say.
Rule Britannia!
idonthaveacoolname13 9y ago
Where were you when the SJWs lauched their full fledged attack on reddit?
srsly_forever_alone 9y ago
If it happens, it's been fun you guys. I'm glad I unplugged, it changed my life. On a positive note, maybe the controversy will bring a few more Redditors here to read and learn. Bookmarked purearchy, subscribed to the newsletter. Let's see what happens.
[deleted] 9y ago
Do the mods here know how to backup the sub?
If this place gets banned it will easy to make another one
kanji_sasahara 9y ago
Time to Pocket every interesting/informative post and get the fuck out of here. I like generating karma like any other person who likes whiling away time at work, but the banning subs for "harassment" is bullshit. What the fuck happened to free speech on this site?
Deresetese 9y ago
Well, that sucks. I liked the anti-fat subreddits. They are a surprisingly fun way to kill time in the train.
I can see reasons as to why they ban those subreddits, it's about hatred and personal attacks after all.
That is certainly toxic and if they want to ban the subreddits, it's their good right.
I don't really see an immediate threat for this subreddit as it's not about hatred and most certainly not about personal attacks.
[deleted] 9y ago
Why do people keep talking about Puerarchy like it's a replacement. There is no forum function, we can not discuss on that site, it will become just another red pill blog. I don't want this community to disappear.
Limekill 9y ago
We need a backup forum site.
QraQen 9y ago
Three women's names signed on the letter. Awalt.
[deleted] 9y ago
I'm afraid we may be next. There are people out there who say they are red pillers, but aren't and post into other subreddits. If the bans really are that seriously, then anyone who claims to be from somewhere and wants to get another subreddit banned can easily just brigade other subreddits and say they are from somewhere else.
Spiral-knight 9y ago
On the one hand this is a problem. However it's truly difficult to care, even on an ideological level when the first and so far only example has been a truly shit subreddit. Not even 4chan could be quite such a circlejerk of personal anger
craftmaticrabbit 9y ago
We are actually safe guys. We don't harrass anybody and keep to our subreddit. We don't target anyone specifically other than ourselves to improve. With that being said doesn't it make more sense for them to ban the blue pill since they really do target us and all they do harrass and talk shit about us in every damn post they submit?
lobstergenocide 9y ago
It was never about harassment, this is 100% about silencing dissenting opinion.
Adam_OMG 9y ago
Wait, is silencing dissenting opinion good or bad? Because fph literally banned people for any comment that in any way defended fat people. I saw a guy get banned for saying fat people were human.
That's all besides the point though. Fph was banned for brigading and harassing people. Good riddance I say.
MorePancakes 9y ago
Careful with all that Logic buddy.... you might pull something.
craftmaticrabbit 9y ago
Might have to take a chill pill haha
alecesne 9y ago
Could we make TRP a private subreddit, like r/law, where you have to request permission to join? Perhaps an Intro RP open to the public in which posts must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible so that it won't be called harassment?
energyinmotion 9y ago
Is there an alternative online community? TRP has a limited set of days now, I can already see it. Is there an IRC community?
[deleted] 9y ago
Fatpeoplehate and Coontown are outright hateful, no one can dispute that. hell, I was subscribed to Fatpeoplehate and I am to coontown as long as its staying up, but you gotta admit fph was kind of a circlejerk; Post fat people, get upvoted. I loved fatpeople hate, though. It made me laugh for hours on end. Same for coontown, but to a lesser extent. "Keep clicking piggy" just stuck with me.
Here, we're not HATING women, we're seeking ways to communicate with them, and effectively, not end up succumbing to their toxic manipulation and end up becoming omegas and wearing fedoras wherever we go.
Other redditors may hate us because "Sexual strategy is amoral!" but in reality, they would just be the ones who would never get sex in all honesty, because they believe in the power of fedoras and would rather be a woman's brown noser who WILL get cheated on and sit there like a sad dump thinking "Where did I go wrong?" Everywhere.
We're not breaking any rules here, we're not hating women, we're just comparing strategies in order to deal with their sadistic bullshit.
Limekill 9y ago
They don't give a shit whether we hate women or not, because its all about the feelz before realz. If someone, somewhere, -feels- we hate girls, then thats enough and reddit can shut us down.
[deleted] 9y ago
There has to be a council of some sort, at least one person at HQ not wielding a fedora or two in their hands that can see we haven't broken any rules. There just has to be.
Limekill 9y ago
I don't think you understand.
This is corporate shit here. The don't give two fucks about us. If they decide that we are not following their rules (i.e. they make the rules and decide whether we are breaking them - judge, jury & executioner) they close us down.
Society as a whole is against TRP - why do you think the higher ups in reddit are going to go against society or their corporate ethos?
[deleted] 9y ago
Is there a bastion we can move to if we do get shut down?
skiier23 9y ago
is Puerarchy another website? where should we go if TRP on reddit is shut down?
_VicBoss 9y ago
We'll be fine because we don't advocate hatred/violence toward the groups that we have a conflict of interest with. We're seeking to understand a way to get the most out of life for each of our individual selves.
NeoreactionSafe 9y ago
Nature is bad... it doesn't behave like the progressives want it to behave.
So what can a reddit do?
Ban all talk about nature. (seems logical)
...seems fine to go there to at least regroup and pass information around after a ban.
Moridakkubokka 9y ago
Hilarious all this, I've noticed that many many people in FPH are infact women. Also many that hate that sub are also women.
Big clash of female competition mentality, trying to make eachother look bad. Only reason this got so much attention.
muncher21 9y ago
Is there a plan to relocate anywhere?
captainryo 9y ago
I'm not ready to leave, I'm still learning the basics.
my_redpill_account 9y ago
Did some poking around, some morons in SRS are saying that they aren't a hate sub, if "they just took a look at it with an open mind and read they'd realize what we're all about".
pretty funny considering no one wants to do that about TRP or other subreddits they don't agree with. if they took a second to not assume its women hating hitlers and look they might see what its aboot.
but whatever, who cares what anyone else thinks.
Percy_The_Red 9y ago
Can you feel the love tonight?
It's a shame we don't have a window to an alternative universe where we could see the popularity of TRP had the foam-mouthed mangina posse not drawn attention to it and simply ignored it. It would be an interesting experiment.
It's a shame their logic and critical faculties are so overcome with emotion that they forget that when they shine the spotlight on something it draws more attention to it, and that if this attention captures people's imagination they'll wish they's just ignored it.
It's a shame that most of the redditors who join them are probably convinced and pride themselves on being logical, reasonable and "for the free market of ideas".
It's a shame they'll drive away those that, while not adherents to TRP, do respect free speech, and how this will fracture their own team: those that must censor the thing they hate under the guise of Orwellian doublespeak and those that hate TRP and all it stands for but believe free speech is more important.
It's a shame.
Transmigratory 9y ago
The only problem is that puerarchy doesn't have a platform to have discussions like this place does. It links this reddit.
QraQen 9y ago
Three women's names signed on the letter. Awalt.
Tom_And_Jerry 9y ago
This sub helped me pull out of a crippeling depression simply by introducing me to frame. I could never thank the people here enough for speaking up about mens rights, and gender roles in the most honest, factual way possible. It saved me.
ADGwasHERE 9y ago
How tf did coontown miss the first wave...
boogalooshrimp1103 9y ago
I'm getting the same feeling I had when game of thrones king jofferey had all of Robert baratheons bastard children killed so no one could usurp his throne.
[deleted] 9y ago
oldredder 9y ago
"respectful" in reddit means lie about everything and do not every tell the truth about why things work the way they do.
It's the opposite of the purpose of this place to exist at all.
Braaaaaapp 9y ago
how is there not a separate blog/website or forum set up in case this does happen?
Stonish 9y ago
This subreddit helps men to be better version of themselfs. Teaches how to be a true MAN. Why do they want to ban it?
thebalrog_ofmorgoth 9y ago
skimmed through the comments. seems like most people in the thread don't quite grasp the difference between subs that harass and subs they don't like. idiots.
coffee_and_lumber 9y ago
Well, it's kind of the same thing as everyone mostly misusing the up and downvote buttons to just pass judgement on things they agree or disagree with.
BlueFreedom420 9y ago
Honestly, reddit can easily be replaced.
ppsspp 9y ago With love, from 4chan :^)
CropDuster33 9y ago
I really hope this is exclusivly for the hate subs like fatpeoplehate, ect. If they ban TRP im fucking done. TRP changed my life and is one of the only reasons I come to reddit... No, its not because i enjoy seeing pictures of your dog, or your selfie, or the other vapid shit that constantly makes it to the front page. I come because reddit is interesting and lately people have been treating this place like their facebook page smh.
sikemms 9y ago
FPH will live on in our hearts forever
Nicholas_ 9y ago
The real difference between these hate subreddits and this one is that RedPill doesn't hate women or anyone; they hate themselves because they used to be bluepill and didn't give women what they truly wanted.
Heck if they were women haters, they wouldn't go out of their way to become a better version of themselves which naturally ends up attracting women.
alkyjason 9y ago
Is there a way to save interesting & informative posts in case it happens?
Insanity_-_Wolf 9y ago
Meanwhile r/coontown remains... wow
Giant-Frodo 9y ago
I really can say from the bottom of my heart, that i cannot wait to see this pretentious little patriarchy you idiots have set up for yourselves here shut down and banned like the rest of the neck bearded infested corners of reddit.
[deleted] 9y ago
Giant-Frodo 9y ago
ExiledNihilist 9y ago
How cute, you made a fresh account just to dump some beta rage.
CowardlyPetrov 9y ago
I regret that I never knew about fat people hate.
bama79rolltide 9y ago
People would rather live comfortable lies than harsh truth.
ArchangelleFuckOff 9y ago
If you need a backup forum that won't bow down to people wielding Starbucks and fee-fees, will allow you to create a board that won't go anywhere.
NewlyFoundAgain 9y ago is pretty legit. I browse it quite often. I think it'd make a good backup forum.
ethreax 9y ago
I am a developer I,can create a website.
greatmikeshark 9y ago
Why is this Meta? Is there a reason you could not just say first wave of bands?
KillingIsBadong 9y ago
We have become a nation that loves drama and being offended. Get rid of everything that can possibly spark either of those and what are we left with? People creating more drama and getting offended at increasingly asinine and harmless things. Eventually Reddit will just be a forum of cat pictures and the people left getting angry that the cats aren't wearing clothes. This is the eventual path that banning subs will create, a perfect utopia of "authentic conversations" that have been directed and molded to fit whatever our ever offended culture deems inoffensive.
mkopec 9y ago
No because as soon as censorship happens in a place like this, people just up and leave. Sure some will stick around, but people are like herds, they will simply graze to the next free speech forum where they can express themselves without being censored. Rinse and repeat.
KillingIsBadong 9y ago
Well that's a part of what I'm saying; the people that stick around on Reddit will eventually be left with a husk of what it's "supposed" to be. I don't honestly think that many of the users on Reddit care if a small handful of subs were removed, partly due to people not realizing the full scope of what that means for the site, and partly due to them feeling it was justified or just don't care to begin with. Only when the censoring begins to infringe upon their own lives will they begin to care about it and potentially leave.
chill1995 9y ago
fatpeoplehate and theredpill are the only two subs worth browsing. Fuck
oldredder 9y ago
fatpeoplehate is a waste of your time: mgtow and theredpill are places you can learn things but not invest emotion in internet fights and trolling.
sanglupus 9y ago
I wish I had known about FPH years ago. I would have loved to have been a subscriber.
I3lizzard 9y ago
it was fun while it lasted
link5057 9y ago
FPH2 and fatpersonhate are up
Money_Bags97 9y ago
I was subbed until I got banned for "fat sympathy" for making a joke. Don't get me wrong the sub was hilarious at times but the people there acted like children.
NiceTryDisaster 9y ago
Trp and r/conspiracy are on the list as well
slai47 9y ago
The Blue pill has a post about mounting a organized push to close down red pill. FFS. Its been good man. Lets find a meet up point after these blows over
SteakMarsala 9y ago
i think you guys are safe. I'm a girl and i come here once in a while. the sub put up a pic on the sidebar of the imgur staff because they stopped publishing the images there... and there was a troll underworld going back and forth in other subs.
it was a provocation war for the trolls and the mods went along with it unfortunately.
juanqunt 9y ago
RIP one of my top 3 favorite subs. :'(
WhiskeyGrin 9y ago
TRP is not the same as FPH. There's a lot of self help being offered on this subred, while FPH was just pure hate mongering.
[deleted] 9y ago
Oh my god... Fat people hate was a wonderful subreddit. Fucking sick. Its like some dystopian world where smokers took over and everyone has to respect their choice to destroy themselves.
SupALupRT 9y ago
yeah someone kind enough to rig up where I can download the sidebar? my sons to young but I wanna have it around for when hes older.
BruhBrehBro 9y ago
We could archive the entire subreddit down to every last post and comment with a crawler of some sort. I am sure there is already a tool written by someone out there!
alritealritealrite 9y ago
What is the red pills fail safe?
whoops_fap 9y ago
Our days are absolutely numbered here guys, I guarantee it. That being said, just want to say thanks for changing my life. Over a year ago I was with a fat white chick who treated me like shit, thanks to TRP I dumped her, kicked her out of my apartment and now I'm dating a Korean chick with a slamming body who treats me so well I can't fucking believe it - and even more importantly I'm finally putting myself first. Could not have done this without TRP. Just had to say this shit before the cock suckers hit the kill switch on us. God speed.
MadKat88 9y ago
If RedPill gets banned before SRS I'll be seriously pissed.
aditas 9y ago
We should write a strongly worded letter.
littlemogmog 9y ago
Is there another reddit-like platform in the works? This website is turning into a shit hole.
GregariousWolf 9y ago
It's all a bunch of corporate doublespeak. If they were banning subs for brigading and vote manipulation, then SRS/fempire would be banned also. If they were banning subs for obscenity, then countless other subs would be banned also. The only true explanation is to follow the money. FPH represented a risk to future advertising revenue.
AmyIsFinallySober 9y ago
thanks Jessica, Ellen and BP Alexis
this is the beginning of the end of reddit.
ambassador_of_porn 9y ago
deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0891 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?
elevul 9y ago
Amen. Puerarchy aside, there are plenty of places of discussion on the internet that are not infected by the SJW virus.
[deleted] 9y ago
They'll never suppress my hatred for fat people
qwertyleftme 9y ago
I don't think its OK to rape women and beat them. I applaud the fact that they are banning promotion of rape, I don't think this reddit will get banned. We don't talk about beating women, we talk about manning up. Doing whats good for us.
[deleted] 9y ago
Well, they just lost every bit of my business. I don't really need reddit, and this, along with other shady shit the admins do, is enough to make me just not come back here.
[deleted] 9y ago
I'm scraping this subreddit as I type, found a good enough scraper on my HD that can handle this subreddit, no comments yet, but will see how it does scraping just threads themselves
edit: nvm got comments saving and got it to go forward a page, will leave overnight see what happens
edit2: apparently it's been done before, but only top 500, i think asktrp should be archived too along with other sub-subreddits
Mazz0 9y ago
We'll still have Puerarchy. Also we dont tend to expand to other subreddits (unless its related to RP) so we might just get breezed over. Probably not, but there is a chance.
Hopefully they fix up puerarchy to be a bit like reddit ie. usernames and such.
Regardless its been a pleasure gents!
CuntyMcFagNuts69 9y ago
We will be just fine. Those subs are hate subs. We are a sub that tells men how to love their life
UndeadTurning 9y ago
They ban FPH, but not SRS. What a fucking joke these people are. Find a new site before this ship sinks and you're known as one of the faggot fedora wearing hipsters still using it.
sitdownstandup 9y ago
WTF? They banned FPH? In what way was it harming people??
BadgerBurger 9y ago
FPH got an indirect mention in Dear Prudence on Slate recently. It wasn't mentioned by name but it had to be FPH.
It got serious negative publicity on a relatively mainstream news source.
When that happens to us, the backup plan will have to kick in.
ethreax 9y ago
We need a website, I,can help, but.need financial help, am,broke now
GREF_ 9y ago
TRP ban is coming no doubt, see you guys on the backup site.
brownox 9y ago
I hate the fatpeoplehate douchebags, but I have always felt their shockingly popular posts were part of the price paid for "free speech".
I also think their popularity is indicative of the demographic change in reddit's user base toward young boys.
Banning is the wrong strategy here.
Gordatwork 9y ago
Agreed with this, FPH always struck me as being really pathetic. However that being said I didn't get my panties in a twist over it like some SJW, don't like it? Don't visit it.
Totsean 9y ago
Well, some people hate TRP, would you like this place to be banned and FPH wasn't that bad. Not their fault if people take being fat as something to be happy and proud off.
gregariousnefarious 9y ago
Enjoy your self pity party
collidoscope 9y ago
@MODs Is there a contingency plan in place?
SampsonRustic 9y ago
Que titanic string quartet and creaking ship metal