There's a neverending battle in the sperg nation regarding SMV.
"Looks are all that matters!"
"No way! you need to have solid frame!"
"You guys are idiots! Game is the most important piece of SMV!"
You're all wrong.
Women want the package. A pie without any missing sections, and the biggest diameter pie she can get. Matter of fact she'd rather a complete pie that is smaller than a pie with a missing piece. (Never let them see you weak.)
So think of the SMV factors as pie pieces. A pie chart if you will.
If you're not so pretty, you have to either increase the size of that slice, or have bigger pieces of other values to fill up the pan. Preferably both.
If your game sucks, get better at game and ensure your looks and frame are compensating.
Always present the largest entire pie to women.
That's SMV. When you've maximized your SMV, you have increased the diameter of your complete pie to your maximum.
Some guys will only ever have a 6 inch pie. Other guys will be an 8. Dudes who take TRP to heart will start with a 4 inch shell with a big slice cut out and end up with a full 7 incher. Guys who have the fatalistic attitude of not understanding you can modify your tiny sliced up pie will never have a SMV increase and their pie will be left on the shelf in the market to rot.
How big is each pie slice? What percentage of the pie is looks? Completely irrelevant. As long as your sections all add up to a full pie then you've done your job and have maximized your SMV. Maybe you'll never have a fully stuffed steaming hot 9 incher to display. That's life. But if you work at it, you can be the king of the 7's.
The other PIE.
The other reason I'm mentioning pie is that it's a useful memnomic during dates.
P Polarize - Get her to say "hell yes" or "hell no" early so neither of you wastes time, and you can set a sexual tone asap.
I Isolate - Get her away from friends, hens, crowds, double dates, need to show her you want to be with her, not as an orbiter, not as a tampon, not as a bestie... you want to be ALONE with her. Again, to set a sexual tone and to drive the interaction as the man should.
E Escalate - Get intimate. Break the touch barrier. Get in her personal space. Push and pull, create sexual tension. Increase the intimacy until you are inside her or she shuts you down. Be outcome independent, but push for the outcome you want, all the while calibrating to her responses.
Be aware of these two aspects of pie and your dad will never catch you fucking mom's still warm one in the kitchen.
trueliberal1 5y ago
oothalpee 5y ago
I love this.
If she's not polarised then whats the point just gtfo.
I need to internalise this mindset
fds_1 5y ago
As far as the actual approach goes. I recommend the OPEN system by Todd V.
Open, as easy as it sounds, go and say hi to her. If you are a newbie, subtlety won't be your strength so don't be afraid to open with a compliment. This leads into the 2nd step
Premise, you need to let her know this is a man to woman conversation. You need to make sexual innuendos, push and pull and other flirting techniques. Again, if you are a newbie, it can be difficult for you to turn the conversation man to woman without it being awkward. So you open with a compliment so the conversation is set from the start.
Evaluate, this is where you make her qualify to you. You evaluate her you as your potential partner. As soon as the girl starts qualifying to you, it means you have higher value. This can be done overtly by saying:"So what is cool about you?" BUT if you didn't build enough rapport and attraction she will most likely say:"Why? What's so cool about you?" but if you do have enough of attraction she will start to answer aka qualify herself. Qualifying can also be done subtly, here's an example:"You know, I really like going to the gym. I think everybody should see their body's full potential. Do you workout?" It's so subtle most people don't never realize it is a qualifier.
Narrative, this is what the girl will think of you. If you've done all the previous steps right, this isn't something you need to work on. But you need to have this step in mind, this is what she will tell to her friends about you. If she thinks your value is higher than hers and that the interaction is a win for her, she'll be the one to that's looking forward to your date.
The last thing of course is Close. The important thing is to ALWAYS GO FOR AN F-Close. But take what you can get. Maybe she she is in a hurry or maybe she doesn't trust you yet or maybe the logistics are bad. Whatever the case may be, push the things as far as they can go. So instead of asking her for her number you can ask her to go somewhere, there you go, you just got yourself a date. This is to contrary the popular belief:"Just try to get 10 numbers." Out of 10 girls that given you their numbers, you could've kissed a couple of them and maybe even slept with one of them.
I would add, fill the pie with your own unique flavour. Don't be a carbon copy motherfucker following the same ingredients she can find at any pie shop.
Fill the pieces, and be unique.
HighPiracy 5y ago
If everyone is bringing apple pie, be the guy who brought cherry.
[deleted] 5y ago
Lmao....somewhere,someone has probably made that
personaldistance 5y ago
You aren't wrong
Don't ever tell anyone how you found that page...
personaldistance 5y ago
I literally googled 'semen pie' fella
Hahaha...yeah, I thought that was it.
GAndGMethod 5y ago
I prefer D.E.N.N.I.S system.
It just works.
Hyperf0cus 5y ago
An elaboration on that would be highly appreciated.
BtotheMoe 5y ago
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season 5, episode 10 should explain it well enough.
Mushonix 5y ago
THANK GOD, finally someone is telling this fact, that in my opinion, all of us know. I was getting tired of people trying to isolate one point of smv to confort their ego instead of putting in the work.
This is the kind of post that we should be reading.
chazthundergut 5y ago
I thought this was going to be a discussion of what pussy feels like.
I'm disappointed
BumblingBeta 5y ago
Same here. Title is completely misleading and should probably be changed.
teabagabeartrap 5y ago
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
majani 5y ago
I've always wondered, if a woman could choose between an ugly, gameless billionaire and a rounded man with looks, money and game but all in moderation, which would she pick?
DeborahBinLaden 5y ago
Looooooooooooooool I can’t believe you commented that after reading this post. Hoorah
RedPill2018 5y ago
The one with the completed pie, dodo
AutoModerator 5y ago
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Vikingcel 5y ago
And what determines your maximum pie diameter?
Atheist_Utopia 5y ago
Stupid. Anything can limit your max potential.
EkMard 5y ago
Doesn't matter. Improve your pie. Or don't.
Vikingcel 5y ago
Pardon me, sir, but I'd rather make my own informed decision.
EkMard 5y ago
Original hand dealt + Path chosen = Result
[deleted] 5y ago
The point is to make the decision.
FereallyRed 5y ago
It's a market relative 0-10 scale.
Vikingcel 5y ago
So you're saying the bottleneck can be anything?
BloodSurgery 5y ago
Vikingcel 5y ago
Probing for an actual answer.