Most gym workout routines will lead you to achieve some sort of aesthetic body if you stick to them for long enough while following a decent diet.
However, most routines are not optimized for raising your sexual market value. Most of them almost ignore important aesthetic muscles ( such as the neck ) and do not emphasize other muscle groups strongly enough ( such as the abs ).
I made below a brief list of what you should be doing in the gym if your priority is to get more attractive to women. I tried not to include things that would be too obvious for someone who has already been working out for some time. Let me know if you disagree or have something important to add.
1) Stay natural. Steroids were made to make you stronger, not more sexually desirable. Most of the times these two things overlap, but when they don't... you end up strong and ugly.
2) Direct ab work with weight progression for all ab muscles, including lower abs. Don't ignore cable crunches. This includes reverse cable crunches.
3) Lower your body fat percentage to the six pack abs range. You don't have to go single-digit but going higher than 15% is usually not attractive to women.
4) Weighted neck extensions with a proper head harness ( a bench is fine but still suboptimal ).
5) Side lateral raises. Make sure you are not cheating at this exercise. Do one arm at a time. Avoid plain simple side lateral raises, do egyptian lateral raises or the one-and-a-half rep version.
6) Do shrugs. Don't go too heavy, you want to reach full extension.
Hanscheezburger 3y ago
Bulba 3y ago
Neck training is probably the most overlooked exercise ever. Most workouts are meant for pure strength gains rather than aesthetics so it is never included by default.
Pedal_Moonpower 3y ago
How well does this work
Bulba 3y ago
I find it more practical to simply do all ab exercises on a cable pulley machine ( or dumbbells if you are at home ), so you can do all your ab exercises in a single batch.
If you go for this machine you would still be missing the obliques and the lower abs.
NeoSpartan 3y ago
Good stuff except for the side lat raises ime. I never do shrugs but still have good traps by going heavy on the side lat raises. Shoulders are also boulders. Natty. Also blessed with a strong neck so I've no idea about neck exercises..
I would also add chest, a given for pretty much everybody Can't think of a single lifter who wouldn't bench but shoulders, lats and chest are the top 3 for SMV definitely. Abs are great to have, but the situations in which you can utilize them are somewhat limited. I suggest a well fitted shirt and finding excuses to lean back excessively. I've used a behind the back pool shot to great effect in the past, for example. Ofc, there is also the beach, hiking, bouldering, etc. Really anything that would make you sweat is a decent excuse.
Bulba 3y ago
I agree shrugs aren't essential, they're just a nice plus if you're focused on growing your traps fast.
Some guys have decent abs but make mistakes like not wearing slim fit shirts and wearing baggy or oversized clothes. Most clothes in a store are meant to hide your abs because nowadays most people are obese, so if you just go shopping at random, this is what you will get.
Other than that a common mistake is to come off as try hard by posting shirtless bathroom selfies and similar low quality pictures on social media. Good advice in this regard has been posted here in this forum some time ago. This is Tinder advice but it also goes for any other social network:
NeoSpartan 3y ago
This is quite true, does not seem to matter for 2021(2!) tinder tho. I put some low effort ab pics a few weeks ago and got around 100 matches in less than a week. I read that post you drew from a few months ago, very helpful, but for tinder it's pretty outdated ime. I think tinder is just sluts now. And sluts don't really seem to give a fuck if you post low effort pics as long as you have a nice body and good face. Been using other apps with no shirtless pics but a sort of a little bit too tight imo T. That's been working pretty well so far. I even found a unicorn recently. Extremely cute blonde who seems just about perfect. Very much want to LTR her. Been talking a lot over the last week.
The slim fit shirt advice is fucking 100% on point. Pants too. No point in getting fit if it's not visible. I think traps aren't that big of a deal to women though. They seem more important for the purposes of intimidating other men than appealing to women to me. I'd advise taking a few pics outside if you have light colored eyes also. Indoor photos turn them brown for some reason.