Economic Collapse is Near

• What the f$$k is happening:

Many of you are feeling the effects of the recession we're currently in, inflation is rising everyday. All around the world we're witnessing in our own countries, the economy is collapsing. Gas prices, food, misc items, and many more are rising in price at a unprecedented rate. I'm here to tell you, this is not by mistake, this is all by design, planned by the billionaire p3do elites controlling our world.

• History repeats:

Every single depression and recession that have happened. Always happens when everything is going down in price, the stock market is doing good, and everyone let's their guards down. They don't want people to panic and pull their cash out of the banks. Banks need people's money to make profit. Cash is king in a place no one has money. People go broke due to 1. Losing their job, 2. No savings or having to use their savings to survive. 3. Having spend all their money on essentials.

• The Trap:

The government parasites and billionaire p3dos want people to invest right now so the gov/ billionaire p3dos can sell their stocks for a profit and everyone else loses. You noticed the investing commercials lately? Better buy gold? Better invest now?? The biggest suckers are us, the average American, since none of us are in their club, we don't know when the economy will collapse before we can cash out.

• Stock market/ Housing market:

Amazon, Google, and Tesla have all split their stocks this year but why? Why now this year? It sure as hell ain't for the benefit for us average joes. Right now the billionaires are loading their stacks waiting for the stock market to crash after they sold out, to buy a f@#k load of stocks at a cheap price. Just like what happened during the 08 recession.

The housing market is at a all time high bubble, houses are overpriced and the interest rate is insane. Due to the high price of everything, people are burning through their savings to pay for their mortgages and expenses, how long do you think they'll survive for? Once the economy collapses, people will be desperate to sell their homes for cash just like the 08 recession, except no one has money to buy a home? That's when the housing market will pop.

• How can you thrive during the collapse:

Save your money, stock up on dry goods, ammo, and 2A. When the bubble pops, that's when you invest into stocks that dropped in price, or you can buy a house at a lower price since no one has money and will sale their houses for cash, out of desperatation. Preparation + Opportunity = Luck. The best thing you can do now is save your money as much as possible. Write down your expenses and see what your spending most on. Most people it's food, if you have to, survive on rice, Pasta, or Potatoes. Do what you can to save the most money, because you'll thanking yourself for a better future after sacrificing today.

• What if I'm broke af?

Again, save as money as possible starting now if you haven't already. Study up on stocks and housing. When the collapse happens, that's when you buy everything at a lower price on the stock market or buy a house for yourself.

• But inflation bruh

I understand the dollar is more worthless day by day, but money is a power to be used. If use correctly, can make you rich or poor. You decide. While goods and gas will be high in the coming years, the bubbles will pop due to people selling their stock and homes out of fear. That's when you strike. Every depression and recession, there's always people that make a f$$k load of money and come out on top.

"Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett billionaire elite p3do

If all of you been noticing lately, the technology sector stocks have been going up. Amazon, Google, Tesla have split their stocks and are cheaper than ever before. I've decided to put my money on them since they have such high potentials to going back up to 1000s, 2000s, and 3000s. Once the collapse happens, I'll placing my bets on them. Do your homework and study, and decide for yourself what to invest in. Don't follow blindly. Don't just read, you must know.