I would like to replace one of my routines for routine to build better shoulder/waist ratio. What should I drop as I do not really want to spend more time in gym?
Below is my routine
Overhead press + pullups Squat Bench press + barbell row Deadlift + goodmornings What are the names of best [ROI] routines for shoulders to replace?
BTW where do you measure shoulders: below armpits or whole thing including arms?
PS. I will be forgetting this account, but will track the answers as guest
RiggzHatesYou 1y ago
good lord this was fucking depressing...
whytehorse2021 1y ago
I have a whole routine just for shoulders on top of everything else. Bent over rows, side lateral raise, front raise, and shrugs. It takes about 10min if you work one shoulder while the other is resting for bent over rows. Also change your hand position for each set: palm down, palm up, and palm vertical. Use dumbbells and keep arms straight.
Rich Piana would suck in his gut and hold it to reduce waist size. You can do that anytime, it's not gym specific.