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Women’s mating choices are a male-driven affair.
One of the central tenets of Evolutionary Psychology is hypergamy – the notion that women always seek to mate with higher status men. A fact in support of this idea is that women tended to, as Jordan Peterson likes to put it, marry “up or across” the status hierarchy. But there is an essential problem with hypergamy. It’s not that it’s sexist – rather, it’s not sexist enough.
Let us consider for a moment the manosphere truism that women are hypo-agentic, i.e. they are human beings, as opposed to men who are human doings. This contradicts hypergamy. How can women be hypergamous when they don’t actually make explicit decisions?
Take a look at history. Women marrying up was a contract between a prospective husband and father. The father attempted to negotiate a social benefit for his family in exchange for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Women marrying up was the result of human capital exchanged for social capital.
Women were owned by their fathers and then later by their husbands. As such, we cannot infer a female preference for “what passes for high status men in a civilized society”, from hypergamous marriage trends. At certain points in our pre-history 17 women reproduced for 1 man. Were these men “selected” by 17 women? Or did these men slaughter all their competitors and take their women? Which makes more sense?
It has always been a minority of powerful men that do the selecting, and women allowing themselves to be selected.
We can cooroborate this by seeing how male and female courting behavior mirrors that of many mammals. The males of horned animals – such as rams and bulls compete for dominance by butting their heads, locking horns with each other. A close human parallel are dominance displays seen in evening social venues such as clubs. Guys square off against each other – chests out, shoulders spread and butting foreheads. Are these intimidation tactics and posturing done to attract women? Or are they targeted at prospective challengers and ownership of space?
Male courting involves dominance displays to establish ultimate authority over a specific territory. Female courting involves making herself as attractive as possible. Men intimidate rivals. Women compete with other women to be selected by the winners of these dominance displays.
Women notice a man’s sovereignty and attempt to attract his attention, so that he will take ownership of her.
The war bride is the product of this exact process. First men violently win dominance displays. Then they appropriate the women previously owned by their rivals, and impregnate them. This is the state of nature for Man. Any framework of sexual dynamics using evolution as its foundation should start here.
Hypergamy is based on the mistaken belief that women select, rather than let themselves be selected. When women settle for Beta Bucks, it’s because an Alpha hasn’t taken ownership of her yet. She will always be ready for Alpha Fucks to replace him.
To understand ownership, we must now confront the issue of Vape, and further analyse it from a psychoanalytic standpoint. We’ve all seen the vape fantasy statistics, and the orgasm-during-vape statistics. We’ve also seen the utter obsession with vape that women reveal in their “romance” novels. But how do we make sense of this and the seemingly contradictory vape-hysteria as well as regret-vape? First of all, let’s understand what vape actually is, since it doesn’t exist in nature. Female consent exists only within a “social context”. Being the weaker sex, women need the protection of men to fight off unwanted advances. Nowhere is this more clear than in modern society. If you vape a woman, it’s not her that punishes you, but rather the state’s enforcers: other men. Taking this fact to its logical conclusion means that vape only exists in so far as a woman is somehow attached to a man that can punish you for the vape. The vape is then not a transgression against the woman. It is against the man that the woman has some sort of relationship to. He is the one who administers punishment.
What we call vape is thus a man appropriating a woman, taking ownership of her. This is only a crime in so far as the woman is already beholden to someone. Vape is a crime today because the state has de-facto ownership of all women under its jurisdiction. It merely lends them to men, under a terms-of-license-agreement. The latter is of course broken whenever a woman decides it’s broken (we call that no-fault divorce and believe women [when they claim sexual assault]). This is why marital vape (an anti-concept) exists. Modern marriage is not a man taking ownership of a woman, it’s the state lending the woman to him as long as he behaves.
Part of taking ownership of a woman is fucking the shit out of her – this is not rocket science – but it’s only part of it. To own a woman means to totalize her psyche. In other words, to break the social conditioning imposed by the Symbolic order. You do this through fucking her brains out – and then establishing your own conditioning. You become her Big Other by keeping her close and treating her as the first mate of the ship that is your life, of which you are the captain. This is why women change personalities according to their boyfriends. It is the gradual totalization of her psyche by the specific cock that is at a certain point in time regularly rearranging her insides.
To truly fuck a woman’s brains out and to truly establish your own conditioning is at the very least skirting the boundaries of legality. This is where psychoanalysis comes in. You must understand how to do it subtly. If you attempt to do it without first breaking the hold of the current Symbolic order on her, she is apt to get you in trouble.
We will now analyse regret-vape from a psychoanalytic standpoint.
Let’s begin with building upon the well-known concept of the rationalization hamster. The hamster is a faculty for retroactively rewriting history according to how she feels in-the-moment. The hamster finds its counterpart in Žižek’s concept of “retroactivity of meaning”. Our intentions never survive conscious understanding fully intact. To “understand” an intention we must put it into words after the fact. Doing so filters it through the Master Signifier (the central Symbol of our societies’ worldview), which changes them to an extent.
One point that the hamster misses is the question of who is the girl rationalizing herself to. Is it herself, or is it the model of her “tribe at the moment”, watching her and evaluating her behaviour? ationalization to oneself is rationalization to the tribe aka the big Other. What this means is that regret vape is the consequence of not fucking her good enough to rearrange her psyche and totalize her. You fail to be her big Other, instead forcing her to excuse her behavior to her existing big Other. In contrast, vape that succeeds in breaking the past Symbolic order’s hold on her psyche will be rationalized as a night of passionate sex. One that she desired from the bottom of her heart all along.
To sum up: women want to be owned. They want your cock to totalize their psyche and give stability to their existence. Alpha widows are women that were detached from the existing Symbolic order by an Alpha Cock, but were then discarded by their big Other. Hence they can’t develop a firm attachment until a bigger Alpha breaks the hold and re-totalizes her. Modern feminists are unfucked women. They spout hysteric propaganda talking points because male feminists can’t fuck them hard enough to break the State’s hold on them.
The penis totalizes the female psyche in the same way that the master signifier totalizes an ideological field.
A subpar penis is equivalent to no penis. Plurality of penises is equivalent to no penis. Stability for women is only guaranteed through one consistent penis.
The only way to have a healthy relationship with women is to OWN them. Physical ownership is impossible, especially in the modern West. You can’t get war brides. But you can be subject presumed to fuck, and totalize their psyche with psychoanalysis.
If you are tired of aimlessly wandering around you need to move forward as a man with a clear action plan. Rather than scrolling through social media and jerking off to motivational quotes, you need to understand the underlying concepts that structure the world.
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RainApprehensive 1y ago
If you're going to discuss rape then call it by its proper word instead of censoring it.
SSeuSS 1y ago
Needs to be updated to make it more correct.
ationalization > Rationalization