Greetings to everyone here! My account on is new, however I am not new to TRP and I have 5+ year old accounts on reddit that I occasionally post to /mensrights and /whereareallthegoodmen. I dont want my reddit account linked to my account here primarily because I expect that Facebook and Reddit may have some employees that talk with each other regularly for targeted banning. So I hope you understand I chose not to link my reddit account to this one.

Anyway I've managed to gain a peek at a few of the AWDTSG groups on Facebook. I'm not going to go into details of how but realistically anyone who puts in some effort can do it too. I'd like to offer some observations I've made about the groups overall, how they operate, etc.

Why am I doing this? Ever since these groups began gaining popularity I personally didn't like how they were basically allowing targeting of specific people, even though it may only be men with their pics and details of their life getting posted, it is still targeting real life info. Many people have complained to Facebook and reported harassement to no avail. There are other ways of going about throwing wrenches into their bigger plans and goals and it has to start somewhere. Many men on this and other sites have complained about learning their pics and info were shared on these private groups. The same tools exist to remove your info from their site in the form of a DMCA take down notice. Just do a google search on how to file one and you're on your way.

Then find the url of the offending picture and submit that. If Facebook/Meta starts ignoring those then they open themselves up to massive lawsuits which most any lamebrain attorney could easily win. I hope this post encourages some of you to take action rather than continue with the same flawed complaining online that does nothing. My end goal is hopefully these groups get shut down on Facebook and migrate to their own site or app.

So I'm posting some things I've learned over the past months and hope this gives some better insight to men everywhere.

1) AWDTSG, regardless of geographic location, seems to enjoy some type of protected status from Facebook/Meta. I say this because Paola Sanchez enjoys occasionally making some long bloviated announcements here and there and one of them described her account getting locked. She specifically mentioned letters sent to the California AG and Meta employees working with her to get it resolved. I don't think Paola is a Facebook employee, but I do think she has connections with Facebook employees at some level. My guess is that Facebook is allowing this to continue to grow in an effort to see what additional data, money, or increased attention they can garner from it. I also guess that if it became too much of a legal hassle for them, they would shut it down no questions asked. However there hasn't been any sort of significant legal challenge that would warrant their top corporate in-house legal counsels to get involved, hence why this continues. I do think Paola is a grifter though, she is still trying to continue work on a dedicated site or app for AWDTSG, although she doesn't strike me as the software developer type.

2) No I will not specify what cities I have accounts in. If you're really interested, figure out a way to get in yourself, it isn't impossible. I am willing to help guys out in removing their pics however at present I do not have a way of accomplishing this. It would require me to divulge what groups I'm a member of and then subsequently the person requesting it must in turn trust me with their name and a picture. I don't have a good solution for this yet but I'm willing to entertain suggestions. But keep in mind I will not allow something like this to turn into a part time job for me.

3) The Chicago AWDTSG is still very much alive and active. I know there was some mention a while back of them getting shut down but not from what I've seen.

4) Some criteria they use to gauge whether or not to admit new members include: a) no account less than 1 year old is getting in. b) accounts 3 years old and younger tend to get scrutinized more. c) account activity can be taken into consideration, such as post history, pictures, group membership. d) I think geographic logins (or maybe it was post history and location?) are also evaluated, there was some mention of this in one group

5) Most of the men posted I see tend to be 30 and older. Sure some younger guys are posted but definitely not as often, and most of the more active women also tend to be 30 and older. After a while you do notice which women seem to be most active in the groups and no real surprise that these women seem to thrive on gossip alone. Its rather interesting to me to observe someone self-sabotaging their own potential future in being able to find a serious relationship.

6) The admins for all of these groups are the same handful of women regardless of what city is listed. They're the ones who initially got all this started and running. Whenever they make an annoucement they send it to all of the specific city groups. They tend to make posts about essential guidelines, one example being dont ever screenshot anything and show it to anyone else. The diehard ladies that are all about that stuff act almost as if they're a part of a cult. Imagine for just a moment that a woman who is a member of one of these groups sees a picture of her brother or cousin posted with some ladies talking not so nice about him. These admins try to reinforce as much as possible how essential it is to not share what's posted with anyone - essentially they want women in that position to choose the AWDTSG groups over their own family. Yes, I have seen actual comments made from women saying "that's my cousin" or equivalent, and then the true believer women chiming in and dogpiling her saying she isn't helping the group at all, basically turning on her.

7) I do see some guys who get posted turn out to be some real assholes. I'm not talking about ghosting or one night stand type stuff, I'm talking about actual sex offenders, guys who tried to set up a date with a minor, that type of shit. I'm very much in favor of trying to protect others from people like this. However these are not the bulk of what's posted.

8) Posts of guys are archived in media sections. You can click on it and just scroll through pics of everyone that's been posted for as long as the group has existed. You can also just search by name, assuming a person's name is listed in the post or comments.

9) 95%+ of women in the groups are 6's and lower.

That's all i can think of for now, but I'm happy to answer any specific questions.